# TheFatRat ( Unit for bypass av ) ## Update: Version 1.9.4 ## Codename: Whistle [![Version](https://img.shields.io/badge/TheFatRat-1.9.4-brightgreen.svg?maxAge=259200)]() [![Stage](https://img.shields.io/badge/Release-Stable-brightgreen.svg)]() [![Build](https://img.shields.io/badge/Supported_OS-Linux-orange.svg)]() ### Thefatrat a massive exploiting tool revealed An easy tool to generate backdoor and easy tool to post exploitation attack like browser attack,dll . This tool compiles a malware with popular payload and then the compiled malware can be execute on windows, android, mac . The malware that created with this tool also have an ability to bypass most AV software protection . ### Donate - If this project very help you to penetration testing and u want support me , you can give me a cup of coffee :) - [![Donation](https://img.shields.io/badge/bitcoin-donate-yellow.svg)](https://blockchain.info/id/address/1NuNTXo7Aato7XguFkvwYnTAFV2immXmjS) # Screenshot # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Automating metasploit functions - Create backdoor for windows , linux , mac and android - bypass antivirus backdoorr - Checks for metasploit service and starts if not present - Easily craft meterpreter reverse_tcp payloads for Windows, Linux, Android and Mac and another - Start multiple meterpreter reverse_tcp listners - Fast Search in searchsploit - Bypass AV - File pumper - Create backdoor with another techniq - Autorunscript for listeners ( easy to use ) - Drop into Msfconsole - Some other fun stuff :) # Autorun Backdoor - Autorun work if the victim disabled uac ( user acces control ) or low uac ( WINDOWS ) - What is uac ? you can visit ( http://www.digitalcitizen.life/uac-why-you-should-never-turn-it-off ) - I have also created 3 AutoRun files - Simply copy these files to a CD or USB - You can change the icon autorun file or exe in folder icon ( replace your another ico and replace name with autorun.ico ) # HOW CHANGE THE ICONS ? - Copy your icon picture to folder /TheFatrat/icons - Change the name into autorun.ico - And Replace - Done ## :scroll: Changelog Be sure to check out the [Changelog] and Read CHANGELOG.md ## Getting Started 1. ```git clone https://github.com/Screetsec/TheFatRat.git``` 2. ```cd TheFatRat``` 3. ```chmod +x setup.sh && ./setup.sh``` ## :book: How it works * Extract The lalin-master to your home or another folder * chmod +x fatrat * chmod +x powerfull.sh * And run the tools ( ./fatrat ) * Easy to Use just input your number ## :heavy_exclamation_mark: Requirements - A linux operating system. We recommend Kali Linux 2 or Kali 2016.1 rolling Cyborg / Parrot / Dracos / BackTrack / Backbox / Devuan and another operating system ( linux ) ## :heavy_exclamation_mark: READ - if prog.c file to large when create backdoor with powerfull.sh , you can use prog.c.backup and create another backup when you running option 2 ## Update Fatrat - To update fatrat go to your TheFatRat folder and execute : ```git pull && chmod +x setup.sh && ./setup.sh``` - To Update from 1.9.3 Version and up , execute on your fatrat folder : ```./update && chmod +x setup.sh && ./setup.sh``` ## Tutorial ? * Screetsec Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpK9IXzLMfVFp9NUfDzxFfw * Udate thefatrat v1.8 https://youtu.be/6skLV6zPnec?list=PLbyfDadg3caj6nc3KBk375lKWDOjiCmb8 * file Pumper in linux with fatrat https://youtu.be/rHuh5DJ476M?list=PLbyfDadg3caj6nc3KBk375lKWDOjiCmb8 * Kali linux 2016.2 | Setup FatRat and Bypass Windows 10 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkfKSCxvPec * Embed Backdoor Apk Andoird : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZg3gPuLvgs&feature=youtu.be * Create Backdoor Php and Reconnect With TheFatRat : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfS55fjd8Fg * THEFATRAT:BACKDOOR CREATOR & BYPASS ANTIVIRUS AND INSTALL. : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4YHVKPw6Zo * Exploit Windows 7/8/10 using Thefatrat ( option 2 ) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WbKOxIl_f4 * How to hack android device with FatRat on kali linux 2 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUuwnu-NUXE * Kali Linux Tools - TheFatRat Tool For Generate Backdoor with MsfVenom : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PMfPbrM0o4 * FUD 100 % Backdoor With TheFatRat pt.1 [ PwnWinds ] [ Bypass Antivirus ] : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lJBwclFwJI * FUD 100 % Backdoor With TheFatRat pt.2 [ PwnWinds ] [ Bypass Antivirus ] : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7E6DZPhLLk&t=17s * FUD 100 % Backdoor With TheFatRat pt.3 [ PwnWinds ] [ Bypass Antivirus ] : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCzsD6vt9CQ * TheFatrat Backdoor Undetectable by Antivirus Kali linux part 3 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuOCDn0NvWc * 1000 % FUD Backdoor with TheFatRat Tool : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPXWv0jaBEQ * How To Use TheFatRat To Create Backdoor In Kali Rolling [FUD 100%] : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26tSOuPcpZk * Backdoor (Virus) 100% Indetectable | TheFatRat : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26tSOuPcpZk * Backdooring Android with TheFatRat Tool- Kali Linux Tutorial :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SQW9lujjT8 * Hacking Windows using TheFatRat + Apache2 Server + Ettercap + Metasploit on Kali Linux 2016.2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlXMslSjnGw * ALL VIDEO IN HERE : https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=thefatrat+backdoor ## BUG ? - Submit new issue - pm me in gmail - Hey sup ? do you want ask about all my tools ? you can join me in telegram.me/offscreetsec ## :octocat: Credits - Thanks to allah and Screetsec [ Edo -maland- ] - Dracos Linux from Scratch Indonesia ( Penetration os ) Thanksyou , you can see in http://dracos-linux.org/ - Offensive Security for the awesome OS ( http://www.offensive-security.com/ ) - peterpt - Dana James Traversie https://github.com/dana-at-cp/backdoor-apk - z0noxz (Powerstager) https://github.com/z0noxz/powerstager - http://www.kali.org/" - Jack Wilder admin in http://www.linuxsec.org - source for c program https://github.com/rsmudge - And another open sources tool in github - Uptodate new tools hacking visit http://www.kitploit.com ## Disclaimer ***Note: modifications, changes, or alterations to this sourcecode is acceptable, however,any public releases utilizing this code must be approved by writen this tool ( Edo -m- ).***