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Fork 0

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#include "types.h"
struct termios oldSettings;
void startTTY()
/* First create a struct */
struct termios termy;
/* Get current attributes */
tcgetattr(0, &termy);
/* Save current tty settings for restoral later */
oldSettings = termy;
/* Set the tty input modes */
//tcflag_t inputFlags = 0;
termy.c_iflag = termy.c_iflag | IGNBRK;
termy.c_lflag = termy.c_lflag & ~ISIG;
termy.c_lflag = termy.c_lflag & ~ECHO;
/* Set the tty to raw mode */
tcsetattr(0, 0, &termy);
void updateDimensions(struct TTY* tty)
/* window size struct */
struct winsize size;
/* IOCTL the vnode via the fd that points to it */
ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, &size);
/* Set the TTY's to be the same as the actual TTY's */
tty->rows = size.ws_row;
tty->columns = size.ws_col;
void debugTTY(int fd, struct TTY* tty)
FILE* f = fdopen(fd, "w+");
fprintf(f, "Row: %u\n", tty->rows);
fprintf(f, "Column: %u\n", tty->columns);
fprintf(f,"XPos: %u\n", tty->cursorX);
fprintf(f,"YPos: %u\n", tty->cursorY);
void stopTTY()
/* Restore the tty settings back to the original */
tcsetattr(0, 0, &oldSettings);
void setCursor(int x, int y, struct TTY* tty)