Valentino Orlandi a49a02195d
Tests improvements
Added test for CharOps functions.
Improved tests for some StringOps functions.
Improved tests for the Nginx and IIS format string parser.
2023-12-01 22:11:17 +01:00

776 lines
41 KiB

#include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sstream>
#include "utilities/io.h"
#include "utilities/strings.h"
#include "utilities/vectors.h"
#include "modules/exceptions.h"
#include "modules/craplog/modules/datetime.h"
#include "modules/craplog/modules/formats.h"
#include "modules/craplog/modules/logs.h"
#include "modules/crapview/modules/filters.h"
#include <QTimeZone>
#define T_PRINT(ARG) std::cout << " [PASSED] " ARG "()" << std::endl;
std::streambuf* out{ std::cout.rdbuf() };\
std::stringstream out_;\
std::cout.rdbuf( out_.rdbuf() );
std::cout.rdbuf( out );
std::streambuf* err{ std::cerr.rdbuf() };\
std::stringstream err_;\
std::cerr.rdbuf( err_.rdbuf() );
std::cerr.rdbuf( err );
namespace Testing
void testUtilities()
//// IO UTILS ////
assert( IOutils::exists("../logdoctor") == true );
assert( IOutils::exists("some/fancy/path") == false );
assert( IOutils::isFile("../logdoctor/main.cpp") == true );
assert( IOutils::isFile("../logdoctor/tests") == false );
assert( IOutils::isDir("../logdoctor/tests") == true );
assert( IOutils::isDir("../logdoctor/main.cpp") == false );
assert( IOutils::checkFile("../logdoctor/main.cpp") == true );
assert( IOutils::checkFile("../logdoctor/tests") == false );
assert( IOutils::checkDir("../logdoctor/tests") == true );
assert( IOutils::checkDir("../logdoctor/main.cpp") == false );
//// CHARS ////
const auto every_other_char_but = [](const std::vector<char>& in)->std::vector<char>{
std::vector<char> out( 128-in.size() );
for (char c{0}; c<127; c++) {
if (const auto it = std::find(in.cbegin(),in.cend(),c); it == in.cend()) {
out.push_back( c );
return out;
const std::vector<char> numerical_chars
const std::vector<char> alphabetical_chars
const std::vector<char> alphanumerical_chars
const std::vector<char> hexadecimal_chars
const std::vector<char> ip_chars
for (const char& c : numerical_chars)
assert( CharOps::isNumeric(c) == true );
for (const char& c : every_other_char_but(numerical_chars))
assert( CharOps::isNumeric(c) == false );
for (const char& c : alphabetical_chars)
assert( CharOps::isAlphabetic(c) == true );
for (const char& c : every_other_char_but(alphabetical_chars))
assert( CharOps::isAlphabetic(c) == false );
for (const char& c : alphanumerical_chars)
assert( CharOps::isAlnum(c) == true );
for (const char& c : every_other_char_but(alphanumerical_chars))
assert( CharOps::isAlnum(c) == false );
for (const char& c : hexadecimal_chars)
assert( CharOps::isHex(c) == true );
for (const char& c : every_other_char_but(hexadecimal_chars))
assert( CharOps::isHex(c) == false );
for (const char& c : ip_chars)
assert( CharOps::isIP(c) == true );
for (const char& c : every_other_char_but(ip_chars))
assert( CharOps::isIP(c) == false );
//// STRINGS ////
assert( StringOps::count("test test test test ", ' ') == 7ul );
assert( StringOps::count("flagABCflagXYZflag", "flag") == 3ul );
assert( StringOps::isNumeric("0123456789") == true );
assert( StringOps::isNumeric("0123456789 ") == false );
assert( StringOps::isAlphabetic("abcXYZ") == true );
assert( StringOps::isAlphabetic("abc_XYZ") == false );
assert( StringOps::isAlnum("testME123") == true );
assert( StringOps::isAlnum("Fail!") == false );
assert( StringOps::isIP("") == true );
assert( StringOps::isIP("::1") == true );
assert( StringOps::isIP("987654321.") == true );
assert( StringOps::isIP("abcdef:") == true );
assert( StringOps::isIP(".: ") == false );
assert( StringOps::startsWith("/path/to", '/') == true );
assert( StringOps::startsWith(" rand", 'r') == false );
assert( StringOps::startsWith("flag", "flag") == true );
assert( StringOps::startsWith("flag", "lag") == false );
assert( StringOps::endsWith("space_pad ", ' ') == true );
assert( StringOps::endsWith("rand ", 'd') == false );
assert( StringOps::endsWith("the end", " end") == true );
assert( StringOps::endsWith("the end", "_end") == false );
assert( StringOps::contains("abcdefedcba", "efe") == true );
assert( StringOps::contains("this_should_fail", "SHOULD") == false );
assert( StringOps::strip("___test___", '_') == "test" );
assert( StringOps::strip("test", ' ') == "test" );
assert( StringOps::strip(" ", ' ') == "" );
assert( StringOps::strip("", ' ') == "" );
assert( StringOps::strip("a b ctestc", " abc") == "test" );
assert( StringOps::strip("\n\t \ntest\r ") == "test" );
assert( StringOps::strip("test") == "test" );
assert( StringOps::strip(" \t\n\r") == "" );
assert( StringOps::strip("") == "" );
assert( StringOps::lstrip("___test_", '_') == "test_" );
assert( StringOps::lstrip("test", ' ') == "test" );
assert( StringOps::lstrip(" ", ' ') == "" );
assert( StringOps::lstrip("", ' ') == "" );
assert( StringOps::lstrip("the three trees", " ethr") == "s" );
assert( StringOps::lstrip(" \n\t\rtest ") == "test " );
assert( StringOps::lstrip("test") == "test" );
assert( StringOps::lstrip(" \t\n\r") == "" );
assert( StringOps::lstrip("") == "" );
assert( StringOps::rstrip("_test___", '_') == "_test" );
assert( StringOps::rstrip("test", ' ') == "test" );
assert( StringOps::rstrip(" ", ' ') == "" );
assert( StringOps::rstrip("", ' ') == "" );
assert( StringOps::rstrip("testTEST", "TEST") == "test" );
assert( StringOps::rstrip(" test\r\t\n ") == " test" );
assert( StringOps::rstrip("test") == "test" );
assert( StringOps::rstrip(" \t\n\r") == "" );
assert( StringOps::rstrip("") == "" );
assert( StringOps::lstripUntil("is ok?", ' ') == "ok?" );
assert( StringOps::lstripUntil("yes, it is", ' ', false) == " it is" );
assert( StringOps::lstripUntil("__test", '_', false, false) == "__test" );
assert( StringOps::lstripUntil("__test", '_', true, false) == "_test" );
assert( StringOps::lstripUntil("__test", '_', true, true) == "test" );
assert( StringOps::lstripUntil(" ", '_') == " " );
assert( StringOps::lstripUntil(" ", ' ') == "" );
assert( StringOps::lstripUntil("", ' ') == "" );
std::vector<std::string> v;
std::vector<std::string> t{"ok","ok","ok"};
StringOps::split(v, "ok\nok\nok");
assert( v == t );
std::vector<std::string> v;
std::vector<std::string> t{"es","ing s","uff"};
StringOps::split(v, "testing stuff", 't');
assert( v == t );
std::vector<std::string> v;
std::vector<std::string> t{"should","work","as expected"};
StringOps::split(v, " should work as expected ", " ");
assert( v == t );
std::vector<std::string> v;
std::vector<std::string> t{"ok","ok","ok"};
StringOps::splitrip(v, " ok \n ok \n ok ");
assert( v == t );
std::vector<std::string> v;
std::vector<std::string> t{"ok","ok","ok"};
StringOps::splitrip(v, "ok. .ok. .ok", ' ', ".");
assert( v == t );
std::vector<std::string> v;
std::vector<std::string> t{"test","passed"};
StringOps::splitrip(v, "iftesthaspassedfi", "has", "if");
assert( v == t );
assert( StringOps::replace("replace every space", " ", "_") == "replace_every_space" );
assert( StringOps::replace("thERR corrERRct phrasERR", "ERR", "e") == "the correct phrase" );
assert( StringOps::toUpper("raise me up") == "RAISE ME UP" );
assert( StringOps::toUpper("1 2 3") == "1 2 3" );
assert( StringOps::toLower("LO-O-OW") == "lo-o-ow" );
assert( StringOps::toLower("9 8 7") == "9 8 7" );
//// VECTORS ////
assert( VecOps::contains<int>({1,2,4,8,16,32,64}, 4) == true );
assert( VecOps::contains<char>({'a','b','c'}, 'z') == false );
assert( VecOps::contains<std::string>({"catch","the","flag"}, "flag") == true );
void testCraplogModules()
//// DATE-TIME ////
QTimeZone tz{ QTimeZone::systemTimeZone() };
const int e{ 946771199 - tz.standardTimeOffset( QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(946771199) ) };
const std::string e_str{ std::to_string( e ) };
const std::string epochs[4]{ e_str, e_str+".000", e_str+"000", e_str+"000000" };
std::vector<std::string> target{"2000","01","01","23","59","59"};
assert( DateTimeOps::processDateTime("[01/Jan/2000:23:59:59 +0000]", "ncsa") == target );
assert( DateTimeOps::processDateTime("Sat Jan 01 23:59:59 2000", "mcs") == target );
assert( DateTimeOps::processDateTime("Saturday, 01-Jan-2000 23:59:59 UTC", "gmt") == target );
assert( DateTimeOps::processDateTime("2000-01-01T23:59:59+00:00", "iso") == target );
assert( DateTimeOps::processDateTime(epochs[0], "epoch_s") == target );
assert( DateTimeOps::processDateTime(epochs[1], "epoch_s.ms") == target );
assert( DateTimeOps::processDateTime(epochs[2], "epoch_ms") == target );
assert( DateTimeOps::processDateTime(epochs[3], "epoch_us") == target );
target = {"2000","01","01","","",""};
assert( DateTimeOps::processDateTime("2000-01-01", "utc_d") == target );
assert( DateTimeOps::processDateTime("2000-01-01", "YYYYMMDD") == target );
assert( DateTimeOps::processDateTime("01/01/00", "MMDDYY") == target );
assert( DateTimeOps::processDateTime("1/1/2000", "MDYYYY") == target );
target = {"","","","23","59","59"};
assert( DateTimeOps::processDateTime("23:59:59", "utc_t") == target );
assert( DateTimeOps::processDateTime("11:59:59 pm", "clock_12") == target );
assert( DateTimeOps::processDateTime("23:59:59", "clock_24") == target );
target = {"","","","23","59",""};
assert( DateTimeOps::processDateTime("23:59", "clock_short") == target );
target = {"","","","PM","",""};
assert( DateTimeOps::processDateTime("pm", "clock_meridian") == target );
target = {"2000","","","","",""};
assert( DateTimeOps::processDateTime("2000", "year") == target );
target = {"","01","","","",""};
assert( DateTimeOps::processDateTime("01", "month") == target );
target = {"","","01","","",""};
assert( DateTimeOps::processDateTime("01", "day") == target );
target = {"","","","23","",""};
assert( DateTimeOps::processDateTime("23", "hour") == target );
target = {"","","","","59",""};
assert( DateTimeOps::processDateTime("59", "minute") == target );
target = {"","","","","","59"};
assert( DateTimeOps::processDateTime("59", "second") == target );
//// FORMATS ////
FormatOps fo;
LogsFormat lf;
std::string format_string;
std::vector<std::string> fields;
std::vector<std::string> separators;
// test the default string
format_string = "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\"";
fields = {"client","NONE","NONE","date_time_ncsa","request_full","response_code","NONE","referer","user_agent"};
separators = {" "," "," [","] \"","\" "," "," \"","\" \""};
lf = fo.processApacheFormatString(format_string);
assert( lf.initial.empty() );
assert( lf.fields == fields );
assert( lf.separators == separators );
assert( lf.final == "\"" );
// test all simple fields
format_string = "%%%h %% %t\t%r\n%H %m [%U%%%q} <%s> %<s %>s %O %I %T %D %a %A %b %B %e %f %k %l %L %p %P %R %S %u %v %V %% %X%%";
fields = {"client","date_time_ncsa","request_full","request_protocol","request_method","request_uri","request_query","response_code","response_code","response_code","bytes_sent","bytes_received","time_taken_s","time_taken_ms","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE"};
separators = {" % [","]\t","\n"," "," [","%","} <","> "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," % "};
lf = fo.processApacheFormatString(format_string);
assert( lf.initial == "%" );
assert( lf.fields == fields );
assert( lf.separators == separators );
assert( lf.final == "%" );
// test non-existing/invalid simple fields
for ( auto& fs : {"%","%c","%d","%E","%Q","%w","%Z","%! ","%, ","%h%r"} ) {
try {
std::ignore = fo.processApacheFormatString(fs);
assert( false );
} catch (const LogFormatException& e) {}
// test client related composed fields
format_string = "%{}a %{c}a %{}h %{c}h %{Cookie}i %200{Cookie}i %{User-agent}i %302,400{User-agent}i %!200{Referer}i %,200{Referer}i %{Referer}i";
fields = {"client","client","client","client","cookie","cookie","user_agent","user_agent","referer","referer","referer"};
separators = {" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "};
lf = fo.processApacheFormatString(format_string);
assert( lf.initial.empty() );
assert( lf.fields == fields );
assert( lf.separators == separators );
assert( lf.final.empty() );
// test unexisting/unsupported client related composed fields
format_string = "%{ }a %{x}a %{NOPE}a %{ }h %{y}h %{NOPE}h %{}i %{ }i %{Random}i %{Cookies}i";
fields = {"client","client","client","client","client","client","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE"};
separators = {" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "};
lf = fo.processApacheFormatString(format_string);
assert( lf.initial.empty() );
assert( lf.fields == fields );
assert( lf.separators == separators );
assert( lf.final.empty() );
// test date-time composed fields
format_string = "%{%%}t %{%n}t %{%t}t %{}t %{sec}t %{msec}t %{usec}t %{msec_frac}t %{usec_frac}t %{%a}t %{%A}t %{%b}t %{%B}t %{%c}t %{%C}t %{%d}t %{%D}t %{%e}t %{%F}t %{%g}t %{%G}t %{%h}t %{%H}t %{%I}t %{%j}t %{%k}t %{%m}t %{%M}t %{%p}t %{%r}t %{%R}t %{%S}t %{%T}t %{%u}t %{%U}t %{%V}t %{%w}t %{%W}t %{%x}t %{%X}t %{%y}t %{%Y}t %{%z}t %{%Z}t";
fields = {"date_time_ncsa","date_time_epoch_s","date_time_epoch_ms","date_time_epoch_us","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE","date_time_month_str","date_time_month_str","date_time_mcs","NONE","date_time_day","date_time_MMDDYY","date_time_day","date_time_YYYYMMDD","NONE","NONE","date_time_month_str","date_time_hour","NONE","NONE","date_time_hour","date_time_month","date_time_minute","NONE","date_time_clock_12","date_time_clock_short","date_time_second","date_time_clock_24","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE","date_time_MMDDYY","date_time_clock_24","date_time_year_short","date_time_year","NONE","NONE"};
separators = {"] "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "};
lf = fo.processApacheFormatString(format_string);
assert( lf.initial == "% \n \t [" );
assert( lf.fields == fields );
assert( lf.separators == separators );
assert( lf.final.empty() );
// test date-time composed fields, with one field only
format_string = "%{}t";
fields = {"date_time_ncsa"};
lf = fo.processApacheFormatString(format_string);
assert( lf.initial == "[" );
assert( lf.fields == fields );
assert( lf.separators.empty() );
assert( lf.final == "]" );
// test date-time composed fields, with many aggreagated fields
format_string = "%{%%%Y_%m_%e%t%H@%M@%S%%}t";
fields = {"date_time_year","date_time_month","date_time_day","date_time_hour","date_time_minute","date_time_second"};
separators = {"_","_","\t","@","@"};
lf = fo.processApacheFormatString(format_string);
assert( lf.initial == "%" );
assert( lf.fields == fields );
assert( lf.separators == separators );
assert( lf.final == "%" );
// test date-time composed fields, with all fields aggeregated in one
format_string = "%{%% %n %t %a %A %b %B %c %C %d %D %e %F %g %G %h %H %I %j %k %m %M %p %r %R %S %T %u %U %V %w %W %x %X %y %Y %z %Z}t";
fields = {"NONE","NONE","date_time_month_str","date_time_month_str","date_time_mcs","NONE","date_time_day","date_time_MMDDYY","date_time_day","date_time_YYYYMMDD","NONE","NONE","date_time_month_str","date_time_hour","NONE","NONE","date_time_hour","date_time_month","date_time_minute","NONE","date_time_clock_12","date_time_clock_short","date_time_second","date_time_clock_24","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE","date_time_MMDDYY","date_time_clock_24","date_time_year_short","date_time_year","NONE","NONE"};
separators = {" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "};
lf = fo.processApacheFormatString(format_string);
assert( lf.initial == "% \n \t " );
assert( lf.fields == fields );
assert( lf.separators == separators );
assert( lf.final.empty() );
// test unexisting/unsupported date-time composed fields
format_string = "%{ }t %{nope}t %{%}t %{%?}t %{%E}t %{%q}t";
lf = fo.processApacheFormatString(format_string);
assert( lf.initial == " nope % %? %E %q" );
assert( lf.fields.empty() );
assert( lf.separators.empty() );
assert( lf.final.empty() );
// test invalid date-time composed fields
for ( auto& fs : {"%{%H}t%{%M}t%{%S}t","%{%d%m%y}t"} ) {
try {
std::ignore = fo.processApacheFormatString(fs);
assert( false );
} catch (const LogFormatException& e) {}
// test time taken related composed fields
format_string = "%{}T %{s}T %{ms}T %{us}T";
fields = {"time_taken_s","time_taken_s","time_taken_ms","time_taken_us"};
separators = {" "," "," "};
lf = fo.processApacheFormatString(format_string);
assert( lf.initial.empty() );
assert( lf.fields == fields );
assert( lf.separators == separators );
assert( lf.final.empty() );
// test unexisting/unsupported time taken related composed fields
format_string = "%{ }T %{%s}T %{msec}T";
fields = {};
lf = fo.processApacheFormatString(format_string);
assert( lf.initial == " %s msec" );
assert( lf.fields.empty() );
assert( lf.separators.empty() );
assert( lf.final.empty() );
// test unused composed fields
format_string = "%{}C %{}e %{}L %{}n %{}o %{}p %{canonical}p %{local}p %{remote}p %{}P %{pid}P %{tid}P %{hextid}P %{}^ti %{}^to";
separators = {" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "};
lf = fo.processApacheFormatString(format_string);
assert( lf.initial.empty() );
assert( lf.fields == fields );
assert( lf.separators == separators );
assert( lf.final.empty() );
// test unused composed fields, with random content
format_string = "%{TEST}C %{TEST}e %{TEST}L %{TEST}n %{TEST}o %{TEST}p %{TEST}P %{TEST}^ti %{TEST}^to";
fields = {"NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE"};
separators = {" "," "," "," "," TEST TEST "," "};
lf = fo.processApacheFormatString(format_string);
assert( lf.initial.empty() );
assert( lf.fields == fields );
assert( lf.separators == separators );
assert( lf.final.empty() );
// test an empty string
lf = fo.processApacheFormatString(format_string);
assert( lf.initial.empty() );
assert( lf.fields.empty() );
assert( lf.separators.empty() );
assert( lf.final.empty() );
FormatOps fo;
LogsFormat lf;
std::string format_string;
std::vector<std::string> fields;
std::vector<std::string> separators;
// test the default string
format_string = "$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] \"$request\" $status $bytes_sent \"$http_referer\" \"$http_user_agent\"";
fields = {"client","NONE","date_time_ncsa","request_full","response_code","bytes_sent","referer","user_agent"};
separators = {" - "," [","] \"","\" "," "," \"","\" \""};
lf = fo.processNginxFormatString(format_string);
assert( lf.initial.empty() );
assert( lf.fields == fields );
assert( lf.separators == separators );
assert( lf.final == "\"" );
// test all the considered fields
format_string = "$remote_addr $realip_remote_addr $time_local $time_iso8601 $date_gmt $msec $request $server_protocol $request_method $request_uri $uri $query_string $status $bytes_sent $request_length $request_time $http_referer $cookie_ $http_user_agent";
fields = {"client","client","date_time_ncsa","date_time_iso","date_time_gmt","date_time_epoch_s.ms","request_full","request_protocol","request_method","request_uri_query","request_uri","request_query","response_code","bytes_sent","bytes_received","time_taken_s.ms","referer","cookie","user_agent"};
separators = {" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "};
lf = fo.processNginxFormatString(format_string);
assert( lf.initial.empty() );
assert( lf.fields == fields );
assert( lf.separators == separators );
assert( lf.final.empty() );
// test all the non-considered fields
format_string = "$ancient_browser $arg_ $args $binary_remote_addr $body_bytes_sent $connection $connection_requests $connections_active $connections_reading $connections_waiting $connections_writing $content_length $content_type $date_local $document_root $document_uri $fastcgi_path_info $fastcgi_script_name $geoip_area_code $geoip_city $geoip_city_continent_code $geoip_city_country_code $geoip_city_country_code3 $geoip_city_country_name $geoip_country_code $geoip_country_code3 $geoip_country_name $geoip_dma_code $geoip_latitude $geoip_longitude $geoip_org $geoip_postal_code $geoip_region $geoip_region_name $gzip_ratio $host $hostname $http2 $http_ $https $invalid_referer $is_args $limit_rate $memcached_key $modern_browser $msie $nginx_version $pid $pipe $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for $proxy_host $proxy_port $proxy_protocol_addr $proxy_protocol_port $realip_remote_port $realpath_root $remote_port $remote_user $request_body $request_body_file $request_completion $request_filename $request_id $scheme $secure_link $secure_link_expires $sent_http_ $server_addr $server_name $server_port $session_log_binary_id $session_log_id $slice_range $spdy $spdy_request_priority $ssl_cipher $ssl_client_cert $ssl_client_fingerprint $ssl_client_i_dn $ssl_client_raw_cert $ssl_client_s_dn $ssl_client_serial $ssl_client_verify $ssl_protocol $ssl_server_name $ssl_session_id $ssl_session_reused $tcpinfo_rtt $tcpinfo_rttvar $tcpinfo_snd_cwnd $tcpinfo_rcv_space $uid_got $uid_reset $uid_set $upstream_addr $upstream_cache_status $upstream_connect_time $upstream_cookie_ $upstream_header_time $upstream_http_ $upstream_response_length $upstream_response_time $upstream_status";
separators = {" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "};
lf = fo.processNginxFormatString(format_string);
assert( lf.initial.empty() );
assert( lf.fields == fields );
assert( lf.separators == separators );
assert( lf.final.empty() );
// test an empty string
lf = fo.processNginxFormatString(format_string);
assert( lf.initial.empty() );
assert( lf.fields.empty() );
assert( lf.separators.empty() );
assert( lf.final.empty() );
FormatOps fo;
LogsFormat lf;
std::string format_string;
std::vector<std::string> fields;
std::vector<std::string> separators;
// test the default string for the W3C module
format_string = "date time s-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query s-port cs-username c-ip cs(User-Agent) cs(Referer) sc-status sc-substatus sc-win32-status time-taken";
fields = {"date_time_utc_d","date_time_utc_t","NONE","request_method","request_uri","request_query","NONE","NONE","client","user_agent","referer","response_code","NONE","NONE","time_taken_ms"};
separators = {" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "};
lf = fo.processIisFormatString(format_string, 0);
assert( lf.initial.empty() );
assert( lf.fields == fields );
assert( lf.separators == separators );
assert( lf.final.empty() );
// test all the considered fields for the W3C module
format_string = "date time cs-version cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query sc-status sc-bytes cs-bytes time-taken cs(Referer) cs(Cookie) cs(User-Agent) c-ip";
fields = {"date_time_utc_d","date_time_utc_t","request_protocol","request_method","request_uri","request_query","response_code","bytes_sent","bytes_received","time_taken_ms","referer","cookie","user_agent","client"};
separators = {" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "};
lf = fo.processIisFormatString(format_string, 0);
assert( lf.initial.empty() );
assert( lf.fields == fields );
assert( lf.separators == separators );
assert( lf.final.empty() );
// test all the non-considered fields for the W3C module
format_string = "s-sitename s-computername s-ip s-port cs-username cs-host sc-substatus sc-win32-status streamid";
fields = {"NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE","NONE"};
separators = {" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "};
lf = fo.processIisFormatString(format_string, 0);
assert( lf.initial.empty() );
assert( lf.fields == fields );
assert( lf.separators == separators );
assert( lf.final.empty() );
// test an empty string for the W3C module
lf = fo.processIisFormatString(format_string, 0);
assert( lf.initial.empty() );
assert( lf.fields.empty() );
assert( lf.separators.empty() );
assert( lf.final.empty() );
// test the the NCSA module
format_string = "some random useless text";
fields = {"client","NONE","NONE","date_time_ncsa","request_full","response_code","bytes_sent"};
separators = {" "," "," [","] \"","\" "," "};
lf = fo.processIisFormatString(format_string, 1);
assert( lf.initial.empty() );
assert( lf.fields == fields );
assert( lf.separators == separators );
assert( lf.final.empty() );
// test an empty string for the NCSA module
lf = fo.processIisFormatString(format_string, 1);
assert( lf.initial.empty() );
assert( lf.fields == fields );
assert( lf.separators == separators );
assert( lf.final.empty() );
// test the the IIS module
format_string = "some random useless text";
fields = {"client","NONE","date_time_MDYYYY","date_time_utc_t","NONE","NONE","NONE","time_taken_ms","bytes_received","bytes_sent","response_code","NONE","request_method","request_uri","request_query"};
separators = {", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", "};
lf = fo.processIisFormatString(format_string, 2);
assert( lf.initial.empty() );
assert( lf.fields == fields );
assert( lf.separators == separators );
assert( lf.final == "," );
// test an empty string for the IIS module
lf = fo.processIisFormatString(format_string, 2);
assert( lf.initial.empty() );
assert( lf.fields == fields );
assert( lf.separators == separators );
assert( lf.final == "," );
//// LOGS ////
LogsFormat lf{ "","","]",{" ","_"},{"","",""},0 };
assert( LogOps::defineFileType({"ok ok_ok]","a a_a]","TEST TEST_TEST]"}, lf) == LogType::Access );
assert( LogOps::defineFileType({"no no no!","some thing wrong","with this file!"}, lf) == LogType::Discarded );
assert( LogOps::defineFileType({}, lf) == LogType::Failed );
void testCrapviewModules()
//// FILTERS ////
assert( FilterOps::parseNull(" null ").value() == "NULL" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNull(" not null ").value() == "NOT NULL" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNull("not null").value() == "NOT NULL" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNull("! null").value() == "NOT NULL" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNull("null").value() == "NULL" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNull("NULL").value() == "NULL" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNull("not null").value() == "NOT NULL" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNull("NOT NULL").value() == "NOT NULL" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNull("!NULL").value() == "NOT NULL" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNull("! NULL").value() == "NOT NULL" );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNull("").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNull("123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNull("abc").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNull("*").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNull("null test").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNull("not null test").has_value() );
assert( FilterOps::parseTextualFilter("").value() == "" );
assert( FilterOps::parseTextualFilter("null").value() == "NULL" );
assert( FilterOps::parseTextualFilter("not null").value() == "NOT NULL" );
assert( FilterOps::parseTextualFilter("*").value() == "NOT NULL" );
assert( FilterOps::parseTextualFilter(" a test string ").value() == "a test string" );
assert( FilterOps::parseTextualFilter("[test 123 #!?]").value() == "[test 123 #!?]" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("").value() == "" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("null").value() == "NULL" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("not null").value() == "NOT NULL" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter(" 123 ").value() == "= 123" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter(" = 123 ").value() == "= 123" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter(" ! 123 ").value() == "!= 123" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("123").value() == "= 123" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("=123").value() == "= 123" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("= 123").value() == "= 123" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("==123").value() == "= 123" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("== 123").value() == "= 123" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("eq 123").value() == "= 123" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("!123").value() == "!= 123" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("!=123").value() == "!= 123" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("!= 123").value() == "!= 123" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("ne 123").value() == "!= 123" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter(">123").value() == "> 123" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("> 123").value() == "> 123" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("gt 123").value() == "> 123" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter(">=123").value() == ">= 123" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter(">= 123").value() == ">= 123" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("ge 123").value() == ">= 123" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("<123").value() == "< 123" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("< 123").value() == "< 123" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("lt 123").value() == "< 123" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("<=123").value() == "<= 123" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("<= 123").value() == "<= 123" );
assert( FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("le 123").value() == "<= 123" );
// test for invalid filter
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("*").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("= =123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("= = 123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("===123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("=== 123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("eq123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("!>123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("!> 123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("!<123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("!< 123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("! =123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("! = 123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("!==123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("!== 123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("ne123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter(">>123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter(">> 123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("gt123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("=>123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("=> 123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter(">==123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter(">== 123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter(">>=123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter(">>= 123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("ge123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("<<123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("<< 123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("lt123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("=<123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("=< 123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("<==123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("<== 123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("<<=123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("<<= 123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("le123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("eq ").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("abc").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("abc xyz").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("abc 123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("123 abc").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("1a2b3c").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("123 456").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("+123").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseNumericFilter("-123").has_value() );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("").value() == "" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("null").value() == "NULL" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("not null").value() == "NOT NULL" );
// test for true
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("1").value() == "= 1" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("true").value() == "= 1" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("TRUE").value() == "= 1" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("=true").value() == "= 1" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("=TRUE").value() == "= 1" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("= true").value() == "= 1" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("= TRUE").value() == "= 1" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("==true").value() == "= 1" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("==TRUE").value() == "= 1" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("== true").value() == "= 1" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("== TRUE").value() == "= 1" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("!=false").value() == "= 1" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("!=FALSE").value() == "= 1" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("!= false").value() == "= 1" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("!= FALSE").value() == "= 1" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("!false").value() == "= 1" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("!FALSE").value() == "= 1" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("! false").value() == "= 1" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("! FALSE").value() == "= 1" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("! false").value() == "= 1" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("! FALSE").value() == "= 1" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("not false").value() == "= 1" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("NOT FALSE").value() == "= 1" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("not false").value() == "= 1" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("NOT FALSE").value() == "= 1" );
// test for false
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("0").value() == "= 0" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("false").value() == "= 0" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("FALSE").value() == "= 0" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("=false").value() == "= 0" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("=FALSE").value() == "= 0" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("= false").value() == "= 0" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("= FALSE").value() == "= 0" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("==false").value() == "= 0" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("==FALSE").value() == "= 0" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("== false").value() == "= 0" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("== FALSE").value() == "= 0" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("!=true").value() == "= 0" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("!=TRUE").value() == "= 0" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("!= true").value() == "= 0" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("!= TRUE").value() == "= 0" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("!true").value() == "= 0" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("!TRUE").value() == "= 0" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("! true").value() == "= 0" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("! TRUE").value() == "= 0" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("! true").value() == "= 0" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("! TRUE").value() == "= 0" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("not true").value() == "= 0" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("NOT TRUE").value() == "= 0" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("not true").value() == "= 0" );
assert( FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("NOT TRUE").value() == "= 0" );
// test for invalid filter
assert( ! FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("*").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("2").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("0 1").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("abc").has_value() );
assert( ! FilterOps::parseBooleanFilter("true false").has_value() );
} // namespace Testing