
Parse Apache2 / Nginx / IIS logs and view dynamically generated statistics

🇬🇧 🇪🇸 🇫🇷 🇮🇹 🇯🇵 🇧🇷

## Table of contents - [Overview](#overview) - [Installation and usage](#installation-and-usage) - [Requirements / dependencies](#requirements--dependencies) - [Usage without installation](#usage-without-installation) - [Usage with installation](#usage-with-installation) - [How to compile](#how-to-compile) - [Updates](#updates) - [Version check](#version-check) - [How to update](#how-to-update) - [Before to start](#before-to-start) - [Logs data](#logs-data) - [Storage](#storage) - [Examined fields](#examined-fields) - [Logs options](#logs-options) - [Usage control](#usage-control) - [Logs path](#logs-path) - [Logs format](#logs-format) - [Apache2](#apache2) - [Nginx](#nginx) - [IIS](#iis) - [Blacklist](#blacklist) - [Warnlist](#warnlist) - [Statistics](#statistics) - [Warnings](#warnings) - [Counts](#counts) - [Speed](#speed) - [Time of day](#time-of-day) - [Relational](#relational) - [Extra features](#extra-features) - [Log files viewer](#log-files-viewer) - [Block note](#block-note) - [Games](#games) - [Final considerations](#final-considerations) - [Backups](#backups) - [Estimated working speed](#estimated-working-speed) - [Languages](#languages) - [Contributions](#contributions) - [Translations](#translations)

## Overview LogDoctor is a web servers' access logs parser which allows to view dynamic satistics of the collected data.
Supported web servers are **Apache2**, **Nginx** and **IIS**.
![screenshot](https://git.disroot.org/elB4RTO/screenshots/raw/branch/main/LogDoctor/log_files.png) ![screenshot](https://git.disroot.org/elB4RTO/screenshots/raw/branch/main/LogDoctor/make_stats.png)

LogDoctor is a hard fork of [Craplog](https://git.disroot.org/elB4RTO/CRAPLOG).
## Installation and usage ### Requirements / Dependencies - **From binary**: - C++ 17 - Qt5 *(Framework 5.15+, Linguist, Widgets, Charts, Sql, Network)*

- **From source**: - *all the above* - Cmake - g++ / gcc / clang

### Usage without installation - Download a pre-compiled [Release](https://git.disroot.org/elB4RTO/LogDoctor/releases)
Follow the step-by-step "[How to compile](#how-to-compile)" guide - Run the executable
### Usage with installation #### From source - Download and unzip this repo
`git clone https://git.disroot.org/elB4RTO/LogDoctor`

- Step inside inside "*LogDoctor-main*"
`cd LogDoctor`

- Run the installation script - Linux: - `chmod +x ./LINUX_build_install.sh` - `./LINUX_build_install.sh` - BSD: - `chmod +x ./BSD_build_install.sh` - `./BSD_build_install.sh` - Windows: - run `WIN_build_install_1.bat` as normal user - right-click on `WIN_build_install_2.bat` and select **Run as Administrator** - Mac OS: - `chmod +x ./MAC_build_install.sh` - `./MAC_build_install.sh`

#### From package **Arch-based distributions** - Pre-made package: - Step in the [Release](https://git.disroot.org/elB4RTO/LogDoctor/releases) page - Download `logdoctor--x86_64.pkg.tar.zst` - Run `sudo pacman -U logdoctor--x86_64.pkg.tar.zst`

- From the AUR: - Using **yay**: - `yay -S logdoctor`
- Manually: - `git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/logdoctor.git` - `cd logdoctor` - `makepkg -sci`

**Debian-based distributions** - Pre-made package: - Step in the [Release](https://git.disroot.org/elB4RTO/LogDoctor/releases) page - Download `logdoctor__amd64.deb` - Run `sudo apt install ./logdoctor__amd64.deb`

#### From binary - Download a pre-compiled [Release](https://git.disroot.org/elB4RTO/LogDoctor/releases) - Run the installation executable, or the installation script if you prefer it

### How to compile - Install the *dependencies* you're missing (usually the list reduces to just *Qt*, and *cmake* at least).

- Download and unzip this repo
`git clone https://git.disroot.org/elB4RTO/LogDoctor`

- Open a terminal inside "*LogDoctor-main/*"
`cd LogDoctor/`

- Prepare a build folder:
`mkdir build && cd build`

- Prepare **Cmake**'s build files:
`cmake ../logdoctor -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel`

- Use **Cmake** to compile the entire project:
`cmake --build ./ --target all`

If compilation fails, use the following command before to rebuild:
`cmake --build ./ --target clean`

#### Additional steps - **Linux**: - No additional steps. Once compiling is done, you can move the executable file wherever you want and execute it from there.

- **Windows**: - Create a new folder and move the executable in it:
`mkdir LogDoctor && move LogDoctor.exe .\LogDoctor`

- Add the needed libraries to the executable's folder:
- You need to know the path of your Qt installation, default is *C:\Qt*
- You need to know which compiler you used, usually *MinGW*
`cd C:\\\Qt\\\bin`

- Deploy Qt's libraries using Qt's additional tool:
`windeployqt.exe C:\\\`

- Deploy C++ libraries by copying them:
`copy "libstdc++-6.dll" C:\\\`
`copy "libwinpthread-1.dll" C:\\\`
`copy "libgcc_s_seh-1.dll" C:\\\`

- You can now move the executable's folder wherever you want and execute LogDoctor from there.

- **Mac OS**: - No additional steps. Once compiling is done, you can use the app bundle to execute LogDoctor.

## Updates ### Version check A version check utility is available while running LogDoctor to check the availability of a new version.
To check for updates, open the menu `Utilities`→`Version check`.
### How to update At the moment of writing, the only supported method is the manual update. #### From source - Download and unzip this repo
`git clone https://git.disroot.org/elB4RTO/LogDoctor`

- Step inside inside "*LogDoctor-main*"
`cd LogDoctor`

- Run the update script - Linux: - `chmod +x ./LINUX_build_update.sh` - `./LINUX_build_update.sh` - BSD: - `chmod +x ./BSD_build_update.sh` - `./BSD_build_update.sh` - Windows: - run `WIN_build_update_1.bat` as normal user - right-click on `WIN_build_update_2.bat` and select **Run as Administrator** - Mac OS: - `chmod +x ./MAC_build_update.sh` - `./MAC_build_update.sh`

#### From package Follow the same process as for installing #### From binary - Download a pre-compiled [Release](https://git.disroot.org/elB4RTO/LogDoctor/releases)
- Run the update script

## Before to start When you run LogDoctor for the first time, please take a minute to set-up the things it needs.
Head to the **configurations** section and give a look at least at the [logs format](#logs-format) settings. You have to tell the doctor what he'll be dealing with!

## Logs data Archived (**gzipped**) log files can be used as well as normal files.
### Storage Parsed data will be stored in an [SQLite](https://www.sqlite.org/about.html) database, which makes it easy to transport/view/edit it as you please.
If LogDoctor's funcionalities aren't enough for your needs, you can always use a *DB manager* or the SQLite *API* to make your own queries and retrieve the data you need.
### Examined fields Not all the available log fields (expecially for *Apache2* and *Nginx*) are taken into consideration.
The considered fields are: - **Date** and **Time** - Request stuff: **Protocol**, **Method**, **URI** and **Query** - Server stuff: **Bytes received**, **Bytes sent** and **Time taken** - Client stuff: **User-agent**, **IP address**, **Cookie** and **Referrer site** Further informations can be found in the [wiki](https://git.disroot.org/elB4RTO/LogDoctor/wiki/Examined-fields) or while running LogDoctor.
### Logs options Various options can be configured about log files.
#### Usage control When you parse a file, it will be hashed using the **SHA256** algorithm and the hash will be stored in another database, to keep track of which files you've already used and help you not parsing them twice.
##### Note If you don't know, *SHA256* produces an irreversible hash, which means that no information about the file can be retrieved from the hash.
You have full control on the hashes database (same as for the logs-data database): you can move, delete, view or edit it the way you want (but you must keep the original file-name).
LogDoctor will **never** grab and/or use any information about you or the usage you make of it.
#### Logs path A different logs path can be used for any of the three supported *Web Servers*.
It can be the default system folder or any folder you decide to use, just set it in the options.
#### Logs format Before to start parsing logs, you must set-up the *log format* that LogDoctor will have to use.
Head to the **configurations** section, tap `Logs`, select the **Web Server** you want to configure and tap `Format`.
Once inside the **Format** section, you can insert the *log format string* you're using. Don't forget to use the `Generete preview` button to generate a *log line sample* and **check the correctness** of the format!
For reliability reasons, LogDoctor **does not** support the usage of the **Carriage Return** inside the log format string.
##### Apache2 The log format string must be specified. Any format is supported, if valid.
To retrieve your format string: - open the configuration file `/etc/apache2/apache2.conf` - *usually*, the line you're looking for is the one starting with `LogFormat` and ending with `combined`. It should be somewhere near to the end of the file. - you must not paste the whole line, just the part holding the *format string*.
- this is the whole line:
``` LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\"" combined ``` - this is the *format string*:
``` %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\" ``` please notice that you have to remove the enclosing quotes/apostrophes as well
More informations can be found in the [wiki](https://git.disroot.org/elB4RTO/LogDoctor/wiki/Apache2) or while setting the format.
##### Nginx The log format string must be specified. Any format is supported, if valid.
To retrieve your format string:
- open the configuration file `/usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf` - *usually*, the line you're looking for is the one starting with `log_format main`. It should be somwehere in the middle of the file - one **important** thing: don't paste the indentations and new lines! The default line is usualy declared in consecutive lines, and indented. You must reduce it to a one consecutive string (by also removing the *apostrophes* in the middle of it). The best way is to do this job inside the configuration file, then save and restart Nginx to see if any error is thrown.
Example: - this is the whole line:
``` log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] ' '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent ' '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" "$gzip_ratio"'; ``` - this is the resulting *format string*:
``` $remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" "$gzip_ratio" ``` please notice that you have to remove the enclosing apostrophes/quotes as well
More informations can be found in the [wiki](https://git.disroot.org/elB4RTO/LogDoctor/wiki/Nginx) or while setting the format.
##### IIS Supported log formats are: **W3C**, **NCSA** and **IIS**.
The *NCSA* and *IIS* modules doesn't allow any modification from the user, so nothing more have to be specified. The *W3C* module instead allows the user to decide which fields to log, and thus you must declare the *log format string* you're using. To retrieve your format string (for the *W3C* module only): - open any of the log files which have been generated by this module - the line you're looking for is the one starting with `#Fields:`, usually at the beginning of the file.
- this is the whole line:
``` #Fields: date time s-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query s-port cs-username c-ip cs(User-Agent) cs(Referer) sc-status sc-substatus sc-win32-status time-taken ``` - this is the *format string*:
``` date time s-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query s-port cs-username c-ip cs(User-Agent) cs(Referer) sc-status sc-substatus sc-win32-status time-taken ``` More informations can be found in the [wiki](https://git.disroot.org/elB4RTO/LogDoctor/wiki/IIS) or while setting the format.

#### Blacklist You can add elements to the **blacklist** to avoid storing the lines containing those elements. Each web server has its own list.
#### Warnlist As for the *blacklist*, you can add elements to the **warnlist**.
*Warnlists* will mark with a **warning** the lines triggering them. Warnings can be viewed and modified in the relative [statistics](#warnings) section. Each web server has its own lists.
## Statistics Most of the *statistics sections* allows you to set filters to the log fields, to skim data by only including lines matching those parameters.

### Warnings In the *warning* section you can view the lines which triggered a warning, as well as remove any of the warnings and/or add your own.
### Speed In the *speed* section you can view how fast has been your server at serving contents (if you logged the *time taken*, of course).
### Counts The *count* section is very simple. It just shows the recurrence of the elements for a specific field.
### Time of day In the *time of day* section you can see the traffic, in terms of number of requests logged.
When viewing a period of time, the mean value (of all the logged days in that period) is shown.
### Relational In the *relational* section you can view how many times a specific field brought to another.
This section is more suited for long periods of time.
### Globals In the *globals* section you can have an overview of your logs history.

## Extra features ### Log files viewer Use the built-in logs viewer to inspect the content of your log files.
Color schemes will be applied using the currently set log format.
### Block-note A block-note utility is available at `Tools`→`BlockNote` which can be used to temporary write text, notes, etc.
### Games Simple mini-games to pass the time

#### CrissCross

#### Snake

## Final considerations ### Backups LogDoctor can automatically do a backup of your **logs database** file, so you can recover your data in case something goes wrong.
Move inside LogDoctor's folder (if you don't know/remember the path, open the `Utilities`→`Infos`>`Paths` menu to view it) and open the folder named "**backups**'.
Here you will find the backups with an increasing index, where '.1' represents the newest. A new backup is made every time you quit LogDoctor after doing a job which affected the database in any way. #### Note Only the *logs-data database* will be backed-up, the *hashes database* **won't**.
This is because it is unlikely (supposedly impossible) that a hash equals another, therefore they're supposed to be useful for a short period of time (that is, since you or your web server delete the original log files).
### Estimated working speed 1~15 MB/s May be higher or lower depending on the complexity of the logs, the complexity of the blacklist/warnlists, your hardware and the workload of your system during the execution.

## Languages LogDoctor is available in: - 🇬🇧 **English** (100%) - 🇮🇹 **Italian** (100%) - 🇪🇸 **Spanish** (90%, *wanna [contribute](#translations)?*) - 🇫🇷 **French** (90%, *wanna [contribute](#translations)?*) - 🇧🇷 **Portuguese** [**Brazil**] (90%, *wanna [contribute](#translations)?*) - 🇯🇵 **Japanese** (90%, *wanna [contribute](#translations)?*)

## Contributions LogDoctor is under development. If you have suggestions about how to improve it, please open an [issue](https://git.disroot.org/elB4RTO/LogDoctor/issues). If you want to contribute to the code, please read the [Contribution Guidelines](https://git.disroot.org/elB4RTO/LogDoctor/src/branch/main/CONTRIBUTING.md). If you want to contribute to the translation, please read the [Translation Guidelines](#translation-guidelines).
### Translations Current translations under developement: - `es_ES` : **90%** *(auditor needed)* - `fr_FR` : **90%** *(auditor needed)* - `pt_BR` : **90%** *(auditor needed)* - `ja_JP` : **90%** *(auditor needed)* If you have a request for a missing language or you're willing to contribute, please refer to [this issue](https://git.disroot.org/elB4RTO/LogDoctor/issues/10).
#### How to contribute to translations Since the whole application is build upon Qt, translations are made throught `.ts` [translation files](https://git.disroot.org/elB4RTO/LogDoctor/src/branch/main/logdoctor/translations).
The easiest way to go is to use **Qt Linguist**: - Download or clone this repo
- Open the `.ts` translation file of your language using QtLinguist
- Translate (*don't know how? Follow [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNyfkuDchNQ)*)
- **Push only the `.ts` files, you don't have to release them**: pull request containing `.qm` binaries won't be accepted.

If you don't want to install QtLinguist, you can do it the hard way, by opening the files with a text editor and do it manually: - Here is a sample of some text waiting for translation
You can see the original text enclosed in the `` tags. Don't edit it.
``` This is the original text ``` - Everything you need to do is to add the missing line containing the translated text, without editing the other lines.
Here is a sample after having translated it
``` Original text Translated text goes here ```
If you don't feel comfortable with any of the above solutions, please open an [issue](https://git.disroot.org/elB4RTO/LogDoctor/issues) and write your translations/corrections there, in a clear way.
#### Translation guidelines *[hints from Qt](https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/linguist-overview.html)* Just follow some simple guidelines to ensure a correct and clear contribution: - Respect the structure of the phrase: if *(for example)* it starts or ends with a whitespace or something, please do the same. - Please leave your translations marked as *unfinished*, they will be checked and un-marked after having been verified. - If you see a translation marked as *finished*, please edit it only if you're sure that your definition suits better.