import std/hashes, std/sequtils, std/strformat, std/strutils, std/tables import ../../adventofcode type Grid = TableRef[Point, int] HydrothermalVent = object x1, y1, x2, y2: int Point = object x, y: int ## #[ A = a >= 0 ? 2 * a : -2 * a - 1; B = b >= 0 ? 2 * b : -2 * b - 1; A >= B ? A * A + A + B : A + B * B; ]# proc hash(p: Point): Hash = let A = block: if p.x >= 0: 2 * p.x else: -2 * p.x - 1 let B = block: if p.y >= 0: 2 * p.y else: -2 * p.y - 1 return if A >= B: A * A + A + B else: A + B * B proc getPoints(v: HydrothermalVent): seq[Point] = let xOffset = v.x2 - v.x1 let yOffset = v.y2 - v.y1 let xd = xOffset.abs() let yd = yOffset.abs() if xd != 0 and v.y1 == v.y2: for i in 0 .. xd: result.add Point(x: min(v.x1, v.x2) + i, y: v.y1) elif yd != 0 and v.x1 == v.x2: for i in 0 .. yd: result.add Point(x: v.x1, y: min(v.y1, v.y2) + i) else: when defined(second): assert xd == yd for i in 0 .. xd: result.add Point( x: if xOffset > 0: min(v.x1, v.x2) + i else: max(v.x1, v.x2) - i, y: if yOffset > 0: min(v.y1, v.y2) + i else: max(v.y1, v.y2) - i ) proc parseInput(input: string): seq[HydrothermalVent] = for line in input.splitLines(): let coords = line.split(" -> ").mapIt(it.split(",").mapIt(it.parseInt())) result.add HydrothermalVent( x1: coords[0][0], y1: coords[0][1], x2: coords[1][0], y2: coords[1][1] ) let input = adventofcode.getInput(2021, 5) let vents = input.parseInput() let grid = Grid() for vent in vents: let points = vent.getPoints() for point in points: if not grid.hasKey point: grid[point] = 1 else: grid[point] += 1 let overlappingPoints = toSeq(grid.values).countIt(it > 1) echo fmt"Answer: {overlappingPoints}"