AddPackage base # Minimal package set to define a basic Arch Linux installation AddPackage acpi # Client for battery, power, and thermal readings AddPackage alacritty # A cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator AddPackage alsa-utils # Advanced Linux Sound Architecture - Utilities IgnorePackage amd-ucode # Microcode update image for AMD CPUs AddPackage arandr # Provide a simple visual front end for XRandR 1.2. AddPackage archlinux-themes-slim # Arch Linux branded themes for the SLiM login manager AddPackage aspell-en # English dictionary for aspell AddPackage aspell-es # Spanish dictionary for aspell AddPackage at # AT and batch delayed command scheduling utility and daemon AddPackage bash # The GNU Bourne Again shell AddPackage bc # An arbitrary precision calculator language AddPackage bind # A complete, highly portable implementation of the DNS protocol AddPackage binutils # A set of programs to assemble and manipulate binary and object files AddPackage bison # The GNU general-purpose parser generator AddPackage blueman # GTK+ Bluetooth Manager AddPackage bluez-hid2hci # Put HID proxying bluetooth HCI's into HCI mode AddPackage bluez-utils # Development and debugging utilities for the bluetooth protocol stack AddPackage bzip2 # A high-quality data compression program AddPackage ccache # Compiler cache that speeds up recompilation by caching previous compilations AddPackage conntrack-tools # Userspace tools to interact with the Netfilter connection tracking system AddPackage cryptsetup # Userspace setup tool for transparent encryption of block devices using dm-crypt AddPackage coreutils # The basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities of the GNU operating system AddPackage cpio # A tool to copy files into or out of a cpio or tar archive AddPackage cronie # Daemon that runs specified programs at scheduled times and related tools AddPackage dash # POSIX compliant shell that aims to be as small as possible AddPackage dbus # message bus system AddPackage delve # A debugger for the Go programming language. AddPackage device-mapper # Device mapper userspace library and tools AddPackage dfc # Display file system space usage using graphs and colors AddPackage dhcp # A DHCP server, client, and relay agent AddPackage dhcpcd # RFC2131 compliant DHCP client daemon AddPackage dmenu # Generic menu for X AddPackage dos2unix # Text file format converter AddPackage dunst # Customizable and lightweight notification-daemon AddPackage e2fsprogs # Ext2/3/4 filesystem utilities AddPackage efibootmgr # Linux user-space application to modify the EFI Boot Manager AddPackage encfs # Encrypted filesystem in user-space AddPackage espeak # Text to Speech engine for English, with support for other languages AddPackage fakeroot # Tool for simulating superuser privileges AddPackage file # File type identification utility AddPackage filesystem # Base Arch Linux files AddPackage findutils # GNU utilities to locate files AddPackage gettext # GNU internationalization library AddPackage glibc # GNU C Library AddPackage grep # A string search utility AddPackage grub # GNU GRand Unified Bootloader (2) AddPackage grub-customizer # A graphical grub2 settings manager AddPackage gst-libav # Multimedia graph framework - libav plugin AddPackage gst-plugins-bad # Multimedia graph framework - bad plugins AddPackage gst-plugins-ugly # Multimedia graph framework - ugly plugins AddPackage gvfs # Virtual filesystem implementation for GIO AddPackage gzip # GNU compression utility AddPackage haveged # Entropy harvesting daemon using CPU timings AddPackage htop # Interactive process viewer AddPackage hwinfo # Hardware detection tool from openSUSE AddPackage i3blocks # Define blocks for your i3bar status line AddPackage i3-gaps # A fork of i3wm tiling window manager with more features, including gaps AddPackage i3lock # Improved screenlocker based upon XCB and PAM AddPackage i3status # Generates status bar to use with i3bar, dzen2 or xmobar AddPackage inetutils # A collection of common network programs AddPackage ipcalc # Calculates IP broadcast, network, Cisco wildcard mask, and host ranges AddPackage iproute2 # IP Routing Utilities AddPackage iputils # Network monitoring tools, including ping AddPackage jfsutils # JFS filesystem utilities AddPackage keychain # A front-end to ssh-agent, allowing one long-running ssh-agent process per system, rather than per login AddPackage languagetool # An open source language checker AddPackage less # A terminal based program for viewing text files AddPackage lib32-gst-plugins-base-libs # GStreamer Multimedia Framework Base Plugin libraries (32-bit) AddPackage lib32-gtk3 # GObject-based multi-platform GUI toolkit AddPackage lib32-libxslt # XML stylesheet transformation library (32-bit) AddPackage lib32-ocl-icd # OpenCL ICD Bindings (32-bit) AddPackage lib32-v4l-utils # Userspace tools and conversion library for Video 4 Linux (32-bit) AddPackage libvterm # Abstract library implementation of a VT220/xterm/ECMA-48 terminal emulator AddPackage licenses # Standard licenses distribution package AddPackage linux # The Linux kernel and modules AddPackage linux-firmware # Firmware files for Linux AddPackage linux-headers # Headers and scripts for building modules for the Linux kernel AddPackage linux-lts # The LTS Linux kernel and modules AddPackage logrotate # Rotates system logs automatically AddPackage lsof # Lists open files for running Unix processes AddPackage luit # Filter that can be run between an arbitrary application and a UTF-8 terminal emulator AddPackage lvm2 # Logical Volume Manager 2 utilities AddPackage lxappearance # Feature-rich GTK+ theme switcher of the LXDE Desktop AddPackage lxrandr # Monitor configuration tool (part of LXDE) AddPackage lynx # A text browser for the World Wide Web AddPackage macchanger # A small utility to change your NIC's MAC address AddPackage man-db # A utility for reading man pages AddPackage man-pages # Linux man pages AddPackage mariadb-clients # MariaDB client tools AddPackage mdadm # A tool for managing/monitoring Linux md device arrays, also known as Software RAID AddPackage mediainfo # Supplies technical and tag information about a video or audio file (CLI interface) AddPackage mediainfo-gui # Supplies technical and tag information about a video or audio file (GUI interface) AddPackage mlocate # Merging locate/updatedb implementation AddPackage mousepad # Simple text editor for Xfce AddPackage netctl # Profile based systemd network management AddPackage net-tools # Configuration tools for Linux networking AddPackage networkmanager # Network connection manager and user applications AddPackage network-manager-applet # Applet for managing network connections AddPackage nftables # Netfilter tables userspace tools AddPackage noto-fonts-emoji # Google Noto emoji fonts AddPackage ntp # Network Time Protocol reference implementation AddPackage ocl-icd # OpenCL ICD Bindings AddPackage openssh # Premier connectivity tool for remote login with the SSH protocol AddPackage openvpn # An easy-to-use, robust and highly configurable VPN (Virtual Private Network) AddPackage pacman # A library-based package manager with dependency support AddPackage pacman-contrib # Contributed scripts and tools for pacman systems AddPackage pandoc # Conversion between markup formats AddPackage parallel # A shell tool for executing jobs in parallel AddPackage parcellite # Lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager AddPackage powerline # Statusline plugin for vim, and provides statuslines and prompts for several other applications, including zsh, bash, tmux, IPython, Awesome, i3 and Qtile AddPackage nano # Pico editor clone with enhancements AddPackage ncdu # Disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface AddPackage patch # A utility to apply patch files to original sources AddPackage pavucontrol # PulseAudio Volume Control AddPackage pciutils # PCI bus configuration space access library and tools AddPackage perl # A highly capable, feature-rich programming language AddPackage perlbrew # Manage perl installations in your $HOME AddPackage picom # X compositor that may fix tearing issues AddPackage pkgconf # Package compiler and linker metadata toolkit AddPackage powertop # A tool to diagnose issues with power consumption and power management AddPackage procps-ng # Utilities for monitoring your system and its processes AddPackage psmisc # Miscellaneous procfs tools AddPackage pulseaudio # A featureful, general-purpose sound server AddPackage pulseaudio-alsa # ALSA Configuration for PulseAudio AddPackage pv # A terminal-based tool for monitoring the progress of data through a pipeline. AddPackage read-edid # Program that can get information from a PNP monitor AddPackage redshift # Adjusts the color temperature of your screen according to your surroundings. AddPackage reiserfsprogs # Reiserfs utilities AddPackage reptyr # Utility for taking an existing running program and attaching it to a new terminal AddPackage rsync # A fast and versatile file copying tool for remote and local files AddPackage screen # Full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical terminal AddPackage scrot # Simple command-line screenshot utility for X AddPackage sed # GNU stream editor AddPackage shadow # Password and account management tool suite with support for shadow files and PAM AddPackage sl # Steam Locomotive runs across your terminal when you type "sl" as you meant to type "ls". AddPackage slim # Desktop-independent graphical login manager for X11 AddPackage slim-themes # Themes Pack for Simple Login Manager AddPackage smartmontools # Control and monitor S.M.A.R.T. enabled ATA and SCSI Hard Drives AddPackage sshfs # FUSE client based on the SSH File Transfer Protocol AddPackage strace # A diagnostic, debugging and instructional userspace tracer AddPackage sudo # Give certain users the ability to run some commands as root AddPackage sxiv # Simple X Image Viewer AddPackage sysbench # Scriptable multi-threaded benchmark tool for databases and systems AddPackage sysfsutils # System Utilities Based on Sysfs AddPackage sysstat # a collection of performance monitoring tools (iostat,isag,mpstat,pidstat,sadf,sar) AddPackage systemd-sysvcompat # sysvinit compat for systemd AddPackage tar # Utility used to store, backup, and transport files AddPackage testdisk # Checks and undeletes partitions + PhotoRec, signature based recovery tool AddPackage texi2html # Converts texinfo documents to HTML AddPackage texinfo # GNU documentation system for on-line information and printed output AddPackage texlive-bibtexextra # TeX Live - Additional BibTeX styles and bibliography databases AddPackage texlive-core # TeX Live core distribution AddPackage texlive-fontsextra # TeX Live - all sorts of extra fonts AddPackage texlive-formatsextra # TeX Live - collection of extra TeX 'formats' AddPackage texlive-games # TeX Live - Setups for typesetting various board games, including chess AddPackage texlive-humanities # TeX Live - LaTeX packages for law, linguistics, social sciences, and humanities AddPackage texlive-latexextra # TeX Live - Large collection of add-on packages for LaTeX AddPackage texlive-music # TeX Live - Music typesetting packages AddPackage texlive-pictures # TeX Live - Packages for drawings graphics AddPackage texlive-pstricks # TeX Live - Additional PSTricks packages AddPackage texlive-publishers # TeX Live - LaTeX classes and packages for specific publishers AddPackage texlive-science # TeX Live - Typesetting for mathematics, natural and computer sciences AddPackage thunar # Modern file manager for Xfce AddPackage thunar-archive-plugin # Create and extract archives in Thunar AddPackage thunar-media-tags-plugin # Adds special features for media files to the Thunar File Manager AddPackage thunar-volman # Automatic management of removeable devices in Thunar AddPackage thunderbird # Standalone mail and news reader from AddPackage tk # A windowing toolkit for use with tcl AddPackage tlp # Linux Advanced Power Management AddPackage traceroute # Tracks the route taken by packets over an IP network AddPackage ttf-dejavu # Font family based on the Bitstream Vera Fonts with a wider range of characters AddPackage ttf-font-awesome # Iconic font designed for Bootstrap AddPackage tumbler # D-Bus service for applications to request thumbnails AddPackage unoconv # Libreoffice-based document converter AddPackage unrar # The RAR uncompression program AddPackage unzip # For extracting and viewing files in .zip archives AddPackage usbutils # A collection of USB tools to query connected USB devices AddPackage util-linux # Miscellaneous system utilities for Linux AddPackage wget # Network utility to retrieve files from the Web AddPackage which # A utility to show the full path of commands AddPackage wireless_tools # Tools allowing to manipulate the Wireless Extensions AddPackage xautolock # An automatic X screen-locker/screen-saver AddPackage xcape # Configure modifier keys to act as other keys when pressed and released on their own AddPackage xf86-input-evdev # evdev input driver AddPackage xf86-input-synaptics # Synaptics driver for notebook touchpads AddPackage xf86-video-amdgpu # amdgpu video driver AddPackage xfburn # A simple CD/DVD burning tool based on libburnia libraries AddPackage xfconf # Flexible, easy-to-use configuration management system AddPackage xfdesktop # A desktop manager for Xfce AddPackage xfsprogs # XFS filesystem utilities AddPackage xorg-bdftopcf # Convert X font from Bitmap Distribution Format to Portable Compiled Format AddPackage xorg-iceauth # ICE authority file utility AddPackage xorg-server # Xorg X server AddPackage xorg-sessreg # Register X sessions in system utmp/utmpx databases AddPackage xorg-smproxy # Allows X applications that do not support X11R6 session management to participate in an X11R6 session AddPackage xorg-x11perf # Simple X server performance benchmarker AddPackage xorg-xbacklight # RandR-based backlight control application AddPackage xorg-xcmsdb # Device Color Characterization utility for X Color Management System AddPackage xorg-xcursorgen # Create an X cursor file from PNG images AddPackage xorg-xdpyinfo # Display information utility for X AddPackage xorg-xdriinfo # Query configuration information of DRI drivers AddPackage xorg-xev # Print contents of X events AddPackage xorg-xgamma # Alter a monitor's gamma correction AddPackage xorg-xhost # Server access control program for X AddPackage xorg-xinput # Small commandline tool to configure devices AddPackage xorg-xkbevd # XKB event daemon AddPackage xorg-xkbutils # XKB utility demos AddPackage xorg-xkill # Kill a client by its X resource AddPackage xorg-xlsatoms # List interned atoms defined on server AddPackage xorg-xlsclients # List client applications running on a display AddPackage xorg-xmodmap # Utility for modifying keymaps and button mappings AddPackage xorg-xpr # Print an X window dump from xwd AddPackage xorg-xprop # Property displayer for X AddPackage xorg-xrdb # X server resource database utility AddPackage xorg-xrefresh # Refresh all or part of an X screen AddPackage xorg-xsetroot # Classic X utility to set your root window background to a given pattern or color AddPackage xorg-xvinfo # Prints out the capabilities of any video adaptors associated with the display that are accessible through the X-Video extension AddPackage xorg-xwd # X Window System image dumping utility AddPackage xorg-xwininfo # Command-line utility to print information about windows on an X server AddPackage xorg-xwud # X Window System image undumping utility AddPackage xterm # X Terminal Emulator AddPackage zathura # Minimalistic document viewer AddPackage zathura-pdf-mupdf # PDF support for Zathura (MuPDF backend) (Supports PDF, ePub, and OpenXPS) AddPackage zip # Compressor/archiver for creating and modifying zipfiles AddPackage --foreign backupninja-git # A centralized way to configure and schedule many different backup utilities AddPackage --foreign electricsheep # Screensaver that realize the collective dream of sleeping computers from all over the internet AddPackage --foreign bcm20702a1-firmware # Broadcom bluetooth firmware for BCM20702A1 based devices. AddPackage --foreign openvpn-update-systemd-resolved # OpenVPN systemd-resolved Updater AddPackage --foreign pacman-fix-permissions # small Python script to fix broken Arch Linux filesystem permissions AddPackage --foreign pulseaudio-modules-bt-git # PulseAudio Bluetooth modules with SBC, AAC, APTX, APTX-HD, Sony LDAC (A2DP codec) support AddPackage --foreign ttf-dejavu-sans-mono-powerline-git # DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline AddPackage --foreign ttf-font-awesome-4 # 100% free version of font awesome. AddPackage --foreign unrar-free # Free utility to extract files from RAR archives. AddPackage --foreign wordnet-cli # A CLI fontend for the WordNet Database AddPackage --foreign yay # Yet another yogurt. Pacman wrapper and AUR helper written in go. AddPackage stow # Manage installation of multiple softwares in the same directory tree AddPackage xclip # Command line interface to the X11 clipboard AddPackage xfce4-appfinder # An application finder for Xfce AddPackage xfce4-panel # Panel for the Xfce desktop environment AddPackage xfce4-power-manager # Power manager for the Xfce desktop AddPackage xfce4-session # Session manager for Xfce AddPackage xfce4-settings # Settings manager of the Xfce desktop AddPackage xfce4-terminal # A modern terminal emulator primarily for the Xfce desktop environment AddPackage xfwm4 # Xfce's window manager AddPackage xfwm4-themes # A set of additional themes for the Xfce window manager AddPackage lib32-gst-plugins-base-libs # GStreamer Multimedia Framework Base Plugin libraries (32-bit) AddPackage lib32-gtk3 # GObject-based multi-platform GUI toolkit AddPackage lib32-libxslt # XML stylesheet transformation library (32-bit) AddPackage lib32-ocl-icd # OpenCL ICD Bindings (32-bit) AddPackage lib32-v4l-utils # Userspace tools and conversion library for Video 4 Linux (32-bit) AddPackage rdiff-backup # A utility for local/remote mirroring and incremental backups. AddPackage --foreign otf-font-awesome-4 # 100% free version of font awesome. AddPackage --foreign wordnet-common # An Electronic Lexical Database from Princeton University AddPackage --foreign wordnet-tk # A TK frontend for the WordNet Database