@ECHO off :: Start uninstalling ECHO Starting uninstallation process SET exec_path=C:\Program Files\LogDoctor IF NOT EXIST "%exec_path%" ( ECHO Warning: executable directory not found GOTO :step1 ) rmdir /S /Q "%exec_path%" IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO Error: failed to remove the executable directory: %exec_path% PAUSE EXIT /B 1 ) :step1 SET link_path=C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\LogDoctor IF NOT EXIST "%link_path%" ( ECHO Warning: menu entry not found GOTO :step2 ) rmdir /S /Q "%link_path%" IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO Error: failed to remove the menu entry: %link_path% PAUSE EXIT /B 1 ) :step2 SET data_path=%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\LogDoctor IF NOT EXIST "%data_path%" ( ECHO Warning: LogDoctor's data folder not found GOTO :step3 ) rmdir /S /Q "%data_path%" IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO Error: failed to remove LogDoctor's data folder: %data_path% PAUSE EXIT /B 1 ) :step3 :: Uninstallation finished ECHO: ECHO Uninstallation finished PAUSE