
450 lines
14 KiB

#include "checks.h"
#include "globals/db_names.h"
#include "modules/dialogs.h"
#include "modules/database/database.h"
#include "utilities/io.h"
#include <QSqlError>
#include <QVariant>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
struct MakeNewDatabase {};
namespace CheckSec
namespace /*private*/
//! Checks the tables' names integrity
\param query Query instance from the target database
\return Whether the database is valid or not
\throw VoidException
\throw MakeNewDatabase
\see checkCollectionDatabase(), checkHashesDatabase(), newCollectionDatabase(), newHashesDatabase()
bool checkDatabaseTablesNames( QueryWrapper query )
query( QStringLiteral("SELECT name FROM sqlite_schema WHERE type = 'table';") );
std::unordered_map<QString, bool> checks{
{"apache", false},
{"nginx", false},
{"iis", false} };
while ( query->next() ) {
const QString table{ query[0].toString() };
if ( const auto tbl{ checks.find( table ) }; tbl != checks.end() ) {
tbl->second |= true;
} else {
// unexpected table name
if ( DialogSec::choiceDatabaseWrongTable( query.dbName(), table ) ) {
// agreed to renew
throw MakeNewDatabase{};
} else {
// refused to renew
return false;
for ( const auto& [tbl,res] : checks ) {
if ( ! res ) {
// a table has not been found
if ( DialogSec::choiceDatabaseMissingTable( query.dbName(), tbl ) ) {
// agreed to renew
throw MakeNewDatabase{};
} else {
// refused to renew
return false;
return true;
//! Builds a new database for the logs Collection
\param db Database object
\param db_path The database file's path
\param ws_names Database's tables names
\return The result of the operation
\see checkCollectionDatabase(), checkHashesDatabase()
bool newCollectionDatabase( DatabaseWrapper db, const std::string& db_path, const std::vector<QString>& ws_names ) noexcept
try {
db.openNew( db_path );
// succesfully creted database file, now create the tables
const QString stmt{ QStringLiteral(R"(
"year" SMALLINT,
"month" TINYINT,
"day" TINYINT,
"hour" TINYINT,
"minute" TINYINT,
"second" TINYINT,
"protocol" TEXT,
"method" TEXT,
"uri" TEXT,
"query" TEXT,
"response" SMALLINT,
"time_taken" INTEGER,
"bytes_sent" INTEGER,
"bytes_received" INTEGER,
"client" TEXT,
"user_agent" TEXT,
"cookie" TEXT,
"referrer" TEXT
for ( const QString& ws_name : ws_names ) {
QueryWrapper query{ db.getQuery() };
if ( ! query->exec( stmt.arg( ws_name ) ) ) {
// error creating table
QStringLiteral(R"(CREATE TABLE "%1" (...))").arg( ws_name ),
query->lastError().text() );
throw VoidException{};
} catch (...) {
DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedCreating( db.name() );
return false;
DialogSec::msgDatabaseCreated( db.name() );
return checkCollectionDatabase( db_path );
//! Builds a new database for the used log files' Hashes
\param db Database object, already initialized
\param db_path The database file's path
\param ws_names Database's tables names
\return The result of the operation
\see checkCollectionDatabase(), checkHashesDatabase()
bool newHashesDatabase( DatabaseWrapper db, const std::string& db_path, const std::vector<QString>& ws_names ) noexcept
try {
db.openNew( db_path );
// succesfully creted database file, now create the tables
const QString stmt{ QStringLiteral(R"(
"hash" TEXT
for ( const QString& ws_name : ws_names ) {
QueryWrapper query{ db.getQuery() };
if ( ! query->exec( stmt.arg( ws_name ) ) ) {
// error creating table
QStringLiteral(R"(CREATE TABLE "%1" (...))").arg( ws_name ),
query->lastError().text() );
throw VoidException{};
} catch (...) {
DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedCreating( db.name() );
return false;
DialogSec::msgDatabaseCreated( db.name() );
return checkHashesDatabase( db_path );
} // namespace (private)
bool checkCollectionDatabase( const std::string& db_path ) noexcept
const std::vector<QString> ws_names{ "apache", "nginx", "iis" };
try {
DatabaseWrapper db{ DatabaseHandler::get( DatabaseType::Data ) };
if ( ! IOutils::exists( db_path ) ) {
// ask to create a new one
if ( DialogSec::choiceDatabaseNotFound( db.name() ) ) {
// choosed to create it
throw MakeNewDatabase{};
} else {
// refused to create it, abort
return false;
// check file type and permissions
if ( ! checkDatabaseFile( db_path, db.name() ) ) {
return false;
// file seems ok, try to open
db.open( db_path, true );
// check the tables
if ( ! checkDatabaseTablesNames( db.getQuery() ) ) {
return false;
const QString stmt{ QStringLiteral("SELECT name, type FROM pragma_table_info('%1') AS tbinfo;") };
// check every WebServer table
for ( const QString& table : ws_names ) {
bool has_warning_column{ false };
// column's name:type associations
std::unordered_map<QString, std::tuple<QString, bool>> checks {
{"year", { "SMALLINT", false} },
{"month", { "TINYINT", false} },
{"day", { "TINYINT", false} },
{"hour", { "TINYINT", false} },
{"minute", { "TINYINT", false} },
{"second", { "TINYINT", false} },
{"protocol", { "TEXT", false} },
{"method", { "TEXT", false} },
{"uri", { "TEXT", false} },
{"query", { "TEXT", false} },
{"response", { "SMALLINT", false} },
{"time_taken", { "INTEGER", false} },
{"bytes_sent", { "INTEGER", false} },
{"bytes_received", { "INTEGER", false} },
{"client", { "TEXT", false} },
{"user_agent", { "TEXT", false} },
{"cookie", { "TEXT", false} },
{"referrer", { "TEXT", false} }
QueryWrapper query{ db.getQuery() };
query( stmt.arg( table ) );
while ( query->next() ) {
const QString col_name{ query[0].toString() };
const QString col_type{ query[1].toString() };
if ( col_name == "warning" ) {
// provide backward compatibility, this column will be removed from the table
has_warning_column |= true;
} else if ( const auto it{ checks.find( col_name ) }; it != checks.end() ) {
// column found, check the data-type
auto& type{ it->second };
if ( col_type == std::get<0>( type ) ) {
// same data-type
std::get<1>( type ) |= true;
} else {
// different data-type, ask to renew
if ( DialogSec::choiceDatabaseWrongDataType( db.name(), table, col_name, col_type ) ) {
// agreed to renew
throw MakeNewDatabase{};
} else {
// refused to renew
return false;
} else {
// unexpected column
if ( DialogSec::choiceDatabaseWrongColumn( db.name(), table, col_name ) ) {
// agreed to renew
throw MakeNewDatabase{};
} else {
// refused to renew
return false;
if ( has_warning_column ) {
// provide backward compatibility
query( QStringLiteral(R"(ALTER TABLE "%1" DROP COLUMN "warning";)").arg( table ) );
for ( const auto& [col,type] : checks ) {
if ( ! std::get<1>( type ) ) {
// a column has not been found
if ( DialogSec::choiceDatabaseMissingColumn( db.name(), table, col ) ) {
// agreed to renew
throw MakeNewDatabase{};
} else {
// refused to renew
return false;
} catch (const MakeNewDatabase&) {
if ( IOutils::exists( db_path ) ) {
// a database already exists, try rename it
std::error_code err;
if ( ! IOutils::renameAsCopy( db_path, err ) ) {
// failed to rename
QString err_msg;
if ( err ) {
err_msg = QString::fromStdString( err.message() );
DialogSec::errRenaming( QString::fromStdString(db_path), err_msg );
return false;
return newCollectionDatabase( DatabaseHandler::get( DatabaseType::Data ), db_path, ws_names );
} catch (const VoidException&) {
return false;
return true;
bool checkHashesDatabase( const std::string& db_path ) noexcept
const std::vector<QString> ws_names { "apache", "nginx", "iis" };
try {
DatabaseWrapper db{ DatabaseHandler::get( DatabaseType::Hashes ) };
if ( ! IOutils::exists( db_path ) ) {
// database does not exist, yet, ask to create a new one
if ( DialogSec::choiceDatabaseNotFound( db.name() ) ) {
// choosed to create it
throw MakeNewDatabase{};
} else {
// refused to create it, abort
return false;
// check file type and permissions
if ( ! checkDatabaseFile( db_path, db.name() ) ) {
return false;
// file seems ok, try to open
db.open( db_path, true );
// check the tables
if ( ! checkDatabaseTablesNames( db.getQuery() ) ) {
return false;
const QString stmt{ QStringLiteral("SELECT name, type FROM pragma_table_info('%1') AS tbinfo;") };
// check every WebServer table, both access and error
for ( const QString& table : ws_names ) {
QueryWrapper query{ db.getQuery() };
query( stmt.arg( table ) );
while ( query->next() ) {
const QString col_name{ query[0].toString() };
const QString col_type{ query[1].toString() };
if ( col_name != "hash" ) {
// unexpected column
if ( DialogSec::choiceDatabaseWrongColumn( db.name(), table, col_name ) ) {
// agreed to renew
throw MakeNewDatabase{};
} else {
// refused to renew
return false;
} else if ( col_type != "TEXT" ) {
// different data-type, ask to renew
if ( DialogSec::choiceDatabaseWrongDataType( db.name(), table, col_name, col_type ) ) {
// agreed to renew
throw MakeNewDatabase{};
} else {
// refused to renew
return false;
} catch (const MakeNewDatabase&) {
if ( IOutils::exists( db_path ) ) {
// a database already exists, try rename it
std::error_code err;
if ( ! IOutils::renameAsCopy( db_path, err ) ) {
// failed to rename
QString err_msg;
if ( err ) {
err_msg = QString::fromStdString( err.message() );
DialogSec::errRenaming( QString::fromStdString(db_path), err_msg );
return false;
return newHashesDatabase( DatabaseHandler::get( DatabaseType::Hashes ), db_path, ws_names );
} catch (const VoidException&) {
return false;
return true;
bool checkDatabaseFile( const std::string& db_path, const QString& db_name ) noexcept
if ( ! IOutils::exists( db_path ) ) {
// path doesn't exists
DialogSec::errDatabaseNotFound( db_name );
return false;
} else if ( ! IOutils::isFile( db_path ) ) {
// path doesn't point to a file
DialogSec::errDatabaseNotFile( db_name );
return false;
} else if ( ! IOutils::checkFile( db_path, true ) ) {
// database not readable, abort
DialogSec::errDatabaseNotReadable( db_name );
return false;
} else if ( ! IOutils::checkFile( db_path, false, true ) ) {
// database not writable, abort
DialogSec::errDatabaseNotWritable( db_name );
return false;
return true;
} // namespace CheckSec