
431 lines
12 KiB

#include <QtCharts>
#include "modules/craplog/modules/hash.h"
#include "modules/craplog/modules/formats.h"
#include "modules/craplog/modules/workers/lib.h"
struct LogFile;
struct Blacklists;
class QWaitCondition;
//! Craplog
Performs operations related to the logs
class Craplog final : public QObject
explicit Craplog();
//// DIALOGS ////
//! Returns the Dialogs level
DialogsLevel getDialogsLevel() const noexcept;
//! Sets the new Dialogs level
void setDialogsLevel( const DialogsLevel new_level ) noexcept;
//// DATABASES ////
//! Returns the path of the logs Collection database
const std::string& getStatsDatabasePath() const noexcept;
//! Returns the path of the log files' Hashes database
const std::string& getHashesDatabasePath() const noexcept;
//! Sets the new path for the logs Collection database
\param The new path of the database file
void setStatsDatabasePath( const std::string& path ) noexcept;
//! Sets the new path for the log files' Hashes database
\param The new path of the database file
void setHashesDatabasePath( const std::string& path ) noexcept;
//! Sets the currently used Web Server ID
\param web_server The new currently used Web Server
void setCurrentWebServer( const WebServer web_server ) noexcept;
//! Returns the currently used Web Server ID
\return The Web Server ID
WebServer getCurrentWebServer() const noexcept;
//! Uses the current Web Server to set the relative logs format
\see LogsFormat
void setCurrentLogFormat() noexcept;
//! Returns the currently used LogsFormat
\return The LogsFormat
\see LogsFormat
const LogsFormat& getCurrentLogFormat() const noexcept;
//// LOGS PATHS ////
//! Returns the logs' path for the given web Server
\param web_server The Web Server
\return The path of the logs' folder
const std::string& getLogsPath( const WebServer& web_server ) const noexcept;
//! Sets a new path for the given Web Server to search the logs in
\param web_server The Web Server
\param new_path The new path
void setLogsPath( const WebServer& web_server, const std::string& new_path ) noexcept;
//// LOG FILES ////
//! Checks if a file name respects the relative criterions
\param name The name of the file
\return Wheter it does respect the criterions or not
\see LogName
bool isFileNameValid( const std::string& name ) const;
//// LOGS LIST ////
//! Returns the list of log files for the current WebServer
\return The list of log files
\see LogFile, logs_list
const std::vector<LogFile>& getLogsList() const noexcept;
//! Returns the amount of log files in the list
\return The number of files actually in the list
\see logs_list
size_t getLogsListSize() const noexcept;
//! Returns the LogFile instance of the given file
\param file_name The name of the file
\return The LogFile instance
\throw GenericException
\see LogFile, logs_list
const LogFile& getLogFileItem( const QString& file_name ) const;
/*const std::string& getLogFilePath( const QString& file_name );*/
//! Sets a file in the list as selected
\param file_name The name of the file
\return Wheter the given file name has been found in the list
\see LogFile, logs_list
bool setLogFileSelected( const QString& file_name ) noexcept;
//! Sets all files in the list as unselected
\return Wheter the given file name has been found in the list
\see LogFile, logs_list
void clearLogFilesSelection() noexcept;
//// LOGS FORMATS ////
//! Sets the Apache2 LogsFormat from the given format string
\param format_string The logs format string
\return Whether the process was successful or not
\see FormatOps, FormatOps::LogsFormat, FormatOps::processApacheFormatString()
bool setApacheLogFormat( const std::string& format_string ) noexcept;
//! Sets the Nginx LogsFormat from the given format string
\param format_string The logs format string
\return Whether the process was successful or not
\see FormatOps, FormatOps::LogsFormat, FormatOps::processNginxFormatString()
bool setNginxLogFormat( const std::string& format_string ) noexcept;
//! Sets the IIS LogsFormat from the given format string
\param format_string The logs format string
\param log_module The IIS logs module to be used to parse the format string
\return Whether the process was successful or not
\see FormatOps, FormatOps::LogsFormat, FormatOps::processIisFormatString()
bool setIisLogFormat( const std::string& format_string, const int log_module ) noexcept;
//! Returns the logs format string for the given Web Server
\param web_server ID of the Web Server
\return The format string
\see FormatOps::LogsFormat
const std::string& getLogsFormatString( const WebServer& web_server ) const noexcept;
//! Returns the LogsFormat currently set for the given Web Server
\param web_server ID of the Web Server
\return The LogsFormat instance
\see LogsFormat
const LogsFormat& getLogsFormat( const WebServer& web_server ) const noexcept;
//! Returns a sample log line for the given Web Server using the relative LogsFormat
\param web_server ID of the Web Server
\return The sample of a log line
\throw WebServerException
\see FormatOps::getApacheLogSample(), FormatOps::getNginxLogSample(), FormatOps::getIisLogSample()
QString getLogsFormatSample( const WebServer& web_server ) const;
//! Checks whether the current Logs Format is valid or not
bool checkCurrentLogsFormat() const noexcept;
//// WARNING SIZE ////
//! Returns the currently set warning size for the log files
size_t getWarningSize() const noexcept;
//! Sets the new warning size for the log files
void setWarningSize( const size_t new_size ) noexcept;
//// OPERATIONS ////
// logs usage control
HashOps hashOps;
//// WORK ////
//! Various checks to be made before starting a new process
Checks the databases, the selected files and their size
\return Whether the checks has been successful or not
\throw GenericException
bool checkStuff();
//! Returns whether the database has been edited or not during the process
bool isParsing() const noexcept;
//! Returns whether the database has been edited or not during the process
bool editedDatabase() const noexcept;
//! Returns the total logs size
size_t getParsedSize() noexcept;
//! Returns the parsed logs lines
size_t getParsedLines() noexcept;
//! Returns the speed on parsing logs
QString getParsingSpeed() noexcept;
//! Builds and draws the chart to be displayed in the main window
\param theme The base theme to use for the Chart
\param fonts The map holding the fonts
\param size_chart The widget which will display the chart
\see DonutBreakdown
void makeChart( const QChart::ChartTheme& theme, const std::unordered_map<std::string, QFont>& fonts, QChartView* size_chart ) const;
void pushLogFile( const LogFile& log_file );
void doneStoringFilesHashes( const bool successful );
void finishedRefreshing();
void finishedWorking();
public slots:
void scanLogsDir();
void appendLogFile( const LogFile log_file ) noexcept;
void logsDirScanned() noexcept;
void startWorking( const Blacklists& blacklists );
void workerStartedParsing() noexcept;
void workerFinishedParsing() noexcept;
void stopWorking( const bool successful );
void updatePerfData( const size_t parsed_size,
const size_t parsed_lines ) noexcept;
void updateChartData( const size_t total_size,
const size_t total_lines,
const size_t blacklisted_size ) noexcept;
void showWorkerDialog( const WorkerDialog dialog_type,
const QStringList args ) const noexcept;
void storeFilesHashes( QWaitCondition* wc, bool* successful ) noexcept;
//// DIALOGS ////
// quantity of information to display throught dialogs
DialogsLevel dialogs_level{ DL_NORMAL };
//// DATABASES ////
std::string db_stats_path;
std::string db_hashes_path;
//// WORK ////
bool proceed { false };
bool db_edited { false };
bool is_parsing { false };
std::mutex mutex;
//! Hires a worker to parse the selected logs
void hireWorker( const Blacklists& blacklists ) const;
size_t total_lines { 0ul }; // total number of logs lines
size_t parsed_lines { 0ul }; // number of parsed logs lines
size_t total_size { 0ul }; // total size of the logs
size_t parsed_size { 0ul }; // size of the logs which have been used
size_t blacklisted_size { 0ul }; // size of the logs which has been blacklisted
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point parsing_time_start,
//// LOGS ITEMS ////
// the selected log files to be parsed during the process
std::vector<std::tuple<std::string,std::string>> log_files_to_use;
// used files hashes
std::vector<std::string> used_files_hashes;
//// LOGS CONTROL ////
// warning size, in Bytes
size_t warning_size{ (1'048'576u * 50u) +1u }; // => 1 MiB * x
//// WEB SERVER ////
// currently used web server
WebServer current_web_server{ WS_APACHE };
std::unordered_map<WebServer, std::string> logs_paths;
//! Web Server specific file names criterions
The rules to be used to decide whether a file name is valid or not
\see isFileNameValid()
struct LogName final {
std::string starts; //!< What should be the initial part of the name
std::string contains; //!< What should be contained in the middle of the name
std::string ends; //!< What should be the final part of the name
std::unordered_map<WebServer, LogName> logs_base_names;
//! Changes the name criterions for IIS logs files names depending on the given module
\param module_id The ID of the module to use to set the criterions
\throw GenericException
\see LogName
void changeIisLogsBaseNames( const int module_id );
//// LOGS LIST ////
// list of the log files found in the logs path
std::vector<LogFile> logs_list;
//// LOGS FORMAT ////
FormatOps formatOps;
std::unordered_map<WebServer, std::string> logs_format_strings;
std::unordered_map<WebServer, LogsFormat> logs_formats;
// currently used logs format
LogsFormat current_log_format;