# Contributing
## Who can contribute Everyone is welcome.
## How to contribute *If you don't know how to contribute to a project, read the [GitHub Guidelines](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/contributing-to-projects) first.*
If you want to contribute to LogDoctor, please follow these steps: - Possibly open an **Issue** before to start, to declare what your contribution will be - **Fork** the `devel` branch of this project ([How?](#how-to-fork-the-devel-branch), [Why?](#why-the-devel-branch)) - **Improve** it with your ideas - Submit a **Pull Request** to the origin branch, namely `elB4RTO/LogDoctor:devel`
## Pull Requests When submitting a PR, please follow the template.

## How to fork the DEVEL branch You have two ways of doing it: - while forking: - **uncheck** the "*Only copy the main branch*" option *or* - alternatively, you can do it afterwards: - step in your fork of the repository - select `branches` or click on `main` and select "*View all branches*" - tap `New branch` - insert the name you please and select `elB4RTO/LogDoctor` as repository and `devel` as branch
## Why the DEVEL branch It's related to the git system and mantainer's choice.
The `main` branch contains website-specific contents, which differ from site to site, while the `devel` branch is (supposed) to be the same and to act as an indipendent base for the code (and hopefully to keep a linear history).
As an example, if you push changes to the `main` branch on github, they won't appear as yours on gitlab (or whatever other site this repo is or will be hosted on) because the `devel` branch will **never** pull changes happened to `main`, meaning that changes will have to be copy-pasted to the `devel` branch and re-committed.