# How to compile
### Requirements / Dependencies - C++ 20 - Qt6 *(Framework 6.2+, Linguist, Widgets, Charts, Sql, Network)* - CMake - gcc / clang / msvc

### Compilation steps - Prepare a build folder:
`mkdir build && cd build`

- Prepare **CMake**'s build files:
`cmake ../logdoctor -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel`

- Use **CMake** to compile the entire project:
`cmake --build ./ --target all`

#### Additional steps - **Linux** / **BSD**: - No additional steps. Once compiling is done, you can move the executable file wherever you want and execute it from there.

- **Windows**: - Create a new folder and move the executable in it:
`mkdir LogDoctor && move LogDoctor.exe .\LogDoctor`

- Add the needed libraries to the executable's folder:
- You need to know the path of your Qt installation, default is *C:\Qt*
- You need to know which compiler you used
`cd C:\\\Qt\\\bin`

- Deploy libraries using Qt's additional tool:
`windeployqt.exe C:\\\`

- You can now move the executable's folder wherever you want and execute LogDoctor from there.

- **Mac OS**: - No additional steps. Once compiling is done, you can use the app bundle to execute LogDoctor.