#include "mainwindow.h" #include "./ui_mainwindow.h" #include "modules/exceptions.h" #include "utilities/gzip.h" #include #include #include MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) , ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ////////////////// //// GRAPHICS //// this->ui->setupUi(this); // initialize the color-schemes map this->TB_COLOR_SCHEMES = ColorSec::getColorSchemes(); // initialize the colors map this->COLORS = ColorSec::getColors(); // load the main font this->main_font_family = QFontDatabase::applicationFontFamilies( QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont(":/fonts/Metropolis")).at(0); // load the alternative font this->alternative_font_family = QFontDatabase::applicationFontFamilies( QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont(":/fonts/Hack")).at(0); // load the script font this->script_font_family = QFontDatabase::applicationFontFamilies( QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont(":/fonts/3270")).at(0); // initialize the fonts map this->FONTS.emplace( "main", QFont( this->main_font_family, this->font_size ) ); this->FONTS.emplace( "main_italic", QFont( this->main_font_family, this->font_size, -1, true ) ); this->FONTS.emplace( "main_bold", QFont( this->main_font_family, this->font_size, 1 ) ); this->FONTS.emplace( "main_big", QFont( this->main_font_family, this->font_size_big ) ); this->FONTS.emplace( "main_small", QFont( this->main_font_family, this->font_size_small ) ); this->FONTS.emplace( "alternative", QFont( this->alternative_font_family, this->font_size ) ); this->FONTS.emplace( "script", QFont( this->script_font_family, this->font_size ) ); // parent font for every tab this->ui->CrapTabs->setFont( this->FONTS.at( "main_big" ) ); // WebServers buttons for the LogFiles this->ui->button_LogFiles_Apache->setFont( this->FONTS.at( "main" ) ); this->ui->button_LogFiles_Nginx->setFont( this->FONTS.at( "main" ) ); this->ui->button_LogFiles_Iis->setFont( this->FONTS.at( "main" ) ); // TreeView for the LogFiles this->ui->checkBox_LogFiles_CheckAll->setFont( this->FONTS.at( "main_small" ) ); this->ui->listLogFiles->setFont( this->FONTS.at( "main" ) ); // TextBrowser for the LogFiles this->TB.setColorScheme( 1, this->TB_COLOR_SCHEMES.at( 1 ) ); this->TB.setFontFamily( this->main_font_family ); this->TB.setFont( this->FONTS.at( "main" ) ); this->ui->textLogFiles->setFont( this->TB.getFont() ); // MakeStats labels this->ui->label_MakeStats_Size->setFont( this->FONTS.at( "main" ) ); this->ui->label_MakeStats_Lines->setFont( this->FONTS.at( "main" ) ); this->ui->label_MakeStats_Time->setFont( this->FONTS.at( "main" ) ); this->ui->label_MakeStats_Speed->setFont( this->FONTS.at( "main" ) ); // StatsSpeed table this->ui->table_StatsSpeed->setFont( this->FONTS.at("main") ); // adjust LogsList headers width this->ui->listLogFiles->header()->resizeSection(0,200); this->ui->listLogFiles->header()->resizeSection(1,100); // blocknote this->crapnote->setFont( this->FONTS.at( "main" ) ); ////////////// //// MENU //// // languages connect( this->ui->actionEnglish, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::menu_actionEnglish_triggered ); connect( this->ui->actionEspanol, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::menu_actionEspanol_triggered ); connect( this->ui->actionFrancais, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::menu_actionFrancais_triggered ); connect( this->ui->actionItaliano, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::menu_actionItaliano_triggered ); // tools connect( this->ui->actionBlockNote, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::menu_actionBlockNote_triggered ); // utilities connect( this->ui->actionInfos, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::menu_actionInfos_triggered ); connect( this->ui->actionCheckUpdates, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::menu_actionCheckUpdates_triggered ); // games connect( this->ui->actionCrissCross, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::menu_actionCrissCross_triggered ); ///////////////// //// CONFIGS //// this->defineOSspec(); this->readConfigs(); if ( this->language != "en" ) { this->ui->actionEnglish->setChecked( false ); if ( language == "es" ) { this->ui->actionEspanol->setChecked( true ); } else if ( language == "fr" ) { this->ui->actionFrancais->setChecked( true ); } else if ( language == "it" ) { this->ui->actionItaliano->setChecked( true ); } } this->updateUiLanguage(); if ( this->window_theme_id != 0 ) { this->updateUiTheme(); } /////////////////// //// POLISHING //// // set the default WS as the current one switch ( this->default_ws ) { case 11: this->ui->button_LogFiles_Apache->setFlat( false ); this->ui->radio_ConfDefaults_Apache->setChecked( true ); break; case 12: this->ui->button_LogFiles_Nginx->setFlat( false ); this->ui->radio_ConfDefaults_Nginx->setChecked( true ); break; case 13: this->ui->button_LogFiles_Iis->setFlat( false ); this->ui->radio_ConfDefaults_Iis->setChecked( true ); break; default: // shouldn't be here throw WebServerException( "Unexpected WebServer ID: "+std::to_string( this->default_ws ) ); } this->craplog.setCurrentWSID( this->default_ws ); // make the Configs initialize // window this->ui->checkBox_ConfWindow_Geometry->setChecked( this->remember_window ); this->ui->box_ConfWindow_Theme->setCurrentIndex( this->window_theme_id ); // dialogs this->ui->slider_ConfDialogs_General->setValue( this->dialogs_level ); this->ui->slider_ConfDialogs_Logs->setValue( this->craplog.getDialogsLevel() ); this->ui->slider_ConfDialogs_Stats->setValue( this->crapview.getDialogsLevel() ); // text browser this->ui->box_ConfTextBrowser_Font->setCurrentText( this->TB.getFontFamily() ); this->ui->checkBox_ConfTextBrowser_WideLines->setChecked( this->TB.getWideLinesUsage() ); this->ui->box_ConfTextBrowser_ColorScheme->setCurrentIndex( this->TB.getColorSchemeID() ); this->refreshTextBrowserPreview(); // charts this->ui->box_ConfCharts_Theme->setCurrentIndex( this->charts_theme_id ); this->refreshChartsPreview(); // databases this->ui->inLine_ConfDatabases_Data_Path->setText( QString::fromStdString( this->db_data_path ) ); this->ui->button_ConfDatabases_Data_Save->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->inLine_ConfDatabases_Hashes_Path->setText( QString::fromStdString( this->db_hashes_path ) ); this->ui->button_ConfDatabases_Hashes_Save->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->spinBox_ConfDatabases_NumBackups->setValue( this->db_backups_number ); this->ui->checkBox_ConfDatabases_DoBackup->setChecked( this->db_do_backup ); // logs control this->ui->checkBox_ConfControl_Usage->setChecked( this->hide_used_files ); this->ui->spinBox_ConfControl_Size->setValue( this->craplog.getWarningSize() / 1'048'576 ); if ( this->craplog.getWarningSize() > 0 ) { this->ui->checkBox_ConfControl_Size->setChecked( true ); } else { this->ui->checkBox_ConfControl_Size->setChecked( false ); } // apache paths this->ui->inLine_ConfApache_Path_String->setText( QString::fromStdString(this->craplog.getLogsPath( this->APACHE_ID )) ); this->ui->button_ConfApache_Path_Save->setEnabled( false ); // apache formats this->ui->inLine_ConfApache_Format_String->setText( QString::fromStdString( this->craplog.getLogsFormatString( this->APACHE_ID ) ) ); this->ui->button_ConfApache_Format_Save->setEnabled( false ); // apache warnlists this->on_box_ConfApache_Warnlist_Field_currentTextChanged( this->ui->box_ConfApache_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ); // apache blacklists this->on_box_ConfApache_Blacklist_Field_currentTextChanged( this->ui->box_ConfApache_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ); // nginx paths this->ui->inLine_ConfNginx_Path_String->setText( QString::fromStdString(this->craplog.getLogsPath( this->NGINX_ID )) ); this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Path_Save->setEnabled( false ); // nginx formats this->ui->inLine_ConfNginx_Format_String->setText( QString::fromStdString( this->craplog.getLogsFormatString( this->NGINX_ID ) ) ); this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Format_Save->setEnabled( false ); // nginx warnlists this->on_box_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Field_currentTextChanged( this->ui->box_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ); // nginx blacklists this->on_box_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Field_currentTextChanged( this->ui->box_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ); // iis paths this->ui->inLine_ConfIis_Path_String->setText( QString::fromStdString(this->craplog.getLogsPath( this->IIS_ID )) ); this->ui->button_ConfIis_Path_Save->setEnabled( false ); // iis formats this->ui->inLine_ConfIis_Format_String->setText( QString::fromStdString( this->craplog.getLogsFormatString( this->IIS_ID ) ) ); this->ui->button_ConfIis_Format_Save->setEnabled( false ); // iis warnlists this->on_box_ConfIis_Warnlist_Field_currentTextChanged( this->ui->box_ConfIis_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ); // iis blacklists this->on_box_ConfIis_Blacklist_Field_currentTextChanged( this->ui->box_ConfIis_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ); // blocknote's font and colors this->crapnote->setTextFont( this->TB.getFont() ); this->crapnote->setColorScheme( this->TB.getColorSchemeID() ); // text browser's default message { QString rich_text; RichText::richLogsDefault( rich_text ); this->ui->textLogFiles->setText( rich_text ); this->ui->textLogFiles->setAlignment( Qt::AlignHCenter ); rich_text.clear(); } // get a fresh list of LogFiles this->waiter_timer = new QTimer(this); connect(this->waiter_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(wait_ActiveWindow())); this->waiter_timer->start(250); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete this->ui; delete this->waiter_timer; delete this->craplog_timer; delete this->crapview_timer; delete this->craphelp; delete this->crapnote; delete this->crapinfo; delete this->crisscross; //delete this->translator; } void MainWindow::closeEvent( QCloseEvent *event ) { // save actual configurations this->writeConfigs(); // backup the database if ( this->db_do_backup && this->db_edited ) { this->backupDatabase(); } // save splitters sizes => this->ui->splitter_StatsCount->sizes(); } //////////////////////// //// CONFIGURATIONS //// //////////////////////// // os definition void MainWindow::defineOSspec() { /*const std::string home_path = StringOps::rstrip( QStandardPaths::locate( QStandardPaths::HomeLocation, "", QStandardPaths::LocateDirectory ).toStdString(), "/" );*/ switch ( this->OS ) { case 1: // unix-like /*this->configs_path = home_path + "/.config/LogDoctor/logdoctor.conf"; this->logdoc_path = home_path + "/.local/share/LogDoctor";*/ this->db_data_path = logdoc_path; this->db_hashes_path = logdoc_path; break; case 2: // windows /*this->configs_path = home_path + "/AppData/Local/LogDoctor/logdoctor.conf"; this->logdoc_path = home_path + "/AppData/Local/LogDoctor";*/ this->db_data_path = logdoc_path; this->db_hashes_path = logdoc_path; break; case 3: // darwin-based /*this->configs_path = home_path + "/Lybrary/Preferences/LogDoctor/logdoctor.conf"; this->logdoc_path = home_path + "/Lybrary/Application Support/LogDoctor";*/ this->db_data_path = logdoc_path; this->db_hashes_path = logdoc_path; break; default: // shouldn't be here throw GenericException( "Unexpected OS ID: "+std::to_string( this->OS ), true ); } } void MainWindow::readConfigs() { std::error_code err; bool proceed = true; // check the file if ( IOutils::exists( this->configs_path ) ) { if ( IOutils::checkFile( this->configs_path ) ) { if ( ! IOutils::checkFile( this->configs_path, true ) ) { // file not readable try { std::filesystem::permissions( this->configs_path, std::filesystem::perms::owner_read, std::filesystem::perm_options::add, err ); } catch (...) { proceed = false; QString file = ""; if ( this->dialogs_level > 0 ) { file = QString::fromStdString( this->configs_path ); } DialogSec::errConfFileNotReadable( file ); } } } else { // the given path doesn't point to a file proceed = DialogSec::choiceFileNotFile( QString::fromStdString( this->configs_path ) ); if ( proceed ) { proceed = IOutils::renameAsCopy( this->configs_path ); if ( ! proceed ) { QString path = ""; if ( this->dialogs_level > 0 ) { path = QString::fromStdString( this->configs_path ); } DialogSec::errRenaming( QString::fromStdString( this->configs_path ) ); } } } } else { // configuration file not found proceed = false; QString file = ""; if ( this->dialogs_level == 2 ) { file = QString::fromStdString( this->configs_path ); } DialogSec::warnConfFileNotFound( file ); } if ( proceed ) { QString err_msg, aux_err_msg; std::vector aux, configs; try { // reset the lists when a config file is found for ( int w=this->APACHE_ID; w<=this->IIS_ID; w++ ) { for ( const int& f : std::vector({11,12,20,21}) ) { this->craplog.setWarnlist( w, f, {} ); } this->craplog.setBlacklist( w, 20, {} ); } std::string content; IOutils::readFile( this->configs_path, content ); StringOps::splitrip( configs, content ); for ( const std::string& line : configs ) { if ( StringOps::startsWith( line, "[") ) { // section descriptor continue; } aux.clear(); StringOps::splitrip( aux, line, "=" ); if ( aux.size() < 2 ) { // nothing to do continue; } // if here, a value is present const std::string& var = aux.at( 0 ), val = aux.at( 1 ); if ( val.size() == 0 ) { // nothing to do, no value stored continue; } if ( var == "Language" ) { if ( val.size() > 2 ) { // not a valid locale, keep the default DialogSec::errLangLocaleInvalid( QString::fromStdString( val ) ); } else { if ( val == "en" || val == "es" || val == "fr" || val == "it" ) { this->language = val; } else { DialogSec::errLangNotAccepted( QString::fromStdString( val ) ); } } } else if ( var == "RememberGeometry" ) { this->remember_window = this->s2b.at( val ); } else if ( var == "Geometry" ) { this->geometryFromString( val ); } else if ( var == "WindowTheme" ) { this->window_theme_id = std::stoi( val ); } else if ( var == "ChartsTheme" ) { this->charts_theme_id = std::stoi( val ); } else if ( var == "MainDialogLevel" ) { this->dialogs_level = std::stoi( val ); } else if ( var == "DefaultWebServer" ) { this->default_ws = std::stoi( val ); } else if ( var == "DatabaseDataPath" ) { this->db_data_path = this->resolvePath( val ); } else if ( var == "DatabaseHashesPath" ) { this->db_hashes_path = this->resolvePath( val ); } else if ( var == "DatabaseDoBackup" ) { this->db_do_backup = this->s2b.at( val ); } else if ( var == "DatabaseBackupsNumber" ) { this->db_backups_number = std::stoi( val ); } else if ( var == "Font" ) { this->on_box_ConfTextBrowser_Font_currentIndexChanged( std::stoi( val ) ); } else if ( var == "WideLines" ) { this->TB.setWideLinesUsage( this->s2b.at( val ) ); } else if ( var == "ColorScheme" ) { this->on_box_ConfTextBrowser_ColorScheme_currentIndexChanged( std::stoi( val ) ); } else if ( var == "CraplogDialogLevel" ) { this->craplog.setDialogsLevel( std::stoi( val ) ); } else if ( var == "HideUsedFiles" ) { hide_used_files = this->s2b.at( val ); } else if ( var == "WarningSize" ) { this->craplog.setWarningSize( std::stoi( val ) ); } else if ( var == "ApacheLogsPath" ) { this->craplog.setLogsPath( this->APACHE_ID, this->resolvePath( val ) ); } else if ( var == "ApacheLogsFormat" ) { if ( ! this->craplog.setApacheLogFormat( val ) ) { throw(""); } } else if ( var == "ApacheWarnlistMethod" ) { aux_err_msg = QString("Apache -> %1 (%2)") .arg( TR::tr(FIELDS__METHOD.c_str()), MainWindow::tr("warnlist") ); this->craplog.setWarnlist( this->APACHE_ID, 11, this->string2list( val ) ); } else if ( var == "ApacheWarnlistMethodUsed" ) { this->craplog.setWarnlistUsed( this->APACHE_ID, 11, this->s2b.at( val ) ); } else if ( var == "ApacheWarnlistURI" ) { aux_err_msg = QString("Apache -> %1 (%2)") .arg( TR::tr(FIELDS__URI.c_str()), MainWindow::tr("warnlist") ); this->craplog.setWarnlist( this->APACHE_ID, 12, this->string2list( val ) ); } else if ( var == "ApacheWarnlistURIUsed" ) { this->craplog.setWarnlistUsed( this->APACHE_ID, 12, this->s2b.at( val ) ); } else if ( var == "ApacheWarnlistClient" ) { aux_err_msg = QString("Apache -> %1 (%2)") .arg( TR::tr(FIELDS__CLIENT.c_str()), MainWindow::tr("warnlist") ); this->craplog.setWarnlist( this->APACHE_ID, 20, this->string2list( val ) ); } else if ( var == "ApacheWarnlistClientUsed" ) { this->craplog.setWarnlistUsed( this->APACHE_ID, 20, this->s2b.at( val ) ); } else if ( var == "ApacheWarnlistUserAgent" ) { aux_err_msg = QString("Apache -> %1 (%2)") .arg( TR::tr(FIELDS__USER_AGENT.c_str()), MainWindow::tr("warnlist") ); this->craplog.setWarnlist( this->APACHE_ID, 21, this->string2list( val, true ) ); } else if ( var == "ApacheWarnlistUserAgentUsed" ) { this->craplog.setWarnlistUsed( this->APACHE_ID, 21, this->s2b.at( val ) ); } else if ( var == "ApacheBlacklistClient" ) { aux_err_msg = QString("Apache -> %1 (%2)") .arg( TR::tr(FIELDS__CLIENT.c_str()), MainWindow::tr("blacklist") ); this->craplog.setBlacklist( this->APACHE_ID, 20, this->string2list( val ) ); } else if ( var == "ApacheBlacklistClientUsed" ) { this->craplog.setBlacklistUsed( this->APACHE_ID, 20, this->s2b.at( val ) ); } else if ( var == "NginxLogsPath" ) { this->craplog.setLogsPath( this->NGINX_ID, this->resolvePath( val ) ); } else if ( var == "NginxLogsFormat" ) { if ( ! this->craplog.setNginxLogFormat( val ) ) { throw(""); } } else if ( var == "NginxWarnlistMethod" ) { aux_err_msg = QString("Nginx -> %1 (%2)") .arg( TR::tr(FIELDS__METHOD.c_str()), MainWindow::tr("warnlist") ); this->craplog.setWarnlist( this->NGINX_ID, 11, this->string2list( val ) ); } else if ( var == "NginxWarnlistMethodUsed" ) { this->craplog.setWarnlistUsed( this->NGINX_ID, 11, this->s2b.at( val ) ); } else if ( var == "NginxWarnlistURI" ) { aux_err_msg = QString("Nginx -> %1 (%2)") .arg( TR::tr(FIELDS__URI.c_str()), MainWindow::tr("warnlist") ); this->craplog.setWarnlist( this->NGINX_ID, 12, this->string2list( val ) ); } else if ( var == "NginxWarnlistURIUsed" ) { this->craplog.setWarnlistUsed( this->NGINX_ID, 12, this->s2b.at( val ) ); } else if ( var == "NginxWarnlistClient" ) { aux_err_msg = QString("Nginx -> %1 (%2)") .arg( TR::tr(FIELDS__CLIENT.c_str()), MainWindow::tr("warnlist") ); this->craplog.setWarnlist( this->NGINX_ID, 20, this->string2list( val ) ); } else if ( var == "NginxWarnlistClientUsed" ) { this->craplog.setWarnlistUsed( this->NGINX_ID, 20, this->s2b.at( val ) ); } else if ( var == "NginxWarnlistUserAgent" ) { aux_err_msg = QString("Nginx -> %1 (%2)") .arg( TR::tr(FIELDS__USER_AGENT.c_str()), MainWindow::tr("warnlist") ); this->craplog.setWarnlist( this->NGINX_ID, 21, this->string2list( val, true ) ); } else if ( var == "NginxWarnlistUserAgentUsed" ) { this->craplog.setWarnlistUsed( this->NGINX_ID, 21, this->s2b.at( val ) ); } else if ( var == "NginxBlacklistClient" ) { aux_err_msg = QString("Nginx -> %1 (%2)") .arg( TR::tr(FIELDS__CLIENT.c_str()), MainWindow::tr("blacklist") ); this->craplog.setBlacklist( this->NGINX_ID, 20, this->string2list( val ) ); } else if ( var == "NginxBlacklistClientUsed" ) { this->craplog.setBlacklistUsed( this->NGINX_ID, 20, this->s2b.at( val ) ); } else if ( var == "IisLogsPath" ) { this->craplog.setLogsPath( this->IIS_ID, this->resolvePath( val ) ); } else if ( var == "IisLogsModule" ) { if ( val == "1" ) { this->ui->radio_ConfIis_Format_NCSA->setChecked( true ); } else if ( val == "2" ) { this->ui->radio_ConfIis_Format_IIS->setChecked( true ); } } else if ( var == "IisLogsFormat" ) { int module = 0; if ( this->ui->radio_ConfIis_Format_NCSA->isChecked() ) { module = 1; } else if ( this->ui->radio_ConfIis_Format_IIS->isChecked() ) { module = 2; } if ( ! this->craplog.setIisLogFormat( val, module ) ) { throw(""); } } else if ( var == "IisWarnlistMethod" ) { aux_err_msg = QString("IIS -> %1 (%2)") .arg( TR::tr(FIELDS__METHOD.c_str()), MainWindow::tr("warnlist") ); this->craplog.setWarnlist( this->IIS_ID, 11, this->string2list( val ) ); } else if ( var == "IisWarnlistMethodUsed" ) { this->craplog.setWarnlistUsed( this->IIS_ID, 11, this->s2b.at( val ) ); } else if ( var == "IisWarnlistURI" ) { aux_err_msg = QString("IIS -> %1 (%2)") .arg( TR::tr(FIELDS__URI.c_str()), MainWindow::tr("warnlist") ); this->craplog.setWarnlist( this->IIS_ID, 12, this->string2list( val ) ); } else if ( var == "IisWarnlistURIUsed" ) { this->craplog.setWarnlistUsed( this->IIS_ID, 12, this->s2b.at( val ) ); } else if ( var == "IisWarnlistClient" ) { aux_err_msg = QString("IIS -> %1 (%2)") .arg( TR::tr(FIELDS__CLIENT.c_str()), MainWindow::tr("warnlist") ); this->craplog.setWarnlist( this->IIS_ID, 20, this->string2list( val ) ); } else if ( var == "IisWarnlistClientUsed" ) { this->craplog.setWarnlistUsed( this->IIS_ID, 20, this->s2b.at( val ) ); } else if ( var == "IisWarnlistUserAgent" ) { aux_err_msg = QString("IIS -> %1 (%2)") .arg( TR::tr(FIELDS__USER_AGENT.c_str()), MainWindow::tr("warnlist") ); this->craplog.setWarnlist( this->IIS_ID, 21, this->string2list( val, true ) ); } else if ( var == "IisWarnlistUserAgentUsed" ) { this->craplog.setWarnlistUsed( this->IIS_ID, 21, this->s2b.at( val ) ); } else if ( var == "IisBlacklistClient" ) { aux_err_msg = QString("IIS -> %1 (%2)") .arg( TR::tr(FIELDS__CLIENT.c_str()), MainWindow::tr("blacklist") ); this->craplog.setBlacklist( this->IIS_ID, 20, this->string2list( val ) ); } else if ( var == "IisBlacklistClientUsed" ) { this->craplog.setBlacklistUsed( this->IIS_ID, 20, this->s2b.at( val ) ); } else if ( var == "CrapviewDialogLevel" ) { this->crapview.setDialogsLevel( std::stoi( val ) ); }/* else { // not valid }*/ } } catch ( const std::ios_base::failure/*& err*/ ) { // failed reading proceed = false; err_msg = DialogSec::tr("An error occured while reading the configuration file"); } catch ( const LogFormatException ) { proceed = false; // message already shown } catch ( const BWlistException ) { proceed = false; err_msg = QString("%1:\n%2").arg( DialogSec::tr("One of the lists has an invalid item"), aux_err_msg ); } catch (...) { // something failed proceed = false; err_msg = DialogSec::tr("An error occured while parsing configuration file's data"); } if ( ! proceed ) { DialogSec::errFailedApplyingConfigs( err_msg ); this->closeEvent( new QCloseEvent() ); } } } void MainWindow::writeConfigs() { std::error_code err; bool proceed=true, msg_shown=false; QString msg; // check the file first if ( IOutils::exists( this->configs_path ) ) { if ( IOutils::checkFile( this->configs_path ) ) { if ( ! IOutils::checkFile( this->configs_path, false, true ) ) { // file not writable try { std::filesystem::permissions( this->configs_path, std::filesystem::perms::owner_write, std::filesystem::perm_options::add, err ); } catch (...) { proceed = false; QString file = ""; if ( this->dialogs_level > 0 ) { file = QString::fromStdString( this->configs_path ); } DialogSec::errConfFileNotWritable( file ); msg_shown = true; } } } else { // the given path doesn't point to a file proceed = DialogSec::choiceFileNotFile( QString::fromStdString( this->configs_path ) ); if ( proceed ) { proceed = IOutils::renameAsCopy( this->configs_path ); if ( ! proceed ) { QString path = ""; if ( this->dialogs_level > 0 ) { path = QString::fromStdString( this->configs_path ); } DialogSec::errRenaming( path ); msg_shown = true; } } } } else { // file does not exists, check if at least the folder exists const std::string base_path = this->basePath( this->configs_path ); if ( IOutils::exists( base_path ) ) { if ( IOutils::isDir( base_path ) ) { if ( ! IOutils::checkDir( base_path, false, true ) ) { // directory not writable try { std::filesystem::permissions( base_path, std::filesystem::perms::owner_write, std::filesystem::perm_options::add, err ); } catch (...) { proceed = false; QString file = ""; if ( this->dialogs_level > 0 ) { file = QString::fromStdString( base_path ); } DialogSec::errConfDirNotWritable( file ); msg_shown = true; } } } else { // not a directory proceed = DialogSec::choiceDirNotDir( QString::fromStdString( base_path ) ); if ( proceed ) { proceed = IOutils::renameAsCopy( base_path ); if ( ! proceed ) { QString path = ""; if ( this->dialogs_level > 0 ) { path = QString::fromStdString( base_path ); } DialogSec::errRenaming( path ); msg_shown = true; } else { // make the new folder proceed = IOutils::makeDir( base_path ); if ( ! proceed ) { msg = DialogSec::tr("Failed to create the configuration file's directory"); if ( this->dialogs_level > 0 ) { msg += ":\n"+QString::fromStdString( base_path ); } } } } } } else { // the folder does not exist too proceed = IOutils::makeDir( base_path ); if ( ! proceed ) { msg = DialogSec::tr("Failed to create the configuration file's directory"); if ( this->dialogs_level > 0 ) { msg += ":\n"+QString::fromStdString( base_path ); } } } } if ( !proceed && !msg_shown ) { DialogSec::errConfFailedWriting( msg ); } if ( proceed ) { //// USER INTERFACE //// std::string configs = "[UI]"; configs += "\nLanguage=" + this->language; configs += "\nRememberGeometry=" + this->b2s.at( this->remember_window ); configs += "\nGeometry=" + this->geometryToString(); configs += "\nWindowTheme=" + std::to_string( this->window_theme_id ); configs += "\nChartsTheme=" + std::to_string( this->charts_theme_id ); configs += "\nMainDialogLevel=" + std::to_string( this->dialogs_level ); configs += "\nDefaultWebServer=" + std::to_string( this->default_ws ); configs += "\nDatabaseDataPath=" + this->db_data_path; configs += "\nDatabaseHashesPath=" + this->db_hashes_path; configs += "\nDatabaseDoBackup=" + this->b2s.at( this->db_do_backup ); configs += "\nDatabaseBackupsNumber=" + std::to_string( this->db_backups_number ); //// TEXT BROWSER //// configs += "\n\n[TextBrowser]"; configs += "\nFont=" + std::to_string( this->ui->box_ConfTextBrowser_Font->currentIndex() ); configs += "\nWideLines=" + this->b2s.at( this->TB.getWideLinesUsage() ); configs += "\nColorScheme=" + std::to_string( this->TB.getColorSchemeID() ); //// CRAPLOG //// configs += "\n\n[Craplog]"; configs += "\nCraplogDialogLevel=" + std::to_string( this->craplog.getDialogsLevel() ); configs += "\nHideUsedFiles=" + this->b2s.at( this->hide_used_files ); configs += "\nWarningSize=" + std::to_string( this->craplog.getWarningSize() ); //// APACHE2 //// configs += "\n\n[Apache2]"; configs += "\nApacheLogsPath=" + this->craplog.getLogsPath( this->APACHE_ID ); configs += "\nApacheLogsFormat=" + this->craplog.getLogsFormatString( this->APACHE_ID ); configs += "\nApacheWarnlistMethod=" + this->list2string( this->craplog.getWarnlist( this->APACHE_ID, 11 ) ); configs += "\nApacheWarnlistMethodUsed=" + this->b2s.at( this->craplog.isWarnlistUsed( this->APACHE_ID, 11 ) ); configs += "\nApacheWarnlistURI=" + this->list2string( this->craplog.getWarnlist( this->APACHE_ID, 12 ) ); configs += "\nApacheWarnlistURIUsed=" + this->b2s.at( this->craplog.isWarnlistUsed( this->APACHE_ID, 12 ) ); configs += "\nApacheWarnlistClient=" + this->list2string( this->craplog.getWarnlist( this->APACHE_ID, 20 ) ); configs += "\nApacheWarnlistClientUsed=" + this->b2s.at( this->craplog.isWarnlistUsed( this->APACHE_ID, 20 ) ); configs += "\nApacheWarnlistUserAgent=" + this->list2string( this->craplog.getWarnlist( this->APACHE_ID, 21 ), true ); configs += "\nApacheWarnlistUserAgentUsed=" + this->b2s.at( this->craplog.isWarnlistUsed( this->APACHE_ID, 21 ) ); configs += "\nApacheBlacklistClient=" + this->list2string( this->craplog.getBlacklist( this->APACHE_ID, 20 ) ); configs += "\nApacheBlacklistClientUsed=" + this->b2s.at( this->craplog.isBlacklistUsed( this->APACHE_ID, 20 ) ); //// NGINX //// configs += "\n\n[Nginx]"; configs += "\nNginxLogsPath=" + this->craplog.getLogsPath( this->NGINX_ID ); configs += "\nNginxLogsFormat=" + this->craplog.getLogsFormatString( this->NGINX_ID ); configs += "\nNginxWarnlistMethod=" + this->list2string( this->craplog.getWarnlist( this->NGINX_ID, 11 ) ); configs += "\nNginxWarnlistMethodUsed=" + this->b2s.at( this->craplog.isWarnlistUsed( this->NGINX_ID, 11 ) ); configs += "\nNginxWarnlistURI=" + this->list2string( this->craplog.getWarnlist( this->NGINX_ID, 12 ) ); configs += "\nNginxWarnlistURIUsed=" + this->b2s.at( this->craplog.isWarnlistUsed( this->NGINX_ID, 12 ) ); configs += "\nNginxWarnlistClient=" + this->list2string( this->craplog.getWarnlist( this->NGINX_ID, 20 ) ); configs += "\nNginxWarnlistClientUsed=" + this->b2s.at( this->craplog.isWarnlistUsed( this->NGINX_ID, 20 ) ); configs += "\nNginxWarnlistUserAgent=" + this->list2string( this->craplog.getWarnlist( this->NGINX_ID, 21 ), true ); configs += "\nNginxWarnlistUserAgentUsed=" + this->b2s.at( this->craplog.isWarnlistUsed( this->NGINX_ID, 21 ) ); configs += "\nNginxBlacklistClient=" + this->list2string( this->craplog.getBlacklist( this->NGINX_ID, 20 ) ); configs += "\nNginxBlacklistClientUsed=" + this->b2s.at( this->craplog.isBlacklistUsed( this->NGINX_ID, 20 ) ); //// IIS //// configs += "\n\n[IIS]"; configs += "\nIisLogsPath=" + this->craplog.getLogsPath( this->IIS_ID ); std::string module = "0"; if ( this->ui->radio_ConfIis_Format_NCSA->isChecked() ) { module = "1"; } else if ( this->ui->radio_ConfIis_Format_IIS->isChecked() ) { module = "2"; } configs += "\nIisLogsModule=" + module; configs += "\nIisLogsFormat=" + this->craplog.getLogsFormatString( this->IIS_ID ); configs += "\nIisWarnlistMethod=" + this->list2string( this->craplog.getWarnlist( this->IIS_ID, 11 ) ); configs += "\nIisWarnlistMethodUsed=" + this->b2s.at( this->craplog.isWarnlistUsed( this->IIS_ID, 11 ) ); configs += "\nIisWarnlistURI=" + this->list2string( this->craplog.getWarnlist( this->IIS_ID, 12 ) ); configs += "\nIisWarnlistURIUsed=" + this->b2s.at( this->craplog.isWarnlistUsed( this->IIS_ID, 12 ) ); configs += "\nIisWarnlistClient=" + this->list2string( this->craplog.getWarnlist( this->IIS_ID, 20 ) ); configs += "\nIisWarnlistClientUsed=" + this->b2s.at( this->craplog.isWarnlistUsed( this->IIS_ID, 20 ) ); configs += "\nIisWarnlistUserAgent=" + this->list2string( this->craplog.getWarnlist( this->IIS_ID, 21 ), true ); configs += "\nIisWarnlistUserAgentUsed=" + this->b2s.at( this->craplog.isWarnlistUsed( this->IIS_ID, 21 ) ); configs += "\nIisBlacklistClient=" + this->list2string( this->craplog.getBlacklist( this->IIS_ID, 20 ) ); configs += "\nIisBlacklistClientUsed=" + this->b2s.at( this->craplog.isBlacklistUsed( this->IIS_ID, 20 ) ); //// CRAPVIEW //// configs += "\n\n[Crapview]"; configs += "\nCrapviewDialogLevel=" + std::to_string( this->crapview.getDialogsLevel() ); // write on file try { IOutils::writeOnFile( this->configs_path, configs ); } catch (const std::ios_base::failure& err) { // failed writing DialogSec::errGeneric( DialogSec::tr("An error occured while writing the configuration file") ); } catch (...) { // something failed DialogSec::errGeneric( DialogSec::tr("An error occured while preparing the configuration file's data") ); } } } void MainWindow::backupDatabase() { std::error_code err; bool proceed = true; if ( IOutils::checkFile( this->db_data_path+"/collection.db" ) ) { // db exists and is a file const std::string path = this->logdoc_path+"/backups"; if ( std::filesystem::exists( path ) ) { if ( !std::filesystem::is_directory( path, err ) ) { // exists but it's not a directory, rename as copy and make a new one proceed = DialogSec::choiceDirNotDir( QString::fromStdString( path ) ); if ( proceed ) { proceed = IOutils::renameAsCopy( path ); if ( ! proceed ) { QString p = ""; if ( this->dialogs_level > 0 ) { p = QString::fromStdString( path ); } DialogSec::errRenaming( p ); } else { // sucesfully renamed, make the new one proceed = IOutils::makeDir( path ); if ( ! proceed ) { QString msg = DialogSec::tr("Failed to create the database backups' directory"); if ( this->dialogs_level > 0 ) { msg += ":\n"+QString::fromStdString( path ); } DialogSec::errFailedMakeDir( msg ); } } } } } else { // backups directory doesn't exists, make it proceed = IOutils::makeDir( path ); if ( ! proceed ) { QString msg = DialogSec::tr("Failed to create the database backups' directory"); if ( this->dialogs_level > 0 ) { msg += ":\n"+QString::fromStdString( path ); } DialogSec::errFailedMakeDir( msg ); } } }/* else { // db doesn't exists or is not a file }*/ if ( proceed ) { // copy the database to a new file proceed = std::filesystem::copy_file( this->db_data_path+"/collection.db", this->logdoc_path+"/backups/collection.db.0", std::filesystem::copy_options::update_existing, err ); if ( ! proceed ) { // failed to copy DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedBackup( DialogSec::tr( "Failed to copy the database file" ) ); } else { // succesfully copied, now rename the already existing copies (up to the choosen number of copies) std::string path, new_path; path = this->logdoc_path+"/backups/collection.db."+std::to_string(this->db_backups_number); if ( std::filesystem::exists( path ) ) { std::ignore = std::filesystem::remove_all( path, err ); proceed = ! std::filesystem::exists( path ); if ( ! proceed ) { DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedBackup( DialogSec::tr( "Failed to update the backups" ) ); } } if ( proceed ) { // cascade rename for ( int n=this->db_backups_number-1; n>=0; n-- ) { path = this->logdoc_path+"/backups/collection.db."+std::to_string( n ); if ( std::filesystem::exists( path ) ) { new_path = this->logdoc_path+"/backups/collection.db."+std::to_string( n+1 ); std::filesystem::rename( path, new_path, err ); proceed = ! std::filesystem::exists( path ); } if ( ! proceed ) { // seems it failed to rename DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedBackup( DialogSec::tr( "Failed to update the backups" ) ); break; } } } } } } const std::string MainWindow::geometryToString() { QRect geometry = this->geometry(); std::string string = ""; string += std::to_string( geometry.x() ); string += ","; string += std::to_string( geometry.y() ); string += ","; string += std::to_string( geometry.width() ); string += ","; string += std::to_string( geometry.height() ); string += ","; string += this->b2s.at( this->isMaximized() ); return string; } void MainWindow::geometryFromString( const std::string& geometry ) { std::vector aux; StringOps::splitrip( aux, geometry, "," ); QRect new_geometry; new_geometry.setRect( std::stoi(aux.at(0)), std::stoi(aux.at(1)), std::stoi(aux.at(2)), std::stoi(aux.at(3)) ); this->setGeometry( new_geometry ); if ( aux.at(4) == "true" ) { this->showMaximized(); } } const std::string MainWindow::list2string( const std::vector& list, const bool& user_agent ) { std::string string; if ( user_agent ) { for ( const std::string& str : list ) { string += StringOps::replace( str, " ", "%@#" ) + " "; } } else { for ( const std::string& str : list ) { string += str + " "; } } return string; } const std::vector MainWindow::string2list( const std::string& string, const bool& user_agent ) { std::vector list, aux; StringOps::splitrip( aux, string, " " ); if ( user_agent ) { for ( const std::string& str : aux ) { list.push_back( StringOps::replace( str, "%@#", " " ) ); } } else { for ( const std::string& str : aux ) { list.push_back( str ); } } return list; } ////////////////// //// GRAPHICS //// ////////////////// void MainWindow::updateUiTheme() { if ( this->window_theme_id < 0 || this->window_theme_id > 4 ) { // wrong throw GenericException( "Unexpected WindowTheme ID: "+std::to_string( this->window_theme_id ), true ); } this->setPalette( ColorSec::getPalette( this->window_theme_id ) ); } ////////////////// //// LANGUAGE //// ////////////////// void MainWindow::updateUiLanguage() { // remove the old translator QCoreApplication::removeTranslator( &this->translator ); if ( this->translator.load( QString(":/translations/%1").arg(QString::fromStdString( this->language )) ) ) { // apply the new translator QCoreApplication::installTranslator( &this->translator ); this->ui->retranslateUi( this ); // stats warn table header { const QStringList h = { this->crapview.getLogFieldString(0), TR::tr( WORDS__DATE.c_str() ), TR::tr( WORDS__TIME.c_str() ), this->crapview.getLogFieldString(10), this->crapview.getLogFieldString(11), this->crapview.getLogFieldString(12), this->crapview.getLogFieldString(13), this->crapview.getLogFieldString(14), this->crapview.getLogFieldString(18), this->crapview.getLogFieldString(22), this->crapview.getLogFieldString(21), this->crapview.getLogFieldString(20), this->crapview.getLogFieldString(17), this->crapview.getLogFieldString(16), this->crapview.getLogFieldString(15), "rowid" }; this->ui->table_StatsWarn->setColumnCount( h.size() ); this->ui->table_StatsWarn->setHorizontalHeaderLabels( h ); } // stats speed table header { const QStringList h = { this->crapview.getLogFieldString(15), this->crapview.getLogFieldString(12), this->crapview.getLogFieldString(13), this->crapview.getLogFieldString(11), this->crapview.getLogFieldString(10), this->crapview.getLogFieldString(14), TR::tr( WORDS__TIME.c_str() ) }; this->ui->table_StatsSpeed->setColumnCount( h.size() ); this->ui->table_StatsSpeed->setHorizontalHeaderLabels( h ); } // stats count buttons this->ui->button_StatsCount_Protocol->setText( this->crapview.getLogFieldString( 10 ) ); this->ui->button_StatsCount_Method->setText( this->crapview.getLogFieldString( 11 ) ); this->ui->button_StatsCount_Uri->setText( this->crapview.getLogFieldString( 12 ) ); this->ui->button_StatsCount_Query->setText( this->crapview.getLogFieldString( 13 ) ); this->ui->button_StatsCount_Response->setText( this->crapview.getLogFieldString( 14 ) ); this->ui->button_StatsCount_Referrer->setText( this->crapview.getLogFieldString( 18 ) ); this->ui->button_StatsCount_Cookie->setText( this->crapview.getLogFieldString( 22 ) ); this->ui->button_StatsCount_UserAgent->setText( this->crapview.getLogFieldString( 21 ) ); this->ui->button_StatsCount_Client->setText( this->crapview.getLogFieldString( 20 ) ); // configs warn/black-lists { const QStringList wl = { this->crapview.getLogFieldString( 11 ), this->crapview.getLogFieldString( 12 ), this->crapview.getLogFieldString( 21 ), this->crapview.getLogFieldString( 20 ) }; const QStringList bl = { this->crapview.getLogFieldString( 20 ) }; // set this->ui->box_ConfApache_Warnlist_Field->clear(); this->ui->box_ConfApache_Warnlist_Field->addItems( wl ); this->ui->box_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Field->clear(); this->ui->box_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Field->addItems( wl ); this->ui->box_ConfIis_Warnlist_Field->clear(); this->ui->box_ConfIis_Warnlist_Field->addItems( wl ); this->ui->box_ConfApache_Blacklist_Field->clear(); this->ui->box_ConfApache_Blacklist_Field->addItems( bl ); this->ui->box_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Field->clear(); this->ui->box_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Field->addItems( bl ); this->ui->box_ConfIis_Blacklist_Field->clear(); this->ui->box_ConfIis_Blacklist_Field->addItems( bl ); } // renew the dates this->on_box_StatsWarn_WebServer_currentIndexChanged( this->ui->box_StatsWarn_WebServer->currentIndex() ); this->on_box_StatsSpeed_WebServer_currentIndexChanged( this->ui->box_StatsSpeed_WebServer->currentIndex() ); this->on_box_StatsCount_WebServer_currentIndexChanged( this->ui->box_StatsCount_WebServer->currentIndex() ); this->on_box_StatsDay_WebServer_currentIndexChanged( this->ui->box_StatsDay_WebServer->currentIndex() ); this->on_box_StatsRelat_WebServer_currentIndexChanged( this->ui->box_StatsRelat_WebServer->currentIndex() ); } } ////////////////////////// //// INTEGRITY CHECKS //// ////////////////////////// void MainWindow::wait_ActiveWindow() { if ( ! this->isActiveWindow() ) { QCoreApplication::processEvents( QEventLoop::AllEvents, 250 ); } else { this->waiter_timer->stop(); this->makeInitialChecks(); } } void MainWindow::makeInitialChecks() { std::error_code err; bool ok = true; // check that the sqlite plugin is available if ( ! QSqlDatabase::drivers().contains("QSQLITE") ) { // checks failed, abort DialogSec::errSqlDriverNotFound( "QSQLITE" ); ok = false; } if ( ok ) { // check LogDoctor's folders paths for ( const std::string& path : std::vector({this->basePath(this->configs_path), this->logdoc_path}) ) { if ( IOutils::exists( path ) ) { if ( IOutils::isDir( path ) ) { if ( ! IOutils::checkDir( path, true ) ) { try { std::filesystem::permissions( path, std::filesystem::perms::owner_read, std::filesystem::perm_options::add, err ); } catch (...) { ok = false; DialogSec::errDirNotReadable( QString::fromStdString( path ) ); } } if ( ok ) { if ( ! IOutils::checkDir( path, false, true ) ) { try { std::filesystem::permissions( path, std::filesystem::perms::owner_write, std::filesystem::perm_options::add, err ); } catch (...) { ok = false; DialogSec::errDirNotWritable( QString::fromStdString( path ) ); } } } } else { // not a directory, rename as copy a make a new one ok = DialogSec::choiceDirNotDir( QString::fromStdString( path ) ); if ( ok ) { ok = IOutils::renameAsCopy( path ); if ( ! ok ) { QString p = ""; if ( this->dialogs_level > 0 ) { p = QString::fromStdString( path ); } DialogSec::errRenaming( p ); } } } } else { ok = IOutils::makeDir( path ); } if ( ! ok ) { break; } } } if ( ok ) { // statistics' database if ( ! CheckSec::checkStatsDatabase( this->db_data_path + "/collection.db" ) ) { // checks failed, abort ok = false; } else { this->crapview.setDbPath( this->db_data_path ); this->craplog.setStatsDatabasePath( this->db_data_path ); // used-files' hashes' database if ( ! CheckSec::checkHashesDatabase( this->db_hashes_path + "/hashes.db" ) ) { // checks failed, abort ok = false; } else { this->craplog.setHashesDatabasePath( this->db_hashes_path ); if ( ! this->craplog.hashOps.loadUsedHashesLists( this->db_hashes_path + "/hashes.db" ) ) { // failed to load the list, abort ok = false; } } } } if ( ! ok ) { this->close(); //QCoreApplication::exit(0); //this->destroy(); } else { // get available stats dates this->refreshStatsDates(); // get a fresh list of log files this->on_button_LogFiles_RefreshList_clicked(); // set the default WS as the current one switch ( this->craplog.getCurrentWSID() ) { case 11: this->ui->box_StatsWarn_WebServer->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); this->ui->box_StatsCount_WebServer->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); this->ui->box_StatsSpeed_WebServer->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); this->ui->box_StatsDay_WebServer->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); this->ui->box_StatsRelat_WebServer->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); break; case 12: this->ui->box_StatsWarn_WebServer->setCurrentIndex( 1 ); this->ui->box_StatsCount_WebServer->setCurrentIndex( 1 ); this->ui->box_StatsSpeed_WebServer->setCurrentIndex( 1 ); this->ui->box_StatsDay_WebServer->setCurrentIndex( 1 ); this->ui->box_StatsRelat_WebServer->setCurrentIndex( 1 ); break; case 13: this->ui->box_StatsWarn_WebServer->setCurrentIndex( 2 ); this->ui->box_StatsCount_WebServer->setCurrentIndex( 2 ); this->ui->box_StatsSpeed_WebServer->setCurrentIndex( 2 ); this->ui->box_StatsDay_WebServer->setCurrentIndex( 2 ); this->ui->box_StatsRelat_WebServer->setCurrentIndex( 2 ); break; default: // shouldn't be here throw WebServerException( "Unexpected WebServer ID: "+std::to_string( this->default_ws ) ); } this->initiating = false; } } const bool& MainWindow::checkDataDB() { if ( ! this->initiating ) { // avoid recursions // check the db const std::string path = this->db_data_path + "/collection.db"; bool ok = IOutils::checkFile( path, true ); if ( ! ok ) { ok = CheckSec::checkStatsDatabase( path ); // update ui stuff if ( ! ok ) { // checks failed this->crapview.clearDates(); this->ui->box_StatsWarn_Year->clear(); this->ui->box_StatsSpeed_Year->clear(); this->ui->box_StatsCount_Year->clear(); this->ui->box_StatsDay_FromYear->clear(); if ( this->ui->checkBox_StatsDay_Period->isChecked() ) { this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToYear->clear(); } this->ui->box_StatsRelat_FromYear->clear(); this->ui->box_StatsRelat_ToYear->clear(); } } if ( ok && !this->db_ok ) { this->db_ok = ok; this->initiating = true; this->refreshStatsDates(); this->initiating = false; } else { this->db_ok = ok; } } return this->db_ok; } ///////////////////// //// GENERAL USE //// ///////////////////// const QString MainWindow::wsFromIndex( const int& index ) { switch (index) { case 0: return QString("apache"); case 1: return QString("nginx"); case 2: return QString("iis"); default: throw WebServerException( "Unexpected WebServer index: "+std::to_string( index ) ); } } const std::string MainWindow::resolvePath( const std::string& path ) { std::string p; try { p = std::filesystem::canonical( StringOps::strip( path ) ).string(); } catch (...) { ; } return p; } const std::string MainWindow::basePath( const std::string& path ) { const int stop = path.rfind( '/' ); return path.substr( 0, stop ); } // printable size with suffix and limited decimals const QString MainWindow::printableSize( const int& bytes ) { std::string size_str, size_sfx=" B"; float size = (float)bytes; if (size > 1024) { size /= 1024; size_sfx = " KiB"; if (size > 1024) { size /= 1024; size_sfx = " MiB"; } } // cut decimals depending on how big the floor is size_str = std::to_string( size ); int cut_index = size_str.find('.')+1; if ( cut_index == 0 ) { cut_index = size_str.find(',')+1; } int n_decimals = 3; if ( size >= 100 ) { n_decimals = 2; if ( size >= 1000 ) { n_decimals = 1; if ( size >= 10000 ) { n_decimals = 0; cut_index --; } } } if ( cut_index >= 1 ) { cut_index += n_decimals; if ( cut_index > size_str.size()-1 ) { cut_index = size_str.size()-1; } } return QString::fromStdString( size_str.substr(0, cut_index ) + size_sfx ); } // printable speed with suffix and limited decimals const QString MainWindow::printableSpeed( const int& bytes, const int& secs_ ) { std::string speed_str, speed_sfx=" B/s"; int secs = secs_; if ( secs == 0 ) { secs = 1; } float speed = (float)bytes / (float)secs; if (speed > 1024) { speed /= 1024; speed_sfx = " KiB/s"; if (speed > 1024) { speed /= 1024; speed_sfx = " MiB/s"; } } // cut decimals depending on how big the floor is speed_str = std::to_string( speed ); int cut_index = speed_str.find('.')+1; if ( cut_index == 0 ) { cut_index = speed_str.find(',')+1; } int n_decimals = 3; if ( speed >= 100 ) { n_decimals = 2; if ( speed >= 1000 ) { n_decimals = 1; if ( speed >= 10000 ) { n_decimals = 0; cut_index --; } } } if ( cut_index >= 1 ) { cut_index += n_decimals; if ( cut_index > speed_str.size()-1 ) { cut_index = speed_str.size()-1; } } return QString::fromStdString( speed_str.substr(0, cut_index ) + speed_sfx ); } const QString MainWindow::printableTime( const int& secs_ ) { int secs = secs_; int mins = secs / 60; secs = secs - (mins*60); std::string mins_str = (mins<10) ? "0"+std::to_string(mins) : std::to_string(mins); std::string secs_str = (secs<10) ? "0"+std::to_string(secs) : std::to_string(secs); return QString::fromStdString( mins_str +":"+ secs_str ); } ////////////// //// HELP //// ////////////// void MainWindow::showHelp( const std::string& filename ) { const std::string link = "https://github.com/elB4RTO/LogDoctor/tree/main/installation_stuff/logdocdata/help/"; const std::string path = this->logdoc_path+"/help/"+this->language+"/"+filename+".html"; if ( IOutils::exists( path ) ) { if ( IOutils::isFile( path ) ) { if ( IOutils::checkFile( path, true ) ) { // everything ok, delete the old help window and open a new one delete this->craphelp; this->craphelp = new Craphelp(); this->craphelp->helpLogsFormat( path, this->TB.getFont(), this->TB.getColorSchemeID() ); if ( this->isMaximized() ) { this->craphelp->showMaximized(); } else { this->craphelp->show(); } } else { // resource not readable DialogSec::errHelpNotReadable( QString::fromStdString( link ) ); } } else { // resource is not a file DialogSec::errHelpFailed( QString::fromStdString( link ), DialogSec::tr("unrecognized entry") ); } } else { // resource not found DialogSec::errHelpNotFound( QString::fromStdString( link ) ); } } /*************************************************************** * MainWindow'S OPERATIONS START FROM HERE ***************************************************************/ ////////////// //// MENU //// /// ////////// // switch language void MainWindow::menu_actionEnglish_triggered() { this->ui->actionEnglish->setChecked( true ); this->ui->actionEspanol->setChecked( false ); this->ui->actionFrancais->setChecked( false ); this->ui->actionItaliano->setChecked( false ); this->language = "en"; this->updateUiLanguage(); } void MainWindow::menu_actionEspanol_triggered() { this->ui->actionEnglish->setChecked( false ); this->ui->actionEspanol->setChecked( true ); this->ui->actionFrancais->setChecked( false ); this->ui->actionItaliano->setChecked( false ); this->language = "es"; this->updateUiLanguage(); } void MainWindow::menu_actionFrancais_triggered() { this->ui->actionEnglish->setChecked( false ); this->ui->actionEspanol->setChecked( false ); this->ui->actionFrancais->setChecked( true ); this->ui->actionItaliano->setChecked( false ); this->language = "fr"; this->updateUiLanguage(); } void MainWindow::menu_actionItaliano_triggered() { this->ui->actionEnglish->setChecked( false ); this->ui->actionEspanol->setChecked( false ); this->ui->actionFrancais->setChecked( false ); this->ui->actionItaliano->setChecked( true ); this->language = "it"; this->updateUiLanguage(); } // use a tool void MainWindow::menu_actionBlockNote_triggered() { if ( this->crapnote->isVisible() ) { this->crapnote->activateWindow(); } else { delete this->crapnote; this->crapnote = new Crapnote(); this->crapnote->setTextFont( this->TB.getFont() ); this->crapnote->setColorScheme( this->TB.getColorSchemeID() ); this->crapnote->show(); } } void MainWindow::menu_actionInfos_triggered() { std::string version = std::to_string( this->version ); size_t cut = version.find('.'); if ( cut == std::string::npos ) { cut = version.find(','); if ( cut == std::string::npos ) { cut = version.size()-3; } } version = version.substr( 0, cut+3 ); delete this->crapinfo; this->crapinfo = new Crapinfo( QString::fromStdString( version ), QString::fromStdString( this->resolvePath( "./" ) ), QString::fromStdString( this->logdoc_path ), QString::fromStdString( this->configs_path ) ); this->crapinfo->show(); } void MainWindow::menu_actionCheckUpdates_triggered() { this->crapup.versionCheck( this->version, this->dialogs_level ); } // play a game void MainWindow::menu_actionCrissCross_triggered() { if ( this->crisscross->isVisible() ) { this->crisscross->activateWindow(); } else { delete this->crisscross; this->crisscross = new CrissCross( this->palette() ); this->crisscross->show(); } } //////////// //// DB //// //////////// void MainWindow::setDbWorkingState( const bool& state ) { this->db_working = state; if ( ! state ) { this->checkMakeStats_Makable(); if ( this->ui->table_StatsWarn->rowCount() > 0 ) { this->ui->button_StatsWarn_Update->setEnabled( true ); } this->checkStatsWarnDrawable(); this->checkStatsCountDrawable(); this->checkStatsSpeedDrawable(); this->checkStatsDayDrawable(); this->checkStatsRelatDrawable(); this->ui->button_StatsGlob_Apache->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->button_StatsGlob_Nginx->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->button_StatsGlob_Iis->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->Set->setEnabled( true ); } else { this->ui->button_MakeStats_Start->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_StatsWarn_Update->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_StatsWarn_Draw->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->scrollArea_StatsCount->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_StatsSpeed_Draw->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_StatsDay_Draw->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_StatsRelat_Draw->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_StatsGlob_Apache->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_StatsGlob_Nginx->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_StatsGlob_Iis->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->Set->setEnabled( false ); } } ////////////// //// LOGS //// ////////////// // check void MainWindow::checkMakeStats_Makable() { if ( this->db_working || this->ui->checkBox_LogFiles_CheckAll->checkState() == Qt::CheckState::Unchecked ) { // none checked or db is busy this->ui->button_MakeStats_Start->setEnabled( false ); } else { // at least one is checked this->ui->button_MakeStats_Start->setEnabled( true ); } } // switch to apache web server void MainWindow::on_button_LogFiles_Apache_clicked() { if ( this->craplog.getCurrentWSID() != 11 ) { // flat/unflat this->ui->button_LogFiles_Apache->setFlat( false ); this->ui->button_LogFiles_Nginx->setFlat( true ); this->ui->button_LogFiles_Iis->setFlat( true ); // set the WebServer this->craplog.setCurrentWSID( 11 ); // reset the log files viewer QString rich_text; RichText::richLogsDefault( rich_text ); this->ui->textLogFiles->setText( rich_text ); this->ui->textLogFiles->setAlignment( Qt::AlignHCenter ); rich_text.clear(); // load the list this->on_button_LogFiles_RefreshList_clicked(); } } // switch to nginx web server void MainWindow::on_button_LogFiles_Nginx_clicked() { if ( this->craplog.getCurrentWSID() != 12 ) { // flat/unflat this->ui->button_LogFiles_Nginx->setFlat( false ); this->ui->button_LogFiles_Apache->setFlat( true ); this->ui->button_LogFiles_Iis->setFlat( true ); // set the WebServer this->craplog.setCurrentWSID( 12 ); // reset the log files viewer QString rich_text; RichText::richLogsDefault( rich_text ); this->ui->textLogFiles->setText( rich_text ); this->ui->textLogFiles->setAlignment( Qt::AlignHCenter ); rich_text.clear(); // load the list this->on_button_LogFiles_RefreshList_clicked(); } } // switch to iis web server void MainWindow::on_button_LogFiles_Iis_clicked() { if ( this->craplog.getCurrentWSID() != 13 ) { // flat/unflat this->ui->button_LogFiles_Iis->setFlat( false ); this->ui->button_LogFiles_Apache->setFlat( true ); this->ui->button_LogFiles_Nginx->setFlat( true ); // set the WebServer this->craplog.setCurrentWSID( 13 ); // reset the log files viewer QString rich_text; RichText::richLogsDefault( rich_text ); this->ui->textLogFiles->setText( rich_text ); this->ui->textLogFiles->setAlignment( Qt::AlignHCenter ); rich_text.clear(); // load the list this->on_button_LogFiles_RefreshList_clicked(); } } // refresh the log files list void MainWindow::on_button_LogFiles_RefreshList_clicked() { // clear the current tree this->ui->listLogFiles->clear(); this->ui->checkBox_LogFiles_CheckAll->setCheckState( Qt::CheckState::Unchecked ); // disable elements this->ui->button_LogFiles_RefreshList->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_LogFiles_Apache->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_LogFiles_Nginx->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_LogFiles_Iis->setEnabled( false ); // start refreshing as thread this->refreshing_list = true; delete this->craplog_timer; this->craplog_timer = new QTimer(this); this->craplog_timer->setSingleShot( true ); connect(this->craplog_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(refreshLogsList())); this->craplog_timer->start(250); // periodically check if thread finished delete this->waiter_timer; this->waiter_timer = new QTimer(this); connect(this->waiter_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(check_CraplogLLT_Finished())); this->waiter_timer->start(250); } void MainWindow::refreshLogsList() { std::string col; // iterate over elements of list for ( const Craplog::LogFile& log_file : this->craplog.getLogsList(true) ) { // new entry for the tree widget QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem(); // preliminary check for file usage display if ( log_file.used_already ) { if ( this->hide_used_files ) { // do not display delete item; // possible memory leak continue; } // display with red foreground item->setForeground( 0, this->COLORS.at( "red" ) ); } // preliminary check on file size col = "grey"; if ( log_file.size > this->craplog.getWarningSize() ) { col = "orange"; } item->setForeground( 1, this->COLORS.at( col ) ); // set the name item->setText( 0, log_file.name ); // set the size item->setText( 1, this->printableSize( log_file.size ) ); item->setFont( 1, this->FONTS.at("main_italic") ); // append the item (on top, forced) item->setCheckState(0, Qt::CheckState::Unchecked ); this->ui->listLogFiles->addTopLevelItem( item ); } if ( this->craplog.getLogsListSize() > 0 ) { // sort the list alphabetically this->ui->listLogFiles->sortByColumn(0, Qt::SortOrder::AscendingOrder ); this->ui->checkBox_LogFiles_CheckAll->setEnabled( true ); } else { this->ui->checkBox_LogFiles_CheckAll->setCheckState( Qt::CheckState::Unchecked ); this->ui->checkBox_LogFiles_CheckAll->setEnabled( false ); } refreshing_list = false; } void MainWindow::check_CraplogLLT_Finished() { if ( ! this->refreshing_list ) { this->waiter_timer->stop(); // back to normal state this->ui->button_LogFiles_RefreshList->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->button_LogFiles_Apache->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->button_LogFiles_Nginx->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->button_LogFiles_Iis->setEnabled( true ); } } void MainWindow::on_checkBox_LogFiles_CheckAll_stateChanged(int arg1) { this->checkMakeStats_Makable(); Qt::CheckState new_state; if ( arg1 == Qt::CheckState::Checked ) { // check all new_state = Qt::CheckState::Checked; } else if ( arg1 == Qt::CheckState::Unchecked ) { // un-check all new_state = Qt::CheckState::Unchecked; } else { // do nothing return; } QTreeWidgetItemIterator i( this->ui->listLogFiles ); while ( *i ) { (*i)->setCheckState( 0, new_state ); ++i; } } void MainWindow::on_button_LogFiles_ViewFile_clicked() { // display the selected item if ( this->ui->listLogFiles->selectedItems().size() > 0 ) { bool proceed = true; Craplog::LogFile item; // retrieve the file item try { item = this->craplog.getLogFileItem( this->ui->listLogFiles->selectedItems().takeFirst()->text(0) ); } catch (const GenericException& e) { // failed to find file proceed = false; DialogSec::errFileNotFound( QString::fromStdString( item.path ), true ); } // check the size if ( proceed ) { const long warn_size = this->craplog.getWarningSize(); if ( warn_size >= 0 ) { if ( item.size > warn_size ) { // exceeds the warning size QString size_str, msg = item.name; if ( this->dialogs_level >= 1 ) { std::string size_sfx=" B"; float size = (float)item.size; if (size > 1024) { size /= 1024; size_sfx = " KiB"; if (size > 1024) { size /= 1024; size_sfx = " MiB"; } } size_str = std::to_string(size).substr(0,std::to_string(size).size()-3).c_str(); msg += QString("\n\n%1:\n%2%3").arg( DialogSec::tr("Size of the file"), size_str, size_sfx.c_str() ); if ( this->dialogs_level == 2 ) { size = (float)warn_size; if (size > 1024) { size /= 1024; size_sfx = " KiB"; if (size > 1024) { size /= 1024; size_sfx = " MiB"; } } size_str = std::to_string(size).substr(0,std::to_string(size).size()-3).c_str(); msg += QString("\n\n%1:\n%2%3").arg( DialogSec::tr("Warning size parameter"), size_str, size_sfx.c_str() ); } } // ask the user what to do proceed = DialogSec::choiceFileSizeWarning2( msg ); if ( ! proceed ) { return; } } } } if ( proceed ) { // get the current log format FormatOps::LogsFormat format = this->craplog.getCurrentLogFormat(); // read the content std::string content; try { try { // try reading as gzip compressed file GZutils::readFile( item.path, content ); } catch (const GenericException& e) { // failed closing file pointer throw e; } catch (...) { // failed as gzip, try as text file if ( content.size() > 0 ) { content.clear(); } IOutils::readFile( item.path, content ); } } catch (const GenericException/*& e*/) { // failed closing gzip file pointer proceed = false; // >> e.what() << // DialogSec::errGeneric( QString("%1:\n%2").arg( DialogSec::tr("Failed to read gzipped file"), item.name) ); /*} catch (const std::ios_base::failure& err) { // failed reading as text proceed = false; // >> err.what() << // DialogSec::errFailedReadFile( item.name );*/ } catch (...) { // failed somehow proceed = false; DialogSec::errFailedReadFile( item.name ); } if ( proceed ) { // succesfully read, now enriched and display QString rich_content; RichText::enrichLogs( rich_content, content, format, this->TB ); this->ui->textLogFiles->setText( rich_content ); this->ui->textLogFiles->setFont( this->TB.getFont() ); rich_content.clear(); } content.clear(); } if ( ! proceed ) { // failed QString rich_text; RichText::richLogsFailure( rich_text ); this->ui->textLogFiles->setText( rich_text ); this->ui->textLogFiles->setAlignment( Qt::AlignHCenter ); rich_text.clear(); } } } void MainWindow::on_listLogFiles_itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *item, int column) { this->on_button_LogFiles_ViewFile_clicked(); } void MainWindow::on_listLogFiles_itemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *item, int column) { // control checked int n_checked = 0; QTreeWidgetItemIterator i(this->ui->listLogFiles); while ( *i ) { if ( (*i)->checkState(0) == Qt::CheckState::Checked ) { n_checked++; } ++i; } if ( n_checked == 0 ) { this->ui->checkBox_LogFiles_CheckAll->setCheckState(Qt::CheckState::Unchecked); } else if ( n_checked == this->craplog.getLogsListSize() ) { this->ui->checkBox_LogFiles_CheckAll->setCheckState(Qt::CheckState::Checked); } else { this->ui->checkBox_LogFiles_CheckAll->setCheckState(Qt::CheckState::PartiallyChecked); } } void MainWindow::on_button_MakeStats_Start_clicked() { if ( ! this->db_working ) { bool proceed = true; // check that the format has been set const FormatOps::LogsFormat& lf = this->craplog.getLogsFormat( this->craplog.getCurrentWSID() ); if ( lf.string.size() == 0 ) { // format string not set proceed = false; DialogSec::errLogFormatNotSet( nullptr ); } else if ( lf.fields.size() == 0 ) { // no field, useless to parse proceed = false; DialogSec::errLogFormatNoFields( nullptr ); } else if ( lf.separators.size() < lf.fields.size()-1 ) { // missing at least a separator between two (or more) fields proceed = false; DialogSec::errLogFormatNoSeparators( nullptr ); } if ( proceed ) { // take actions on Craplog's start this->craplogStarted(); // feed craplog with the checked files QTreeWidgetItemIterator i(this->ui->listLogFiles); while ( *i ) { if ( (*i)->checkState(0) == Qt::CheckState::Checked ) { // tell Craplog to set this file as selected if ( ! this->craplog.setLogFileSelected( (*i)->text(0) ) ) { // failed to retrieve the file. this shouldn't be, but... const int choice = DialogSec::choiceSelectedFileNotFound( (*i)->text(0) ); if ( choice == 0 ) { // choosed to abort all proceed = false; break; } else if ( choice == 1 ) { // choosed to discard the file and continue ; } else { // shouldn't be here throw GenericException( "Unexpeced value returned: "+std::to_string(choice) ); } } } ++i; } if ( proceed ) { // check files to be used before to start proceed = this->craplog.checkStuff(); } else { this->craplogFinished(); } if ( proceed ) { // periodically update perfs delete this->waiter_timer; this->waiter_timer = new QTimer(this); connect(this->waiter_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(update_Craplog_PerfData())); // run craplog as thread this->waiter_timer_start = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); delete this->craplog_timer; this->craplog_timer = new QTimer(this); this->craplog_timer->setSingleShot( true ); connect(this->craplog_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(runCraplog())); // start processing this->waiter_timer->start(250); this->craplog_timer->start(100); } else { this->craplogFinished(); } } } } void MainWindow::runCraplog() { this->craplog.run(); } void MainWindow::reset_MakeStats_labels() { // reset to default this->ui->label_MakeStats_Size->setText( "0 B" ); this->ui->label_MakeStats_Lines->setText( "0" ); // time and speed this->ui->label_MakeStats_Time->setText( "00:00" ); this->ui->label_MakeStats_Speed->setText( "0 B/s" ); } void MainWindow::update_MakeStats_labels() { // update values unsigned size; long secs; // size and lines if ( this->craplog.isParsing() ) { this->craplog.collectPerfData(); } size = this->craplog.getTotalSize(); //size = this->craplog.getParsedSize(); this->ui->label_MakeStats_Size->setText( this->printableSize( size ) ); this->ui->label_MakeStats_Lines->setText( QString::fromStdString(std::to_string(this->craplog.getParsedLines())) ); // time and speed this->waiter_timer_elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast( this->waiter_timer_start - std::chrono::system_clock::now() ); size = this->craplog.getPerfSize(); secs = this->waiter_timer_elapsed.count() / -1000000000; this->ui->label_MakeStats_Time->setText( this->printableTime( secs )); this->ui->label_MakeStats_Speed->setText( this->printableSpeed( size, secs )); } void MainWindow::update_Craplog_PerfData() { // craplog is running as thread, update the values meanwhile this->update_MakeStats_labels(); // check if Craplog has finished working if ( ! this->craplog.isWorking() ) { this->waiter_timer->stop(); this->craplogFinished(); } } void MainWindow::craplogStarted() { // reset perfs this->reset_MakeStats_labels(); this->craplog.logOps.resetPerfData(); // disable the LogFiles section this->ui->LogBoxFiles->setEnabled(false); // disable things which needs database access this->setDbWorkingState( true ); // enable all labels (needed only the first time) this->ui->icon_MakeStats_Size->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->label_MakeStats_Size->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->icon_MakeStats_Lines->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->label_MakeStats_Lines->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->icon_MakeStats_Time->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->label_MakeStats_Time->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->icon_MakeStats_Speed->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->label_MakeStats_Speed->setEnabled( true ); } void MainWindow::craplogFinished() { // update the perf data one last time, just in case this->update_MakeStats_labels(); this->craplog.makeCharts( this->CHARTS_THEMES.at( this->charts_theme_id ), this->FONTS, this->ui->chart_MakeStats_Size ); if ( this->craplog.editedDatabase() ) { // craplog succeeded this->db_edited = true; } if ( this->craplog.getTotalSize() == 0 ) { // no data this->reset_MakeStats_labels(); } // clean up temp vars this->craplog.clearDataCollection(); this->craplog.logOps.resetPerfData(); // refresh the logs list this->on_button_LogFiles_RefreshList_clicked(); // enable the LogFiles section this->ui->LogBoxFiles->setEnabled( true ); // enable all labels (needed only the first time each session) this->ui->icon_MakeStats_Size->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->icon_MakeStats_Lines->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->icon_MakeStats_Time->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->icon_MakeStats_Speed->setEnabled( true ); // enable back this->setDbWorkingState( false ); // get a fresh collection of available stats dates this->refreshStatsDates(); } /////////////// //// STATS //// /////////////// // refresh all the dates boxes void MainWindow::refreshStatsDates() { this->crapview.refreshDates(); this->on_box_StatsWarn_WebServer_currentIndexChanged( this->ui->box_StatsWarn_WebServer->currentIndex() ); this->on_box_StatsSpeed_WebServer_currentIndexChanged( this->ui->box_StatsSpeed_WebServer->currentIndex() ); this->on_box_StatsCount_WebServer_currentIndexChanged( this->ui->box_StatsCount_WebServer->currentIndex() ); this->on_box_StatsDay_WebServer_currentIndexChanged( this->ui->box_StatsDay_WebServer->currentIndex() ); this->on_box_StatsRelat_WebServer_currentIndexChanged( this->ui->box_StatsRelat_WebServer->currentIndex() ); } ////////////// //// WARN //// void MainWindow::checkStatsWarnDrawable() { if ( ! this->db_working ) { if ( this->ui->box_StatsWarn_Year->currentIndex() >= 0 && this->ui->box_StatsWarn_Month->currentIndex() >= 0 && this->ui->box_StatsWarn_Day->currentIndex() >= 0 ) { // enable the draw button this->ui->button_StatsWarn_Draw->setEnabled( true ); } else { // disable the draw button this->ui->button_StatsWarn_Draw->setEnabled( false ); } } else { this->ui->button_StatsRelat_Draw->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsWarn_WebServer_currentIndexChanged(int index) { if ( this->checkDataDB() ) { this->ui->box_StatsWarn_Year->clear(); if ( index != -1 ) { this->ui->box_StatsWarn_Year->addItems( this->crapview.getYears( this->wsFromIndex( index ) )); this->ui->box_StatsWarn_Year->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); } } this->checkStatsWarnDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsWarn_Year_currentIndexChanged(int index) { this->ui->box_StatsWarn_Month->clear(); if ( index != -1 ) { this->ui->box_StatsWarn_Month->addItems( this->crapview.getMonths( this->wsFromIndex( this->ui->box_StatsWarn_WebServer->currentIndex() ), this->ui->box_StatsWarn_Year->currentText() ) ); this->ui->box_StatsWarn_Month->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); } this->checkStatsWarnDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsWarn_Month_currentIndexChanged(int index) { this->ui->box_StatsWarn_Day->clear(); if ( index != -1 ) { this->ui->box_StatsWarn_Day->addItems( this->crapview.getDays( this->wsFromIndex( this->ui->box_StatsWarn_WebServer->currentIndex() ), this->ui->box_StatsWarn_Year->currentText(), this->ui->box_StatsWarn_Month->currentText() ) ); this->ui->box_StatsWarn_Day->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); } this->checkStatsWarnDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsWarn_Day_currentIndexChanged(int index) { if ( this->ui->checkBox_StatsWarn_Hour->isChecked() ) { this->ui->box_StatsWarn_Hour->clear(); if ( index != -1 ) { this->ui->box_StatsWarn_Hour->addItems( this->crapview.getHours() ); this->ui->box_StatsWarn_Hour->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); } } this->checkStatsWarnDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_checkBox_StatsWarn_Hour_stateChanged(int state) { if ( state == Qt::CheckState::Checked ) { this->ui->box_StatsWarn_Hour->setEnabled( true ); // add available dates this->on_box_StatsWarn_Day_currentIndexChanged( 0 ); } else { this->ui->box_StatsWarn_Hour->clear(); this->ui->box_StatsWarn_Hour->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsWarn_Hour_currentIndexChanged(int index) { this->checkStatsWarnDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_button_StatsWarn_Draw_clicked() { if ( this->checkDataDB() ) { this->setDbWorkingState( true ); delete this->crapview_timer; this->crapview_timer = new QTimer(this); this->crapview_timer->setSingleShot( true ); connect(this->crapview_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(drawStatsWarn())); this->crapview_timer->start(250); } } void MainWindow::drawStatsWarn() { this->ui->table_StatsWarn->setRowCount(0); this->crapview.drawWarn( this->ui->table_StatsWarn, this->ui->chart_StatsWarn, this->CHARTS_THEMES.at( this->charts_theme_id ), this->FONTS, this->wsFromIndex( this->ui->box_StatsWarn_WebServer->currentIndex() ), this->ui->box_StatsWarn_Year->currentText(), this->ui->box_StatsWarn_Month->currentText(), this->ui->box_StatsWarn_Day->currentText(), (this->ui->checkBox_StatsWarn_Hour->isChecked()) ? this->ui->box_StatsWarn_Hour->currentText() : "" ); this->setDbWorkingState( false ); } void MainWindow::on_button_StatsWarn_Update_clicked() { this->crapview.updateWarn( this->ui->table_StatsWarn, this->wsFromIndex( this->ui->box_StatsWarn_WebServer->currentIndex() ) ); this->db_edited = true; } /////////////// //// SPEED //// void MainWindow::checkStatsSpeedDrawable() { if ( ! this->db_working ) { if ( this->ui->box_StatsSpeed_Year->currentIndex() >= 0 && this->ui->box_StatsSpeed_Month->currentIndex() >= 0 && this->ui->box_StatsSpeed_Day->currentIndex() >= 0 ) { // enable the draw button this->ui->button_StatsSpeed_Draw->setEnabled( true ); } else { // disable the draw button this->ui->button_StatsSpeed_Draw->setEnabled( false ); } } else { this->ui->button_StatsRelat_Draw->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsSpeed_WebServer_currentIndexChanged(int index) { if ( this->checkDataDB() ) { this->ui->box_StatsSpeed_Year->clear(); if ( index != -1 ) { this->ui->box_StatsSpeed_Year->addItems( this->crapview.getYears( this->wsFromIndex( index ) ) ); this->ui->box_StatsSpeed_Year->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); } } this->checkStatsSpeedDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsSpeed_Year_currentIndexChanged(int index) { this->ui->box_StatsSpeed_Month->clear(); if ( index != -1 ) { this->ui->box_StatsSpeed_Month->addItems( this->crapview.getMonths( this->wsFromIndex( this->ui->box_StatsSpeed_WebServer->currentIndex() ), this->ui->box_StatsSpeed_Year->currentText() ) ); this->ui->box_StatsSpeed_Month->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); } this->checkStatsSpeedDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsSpeed_Month_currentIndexChanged(int index) { this->ui->box_StatsSpeed_Day->clear(); if ( index != -1 ) { this->ui->box_StatsSpeed_Day->addItems( this->crapview.getDays( this->wsFromIndex( this->ui->box_StatsSpeed_WebServer->currentIndex() ), this->ui->box_StatsSpeed_Year->currentText(), this->ui->box_StatsSpeed_Month->currentText() ) ); this->ui->box_StatsSpeed_Day->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); } this->checkStatsSpeedDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsSpeed_Day_currentIndexChanged(int index) { this->checkStatsSpeedDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_button_StatsSpeed_Draw_clicked() { if ( this->checkDataDB() ) { this->setDbWorkingState( true ); delete this->crapview_timer; this->crapview_timer = new QTimer(this); this->crapview_timer->setSingleShot( true ); connect(this->crapview_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(drawStatsSpeed())); this->crapview_timer->start(250); } } void MainWindow::drawStatsSpeed() { this->ui->table_StatsSpeed->setRowCount(0); this->crapview.drawSpeed( this->ui->table_StatsSpeed, this->ui->chart_SatsSpeed, this->CHARTS_THEMES.at( this->charts_theme_id ), this->FONTS, this->wsFromIndex( this->ui->box_StatsSpeed_WebServer->currentIndex() ), this->ui->box_StatsSpeed_Year->currentText(), this->ui->box_StatsSpeed_Month->currentText(), this->ui->box_StatsSpeed_Day->currentText(), this->crapview.parseTextualFilter( this->ui->inLine_StatsSpeed_Protocol->text() ), this->crapview.parseTextualFilter( this->ui->inLine_StatsSpeed_Method->text() ), this->crapview.parseTextualFilter( this->ui->inLine_StatsSpeed_Uri->text() ), this->crapview.parseTextualFilter( this->ui->inLine_StatsSpeed_Query->text() ), this->crapview.parseNumericFilter( this->ui->inLine_StatsSpeed_Response->text() ) ); this->setDbWorkingState( false ); } /////////////// //// COUNT //// void MainWindow::checkStatsCountDrawable() { if ( ! this->db_working ) { if ( this->ui->box_StatsCount_Year->currentIndex() >= 0 && this->ui->box_StatsCount_Month->currentIndex() >= 0 && this->ui->box_StatsCount_Day->currentIndex() >= 0 ) { // enable the draw button this->ui->scrollArea_StatsCount->setEnabled( true ); } else { // disable the draw button this->ui->scrollArea_StatsCount->setEnabled( false ); } } else { this->ui->button_StatsRelat_Draw->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsCount_WebServer_currentIndexChanged(int index) { if ( this->checkDataDB() ) { this->ui->box_StatsCount_Year->clear(); if ( index != -1 ) { this->ui->box_StatsCount_Year->addItems( this->crapview.getYears( this->wsFromIndex( index ) )); this->ui->box_StatsCount_Year->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); this->resetStatsCountButtons(); } } this->checkStatsCountDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsCount_Year_currentIndexChanged(int index) { this->ui->box_StatsCount_Month->clear(); if ( index != -1 ) { this->ui->box_StatsCount_Month->addItems( this->crapview.getMonths( this->wsFromIndex( this->ui->box_StatsCount_WebServer->currentIndex() ), this->ui->box_StatsCount_Year->currentText() ) ); this->ui->box_StatsCount_Month->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); } this->checkStatsCountDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsCount_Month_currentIndexChanged(int index) { this->ui->box_StatsCount_Day->clear(); if ( index != -1 ) { this->ui->box_StatsCount_Day->addItems( this->crapview.getDays( this->wsFromIndex( this->ui->box_StatsCount_WebServer->currentIndex() ), this->ui->box_StatsCount_Year->currentText(), this->ui->box_StatsCount_Month->currentText() ) ); this->ui->box_StatsCount_Day->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); } this->checkStatsCountDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsCount_Day_currentIndexChanged(int index) { this->checkStatsCountDrawable(); } void MainWindow::resetStatsCountButtons() { if ( ! this->ui->button_StatsCount_Protocol->isFlat() ) { this->ui->button_StatsCount_Protocol->setFlat( true ); } if ( ! this->ui->button_StatsCount_Method->isFlat() ) { this->ui->button_StatsCount_Method->setFlat( true ); } if ( ! this->ui->button_StatsCount_Uri->isFlat() ) { this->ui->button_StatsCount_Uri->setFlat( true ); } if ( ! this->ui->button_StatsCount_Query->isFlat() ) { this->ui->button_StatsCount_Query->setFlat( true ); } if ( ! this->ui->button_StatsCount_Response->isFlat() ) { this->ui->button_StatsCount_Response->setFlat( true ); } if ( ! this->ui->button_StatsCount_Referrer->isFlat() ) { this->ui->button_StatsCount_Referrer->setFlat( true ); } if ( ! this->ui->button_StatsCount_Cookie->isFlat() ) { this->ui->button_StatsCount_Cookie->setFlat( true ); } if ( ! this->ui->button_StatsCount_UserAgent->isFlat() ) { this->ui->button_StatsCount_UserAgent->setFlat( true ); } if ( ! this->ui->button_StatsCount_Client->isFlat() ) { this->ui->button_StatsCount_Client->setFlat( true ); } } void MainWindow::startCountDrawing() { this->setDbWorkingState( true ); delete this->crapview_timer; this->crapview_timer = new QTimer(this); this->crapview_timer->setSingleShot( true ); connect(this->crapview_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(drawStatsCount())); this->crapview_timer->start(250); } void MainWindow::on_button_StatsCount_Protocol_clicked() { if ( this->checkDataDB() ) { this->resetStatsCountButtons(); this->ui->button_StatsCount_Protocol->setFlat( false ); this->count_fld = this->ui->button_StatsCount_Protocol->text(); startCountDrawing(); } } void MainWindow::on_button_StatsCount_Method_clicked() { if ( this->checkDataDB() ) { this->resetStatsCountButtons(); this->count_fld = this->ui->button_StatsCount_Method->text(); this->ui->button_StatsCount_Method->setFlat( false ); startCountDrawing(); } } void MainWindow::on_button_StatsCount_Uri_clicked() { if ( this->checkDataDB() ) { this->resetStatsCountButtons(); this->count_fld = this->ui->button_StatsCount_Uri->text(); this->ui->button_StatsCount_Uri->setFlat( false ); startCountDrawing(); } } void MainWindow::on_button_StatsCount_Query_clicked() { if ( this->checkDataDB() ) { this->resetStatsCountButtons(); this->count_fld = this->ui->button_StatsCount_Query->text(); this->ui->button_StatsCount_Query->setFlat( false ); startCountDrawing(); } } void MainWindow::on_button_StatsCount_Response_clicked() { if ( this->checkDataDB() ) { this->resetStatsCountButtons(); this->count_fld = this->ui->button_StatsCount_Response->text(); this->ui->button_StatsCount_Response->setFlat( false ); startCountDrawing(); } } void MainWindow::on_button_StatsCount_Referrer_clicked() { if ( this->checkDataDB() ) { this->resetStatsCountButtons(); this->count_fld = this->ui->button_StatsCount_Referrer->text(); this->ui->button_StatsCount_Referrer->setFlat( false ); startCountDrawing(); } } void MainWindow::on_button_StatsCount_Cookie_clicked() { if ( this->checkDataDB() ) { this->resetStatsCountButtons(); this->count_fld = this->ui->button_StatsCount_Cookie->text(); this->ui->button_StatsCount_Cookie->setFlat( false ); startCountDrawing(); } } void MainWindow::on_button_StatsCount_UserAgent_clicked() { if ( this->checkDataDB() ) { this->resetStatsCountButtons(); this->count_fld = this->ui->button_StatsCount_UserAgent->text(); this->ui->button_StatsCount_UserAgent->setFlat( false ); startCountDrawing(); } } void MainWindow::on_button_StatsCount_Client_clicked() { if ( this->checkDataDB() ) { this->resetStatsCountButtons(); this->count_fld = this->ui->button_StatsCount_Client->text(); this->ui->button_StatsCount_Client->setFlat( false ); startCountDrawing(); } } void MainWindow::drawStatsCount() { this->ui->table_StatsCount->setRowCount(0); this->crapview.drawCount( this->ui->table_StatsCount, this->ui->chart_StatsCount, this->CHARTS_THEMES.at( this->charts_theme_id ), this->FONTS, this->wsFromIndex( this->ui->box_StatsCount_WebServer->currentIndex() ), this->ui->box_StatsCount_Year->currentText(), this->ui->box_StatsCount_Month->currentText(), this->ui->box_StatsCount_Day->currentText(), this->count_fld ); this->setDbWorkingState( false ); } ///////////// //// DAY //// void MainWindow::checkStatsDayDrawable() { if ( ! this->db_working ) { bool aux = true; // secondary date (period) if ( this->ui->checkBox_StatsDay_Period->isChecked() ) { if ( this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToYear->currentIndex() < 0 && this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToMonth->currentIndex() < 0 && this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToDay->currentIndex() < 0 ) { aux = false; } else { int a,b; a = this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToYear->currentText().toInt(); b = this->ui->box_StatsDay_FromYear->currentText().toInt(); if ( a < b ) { // year 'to' is less than 'from' aux = false; } else if ( a == b ) { a = this->crapview.getMonthNumber( this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToMonth->currentText() ); b = this->crapview.getMonthNumber( this->ui->box_StatsDay_FromMonth->currentText() ); if ( a < b ) { // month 'to' is less than 'from' aux = false; } else if ( a == b ) { a = this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToDay->currentText().toInt(); b = this->ui->box_StatsDay_FromDay->currentText().toInt(); if ( a < b ) { // day 'to' is less than 'from' aux = false; } } } } } // primary date if ( this->ui->box_StatsDay_FromYear->currentIndex() < 0 && this->ui->box_StatsDay_FromMonth->currentIndex() < 0 && this->ui->box_StatsDay_FromDay->currentIndex() < 0 ) { aux = false; } // check log field validity if ( this->ui->box_StatsDay_LogsField->currentIndex() < 0 ) { aux = false; } this->ui->button_StatsDay_Draw->setEnabled( aux); } else { // db busy this->ui->button_StatsRelat_Draw->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsDay_WebServer_currentIndexChanged(int index) { if ( this->checkDataDB() ) { this->ui->box_StatsDay_LogsField->clear(); this->ui->box_StatsDay_FromYear->clear(); this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToYear->clear(); if ( index != -1 ) { // refresh fields this->ui->box_StatsDay_LogsField->addItems( this->crapview.getFields( "Daytime" )); this->ui->box_StatsDay_LogsField->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); // refresh dates QStringList years = this->crapview.getYears( this->wsFromIndex( index ) ); this->ui->box_StatsDay_FromYear->addItems( years ); this->ui->box_StatsDay_FromYear->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); if ( this->ui->checkBox_StatsDay_Period->isChecked() ) { this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToYear->addItems( years ); this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToYear->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); } years.clear(); } } this->checkStatsDayDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsDay_LogsField_currentIndexChanged(int index) { this->ui->inLine_StatsDay_Filter->clear(); this->checkStatsDayDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsDay_FromYear_currentIndexChanged(int index) { this->ui->box_StatsDay_FromMonth->clear(); if ( index != -1 ) { this->ui->box_StatsDay_FromMonth->addItems( this->crapview.getMonths( this->wsFromIndex( this->ui->box_StatsDay_WebServer->currentIndex() ), this->ui->box_StatsDay_FromYear->currentText() ) ); this->ui->box_StatsDay_FromMonth->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); } this->checkStatsDayDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsDay_FromMonth_currentIndexChanged(int index) { this->ui->box_StatsDay_FromDay->clear(); if ( index != -1 ) { this->ui->box_StatsDay_FromDay->addItems( this->crapview.getDays( this->wsFromIndex( this->ui->box_StatsDay_WebServer->currentIndex() ), this->ui->box_StatsDay_FromYear->currentText(), this->ui->box_StatsDay_FromMonth->currentText() ) ); this->ui->box_StatsDay_FromDay->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); } this->checkStatsDayDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsDay_FromDay_currentIndexChanged(int index) { this->checkStatsDayDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_checkBox_StatsDay_Period_stateChanged(int state) { if ( state == Qt::CheckState::Checked ) { this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToYear->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToMonth->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToDay->setEnabled( true ); // add available dates this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToYear->addItems( this->crapview.getYears( this->wsFromIndex( this->ui->box_StatsDay_WebServer->currentIndex() ) ) ); this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToYear->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); } else { this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToYear->clear(); this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToYear->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToMonth->clear(); this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToMonth->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToDay->clear(); this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToDay->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsDay_ToYear_currentIndexChanged(int index) { this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToMonth->clear(); if ( index != -1 ) { this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToMonth->addItems( this->crapview.getMonths( this->wsFromIndex( this->ui->box_StatsDay_WebServer->currentIndex() ), this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToYear->currentText() ) ); this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToMonth->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); } this->checkStatsDayDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsDay_ToMonth_currentIndexChanged(int index) { this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToDay->clear(); if ( index != -1 ) { this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToDay->addItems( this->crapview.getDays( this->wsFromIndex( this->ui->box_StatsDay_WebServer->currentIndex() ), this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToYear->currentText(), this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToMonth->currentText() ) ); this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToDay->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); } this->checkStatsDayDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsDay_ToDay_currentIndexChanged(int index) { this->checkStatsDayDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_button_StatsDay_Draw_clicked() { if ( this->checkDataDB() ) { this->setDbWorkingState( true ); delete this->crapview_timer; this->crapview_timer = new QTimer(this); this->crapview_timer->setSingleShot( true ); connect(this->crapview_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(drawStatsDay())); this->crapview_timer->start(250); } } void MainWindow::drawStatsDay() { QString filter; if ( this->ui->box_StatsDay_LogsField->currentIndex() == 0 ) { filter = this->crapview.parseBooleanFilter( this->ui->inLine_StatsDay_Filter->text() ); } else if ( this->ui->box_StatsDay_LogsField->currentIndex() == 5 ) { filter = this->crapview.parseNumericFilter( this->ui->inLine_StatsDay_Filter->text() ); } else { filter = this->crapview.parseTextualFilter( this->ui->inLine_StatsDay_Filter->text() ); } this->crapview.drawDay( this->ui->chart_StatsDay, this->CHARTS_THEMES.at( this->charts_theme_id ), this->FONTS, this->wsFromIndex( this->ui->box_StatsDay_WebServer->currentIndex() ), this->ui->box_StatsDay_FromYear->currentText(), this->ui->box_StatsDay_FromMonth->currentText(), this->ui->box_StatsDay_FromDay->currentText(), ( this->ui->checkBox_StatsDay_Period->isChecked() ) ? this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToYear->currentText() : "", ( this->ui->checkBox_StatsDay_Period->isChecked() ) ? this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToMonth->currentText() : "", ( this->ui->checkBox_StatsDay_Period->isChecked() ) ? this->ui->box_StatsDay_ToDay->currentText() : "", this->ui->box_StatsDay_LogsField->currentText(), filter ); this->setDbWorkingState( false ); } //////////////////// //// RELATIONAL //// void MainWindow::checkStatsRelatDrawable() { if ( ! this->db_working ) { bool aux = true; if ( this->ui->box_StatsRelat_FromYear->currentIndex() >= 0 && this->ui->box_StatsRelat_FromMonth->currentIndex() >= 0 && this->ui->box_StatsRelat_FromDay->currentIndex() >= 0 && this->ui->box_StatsRelat_ToYear->currentIndex() >= 0 && this->ui->box_StatsRelat_ToMonth->currentIndex() >= 0 && this->ui->box_StatsRelat_ToDay->currentIndex() >= 0 ) { // check period validity int a,b; a = this->ui->box_StatsRelat_ToYear->currentText().toInt(); b = this->ui->box_StatsRelat_FromYear->currentText().toInt(); if ( a < b ) { // year 'to' is less than 'from' aux = false; } else if ( a == b ) { a = this->crapview.getMonthNumber( this->ui->box_StatsRelat_ToMonth->currentText() ); b = this->crapview.getMonthNumber( this->ui->box_StatsRelat_FromMonth->currentText() ); if ( a < b ) { // month 'to' is less than 'from' aux = false; } else if ( a == b ) { a = this->ui->box_StatsRelat_ToDay->currentText().toInt(); b = this->ui->box_StatsRelat_FromDay->currentText().toInt(); if ( a < b ) { // day 'to' is less than 'from' aux = false; } } } } else { // disable the draw button aux = false; } // check log field validity if ( this->ui->box_StatsRelat_LogsField_1->currentIndex() < 0 || this->ui->box_StatsRelat_LogsField_2->currentIndex() < 0 ) { aux = false; } this->ui->button_StatsRelat_Draw->setEnabled( aux ); } else { // db busy this->ui->button_StatsRelat_Draw->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsRelat_WebServer_currentIndexChanged(int index) { if ( this->checkDataDB() ) { this->ui->box_StatsRelat_LogsField_1->clear(); this->ui->box_StatsRelat_LogsField_2->clear(); if ( index != -1 ) { // refresh fields QStringList fields = this->crapview.getFields( "Relational" ); this->ui->box_StatsRelat_LogsField_1->addItems( fields ); this->ui->box_StatsRelat_LogsField_2->addItems( fields ); this->ui->box_StatsRelat_LogsField_1->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); this->ui->box_StatsRelat_LogsField_2->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); // refresh dates QStringList years = this->crapview.getYears( this->wsFromIndex( index ) ); // from this->ui->box_StatsRelat_FromYear->clear(); this->ui->box_StatsRelat_FromYear->addItems( years ); this->ui->box_StatsRelat_FromYear->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); // to this->ui->box_StatsRelat_ToYear->clear(); this->ui->box_StatsRelat_ToYear->addItems( years ); this->ui->box_StatsRelat_ToYear->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); years.clear(); } } this->checkStatsRelatDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsRelat_LogsField_1_currentIndexChanged(int index) { this->ui->inLine_StatsRelat_Filter_1->clear(); this->checkStatsRelatDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsRelat_LogsField_2_currentIndexChanged(int index) { this->ui->inLine_StatsRelat_Filter_2->clear(); this->checkStatsRelatDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsRelat_FromYear_currentIndexChanged(int index) { this->ui->box_StatsRelat_FromMonth->clear(); if ( index != -1 ) { this->ui->box_StatsRelat_FromMonth->addItems( this->crapview.getMonths( this->wsFromIndex( this->ui->box_StatsRelat_WebServer->currentIndex() ), this->ui->box_StatsRelat_FromYear->currentText() ) ); this->ui->box_StatsRelat_FromMonth->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); } this->checkStatsRelatDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsRelat_FromMonth_currentIndexChanged(int index) { this->ui->box_StatsRelat_FromDay->clear(); if ( index != -1 ) { this->ui->box_StatsRelat_FromDay->addItems( this->crapview.getDays( this->wsFromIndex( this->ui->box_StatsRelat_WebServer->currentIndex() ), this->ui->box_StatsRelat_FromYear->currentText(), this->ui->box_StatsRelat_FromMonth->currentText() ) ); this->ui->box_StatsRelat_FromDay->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); } this->checkStatsRelatDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsRelat_FromDay_currentIndexChanged(int index) { this->checkStatsRelatDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsRelat_ToYear_currentIndexChanged(int index) { this->ui->box_StatsRelat_ToMonth->clear(); if ( index != -1 ) { this->ui->box_StatsRelat_ToMonth->addItems( this->crapview.getMonths( this->wsFromIndex( this->ui->box_StatsRelat_WebServer->currentIndex() ), this->ui->box_StatsRelat_ToYear->currentText() ) ); this->ui->box_StatsRelat_ToMonth->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); } this->checkStatsRelatDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsRelat_ToMonth_currentIndexChanged(int index) { this->ui->box_StatsRelat_ToDay->clear(); if ( index != -1 ) { this->ui->box_StatsRelat_ToDay->addItems( this->crapview.getDays( this->wsFromIndex( this->ui->box_StatsRelat_WebServer->currentIndex() ), this->ui->box_StatsRelat_ToYear->currentText(), this->ui->box_StatsRelat_ToMonth->currentText() ) ); this->ui->box_StatsRelat_ToDay->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); } this->checkStatsRelatDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_box_StatsRelat_ToDay_currentIndexChanged(int index) { this->checkStatsRelatDrawable(); } void MainWindow::on_button_StatsRelat_Draw_clicked() { if ( this->checkDataDB() ) { this->setDbWorkingState( true ); delete this->crapview_timer; this->crapview_timer = new QTimer(this); this->crapview_timer->setSingleShot( true ); connect(this->crapview_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(drawStatsRelat())); this->crapview_timer->start(250); } } void MainWindow::drawStatsRelat() { int aux; QString filter1, filter2; aux = this->ui->box_StatsRelat_LogsField_1->currentIndex(); if ( aux == 0 ) { filter1 = this->crapview.parseBooleanFilter( this->ui->inLine_StatsRelat_Filter_1->text() ); } else if ( aux >= 5 && aux <= 8 ) { filter1 = this->crapview.parseNumericFilter( this->ui->inLine_StatsRelat_Filter_1->text() ); } else { filter1 = this->ui->inLine_StatsRelat_Filter_1->text(); } aux = this->ui->box_StatsRelat_LogsField_2->currentIndex(); if ( aux == 0 ) { filter2 = this->crapview.parseBooleanFilter( this->ui->inLine_StatsRelat_Filter_2->text() ); } else if ( aux >= 5 && aux <= 8 ) { filter2 = this->crapview.parseNumericFilter( this->ui->inLine_StatsRelat_Filter_2->text() ); } else { filter2 = this->crapview.parseTextualFilter( this->ui->inLine_StatsRelat_Filter_2->text() ); } this->crapview.drawRelat( this->ui->chart_StatsRelat, this->CHARTS_THEMES.at( this->charts_theme_id ), this->FONTS, this->wsFromIndex( this->ui->box_StatsRelat_WebServer->currentIndex() ), this->ui->box_StatsRelat_FromYear->currentText(), this->ui->box_StatsRelat_FromMonth->currentText(), this->ui->box_StatsRelat_FromDay->currentText(), this->ui->box_StatsRelat_ToYear->currentText(), this->ui->box_StatsRelat_ToMonth->currentText(), this->ui->box_StatsRelat_ToDay->currentText(), this->ui->box_StatsRelat_LogsField_1->currentText(), filter1, this->ui->box_StatsRelat_LogsField_2->currentText(), filter2 ); this->setDbWorkingState( false ); } //////////////// //// GLOBAL //// // void MainWindow::makeStatsGlobals() { if ( this->checkDataDB() ) { std::vector> recur_list; std::vector> traffic_list; std::vector> perf_list; std::vector work_list; const bool result = this->crapview.calcGlobals( recur_list, traffic_list, perf_list, work_list, this->glob_ws ); if ( result ) { this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Recur_Protocol_String->setText( std::get<0>( recur_list.at(0) ) ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Recur_Protocol_Count->setText( std::get<1>( recur_list.at(0) ) ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Recur_Method_String->setText( std::get<0>( recur_list.at(1) ) ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Recur_Method_Count->setText( std::get<1>( recur_list.at(1) ) ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Recur_URI_String->setText( std::get<0>( recur_list.at(2) ) ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Recur_URI_Count->setText( std::get<1>( recur_list.at(2) ) ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Recur_UserAgent_String->setText( std::get<0>( recur_list.at(3) ) ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Recur_UserAgent_Count->setText( std::get<1>( recur_list.at(3) ) ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Traffic_Date_String->setText( std::get<0>( traffic_list.at(0) ) ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Traffic_Date_Count->setText( std::get<1>( traffic_list.at(0) ) ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Traffic_Day_String->setText( std::get<0>( traffic_list.at(1) ) ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Traffic_Day_Count->setText( std::get<1>( traffic_list.at(1) ) ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Traffic_Hour_String->setText( std::get<0>( traffic_list.at(2) ) ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Traffic_Hour_Count->setText( std::get<1>( traffic_list.at(2) ) ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Perf_Time_Mean->setText( std::get<0>( perf_list.at(0) ) ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Perf_Time_Max->setText( std::get<1>( perf_list.at(0) ) ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Perf_Sent_Mean->setText( std::get<0>( perf_list.at(1) ) ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Perf_Sent_Max->setText( std::get<1>( perf_list.at(1) ) ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Perf_Received_Mean->setText( std::get<0>( perf_list.at(2) ) ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Perf_Received_Max->setText( std::get<1>( perf_list.at(2) ) ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Work_Req_Count->setText( work_list.at(0) ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Work_Time_Count->setText( work_list.at(1) ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Work_Sent_Count->setText( work_list.at(2) ); if ( this->glob_ws == "apache" ) { if ( this->ui->button_StatsGlob_Apache->isFlat() ) { // un-flat this->ui->button_StatsGlob_Apache->setFlat( false ); this->ui->button_StatsGlob_Nginx->setFlat( true ); this->ui->button_StatsGlob_Iis->setFlat( true ); } } else if ( this->glob_ws == "nginx" ) { if ( this->ui->button_StatsGlob_Nginx->isFlat() ) { // un-flat this->ui->button_StatsGlob_Nginx->setFlat( false ); this->ui->button_StatsGlob_Apache->setFlat( true ); this->ui->button_StatsGlob_Iis->setFlat( true ); } } else if ( this->glob_ws == "iis" ) { if ( this->ui->button_StatsGlob_Iis->isFlat() ) { // un-flat this->ui->button_StatsGlob_Iis->setFlat( false ); this->ui->button_StatsGlob_Apache->setFlat( true ); this->ui->button_StatsGlob_Nginx->setFlat( true ); } } } else { this->resetStatsGlobals(); } recur_list.clear(); traffic_list.clear(); perf_list.clear(); work_list.clear(); } else { this->resetStatsGlobals(); } // restore this->setDbWorkingState( false ); } void MainWindow::resetStatsGlobals() { this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Recur_Protocol_String->setText( "-" ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Recur_Protocol_Count->setText( "0" ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Recur_Method_String->setText( "-" ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Recur_Method_Count->setText( "0" ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Recur_URI_String->setText( "-" ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Recur_URI_Count->setText( "0" ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Recur_UserAgent_String->setText( "-" ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Recur_UserAgent_Count->setText( "0" ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Traffic_Date_String->setText( "-" ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Traffic_Date_Count->setText( "0" ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Traffic_Day_String->setText( "-" ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Traffic_Day_Count->setText( "0" ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Traffic_Hour_String->setText( "-" ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Traffic_Hour_Count->setText( "0" ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Perf_Time_Mean->setText( "-" ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Perf_Time_Max->setText( "-" ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Perf_Sent_Mean->setText( "-" ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Perf_Sent_Max->setText( "-" ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Perf_Received_Mean->setText( "-" ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Perf_Received_Max->setText( "-" ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Work_Req_Count->setText( "-" ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Work_Time_Count->setText( "-" ); this->ui->label_StatsGlob_Work_Sent_Count->setText( "-" ); if ( this->ui->button_StatsGlob_Apache->isChecked() ) { this->ui->button_StatsGlob_Apache->setChecked( false ); } else if ( this->ui->button_StatsGlob_Nginx->isChecked() ) { this->ui->button_StatsGlob_Nginx->setChecked( false ); } else if ( this->ui->button_StatsGlob_Iis->isChecked() ) { this->ui->button_StatsGlob_Iis->setChecked( false ); } } void MainWindow::globalsButtonClicked() { this->setDbWorkingState( true ); delete this->crapview_timer; this->crapview_timer = new QTimer(this); this->crapview_timer->setSingleShot( true ); connect(this->crapview_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(makeStatsGlobals())); this->crapview_timer->start(250); } void MainWindow::on_button_StatsGlob_Apache_clicked() { if ( this->checkDataDB() ) { this->glob_ws = "apache"; this->globalsButtonClicked(); } } void MainWindow::on_button_StatsGlob_Nginx_clicked() { if ( this->checkDataDB() ) { this->glob_ws = "nginx"; this->globalsButtonClicked(); } } void MainWindow::on_button_StatsGlob_Iis_clicked() { if ( this->checkDataDB() ) { this->glob_ws = "iis"; this->globalsButtonClicked(); } } ///////////////////////// //////// CONFIGS //////// ///////////////////////// ///////////////// //// GENERAL //// ///////////////// //////////////// //// WINDOW //// void MainWindow::on_checkBox_ConfWindow_Geometry_clicked(bool checked) { this->remember_window = checked; } void MainWindow::on_box_ConfWindow_Theme_currentIndexChanged(int index) { this->window_theme_id = index; this->updateUiTheme(); } ///////////////// //// DIALOGS //// void MainWindow::on_slider_ConfDialogs_General_sliderReleased() { this->dialogs_level = this->ui->slider_ConfDialogs_General->value(); } void MainWindow::on_slider_ConfDialogs_Logs_sliderReleased() { this->craplog.setDialogsLevel( this->ui->slider_ConfDialogs_Logs->value() ); } void MainWindow::on_slider_ConfDialogs_Stats_sliderReleased() { this->crapview.setDialogsLevel( this->ui->slider_ConfDialogs_Stats->value() ); } ////////////////////// //// TEXT BROWSER //// void MainWindow::on_box_ConfTextBrowser_Font_currentIndexChanged(int index) { QFont font; switch ( index ) { case 0: font = this->FONTS.at( "main" ); break; case 1: font = this->FONTS.at( "alternative" ); break; case 2: font = this->FONTS.at( "script" ); break; default: throw GenericException( "Unexpected Font index: "+std::to_string(index), true ); } this->TB.setFont( font ); this->TB.setFontFamily( this->ui->box_ConfTextBrowser_Font->currentText() ); this->crapnote->setTextFont( font ); this->ui->textBrowser_ConfTextBrowser_Preview->setFont( font ); } void MainWindow::on_checkBox_ConfTextBrowser_WideLines_clicked(bool checked) { this->TB.setWideLinesUsage( checked ); this->refreshTextBrowserPreview(); } void MainWindow::on_box_ConfTextBrowser_ColorScheme_currentIndexChanged(int index) { this->TB.setColorScheme( index, this->TB_COLOR_SCHEMES.at( index ) ); this->crapnote->setColorScheme( index ); this->refreshTextBrowserPreview(); } void MainWindow::refreshTextBrowserPreview() { QString content = ""; this->TB.makePreview( content ); this->ui->textBrowser_ConfTextBrowser_Preview->setText( content ); this->ui->textBrowser_ConfTextBrowser_Preview->setFont( this->TB.getFont() ); } //////////////// //// CHARTS //// void MainWindow::on_box_ConfCharts_Theme_currentIndexChanged(int index) { this->charts_theme_id = index; this->refreshChartsPreview(); } void MainWindow::refreshChartsPreview() { QColor col = Qt::GlobalColor::darkGreen; QBarSet *bars_1 = new QBarSet( "" ); bars_1->setColor( col ); QBarSet *bars_2 = new QBarSet( "" ); bars_2->setColor( col ); QBarSet *bars_3 = new QBarSet( "Infoes" ); bars_3->setColor( col ); QBarSet *bars_4 = new QBarSet( "" ); bars_4->setColor( col ); QBarSet *bars_5 = new QBarSet( "" ); bars_5->setColor( col ); QBarSet *bars_6 = new QBarSet( "" ); bars_6->setColor( col ); int aux, max=0; for ( int i=0; i<24; i++ ) { aux = rand() %100; *bars_1 << aux; if ( aux > max ) { max = aux; } aux = rand() %100; *bars_2 << aux; if ( aux > max ) { max = aux; } aux = rand() %100; *bars_3 << aux; if ( aux > max ) { max = aux; } aux = rand() %100; *bars_4 << aux; if ( aux > max ) { max = aux; } aux = rand() %100; *bars_5 << aux; if ( aux > max ) { max = aux; } aux = rand() %100; *bars_6 << aux; if ( aux > max ) { max = aux; } } QBarSeries *bars = new QBarSeries(); bars->append( bars_1 ); bars->append( bars_2 ); bars->append( bars_3 ); bars->append( bars_4 ); bars->append( bars_5 ); bars->append( bars_6 ); bars->setBarWidth( 1 ); QChart *t_chart = new QChart(); // apply the theme t_chart->setTheme( this->CHARTS_THEMES.at( this->charts_theme_id ) ); // add the bars t_chart->addSeries( bars ); t_chart->setTitle( "Sample preview" ); t_chart->setTitleFont( this->FONTS.at("main") ); t_chart->legend()->setFont( this->FONTS.at("main_small") ); t_chart->setAnimationOptions( QChart::SeriesAnimations ); QStringList categories; categories << "00" << "01" << "02" << "03" << "04" << "05" << "06" << "07" << "08" << "09" << "10" << "11" << "12" << "13" << "14" << "15" << "16" << "17" << "18" << "19" << "20" << "21" << "22" << "23"; QBarCategoryAxis *axisX = new QBarCategoryAxis(); axisX->append( categories ); axisX->setLabelsFont( this->FONTS.at( "main_small" ) ); t_chart->addAxis( axisX, Qt::AlignBottom ); bars->attachAxis( axisX ); QValueAxis *axisY = new QValueAxis(); axisY->setLabelFormat( "%d" ); axisY->setRange( 0, max ); axisY->setLabelsFont( this->FONTS.at( "main_small" ) ); t_chart->addAxis( axisY, Qt::AlignLeft ); bars->attachAxis( axisY) ; t_chart->legend()->setVisible( true ); t_chart->legend()->setAlignment( Qt::AlignBottom ); this->ui->chart_ConfCharts_Preview->setChart( t_chart ); this->ui->chart_ConfCharts_Preview->setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing ); } /////////////////// //// DATABASES //// // data collection void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfDatabases_Data_Path_textChanged(const QString &arg1) { if ( arg1.size() > 0 ) { std::string path = this->resolvePath( arg1.toStdString() ); if ( IOutils::checkDir( path ) ) { this->ui->icon_ConfDatabases_Data_Wrong->setVisible( false ); this->ui->button_ConfDatabases_Data_Save->setEnabled( true ); } else { this->ui->icon_ConfDatabases_Data_Wrong->setVisible( true ); this->ui->button_ConfDatabases_Data_Save->setEnabled( false ); } } else { this->ui->icon_ConfDatabases_Data_Wrong->setVisible( true ); this->ui->button_ConfDatabases_Data_Save->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfDatabases_Data_Path_returnPressed() { this->on_button_ConfDatabases_Data_Save_clicked(); } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfDatabases_Data_Save_clicked() { if ( ! this->ui->icon_ConfDatabases_Data_Wrong->isVisible() ) { // set the paths std::string path = this->resolvePath( this->ui->inLine_ConfDatabases_Data_Path->text().toStdString() ); if ( StringOps::endsWith( path, "/" ) ) { path = StringOps::rstrip( path, "/" ); } if ( ! IOutils::checkDir( path, true ) ) { DialogSec::warnDirNotReadable( nullptr ); } if ( ! IOutils::checkDir( path, false, true ) ) { DialogSec::warnDirNotWritable( nullptr ); } this->db_data_path = path; this->craplog.setStatsDatabasePath( path ); this->crapview.setDbPath( path ); this->ui->inLine_ConfDatabases_Data_Path->setText( QString::fromStdString( path ) ); } this->ui->button_ConfDatabases_Data_Save->setEnabled( false ); } // usef files hashes void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfDatabases_Hashes_Path_textChanged(const QString &arg1) { if ( arg1.size() > 0 ) { std::string path = this->resolvePath( arg1.toStdString() ); if ( IOutils::checkDir( path ) ) { this->ui->icon_ConfDatabases_Hashes_Wrong->setVisible( false ); this->ui->button_ConfDatabases_Hashes_Save->setEnabled( true ); } else { this->ui->icon_ConfDatabases_Hashes_Wrong->setVisible( true ); this->ui->button_ConfDatabases_Hashes_Save->setEnabled( false ); } } else { this->ui->icon_ConfDatabases_Hashes_Wrong->setVisible( true ); this->ui->button_ConfDatabases_Hashes_Save->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfDatabases_Hashes_Path_returnPressed() { this->on_button_ConfDatabases_Hashes_Save_clicked(); } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfDatabases_Hashes_Save_clicked() { if ( ! this->ui->icon_ConfDatabases_Hashes_Wrong->isVisible() ) { // set the paths std::string path = this->resolvePath( this->ui->inLine_ConfDatabases_Hashes_Path->text().toStdString() ); if ( StringOps::endsWith( path, "/" ) ) { path = StringOps::rstrip( path, "/" ); } if ( ! IOutils::checkDir( path, true ) ) { DialogSec::warnDirNotReadable( nullptr ); } if ( ! IOutils::checkDir( path, false, true ) ) { DialogSec::warnDirNotWritable( nullptr ); } this->db_hashes_path = path; this->craplog.setHashesDatabasePath( path ); this->ui->inLine_ConfDatabases_Hashes_Path->setText( QString::fromStdString( path ) ); } this->ui->button_ConfDatabases_Hashes_Save->setEnabled( false ); } // backups void MainWindow::on_checkBox_ConfDatabases_DoBackup_clicked(bool checked) { this->db_do_backup = checked; this->ui->spinBox_ConfDatabases_NumBackups->setEnabled( checked ); if ( checked && this->ui->spinBox_ConfDatabases_NumBackups->value() == 0 ) { this->ui->spinBox_ConfDatabases_NumBackups->setValue( 1 ); } } void MainWindow::on_spinBox_ConfDatabases_NumBackups_valueChanged(int arg1) { this->db_backups_number = arg1; if ( arg1 == 1 ) { this->ui->spinBox_ConfDatabases_NumBackups->setSuffix( " " + MainWindow::tr( "copy" ) ); } else { this->ui->spinBox_ConfDatabases_NumBackups->setSuffix( " " + MainWindow::tr( "copies" ) ); if ( arg1 == 0 ) { this->ui->checkBox_ConfDatabases_DoBackup->setChecked( false ); this->on_checkBox_ConfDatabases_DoBackup_clicked( false ); } } } ////////////// //// LOGS //// ////////////// ////////////////// //// DEFAULTS //// void MainWindow::on_radio_ConfDefaults_Apache_toggled(bool checked) { this->default_ws = this->APACHE_ID; } void MainWindow::on_radio_ConfDefaults_Nginx_toggled(bool checked) { this->default_ws = this->NGINX_ID; } void MainWindow::on_radio_ConfDefaults_Iis_toggled(bool checked) { this->default_ws = this->IIS_ID; } ///////////////// //// CONTROL //// void MainWindow::on_checkBox_ConfControl_Usage_clicked(bool checked) { this->hide_used_files = checked; } void MainWindow::on_checkBox_ConfControl_Size_clicked(bool checked) { if ( ! checked ) { // disable size warning this->ui->spinBox_ConfControl_Size->setEnabled( false ); this->craplog.setWarningSize( 0 ); } else { // enable warning this->ui->spinBox_ConfControl_Size->setEnabled( true ); this->craplog.setWarningSize( (this->ui->spinBox_ConfControl_Size->value() * 1'048'576) +1 ); } } void MainWindow::on_spinBox_ConfControl_Size_editingFinished() { this->craplog.setWarningSize( (this->ui->spinBox_ConfControl_Size->value() * 1'048'576) +1 ); } //////////////// //// APACHE //// // paths void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfApache_Path_String_textChanged(const QString &arg1) { if ( arg1.size() > 0 ) { std::string path = this->resolvePath( arg1.toStdString() ); if ( IOutils::checkDir( path ) ) { this->ui->icon_ConfApache_Path_Wrong->setVisible( false ); this->ui->button_ConfApache_Path_Save->setEnabled( true ); } else { this->ui->icon_ConfApache_Path_Wrong->setVisible( true ); this->ui->button_ConfApache_Path_Save->setEnabled( false ); } } else { this->ui->icon_ConfApache_Path_Wrong->setVisible( true ); this->ui->button_ConfApache_Path_Save->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfApache_Path_String_returnPressed() { this->on_button_ConfApache_Path_Save_clicked(); } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfApache_Path_Save_clicked() { if ( ! this->ui->icon_ConfApache_Path_Wrong->isVisible() ) { // set the paths std::string path = this->resolvePath( this->ui->inLine_ConfApache_Path_String->text().toStdString() ); if ( StringOps::endsWith( path, "/" ) ) { path = StringOps::rstrip( path, "/" ); } if ( ! IOutils::checkDir( path, true ) ) { DialogSec::warnDirNotReadable( nullptr ); } this->craplog.setLogsPath( this->APACHE_ID, path ); this->ui->inLine_ConfApache_Path_String->setText( QString::fromStdString( path ) ); } this->ui->button_ConfApache_Path_Save->setEnabled( false ); } // formats void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfApache_Format_String_cursorPositionChanged(int arg1, int arg2) { if ( arg2 > 0 ) { this->ui->button_ConfApache_Format_Save->setEnabled( true ); } else { this->ui->button_ConfApache_Format_Save->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfApache_Format_String_returnPressed() { if ( this->ui->button_ConfApache_Format_Save->isEnabled() ) { this->on_button_ConfApache_Format_Save_clicked(); } } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfApache_Format_Save_clicked() { const bool success = this->craplog.setApacheLogFormat( this->ui->inLine_ConfApache_Format_String->text().toStdString() ); if ( success ) { this->ui->button_ConfApache_Format_Save->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfApache_Format_Sample_clicked() { this->ui->preview_ConfApache_Format_Sample->setText( this->craplog.getLogsFormatSample( this->APACHE_ID ) ); } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfApache_Format_Help_clicked() { this->showHelp( "apache_format" ); } // warnlists void MainWindow::on_box_ConfApache_Warnlist_Field_currentTextChanged(const QString &arg1) { if ( arg1.size() > 0 ) { this->ui->inLine_ConfApache_Warnlist_String->clear(); this->ui->list_ConfApache_Warnlist_List->clear(); // update the list const std::vector& list = this->craplog.getWarnlist( this->APACHE_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( arg1 ) ); for ( const std::string& item : list ) { this->ui->list_ConfApache_Warnlist_List->addItem( QString::fromStdString( item ) ); } // check/uncheck the usage option const bool used = this->craplog.isWarnlistUsed( this->APACHE_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfApache_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ) ); this->ui->checkBox_ConfApache_Warnlist_Used->setChecked( used ); this->on_checkBox_ConfApache_Warnlist_Used_clicked( used ); } } void MainWindow::on_checkBox_ConfApache_Warnlist_Used_clicked(bool checked) { this->craplog.setWarnlistUsed( this->APACHE_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfApache_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ), checked ); if ( checked ) { this->ui->inLine_ConfApache_Warnlist_String->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->list_ConfApache_Warnlist_List->setEnabled( true ); } else { this->ui->inLine_ConfApache_Warnlist_String->clear(); this->ui->inLine_ConfApache_Warnlist_String->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->list_ConfApache_Warnlist_List->clearSelection(); this->ui->list_ConfApache_Warnlist_List->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfApache_Warnlist_String_cursorPositionChanged(int arg1, int arg2) { if ( arg2 > 0 ) { this->ui->button_ConfApache_Warnlist_Add->setEnabled( true ); } else { this->ui->button_ConfApache_Warnlist_Add->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfApache_Warnlist_String_returnPressed() { this->on_button_ConfApache_Warnlist_Add_clicked(); } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfApache_Warnlist_Add_clicked() { const QString& item = this->ui->inLine_ConfApache_Warnlist_String->text(); if ( this->ui->list_ConfApache_Warnlist_List->findItems( item, Qt::MatchFlag::MatchCaseSensitive ).size() == 0 ) { // not in the list yet, append try { this->craplog.warnlistAdd( this->APACHE_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfApache_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ), item.toStdString() ); this->ui->list_ConfApache_Warnlist_List->addItem( item ); } catch ( const BWlistException ) { DialogSec::warnInvalidItemBW(); return; } } // select the item in the list, in both cases it was already in or it has been just inserted this->ui->list_ConfApache_Warnlist_List->clearSelection(); this->ui->list_ConfApache_Warnlist_List->findItems( item, Qt::MatchFlag::MatchCaseSensitive ).at(0)->setSelected( true ); this->ui->inLine_ConfApache_Warnlist_String->clear(); } void MainWindow::on_list_ConfApache_Warnlist_List_itemSelectionChanged() { if ( this->ui->list_ConfApache_Warnlist_List->selectedItems().size() == 1 ) { this->ui->button_ConfApache_Warnlist_Remove->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->button_ConfApache_Warnlist_Up->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->button_ConfApache_Warnlist_Down->setEnabled( true ); // polishing const auto& item = this->ui->list_ConfApache_Warnlist_List->selectedItems().at(0); const int max = this->ui->list_ConfApache_Warnlist_List->count() -1; if ( max == 0 ) { this->ui->button_ConfApache_Warnlist_Up->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_ConfApache_Warnlist_Down->setEnabled( false ); } else { for ( int i=0; i<=max; i++ ) { if ( this->ui->list_ConfApache_Warnlist_List->item(i) == item ) { if ( i == 0 ) { this->ui->button_ConfApache_Warnlist_Up->setEnabled( false ); } else if ( i == max ) { this->ui->button_ConfApache_Warnlist_Down->setEnabled( false ); } } } } } else { this->ui->button_ConfApache_Warnlist_Remove->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_ConfApache_Warnlist_Up->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_ConfApache_Warnlist_Down->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfApache_Warnlist_Remove_clicked() { const auto& item = this->ui->list_ConfApache_Warnlist_List->selectedItems().at(0); this->craplog.warnlistRemove( this->APACHE_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfApache_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ), item->text().toStdString() ); // refresh the list this->on_box_ConfApache_Warnlist_Field_currentTextChanged( this->ui->box_ConfApache_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ); } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfApache_Warnlist_Up_clicked() { const auto& item = this->ui->list_ConfApache_Warnlist_List->selectedItems().at(0); const int i = this->craplog.warnlistMoveUp( this->APACHE_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfApache_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ), item->text().toStdString() ); // refresh the list this->on_box_ConfApache_Warnlist_Field_currentTextChanged( this->ui->box_ConfApache_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ); // re-select the item this->ui->list_ConfApache_Warnlist_List->item( i )->setSelected( true ); this->ui->list_ConfApache_Warnlist_List->setFocus(); } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfApache_Warnlist_Down_clicked() { const auto& item = this->ui->list_ConfApache_Warnlist_List->selectedItems().at(0); const int i = this->craplog.warnlistMoveDown( this->APACHE_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfApache_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ), item->text().toStdString() ); // refresh the list this->on_box_ConfApache_Warnlist_Field_currentTextChanged( this->ui->box_ConfApache_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ); // re-select the item this->ui->list_ConfApache_Warnlist_List->item( i )->setSelected( true ); this->ui->list_ConfApache_Warnlist_List->setFocus(); } // blacklist void MainWindow::on_box_ConfApache_Blacklist_Field_currentTextChanged(const QString &arg1) { if ( arg1.size() > 0 ) { this->ui->inLine_ConfApache_Blacklist_String->clear(); this->ui->list_ConfApache_Blacklist_List->clear(); // update the list const std::vector& list = this->craplog.getBlacklist( this->APACHE_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( arg1 ) ); for ( const std::string& item : list ) { this->ui->list_ConfApache_Blacklist_List->addItem( QString::fromStdString( item ) ); } // check/uncheck the usage option bool used = this->craplog.isBlacklistUsed( this->APACHE_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfApache_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ) ); this->ui->checkBox_ConfApache_Blacklist_Used->setChecked( used ); this->on_checkBox_ConfApache_Blacklist_Used_clicked( used ); } } void MainWindow::on_checkBox_ConfApache_Blacklist_Used_clicked(bool checked) { this->craplog.setBlacklistUsed( this->APACHE_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfApache_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ), checked ); if ( checked ) { this->ui->inLine_ConfApache_Blacklist_String->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->list_ConfApache_Blacklist_List->setEnabled( true ); } else { this->ui->inLine_ConfApache_Blacklist_String->clear(); this->ui->inLine_ConfApache_Blacklist_String->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->list_ConfApache_Blacklist_List->clearSelection(); this->ui->list_ConfApache_Blacklist_List->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfApache_Blacklist_String_cursorPositionChanged(int arg1, int arg2) { if ( arg2 > 0 ) { this->ui->button_ConfApache_Blacklist_Add->setEnabled( true ); } else { this->ui->button_ConfApache_Blacklist_Add->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfApache_Blacklist_String_returnPressed() { this->on_button_ConfApache_Blacklist_Add_clicked(); } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfApache_Blacklist_Add_clicked() { const QString& item = this->ui->inLine_ConfApache_Blacklist_String->text(); if ( this->ui->list_ConfApache_Blacklist_List->findItems( item, Qt::MatchFlag::MatchCaseSensitive ).size() == 0 ) { // not in the list yet, append try { this->craplog.blacklistAdd( this->APACHE_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfApache_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ), item.toStdString() ); this->ui->list_ConfApache_Blacklist_List->addItem( item ); } catch ( const BWlistException ) { DialogSec::warnInvalidItemBW(); return; } } // select the item in the list, in both cases it was already in or it has been just inserted this->ui->list_ConfApache_Blacklist_List->clearSelection(); this->ui->list_ConfApache_Blacklist_List->findItems( item, Qt::MatchFlag::MatchCaseSensitive ).at(0)->setSelected( true ); this->ui->inLine_ConfApache_Blacklist_String->clear(); } void MainWindow::on_list_ConfApache_Blacklist_List_itemSelectionChanged() { if ( this->ui->list_ConfApache_Blacklist_List->selectedItems().size() == 1 ) { this->ui->button_ConfApache_Blacklist_Remove->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->button_ConfApache_Blacklist_Up->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->button_ConfApache_Blacklist_Down->setEnabled( true ); // polishing const auto& item = this->ui->list_ConfApache_Blacklist_List->selectedItems().at(0); const int max = this->ui->list_ConfApache_Blacklist_List->count() -1; if ( max == 0 ) { this->ui->button_ConfApache_Blacklist_Up->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_ConfApache_Blacklist_Down->setEnabled( false ); } else { for ( int i=0; i<=max; i++ ) { if ( this->ui->list_ConfApache_Blacklist_List->item(i) == item ) { if ( i == 0 ) { this->ui->button_ConfApache_Blacklist_Up->setEnabled( false ); } else if ( i == max ) { this->ui->button_ConfApache_Blacklist_Down->setEnabled( false ); } } } } } else { this->ui->button_ConfApache_Blacklist_Remove->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_ConfApache_Blacklist_Up->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_ConfApache_Blacklist_Down->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfApache_Blacklist_Remove_clicked() { const auto& item = this->ui->list_ConfApache_Blacklist_List->selectedItems().at(0); this->craplog.blacklistRemove( this->APACHE_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfApache_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ), item->text().toStdString() ); // refresh the list this->on_box_ConfApache_Blacklist_Field_currentTextChanged( this->ui->box_ConfApache_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ); } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfApache_Blacklist_Up_clicked() { const auto& item = this->ui->list_ConfApache_Blacklist_List->selectedItems().at(0); const int i = this->craplog.blacklistMoveUp( this->APACHE_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfApache_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ), item->text().toStdString() ); // refresh the list this->on_box_ConfApache_Blacklist_Field_currentTextChanged( this->ui->box_ConfApache_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ); // re-select the item this->ui->list_ConfApache_Blacklist_List->item( i )->setSelected( true ); this->ui->list_ConfApache_Blacklist_List->setFocus(); } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfApache_Blacklist_Down_clicked() { const auto& item = this->ui->list_ConfApache_Blacklist_List->selectedItems().at(0); const int i = this->craplog.blacklistMoveDown( this->APACHE_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfApache_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ), item->text().toStdString() ); // refresh the list this->on_box_ConfApache_Blacklist_Field_currentTextChanged( this->ui->box_ConfApache_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ); // re-select the item this->ui->list_ConfApache_Blacklist_List->item( i )->setSelected( true ); this->ui->list_ConfApache_Blacklist_List->setFocus(); } //////////////// //// NGINX //// // paths void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfNginx_Path_String_textChanged(const QString &arg1) { if ( arg1.size() > 0 ) { std::string path = this->resolvePath( arg1.toStdString() ); if ( IOutils::checkDir( path ) ) { this->ui->icon_ConfNginx_Path_Wrong->setVisible( false ); this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Path_Save->setEnabled( true ); } else { this->ui->icon_ConfNginx_Path_Wrong->setVisible( true ); this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Path_Save->setEnabled( false ); } } else { this->ui->icon_ConfNginx_Path_Wrong->setVisible( true ); this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Path_Save->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfNginx_Path_String_returnPressed() { this->on_button_ConfNginx_Path_Save_clicked(); } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfNginx_Path_Save_clicked() { if ( ! this->ui->icon_ConfNginx_Path_Wrong->isVisible() ) { // set the paths std::string path = this->resolvePath( this->ui->inLine_ConfNginx_Path_String->text().toStdString() ); if ( StringOps::endsWith( path, "/" ) ) { path = StringOps::rstrip( path, "/" ); } if ( ! IOutils::checkDir( path, true ) ) { DialogSec::warnDirNotReadable( nullptr ); } this->craplog.setLogsPath( this->NGINX_ID, path ); this->ui->inLine_ConfNginx_Path_String->setText( QString::fromStdString( path ) ); } this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Path_Save->setEnabled( false ); } // formats void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfNginx_Format_String_cursorPositionChanged(int arg1, int arg2) { if ( arg2 > 0 ) { this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Format_Save->setEnabled( true ); } else { this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Format_Save->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfNginx_Format_String_returnPressed() { if ( this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Format_Save->isEnabled() ) { this->on_button_ConfNginx_Format_Save_clicked(); } } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfNginx_Format_Save_clicked() { const bool success = this->craplog.setNginxLogFormat( this->ui->inLine_ConfNginx_Format_String->text().toStdString() ); if ( success ) { this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Format_Save->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfNginx_Format_Sample_clicked() { this->ui->preview_ConfNginx_Format_Sample->setText( this->craplog.getLogsFormatSample( this->NGINX_ID ) ); } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfNginx_Format_Help_clicked() { this->showHelp( "nginx_format" ); } // warnlists void MainWindow::on_box_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Field_currentTextChanged(const QString &arg1) { if ( arg1.size() > 0 ) { this->ui->inLine_ConfNginx_Warnlist_String->clear(); this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Warnlist_List->clear(); // update the list const std::vector& list = this->craplog.getWarnlist( this->NGINX_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( arg1 ) ); for ( const std::string& item : list ) { this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Warnlist_List->addItem( QString::fromStdString( item ) ); } // check/uncheck the usage option const bool used = this->craplog.isWarnlistUsed( this->NGINX_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ) ); this->ui->checkBox_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Used->setChecked( used ); this->on_checkBox_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Used_clicked( used ); } } void MainWindow::on_checkBox_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Used_clicked(bool checked) { this->craplog.setWarnlistUsed( this->NGINX_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ), checked ); if ( checked ) { this->ui->inLine_ConfNginx_Warnlist_String->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Warnlist_List->setEnabled( true ); } else { this->ui->inLine_ConfNginx_Warnlist_String->clear(); this->ui->inLine_ConfNginx_Warnlist_String->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Warnlist_List->clearSelection(); this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Warnlist_List->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfNginx_Warnlist_String_cursorPositionChanged(int arg1, int arg2) { if ( arg2 > 0 ) { this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Add->setEnabled( true ); } else { this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Add->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfNginx_Warnlist_String_returnPressed() { this->on_button_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Add_clicked(); } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Add_clicked() { const QString& item = this->ui->inLine_ConfNginx_Warnlist_String->text(); if ( this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Warnlist_List->findItems( item, Qt::MatchFlag::MatchCaseSensitive ).size() == 0 ) { // not in the list yet, append try { this->craplog.warnlistAdd( this->NGINX_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ), item.toStdString() ); this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Warnlist_List->addItem( item ); } catch ( const BWlistException ) { DialogSec::warnInvalidItemBW(); return; } } // select the item in the list, in both cases it was already in or it has been just inserted this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Warnlist_List->clearSelection(); this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Warnlist_List->findItems( item, Qt::MatchFlag::MatchCaseSensitive ).at(0)->setSelected( true ); this->ui->inLine_ConfNginx_Warnlist_String->clear(); } void MainWindow::on_list_ConfNginx_Warnlist_List_itemSelectionChanged() { if ( this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Warnlist_List->selectedItems().size() == 1 ) { this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Remove->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Up->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Down->setEnabled( true ); // polishing const auto& item = this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Warnlist_List->selectedItems().at(0); const int max = this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Warnlist_List->count() -1; if ( max == 0 ) { this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Up->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Down->setEnabled( false ); } else { for ( int i=0; i<=max; i++ ) { if ( this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Warnlist_List->item(i) == item ) { if ( i == 0 ) { this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Up->setEnabled( false ); } else if ( i == max ) { this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Down->setEnabled( false ); } } } } } else { this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Remove->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Up->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Down->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Remove_clicked() { const auto& item = this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Warnlist_List->selectedItems().at(0); this->craplog.warnlistRemove( this->NGINX_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ), item->text().toStdString() ); // refresh the list this->on_box_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Field_currentTextChanged( this->ui->box_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ); } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Up_clicked() { const auto& item = this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Warnlist_List->selectedItems().at(0); const int i = this->craplog.warnlistMoveUp( this->NGINX_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ), item->text().toStdString() ); // refresh the list this->on_box_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Field_currentTextChanged( this->ui->box_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ); // re-select the item this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Warnlist_List->item( i )->setSelected( true ); this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Warnlist_List->setFocus(); } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Down_clicked() { const auto& item = this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Warnlist_List->selectedItems().at(0); const int i = this->craplog.warnlistMoveDown( this->NGINX_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ), item->text().toStdString() ); // refresh the list this->on_box_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Field_currentTextChanged( this->ui->box_ConfNginx_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ); // re-select the item this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Warnlist_List->item( i )->setSelected( true ); this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Warnlist_List->setFocus(); } // blacklist void MainWindow::on_box_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Field_currentTextChanged(const QString &arg1) { if ( arg1.size() > 0 ) { this->ui->inLine_ConfNginx_Blacklist_String->clear(); this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Blacklist_List->clear(); // update the list const std::vector& list = this->craplog.getBlacklist( this->NGINX_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( arg1 ) ); for ( const std::string& item : list ) { this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Blacklist_List->addItem( QString::fromStdString( item ) ); } // check/uncheck the usage option bool used = this->craplog.isBlacklistUsed( this->NGINX_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ) ); this->ui->checkBox_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Used->setChecked( used ); this->on_checkBox_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Used_clicked( used ); } } void MainWindow::on_checkBox_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Used_clicked(bool checked) { this->craplog.setBlacklistUsed( this->NGINX_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ), checked ); if ( checked ) { this->ui->inLine_ConfNginx_Blacklist_String->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Blacklist_List->setEnabled( true ); } else { this->ui->inLine_ConfNginx_Blacklist_String->clear(); this->ui->inLine_ConfNginx_Blacklist_String->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Blacklist_List->clearSelection(); this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Blacklist_List->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfNginx_Blacklist_String_cursorPositionChanged(int arg1, int arg2) { if ( arg2 > 0 ) { this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Add->setEnabled( true ); } else { this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Add->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfNginx_Blacklist_String_returnPressed() { this->on_button_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Add_clicked(); } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Add_clicked() { const QString& item = this->ui->inLine_ConfNginx_Blacklist_String->text(); if ( this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Blacklist_List->findItems( item, Qt::MatchFlag::MatchCaseSensitive ).size() == 0 ) { // not in the list yet, append try { this->craplog.blacklistAdd( this->NGINX_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ), item.toStdString() ); this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Blacklist_List->addItem( item ); } catch ( const BWlistException ) { DialogSec::warnInvalidItemBW(); return; } } // select the item in the list, in both cases it was already in or it has been just inserted this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Blacklist_List->clearSelection(); this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Blacklist_List->findItems( item, Qt::MatchFlag::MatchCaseSensitive ).at(0)->setSelected( true ); this->ui->inLine_ConfNginx_Blacklist_String->clear(); } void MainWindow::on_list_ConfNginx_Blacklist_List_itemSelectionChanged() { if ( this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Blacklist_List->selectedItems().size() == 1 ) { this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Remove->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Up->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Down->setEnabled( true ); // polishing const auto& item = this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Blacklist_List->selectedItems().at(0); const int max = this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Blacklist_List->count() -1; if ( max == 0 ) { this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Up->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Down->setEnabled( false ); } else { for ( int i=0; i<=max; i++ ) { if ( this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Blacklist_List->item(i) == item ) { if ( i == 0 ) { this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Up->setEnabled( false ); } else if ( i == max ) { this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Down->setEnabled( false ); } } } } } else { this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Remove->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Up->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Down->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Remove_clicked() { const auto& item = this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Blacklist_List->selectedItems().at(0); this->craplog.blacklistRemove( this->NGINX_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ), item->text().toStdString() ); // refresh the list this->on_box_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Field_currentTextChanged( this->ui->box_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ); } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Up_clicked() { const auto& item = this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Blacklist_List->selectedItems().at(0); const int i = this->craplog.blacklistMoveUp( this->NGINX_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ), item->text().toStdString() ); // refresh the list this->on_box_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Field_currentTextChanged( this->ui->box_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ); // re-select the item this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Blacklist_List->item( i )->setSelected( true ); this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Blacklist_List->setFocus(); } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Down_clicked() { const auto& item = this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Blacklist_List->selectedItems().at(0); const int i = this->craplog.blacklistMoveDown( this->NGINX_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ), item->text().toStdString() ); // refresh the list this->on_box_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Field_currentTextChanged( this->ui->box_ConfNginx_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ); // re-select the item this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Blacklist_List->item( i )->setSelected( true ); this->ui->list_ConfNginx_Blacklist_List->setFocus(); } //////////////// //// IIS //// // paths void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfIis_Path_String_textChanged(const QString &arg1) { if ( arg1.size() > 0 ) { std::string path = this->resolvePath( arg1.toStdString() ); if ( IOutils::checkDir( path ) ) { this->ui->icon_ConfIis_Path_Wrong->setVisible( false ); this->ui->button_ConfIis_Path_Save->setEnabled( true ); } else { this->ui->icon_ConfIis_Path_Wrong->setVisible( true ); this->ui->button_ConfIis_Path_Save->setEnabled( false ); } } else { this->ui->icon_ConfIis_Path_Wrong->setVisible( true ); this->ui->button_ConfIis_Path_Save->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfIis_Path_String_returnPressed() { this->on_button_ConfIis_Path_Save_clicked(); } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfIis_Path_Save_clicked() { if ( ! this->ui->icon_ConfIis_Path_Wrong->isVisible() ) { // set the paths std::string path = this->resolvePath( this->ui->inLine_ConfIis_Path_String->text().toStdString() ); if ( StringOps::endsWith( path, "/" ) ) { path = StringOps::rstrip( path, "/" ); } if ( ! IOutils::checkDir( path, true ) ) { DialogSec::warnDirNotReadable( nullptr ); } this->craplog.setLogsPath( this->IIS_ID, path ); this->ui->inLine_ConfIis_Path_String->setText( QString::fromStdString( path ) ); } this->ui->button_ConfIis_Path_Save->setEnabled( false ); } // formats const int MainWindow::getIisLogsModule() { int module = 0; if ( this->ui->radio_ConfIis_Format_NCSA->isChecked() ) { module = 1; } else if ( this->ui->radio_ConfIis_Format_IIS->isChecked() ) { module = 2; } return module; } void MainWindow::on_radio_ConfIis_Format_W3C_toggled(bool checked) { if ( checked ) { const bool success = this->craplog.setIisLogFormat( "", 0 ); if ( success ) { this->ui->inLine_ConfIis_Format_String->clear(); this->ui->inLine_ConfIis_Format_String->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->inLine_ConfIis_Format_String->setFocus(); } } } void MainWindow::on_radio_ConfIis_Format_NCSA_toggled(bool checked) { if ( checked ) { const bool success = this->craplog.setIisLogFormat( "c-ip s-sitename s-computername [date:time] sc-status sc-bytes", 1 ); if ( success ) { this->ui->inLine_ConfIis_Format_String->clear(); this->ui->inLine_ConfIis_Format_String->setText( QString::fromStdString( this->craplog.getLogsFormatString( this->IIS_ID ) ) ); this->ui->inLine_ConfIis_Format_String->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_ConfIis_Format_Save->setEnabled( false ); } } } void MainWindow::on_radio_ConfIis_Format_IIS_toggled(bool checked) { if ( checked ) { const bool success = this->craplog.setIisLogFormat( "c-ip, cs-username, date, time, s-sitename, s-computername, s-ip, time-taken, cs-bytes, sc-bytes, sc-status, sc-win32-status, cs-method, cs-uri-stem, cs-uri-query,", 2 ); if ( success ) { this->ui->inLine_ConfIis_Format_String->clear(); this->ui->inLine_ConfIis_Format_String->setText( QString::fromStdString( this->craplog.getLogsFormatString( this->IIS_ID ) ) ); this->ui->inLine_ConfIis_Format_String->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_ConfIis_Format_Save->setEnabled( false ); } } } void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfIis_Format_String_cursorPositionChanged(int arg1, int arg2) { if ( arg2 > 0 ) { this->ui->button_ConfIis_Format_Save->setEnabled( true ); } else { this->ui->button_ConfIis_Format_Save->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfIis_Format_String_returnPressed() { if ( this->ui->button_ConfIis_Format_Save->isEnabled() ) { this->on_button_ConfIis_Format_Save_clicked(); } } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfIis_Format_Save_clicked() { const bool success = this->craplog.setIisLogFormat( StringOps::strip( this->ui->inLine_ConfIis_Format_String->text().toStdString() ), this->getIisLogsModule() ); if ( success ) { this->ui->button_ConfIis_Format_Save->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfIis_Format_Sample_clicked() { this->ui->preview_ConfIis_Format_Sample->setText( this->craplog.getLogsFormatSample( this->IIS_ID ) ); } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfIis_Format_Help_clicked() { this->showHelp( "iis_format" ); } // warnlists void MainWindow::on_box_ConfIis_Warnlist_Field_currentTextChanged(const QString &arg1) { if ( arg1.size() > 0 ) { this->ui->inLine_ConfIis_Warnlist_String->clear(); this->ui->list_ConfIis_Warnlist_List->clear(); // update the list const std::vector& list = this->craplog.getWarnlist( this->IIS_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( arg1 ) ); for ( const std::string& item : list ) { this->ui->list_ConfIis_Warnlist_List->addItem( QString::fromStdString( item ) ); } // check/uncheck the usage option const bool used = this->craplog.isWarnlistUsed( this->IIS_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfIis_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ) ); this->ui->checkBox_ConfIis_Warnlist_Used->setChecked( used ); this->on_checkBox_ConfIis_Warnlist_Used_clicked( used ); } } void MainWindow::on_checkBox_ConfIis_Warnlist_Used_clicked(bool checked) { this->craplog.setWarnlistUsed( this->IIS_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfIis_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ), checked ); if ( checked ) { this->ui->inLine_ConfIis_Warnlist_String->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->list_ConfIis_Warnlist_List->setEnabled( true ); } else { this->ui->inLine_ConfIis_Warnlist_String->clear(); this->ui->inLine_ConfIis_Warnlist_String->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->list_ConfIis_Warnlist_List->clearSelection(); this->ui->list_ConfIis_Warnlist_List->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfIis_Warnlist_String_cursorPositionChanged(int arg1, int arg2) { if ( arg2 > 0 ) { this->ui->button_ConfIis_Warnlist_Add->setEnabled( true ); } else { this->ui->button_ConfIis_Warnlist_Add->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfIis_Warnlist_String_returnPressed() { this->on_button_ConfIis_Warnlist_Add_clicked(); } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfIis_Warnlist_Add_clicked() { const QString& item = this->ui->inLine_ConfIis_Warnlist_String->text(); if ( this->ui->list_ConfIis_Warnlist_List->findItems( item, Qt::MatchFlag::MatchCaseSensitive ).size() == 0 ) { // not in the list yet, append try { this->craplog.warnlistAdd( this->IIS_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfIis_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ), item.toStdString() ); this->ui->list_ConfIis_Warnlist_List->addItem( item ); } catch ( const BWlistException ) { DialogSec::warnInvalidItemBW(); return; } } // select the item in the list, in both cases it was already in or it has been just inserted this->ui->list_ConfIis_Warnlist_List->clearSelection(); this->ui->list_ConfIis_Warnlist_List->findItems( item, Qt::MatchFlag::MatchCaseSensitive ).at(0)->setSelected( true ); this->ui->inLine_ConfIis_Warnlist_String->clear(); } void MainWindow::on_list_ConfIis_Warnlist_List_itemSelectionChanged() { if ( this->ui->list_ConfIis_Warnlist_List->selectedItems().size() == 1 ) { this->ui->button_ConfIis_Warnlist_Remove->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->button_ConfIis_Warnlist_Up->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->button_ConfIis_Warnlist_Down->setEnabled( true ); // polishing const auto& item = this->ui->list_ConfIis_Warnlist_List->selectedItems().at(0); const int max = this->ui->list_ConfIis_Warnlist_List->count() -1; if ( max == 0 ) { this->ui->button_ConfIis_Warnlist_Up->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_ConfIis_Warnlist_Down->setEnabled( false ); } else { for ( int i=0; i<=max; i++ ) { if ( this->ui->list_ConfIis_Warnlist_List->item(i) == item ) { if ( i == 0 ) { this->ui->button_ConfIis_Warnlist_Up->setEnabled( false ); } else if ( i == max ) { this->ui->button_ConfIis_Warnlist_Down->setEnabled( false ); } } } } } else { this->ui->button_ConfIis_Warnlist_Remove->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_ConfIis_Warnlist_Up->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_ConfIis_Warnlist_Down->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfIis_Warnlist_Remove_clicked() { const auto& item = this->ui->list_ConfIis_Warnlist_List->selectedItems().at(0); this->craplog.warnlistRemove( this->IIS_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfIis_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ), item->text().toStdString() ); // refresh the list this->on_box_ConfIis_Warnlist_Field_currentTextChanged( this->ui->box_ConfIis_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ); } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfIis_Warnlist_Up_clicked() { const auto& item = this->ui->list_ConfIis_Warnlist_List->selectedItems().at(0); const int i = this->craplog.warnlistMoveUp( this->IIS_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfIis_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ), item->text().toStdString() ); // refresh the list this->on_box_ConfIis_Warnlist_Field_currentTextChanged( this->ui->box_ConfIis_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ); // re-select the item this->ui->list_ConfIis_Warnlist_List->item( i )->setSelected( true ); this->ui->list_ConfIis_Warnlist_List->setFocus(); } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfIis_Warnlist_Down_clicked() { const auto& item = this->ui->list_ConfIis_Warnlist_List->selectedItems().at(0); const int i = this->craplog.warnlistMoveDown( this->IIS_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfIis_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ), item->text().toStdString() ); // refresh the list this->on_box_ConfIis_Warnlist_Field_currentTextChanged( this->ui->box_ConfIis_Warnlist_Field->currentText() ); // re-select the item this->ui->list_ConfIis_Warnlist_List->item( i )->setSelected( true ); this->ui->list_ConfIis_Warnlist_List->setFocus(); } // blacklist void MainWindow::on_box_ConfIis_Blacklist_Field_currentTextChanged(const QString &arg1) { if ( arg1.size() > 0 ) { this->ui->inLine_ConfIis_Blacklist_String->clear(); this->ui->list_ConfIis_Blacklist_List->clear(); // update the list const std::vector& list = this->craplog.getBlacklist( this->IIS_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( arg1 ) ); for ( const std::string& item : list ) { this->ui->list_ConfIis_Blacklist_List->addItem( QString::fromStdString( item ) ); } // check/uncheck the usage option bool used = this->craplog.isBlacklistUsed( this->IIS_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfIis_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ) ); this->ui->checkBox_ConfIis_Blacklist_Used->setChecked( used ); this->on_checkBox_ConfIis_Blacklist_Used_clicked( used ); } } void MainWindow::on_checkBox_ConfIis_Blacklist_Used_clicked(bool checked) { this->craplog.setBlacklistUsed( this->IIS_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfIis_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ), checked ); if ( checked ) { this->ui->inLine_ConfIis_Blacklist_String->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->list_ConfIis_Blacklist_List->setEnabled( true ); } else { this->ui->inLine_ConfIis_Blacklist_String->clear(); this->ui->inLine_ConfIis_Blacklist_String->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->list_ConfIis_Blacklist_List->clearSelection(); this->ui->list_ConfIis_Blacklist_List->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfIis_Blacklist_String_cursorPositionChanged(int arg1, int arg2) { if ( arg2 > 0 ) { this->ui->button_ConfIis_Blacklist_Add->setEnabled( true ); } else { this->ui->button_ConfIis_Blacklist_Add->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_inLine_ConfIis_Blacklist_String_returnPressed() { this->on_button_ConfIis_Blacklist_Add_clicked(); } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfIis_Blacklist_Add_clicked() { const QString& item = this->ui->inLine_ConfIis_Blacklist_String->text(); if ( this->ui->list_ConfIis_Blacklist_List->findItems( item, Qt::MatchFlag::MatchCaseSensitive ).size() == 0 ) { // not in the list yet, append try { this->craplog.blacklistAdd( this->IIS_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfIis_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ), item.toStdString() ); this->ui->list_ConfIis_Blacklist_List->addItem( item ); } catch ( const BWlistException ) { DialogSec::warnInvalidItemBW(); return; } } // select the item in the list, in both cases it was already in or it has been just inserted this->ui->list_ConfIis_Blacklist_List->clearSelection(); this->ui->list_ConfIis_Blacklist_List->findItems( item, Qt::MatchFlag::MatchCaseSensitive ).at(0)->setSelected( true ); this->ui->inLine_ConfIis_Blacklist_String->clear(); } void MainWindow::on_list_ConfIis_Blacklist_List_itemSelectionChanged() { if ( this->ui->list_ConfIis_Blacklist_List->selectedItems().size() == 1 ) { this->ui->button_ConfIis_Blacklist_Remove->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->button_ConfIis_Blacklist_Up->setEnabled( true ); this->ui->button_ConfIis_Blacklist_Down->setEnabled( true ); // polishing const auto& item = this->ui->list_ConfIis_Blacklist_List->selectedItems().at(0); const int max = this->ui->list_ConfIis_Blacklist_List->count() -1; if ( max == 0 ) { this->ui->button_ConfIis_Blacklist_Up->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_ConfIis_Blacklist_Down->setEnabled( false ); } else { for ( int i=0; i<=max; i++ ) { if ( this->ui->list_ConfIis_Blacklist_List->item(i) == item ) { if ( i == 0 ) { this->ui->button_ConfIis_Blacklist_Up->setEnabled( false ); } else if ( i == max ) { this->ui->button_ConfIis_Blacklist_Down->setEnabled( false ); } } } } } else { this->ui->button_ConfIis_Blacklist_Remove->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_ConfIis_Blacklist_Up->setEnabled( false ); this->ui->button_ConfIis_Blacklist_Down->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfIis_Blacklist_Remove_clicked() { const auto& item = this->ui->list_ConfIis_Blacklist_List->selectedItems().at(0); this->craplog.blacklistRemove( this->IIS_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfIis_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ), item->text().toStdString() ); // refresh the list this->on_box_ConfIis_Blacklist_Field_currentTextChanged( this->ui->box_ConfIis_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ); } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfIis_Blacklist_Up_clicked() { const auto& item = this->ui->list_ConfIis_Blacklist_List->selectedItems().at(0); const int i = this->craplog.blacklistMoveUp( this->IIS_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfIis_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ), item->text().toStdString() ); // refresh the list this->on_box_ConfIis_Blacklist_Field_currentTextChanged( this->ui->box_ConfIis_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ); // re-select the item this->ui->list_ConfIis_Blacklist_List->item( i )->setSelected( true ); this->ui->list_ConfIis_Blacklist_List->setFocus(); } void MainWindow::on_button_ConfIis_Blacklist_Down_clicked() { const auto& item = this->ui->list_ConfIis_Blacklist_List->selectedItems().at(0); const int i = this->craplog.blacklistMoveDown( this->IIS_ID, this->crapview.getLogFieldID( this->ui->box_ConfIis_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ), item->text().toStdString() ); // refresh the list this->on_box_ConfIis_Blacklist_Field_currentTextChanged( this->ui->box_ConfIis_Blacklist_Field->currentText() ); // re-select the item this->ui->list_ConfIis_Blacklist_List->item( i )->setSelected( true ); this->ui->list_ConfIis_Blacklist_List->setFocus(); }