LogDoctor 2.00
Parse Apache2/Nginx/IIS logs and create statistics
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Private Slots | Private Member Functions | List of all members
MainWindow Class Reference

MainWindow. More...

#include <mainwindow.h>

Inheritance diagram for MainWindow:

Private Slots

void menu_actionEnglish_triggered ()

Private Member Functions

void defineOSspec ()
 Defines OS specific stuff.
void readConfigs ()
 Reads the configurations file and apply the resulting configuration.
void writeConfigs ()
 Writes the current configuration on file.
const std::string list2string (const std::vector< std::string > &list, const bool &user_agent=false)
 Converts a list of items to a string. More...
const std::vector< std::string > string2list (const std::string &string, const bool &user_agent=false)
 Retrieves a list of items from the given string. More...
void updateUiLanguage ()
 Translates the UI to the selected language.
const std::string geometryToString ()
 Converts the window's geometry to string. More...
void geometryFromString (const std::string &geometry)
 Retrieves the window geometry from the given string. More...
void detectIconsTheme ()
 Auto-detects the icon-set to use depending on the current window theme.
void updateUiIcons ()
 Updates the icons on the window.
void updateUiTheme ()
 Updates the window theme.
void updateUiFonts ()
 Updates the fonts on the window.
const QString printableSize (const int &bytes)
 Printable size, including suffix.
const QString printableTime (const int &seconds)
 Printable time, including suffix(es)
const QString printableSpeed (const int &bytes, const int &secs)
 Printable speed, namely printable size over printable time.
const std::string resolvePath (const std::string &path)
 Resolves the given path and returns the canonical path.
const std::string basePath (const std::string &path)
 Returns the parent folder of the given path.
void makeInitialChecks ()
 Makes the initial integrity checks.
const bool & checkDataDB ()
 Checks the integrity of the logs data collection database.
void backupDatabase ()
 Backs-up the logs data collection database.
void setDbWorkingState (const bool &state)
 Called when a member begins/ends performing operations on the database.
void craplogStarted ()
 The logs parser started working.
void craplogFinished ()
 The logs parser finished working.
void refreshStatsDates ()
 Queries the available dates from the db and apply to the tabs. More...

Detailed Description


The parent window

Member Function Documentation

◆ geometryFromString()

void MainWindow::geometryFromString ( const std::string &  geometry)

Retrieves the window geometry from the given string.

See also

◆ geometryToString()

const std::string MainWindow::geometryToString ( )

Converts the window's geometry to string.

See also

◆ list2string()

const std::string MainWindow::list2string ( const std::vector< std::string > &  list,
const bool &  user_agent = false 

Converts a list of items to a string.

listThe list to stringify
user_agentsWhether to apply the special rule to parse user-agents lists or not
The resulting string
See also

◆ menu_actionEnglish_triggered

void MainWindow::menu_actionEnglish_triggered ( )

MENU //// //////////

◆ refreshStatsDates()

void MainWindow::refreshStatsDates ( )

Queries the available dates from the db and apply to the tabs.

See also

◆ string2list()

const std::vector< std::string > MainWindow::string2list ( const std::string &  string,
const bool &  user_agent = false 

Retrieves a list of items from the given string.

listThe list to stringify
user_agentsWhether to apply the special rule to parse user-agents lists or not
The resulting list
See also

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