@ECHO off ECHO Initializing :: Store the actual path FOR /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%e IN (`cd`) DO SET actual_path=%%e :: Get the path of LogDoctor-git's folder and move in SET logdocdir=%~dp0 SET logdocdir=%logdocdir:\=/% IF "%logdocdir:~-1%"=="/" SET logdocdir=%logdocdir:~0,-1% cd %logdocdir% :: Check for a previous installation IF EXIST "C:\Program Files\LogDoctor" ( ECHO Warning: a previous installation exists, please run the 'update' scripts instead cd "%actual_path%" PAUSE EXIT /B 0 ) :: Call the builder IF NOT EXIST "builder.bat" ( ECHO: ECHO Error: builder not found cd "%actual_path%" PAUSE EXIT /B 1 ) CALL builder.bat "%actual_path%" IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO: ECHO Compilation failed cd "%actual_path%" PAUSE EXIT /B 1 ) :: Start installing LogDoctor ECHO: ECHO Starting installation process cd ..\installation_stuff\ SET data_path=%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\LogDoctor IF NOT EXIST "%data_path%" mkdir "%data_path%" IF NOT EXIST "%data_path%\logdoctor.conf" GOTO :step11 :loop9 ECHO: ECHO Warning: a configuration file already exists ECHO If you choose 'YES' the current file will be overwritten ECHO If you choose 'NO' the current file will be kept SET /P agree=Overwrite? [y/n] : IF "%agree%"=="y" ( GOTO :step10 ) IF "%agree%"=="Y" ( GOTO :step10 ) IF "%agree%"=="n" ( GOTO :step11 ) IF "%agree%"=="N" ( GOTO :step11 ) ECHO NOT A VALID ANSWER GOTO :loop9 :step10 copy /V /Y logdoctor.conf %data_path%\ IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO: ECHO Error: failed to copy configuration file cd "%actual_path%" PAUSE EXIT /B 1 ) :step11 xcopy /E /V /Y logdocdata %data_path%\ IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO: ECHO Error: failed to copy LogDoctor's data cd "%actual_path%" PAUSE EXIT /B 1 ) :: End Of Part 1 ECHO: ECHO First part is done, please run 'WIN_build_install_2' as Administrator cd "%actual_path%" PAUSE