Misc updates

This commit is contained in:
Dmitry Zakharchenko 2022-12-04 05:13:47 +02:00
parent 87b909b67b
commit 3cb755a7ca
11 changed files with 33 additions and 278 deletions

View file

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ https://youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCIwBjM0QCMHIQIAc53eOXZg "(ytb)"
"SOC" "(---)"
https://kamilkazani.substack.com/feed "(www)"
https://youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UC-b89a0Fw6pNoP-g-_qLeiw "(ytb)"
https://youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UC9RM-iSvTu1uPJb8X5yp3EQ "(ytb)"
https://youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCR1D15p_vdP3HkrH8wgjQRw "(ytb)"
https://youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCjjElKokwu5KCN2PeHzE9Eg "(ytb)" "~Furydrops"
@ -86,6 +87,7 @@ https://rss.nixnet.services/?action=display&bridge=Bandcamp&context=By+band&band
"DEV" "(---)"
https://repology.org/maintainer/dmitz%40disroot.org/feed-for-repo/alpine_edge/atom "(www)"
https://github.com/djpohly/dwl/commits/main.atom "(ghb)"
https://git.sr.ht/~raphi/somebar/log/master/rss.xml "(srt)"
https://github.com/riverwm/river/commits/master.atom "(ghb)"
https://github.com/lukesmithxyz/voidrice/commits/master.atom "(ghb)"
https://github.com/LukeSmithxyz/dwm/commits/master.atom "(ghb)"

View file

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ call <sid>hi("Cursor", s:cterm00, s:cterm05, "", "")
call <sid>hi("NonText", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("LineNr", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call <sid>hi("SignColumn", s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLine", s:cterm0D, s:cterm02, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLine", s:cterm05, s:cterm07, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("StatusLineNC", s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call <sid>hi("VertSplit", "", "", "none", "")
call <sid>hi("ColorColumn", "", s:cterm01, "none", "")

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ o.clipboard = 'unnamedplus'
o.completeopt = 'menu', 'menuone', 'noselect'
o.hlsearch = false
o.ignorecase = true
o.laststatus = 0
o.laststatus = 3
o.list = true
o.listchars = 'nbsp:¬,tab:»·,trail:·,extends:>'
o.mouse = 'a'

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# CLI Pipe Viewer 0.4.0 - configuration file
# CLI Pipe Viewer 0.4.4 - configuration file
use utf8;
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ our $CONFIG = {
download_and_play => 0,
download_with_wget => 0,
download_with_ytdl => 1,
downloads_dir => "$ENV{HOME}/downloads",
downloads_dir => "$ENV{HOME}/downloads/vids",
env_proxy => 1,
fat32safe => 0,
features => [],
@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ our $CONFIG = {
force_fallback => 0,
fullscreen => 0,
get_captions => 1,
get_subscriptions_in_parallel => 0,
get_term_width => 1,
hfr => 1,
highlight_color => "white",

View file

@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
# Daemon config file for PipeWire version "0.3.40" #
# Copy and edit this file in /etc/pipewire for system-wide changes
# or in ~/.config/pipewire for local changes.
context.properties = {
## Configure properties in the system.
#library.name.system = support/libspa-support
#context.data-loop.library.name.system = support/libspa-support
#support.dbus = true
#link.max-buffers = 64
link.max-buffers = 16 # version < 3 clients can't handle more
#mem.warn-mlock = false
#mem.allow-mlock = true
#mem.mlock-all = false
#clock.power-of-two-quantum = true
#log.level = 2
#cpu.zero.denormals = true
core.daemon = true # listening for socket connections
core.name = pipewire-0 # core name and socket name
## Properties for the DSP configuration.
#default.clock.rate = 48000
#default.clock.allowed-rates = [ 48000 ]
#default.clock.quantum = 1024
#default.clock.min-quantum = 32
#default.clock.max-quantum = 8192
#default.video.width = 640
#default.video.height = 480
#default.video.rate.num = 25
#default.video.rate.denom = 1
# These overrides are only applied when running in a vm.
vm.overrides = {
default.clock.min-quantum = 1024
context.spa-libs = {
#<factory-name regex> = <library-name>
# Used to find spa factory names. It maps an spa factory name
# regular expression to a library name that should contain
# that factory.
audio.convert.* = audioconvert/libspa-audioconvert
api.alsa.* = alsa/libspa-alsa
api.v4l2.* = v4l2/libspa-v4l2
api.libcamera.* = libcamera/libspa-libcamera
api.bluez5.* = bluez5/libspa-bluez5
api.vulkan.* = vulkan/libspa-vulkan
api.jack.* = jack/libspa-jack
support.* = support/libspa-support
#videotestsrc = videotestsrc/libspa-videotestsrc
#audiotestsrc = audiotestsrc/libspa-audiotestsrc
context.modules = [
#{ name = <module-name>
# [ args = { <key> = <value> ... } ]
# [ flags = [ [ ifexists ] [ nofail ] ]
# Loads a module with the given parameters.
# If ifexists is given, the module is ignored when it is not found.
# If nofail is given, module initialization failures are ignored.
# Uses RTKit to boost the data thread priority.
{ name = libpipewire-module-rtkit
args = {
#nice.level = -11
#rt.prio = 88
#rt.time.soft = 2000000
#rt.time.hard = 2000000
flags = [ ifexists nofail ]
# Set thread priorities without using RTKit.
#{ name = libpipewire-module-rt
# args = {
# nice.level = -11
# rt.prio = 88
# rt.time.soft = 2000000
# rt.time.hard = 2000000
# }
# flags = [ ifexists nofail ]
# The native communication protocol.
{ name = libpipewire-module-protocol-native }
# The profile module. Allows application to access profiler
# and performance data. It provides an interface that is used
# by pw-top and pw-profiler.
{ name = libpipewire-module-profiler }
# Allows applications to create metadata objects. It creates
# a factory for Metadata objects.
{ name = libpipewire-module-metadata }
# Creates a factory for making devices that run in the
# context of the PipeWire server.
{ name = libpipewire-module-spa-device-factory }
# Creates a factory for making nodes that run in the
# context of the PipeWire server.
{ name = libpipewire-module-spa-node-factory }
# Allows creating nodes that run in the context of the
# client. Is used by all clients that want to provide
# data to PipeWire.
{ name = libpipewire-module-client-node }
# Allows creating devices that run in the context of the
# client. Is used by the session manager.
{ name = libpipewire-module-client-device }
# The portal module monitors the PID of the portal process
# and tags connections with the same PID as portal
# connections.
{ name = libpipewire-module-portal
flags = [ ifexists nofail ]
# The access module can perform access checks and block
# new clients.
{ name = libpipewire-module-access
args = {
# access.allowed to list an array of paths of allowed
# apps.
#access.allowed = [
# /usr/bin/pipewire-media-session
# An array of rejected paths.
#access.rejected = [ ]
# An array of paths with restricted access.
#access.restricted = [ ]
# Anything not in the above lists gets assigned the
# access.force permission.
#access.force = flatpak
# Makes a factory for wrapping nodes in an adapter with a
# converter and resampler.
{ name = libpipewire-module-adapter }
# Makes a factory for creating links between ports.
{ name = libpipewire-module-link-factory }
# Provides factories to make session manager objects.
{ name = libpipewire-module-session-manager }
context.objects = [
#{ factory = <factory-name>
# [ args = { <key> = <value> ... } ]
# [ flags = [ [ nofail ] ]
# Creates an object from a PipeWire factory with the given parameters.
# If nofail is given, errors are ignored (and no object is created).
#{ factory = spa-node-factory args = { factory.name = videotestsrc node.name = videotestsrc Spa:Pod:Object:Param:Props:patternType = 1 } }
#{ factory = spa-device-factory args = { factory.name = api.jack.device foo=bar } flags = [ nofail ] }
#{ factory = spa-device-factory args = { factory.name = api.alsa.enum.udev } }
#{ factory = spa-node-factory args = { factory.name = api.alsa.seq.bridge node.name = Internal-MIDI-Bridge } }
#{ factory = adapter args = { factory.name = audiotestsrc node.name = my-test } }
#{ factory = spa-node-factory args = { factory.name = api.vulkan.compute.source node.name = my-compute-source } }
# A default dummy driver. This handles nodes marked with the "node.always-driver"
# property when no other driver is currently active. JACK clients need this.
{ factory = spa-node-factory
args = {
factory.name = support.node.driver
node.name = Dummy-Driver
node.group = pipewire.dummy
priority.driver = 20000
{ factory = spa-node-factory
args = {
factory.name = support.node.driver
node.name = Freewheel-Driver
priority.driver = 19000
node.group = pipewire.freewheel
node.freewheel = true
# This creates a new Source node. It will have input ports
# that you can link, to provide audio for this source.
#{ factory = adapter
# args = {
# factory.name = support.null-audio-sink
# node.name = "my-mic"
# node.description = "Microphone"
# media.class = "Audio/Source/Virtual"
# audio.position = "FL,FR"
# }
# This creates a single PCM source device for the given
# alsa device path hw:0. You can change source to sink
# to make a sink in the same way.
#{ factory = adapter
# args = {
# factory.name = api.alsa.pcm.source
# node.name = "alsa-source"
# node.description = "PCM Source"
# media.class = "Audio/Source"
# api.alsa.path = "hw:0"
# api.alsa.period-size = 1024
# api.alsa.headroom = 0
# api.alsa.disable-mmap = false
# api.alsa.disable-batch = false
# audio.format = "S16LE"
# audio.rate = 48000
# audio.channels = 2
# audio.position = "FL,FR"
# }
context.exec = [
#{ path = <program-name> [ args = "<arguments>" ] }
# Execute the given program with arguments.
# You can optionally start the session manager here,
# but it is better to start it as a systemd service.
# Run the session manager with -h for options.
{ path = "/usr/bin/wireplumber" args = "" }
# You can optionally start the pulseaudio-server here as well
# but it is better to start it as a systemd service.
# It can be interesting to start another daemon here that listens
# on another address with the -a option (eg. -a tcp:4713).
{ path = "/usr/bin/pipewire" args = "-c pipewire-pulse.conf" }

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
c.url.searchengines = {'DEFAULT': 'https://librex.beparanoid.de/search.php?q={}',
'y': 'https://yewtu.be/search?q={}',
c.url.searchengines = {'DEFAULT': 'https://lx.vern.cc/search.php?q={}',
'y': 'https://tube.cadence.moe/search?q={}',
'gh': 'https://github.com/search?q={}',
'md': 'https://reelgood.com/search?q={}',
'rep': 'https://repology.org/projects/?search={}',

View file

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
"rpc-whitelist-enabled": true,
"scrape-paused-torrents-enabled": true,
"script-torrent-done-enabled": true,
"script-torrent-done-filename": "/home/dmitz/.local/bin/torwrap",
"script-torrent-done-filename": "torwrap",
"seed-queue-enabled": false,
"seed-queue-size": 10,
"speed-limit-down": 100,

View file

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ fileviewer *.zip,*.rar,*.tar.gz atool -l %f
filetype *.[1-8] man ./%c
fileviewer *.[1-8] man ./%c | col -b
filetype <audio/*> mpv --no-audio-display %c
filetype <audio/*> mpv --no-video %c
filetype <video/*> mpv %f 2>/dev/null &
fileviewer <audio/*,video/*> mediainfo

View file

@ -1,21 +1,22 @@
[ -z "$1" ] && exit
while getopts 'am' OPTION; do
case "$OPTION" in
cmd="yt-dlp -f bestaudio/best -o $XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR/pods/%(title)s.%(ext)s" ;;
cmd="yt-dlp -f bestaudio/best -x --audio-format mp3 --no-playlist -o $XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR/pods/%(title)s.%(ext)s" ;;
cmd="yt-dlp -f bestaudio/best -x --no-playlist --audio-format mp3 -o $XDG_MUSIC_DIR/%(title)s.%(ext)s"
cmd="yt-dlp -f bestaudio/best -x --audio-format mp3 --no-playlist -o $XDG_MUSIC_DIR/%(title)s.%(ext)s"
for feed; do :; done
base="$(basename "$feed")"
base="$(basename "$1")"
notify-send "Queuing $base..."
idnum="$(ts $cmd "$feed")"
idnum="$(ts $cmd "$1")"
realname="$(echo "$base" | sed "s/?\(source\|dest\).*//;s/%20/ /g")"
ts -D "$idnum" mv "$base" "$realname"

View file

@ -4,20 +4,18 @@ check () { \
! pidof transmission-daemon >/dev/null && transmission-daemon && notify-send "transmission daemon enabled."
while getopts 'toar' OPTION; do
case "$OPTION" in
if pidof transmission-daemon >/dev/null ;
prompt "Turn off transmission-daemon?" "pkill transmission-da" && notify-send "transmission-daemon disabled."
prompt "Turn on transmission-daemon?" "transmission-daemon" && notify-send "transmission-daemon enabled."
fi ;;
check ; $TERMINAL tremc ;;
check ; sleep 1 && transmission-remote -a "$2" && notify-send "Torrent added." ;;
notify-send "$TR_TORRENT_NAME downloaded." && sleep 60 && transmission-remote -t ${TR_TORRENT_ID} -r
case "$1" in
if pidof transmission-daemon >/dev/null ;
prompt "Turn off transmission-daemon?" "transmission-remote --exit" && notify-send "transmission-daemon disabled."
prompt "Turn on transmission-daemon?" "transmission-daemon" && notify-send "transmission-daemon enabled."
fi ;;
check ; $TERMINAL tremc ;;
check ; sleep 1 && transmission-remote -a "$2" && notify-send "Torrent added." ;;
notify-send "$TR_TORRENT_NAME downloaded." ; sleep 60 && transmission-remote -t ${TR_TORRENT_ID} -r

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/usr/bin/env torwrap -a %U
Exec=/usr/bin/env torwrap add %U