#!/bin/bash # # Author:: drymer # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2016, drymer # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # if [[ $1 = "all" ]] then bash instala.sh X bash instala.sh i3 bash instala.sh tmux bash instala.sh qutebrowser bash instala.sh emacs elif [[ $1 = "X" ]] then ln -sf $(pwd)/Xdefaults $HOME/.Xdefaults ln -sf $(pwd)/Xmodmap $HOME/.Xmodmap elif [[ $1 = "i3" ]] then ln -sf $(pwd)/i3 $HOME/.i3 ln -sf $(pwd)/i3/i3blocks.conf $HOME/.i3blocks.conf elif [[ $1 = "mutt" ]] then ln -sf $(pwd)/mutt $HOME/.mutt ln -sf $(pwd)/mutt/muttrc.example $HOME/.muttrc ln -sf $(pwd)/mutt/offlineimaprc.example $HOME/.offlineimaprc elif [[ $1 = "tmux" ]] then ln -sf $(pwd)/tmux.conf $HOME/.tmux.conf elif [[ $1 = "qutebrowser" ]] then mkdir -p $HOME/.config/qutebrowser/ ln -sf $(pwd)/qutebrowser/{qutebrowser.conf,keys.conf} $HOME/.config/qutebrowser/ echo "Necesito permiso de superusuaria para copiar los archivos hosts, capture y umpv a su sitio." sudo ln -sf $(pwd)/qutebrowser/{capture,umpv} /usr/local/bin/ sudo ln -sf $(pwd)/qutebrwoser/hosts/ /etc/hosts elif [[ $1 = "emacs" ]] then # Establece el directorio de las configuraciones, lo crea y las copia ahí EMACSDIR="$HOME/.emacs.d" mkdir -p $EMACSDIR ln -sf $(pwd)/emacs.d/{init.el,init-literate.org} $EMACSDIR # crear private-literate.org si no existe para que no se queje init.el if [[ ! -e $EMACSDIR/private-literate.org ]] then echo -e "* Vacio\n#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp\n#+END_SRC" > $EMACSDIR/private-literate.org fi # Instalar todos los paquetes de emacs emacs -Q --batch --eval "(ignore-errors (load-file \""$EMACSDIR/"init.el\"))" emacs -Q --batch --eval "(ignore-errors (load-file \""$EMACSDIR/"init-literate.el\"))" emacs -Q --batch --eval '(ignore-errors (load-file "/tmp/powerline.el"))' # Por algún motivo al compilar desde el-get mete una ruta incorrecta en org-loaddefs.el find $EMACSDIR -name 'org-loaddefs.el' | xargs sed -i "s,org-mode-maint/lisp/,,g" # Necesito permiso de superusuario para copiar los scripts capture y demacs en /usr/local/bin/ sudo ln -sf $(pwd)/emacs.d/{capture,demacs} /usr/local/bin/ elif [[ $1 = "" ]] then echo "./instala.sh {all, X, i3, tmux, qutebrowser, emacs}" else echo "No existe ese parámetro. Escoge: {all, X, i3, tmux, qutebrowser, emacs}" fi