
1098 lines
38 KiB

#include "craplog.h"
#include "utilities/checks.h"
#include "utilities/gzip.h"
#include "utilities/io.h"
#include "utilities/memory.h"
#include "utilities/printables.h"
#include "utilities/strings.h"
#include "utilities/vectors.h"
#include "modules/dialogs.h"
#include "modules/exceptions.h"
#include "modules/shared.h"
#include "modules/craplog/modules/donuts.h"
#include "modules/craplog/modules/logs.h"
#include "modules/craplog/modules/workers/lister.h"
#include "modules/craplog/modules/workers/parser.h"
#include "modules/craplog/modules/workers/parser_async.h"
#include <QUrl>
#include <QPainter>
#include <filesystem>
#include <thread>
#include <exception>
#include <ctime>
// blacklists / whitelists
for ( unsigned i{APACHE_ID}; i<=IIS_ID; i++ ) {
this->warnlists.emplace( i, std::unordered_map<int, BWlist>(4) );
this->blacklists.emplace( i, std::unordered_map<int, BWlist>(1) );
// default data
this->warnlists.at( i ).emplace( 11, BWlist{ .used=false, .list={} } );
this->warnlists.at( i ).emplace( 12, BWlist{ .used=false, .list={} } );
this->warnlists.at( i ).emplace( 20, BWlist{ .used=false, .list={} } );
this->warnlists.at( i ).emplace( 21, BWlist{ .used=false, .list={} } );
this->blacklists.at( i ).emplace( 20, BWlist{ .used=false, .list={} } );
// default format strings
APACHE_ID, "" );
NGINX_ID, "" );
IIS_ID, "" );
// initialize formats
APACHE_ID, LogsFormat() );
NGINX_ID, LogsFormat() );
IIS_ID, LogsFormat() );
this->current_LF = this->logs_formats.at( APACHE_ID );
// apache2 access/error logs location
this->logs_paths.emplace( APACHE_ID, "/var/log/apache2" );
// nginx access/error logs location
this->logs_paths.emplace( NGINX_ID, "/var/log/nginx" );
// iis access/error logs location
this->logs_paths.emplace( IIS_ID, "C:/inetpub/logs/LogFiles" );
// apache2 access/error log files' names
this->logs_base_names.emplace( APACHE_ID, LogName{ .starts = "access.log.",
.contains = "",
.ends = "" } );
// nginx access/error log files' names
this->logs_base_names.emplace( NGINX_ID, LogName{ .starts = "access.log.",
.contains = "",
.ends = "" });
// iis access/error log files' names
this->logs_base_names.emplace( IIS_ID, LogName{ .starts = "",
.contains = "_ex",
.ends = ".log" });
//// SETTINGS ////
int Craplog::getDialogsLevel() const
return this->dialogs_level;
void Craplog::setDialogsLevel( const int new_level )
this->dialogs_level = new_level;
this->hashOps.setDialogLevel( new_level );
const std::string& Craplog::getStatsDatabasePath() const
return this->db_stats_path;
const std::string& Craplog::getHashesDatabasePath() const
return this->db_hashes_path;
void Craplog::setStatsDatabasePath( const std::string& path )
this->db_stats_path = path + "/collection.db";
void Craplog::setHashesDatabasePath( const std::string& path )
this->db_hashes_path = path + "/hashes.db";
size_t Craplog::getWarningSize() const
return this->warning_size;
void Craplog::setWarningSize(const size_t new_size )
this->warning_size = new_size;
//// WARN/BLACK ////
bool Craplog::isBlacklistUsed( const unsigned& web_server_id, const int& log_field_id ) const
return this->blacklists.at( web_server_id ).at( log_field_id ).used;
bool Craplog::isWarnlistUsed( const unsigned& web_server_id, const int& log_field_id ) const
return this->warnlists.at( web_server_id ).at( log_field_id ).used;
void Craplog::setBlacklistUsed( const unsigned& web_server_id, const int& log_field_id, const bool used )
this->blacklists.at( web_server_id ).at( log_field_id ).used = used;
void Craplog::setWarnlistUsed( const unsigned& web_server_id, const int& log_field_id, const bool used )
this->warnlists.at( web_server_id ).at( log_field_id ).used = used;
const std::vector<std::string>& Craplog::getBlacklist( const unsigned& web_server_id, const int& log_field_id ) const
return this->blacklists.at( web_server_id ).at( log_field_id ).list;
const std::vector<std::string>& Craplog::getWarnlist( const unsigned& web_server_id, const int& log_field_id ) const
return this->warnlists.at( web_server_id ).at( log_field_id ).list;
void Craplog::setBlacklist( const unsigned& web_server_id, const int& log_field_id, const std::vector<std::string>& new_list )
this->blacklists.at( web_server_id ).at( log_field_id ).list.clear();
for ( const std::string& item : new_list ) {
this->blacklistAdd( web_server_id, log_field_id, item );
void Craplog::setWarnlist( const unsigned& web_server_id, const int& log_field_id, const std::vector<std::string>& new_list )
this->warnlists.at( web_server_id ).at( log_field_id ).list.clear();
for ( const std::string& item : new_list ) {
this->warnlistAdd( web_server_id, log_field_id, item );
void Craplog::blacklistAdd( const unsigned& web_server_id, const int& log_field_id, const std::string& new_item )
this->blacklists.at( web_server_id ).at( log_field_id ).list.push_back(
this->sanitizeBWitem( log_field_id, new_item ) );
void Craplog::warnlistAdd( const unsigned& web_server_id, const int& log_field_id, const std::string& new_item )
this->warnlists.at( web_server_id ).at( log_field_id ).list.push_back(
this->sanitizeBWitem( log_field_id, new_item ) );
void Craplog::blacklistRemove( const unsigned& web_server_id, const int& log_field_id, const std::string& item )
auto& list = this->blacklists.at( web_server_id ).at( log_field_id ).list;
// move the item to the end, then pop it
const size_t max{ list.size()-1ul };
for ( size_t i{0}; i<max; i++ ) {
if ( list.at( i ) == item ) {
list.at( i ) = list.at( i+1ul );
list.at( i+1ul ) = item;
void Craplog::warnlistRemove( const unsigned& web_server_id, const int& log_field_id, const std::string& item )
auto& list = this->warnlists.at( web_server_id ).at( log_field_id ).list;
// move the item to the end, then pop it
const size_t max{ list.size()-1ul };
for ( size_t i{0}; i<max; i++ ) {
if ( list.at( i ) == item ) {
list.at( i ) = list.at( i+1ul );
list.at( i+1ul ) = item;
int Craplog::blacklistMoveUp( const unsigned& web_server_id, const int& log_field_id, const std::string& item )
auto& list = this->blacklists.at( web_server_id ).at( log_field_id ).list;
size_t i{ 1 };
const size_t max{ list.size() };
for ( ; i<max; i++ ) {
if ( list.at( i ) == item ) {
list.at( i ) = list.at( i-1ul );
list.at( i-1ul ) = item;
return static_cast<int>( i );
int Craplog::warnlistMoveUp( const unsigned& web_server_id, const int& log_field_id, const std::string& item )
auto& list = this->warnlists.at( web_server_id ).at( log_field_id ).list;
size_t i{ 1 };
const size_t max{ list.size() };
for ( ; i<max; i++ ) {
if ( list.at( i ) == item ) {
list.at( i ) = list.at( i-1ul );
list.at( i-1ul ) = item;
return static_cast<int>( i );
int Craplog::blacklistMoveDown( const unsigned& web_server_id, const int& log_field_id, const std::string& item )
auto& list = this->blacklists.at( web_server_id ).at( log_field_id ).list;
size_t i{ 0 };
const size_t max{ list.size()-1ul };
for ( ; i<max; i++ ) {
if ( list.at( i ) == item ) {
list.at( i ) = list.at( i+1ul );
list.at( i+1ul ) = item;
return static_cast<int>( i );
int Craplog::warnlistMoveDown( const unsigned& web_server_id, const int& log_field_id, const std::string& item )
auto& list = this->warnlists.at( web_server_id ).at( log_field_id ).list;
size_t i{ 0 };
const size_t max{ list.size()-1ul };
for ( ; i<max; i++ ) {
if ( list.at( i ) == item ) {
list.at( i ) = list.at( i+1ul );
list.at( i+1ul ) = item;
return static_cast<int>( i );
std::string Craplog::sanitizeBWitem( const int& log_field_id, const std::string& new_item ) const
std::string sanitized_item;
switch ( log_field_id ) {
case 11:
sanitized_item = StringOps::strip( new_item );
if ( ! StringOps::isAlphabetic( sanitized_item ) ) {
// only letters allowed
throw BWlistException("Invalid Method");
sanitized_item = StringOps::toUpper( sanitized_item );
case 12:
sanitized_item = StringOps::lstrip( new_item );
if ( sanitized_item.empty() ) {
throw BWlistException("Invalid URI");
sanitized_item = QUrl::toPercentEncoding(
QString::fromStdString( sanitized_item ),
case 20:
sanitized_item = StringOps::strip( new_item );
if ( ! StringOps::isIP( sanitized_item ) ) {
// only IPv4/IPv6 allowed
throw BWlistException("Invalid Client");
case 21:
sanitized_item = StringOps::replace( new_item, "\"", "\\\"" );
// shouldn't be here
throw GenericException("Unexpected LogField ID: "+std::to_string(log_field_id));
return sanitized_item;
//// FORMATS ////
// get the logs format string
const std::string& Craplog::getLogsFormatString( const unsigned& web_server_id ) const
return this->logs_format_strings.at( web_server_id );
// get the logs format
const LogsFormat& Craplog::getLogsFormat(const unsigned& web_server_id ) const
return this->logs_formats.at( web_server_id );
// set the logs format
bool Craplog::setApacheLogFormat( const std::string& format_string )
// apache
bool success{ true };
try {
this->logs_formats.at( APACHE_ID ) =
this->formatOps.processApacheFormatString( format_string );
this->logs_format_strings.at( APACHE_ID ) = format_string;
} catch ( LogFormatException& e ) {
success &= false;
DialogSec::errInvalidLogFormatString( e.what() );
} catch (...) {
success &= false;
DialogSec::errGeneric( DialogSec::tr("An error occured while parsing the format string"), true );
return success;
bool Craplog::setNginxLogFormat( const std::string& format_string )
// nginx
bool success{ true };
try {
this->logs_formats.at( NGINX_ID ) =
this->formatOps.processNginxFormatString( format_string );
this->logs_format_strings.at( NGINX_ID ) = format_string;
} catch ( LogFormatException& e ) {
success &= false;
DialogSec::errInvalidLogFormatString( e.what() );
} catch (...) {
success &= false;
DialogSec::errGeneric( DialogSec::tr("An error occured while parsing the format string"), true );
return success;
bool Craplog::setIisLogFormat( const std::string& format_string, const int log_module )
// iis
bool success{ true };
try {
this->logs_formats.at( IIS_ID ) =
this->formatOps.processIisFormatString( format_string, log_module );
this->logs_format_strings.at( IIS_ID ) = format_string;
this->changeIisLogsBaseNames( log_module );
} catch ( LogFormatException& e ) {
success &= false;
DialogSec::errInvalidLogFormatString( e.what() );
} catch (...) {
success &= false;
DialogSec::errGeneric( DialogSec::tr("An error occured while parsing the format string"), true );
return success;
QString Craplog::getLogsFormatSample( const unsigned& web_server_id ) const
switch ( web_server_id ) {
return this->formatOps.getApacheLogSample( this->logs_formats.at( web_server_id ) );
case NGINX_ID:
return this->formatOps.getNginxLogSample( this->logs_formats.at( web_server_id ) );
case IIS_ID:
return this->formatOps.getIisLogSample( this->logs_formats.at( web_server_id ) );
// unexpected WebServer
throw WebServerException( "Unexpected WebServerID: " + std::to_string( web_server_id ) );
bool Craplog::checkCurrentLogsFormat() const
if ( this->current_LF.string.empty() ) {
// format string not set
DialogSec::errLogFormatNotSet( nullptr );
return false;
} else if ( this->current_LF.fields.empty() ) {
// no field, useless to parse
DialogSec::errLogFormatNoFields( nullptr );
return false;
} else if ( this->current_LF.separators.size() < this->current_LF.fields.size()-1 ) {
// at least one separator is missing between two (or more) fields
DialogSec::errLogFormatNoSeparators( nullptr );
return false;
return true;
// set the current Web Server
void Craplog::setCurrentWSID( const unsigned web_server_id )
this->current_WS = web_server_id;
unsigned Craplog::getCurrentWSID() const
return this->current_WS;
// set the current access logs format
void Craplog::setCurrentLogFormat()
this->current_LF = this->logs_formats.at( this->current_WS );
// get the current access logs format
const LogsFormat& Craplog::getCurrentLogFormat() const
return this->current_LF;
//// LOGS PATH ////
const std::string& Craplog::getLogsPath( const unsigned& web_server ) const
return this->logs_paths.at( web_server );
void Craplog::setLogsPath( const unsigned& web_server, const std::string& new_path )
this->logs_paths.at( web_server ) = new_path;
//// LOGS LIST ////
// return the size of the list
size_t Craplog::getLogsListSize() const
return this->logs_list.size();
// return the current list
const std::vector<LogFile>& Craplog::getLogsList() const
return this->logs_list;
// return the LogFile instance of the file matching the given name
const LogFile& Craplog::getLogFileItem( const QString& file_name ) const
const auto& item{ std::find_if
( this->logs_list.begin(), this->logs_list.end(),
[&file_name](const LogFile& it){ return it.name()==file_name; } ) };
if ( item != this->logs_list.end() ) return *item;
// should be unreachable
throw GenericException("File item not found");
// set a file as selected
bool Craplog::setLogFileSelected( const QString& file_name )
const auto item{ std::find_if
( this->logs_list.begin(), this->logs_list.end(),
[&file_name]( const LogFile& it )
{ return it.name() == file_name; } ) };
if ( item != this->logs_list.end() ) {
return true;
return false;
void Craplog::clearLogFilesSelection()
std::ignore = std::for_each(
this->logs_list.begin(), this->logs_list.end(),
[]( LogFile& it )
{ if (it.isSelected()) it.setUnselected(); } );
// scan the logs path to update the log files list
void Craplog::scanLogsDir()
// hire the worker
CraplogLister* worker{ new CraplogLister(
this->logs_paths.at( this->current_WS ),
this->logs_formats.at( this->current_WS ),
[this]( const std::string& file_name)
{ return this->isFileNameValid( file_name ); }
) };
QThread* worker_thread{ new QThread() };
worker->moveToThread( worker_thread );
// start the worker
connect( worker_thread, &QThread::started,
worker, &CraplogLister::work );
// receive a new log file
connect( worker, &CraplogLister::pushLogFile,
this, &Craplog::appendLogFile );
// show a dialog
connect( worker, &CraplogLister::showDialog,
this, &Craplog::showWorkerDialog );
// worker finished its career
connect( worker, &CraplogLister::done,
this, &Craplog::logsDirScanned );
// plan deleting the worker
connect( worker, &CraplogLister::retire,
worker, &CraplogLister::deleteLater );
// quit the thread
connect( worker, &CraplogLister::retire,
worker_thread, &QThread::quit );
// plan deleting the thread
connect( worker_thread, &QThread::finished,
worker_thread, &QThread::deleteLater );
// make the worker work
void Craplog::appendLogFile( const LogFile log_file )
this->logs_list.push_back( std::move( log_file ) );
emit this->pushLogFile( this->logs_list.back() );
void Craplog::logsDirScanned()
emit this->finishedRefreshing();
void Craplog::changeIisLogsBaseNames( const int module_id )
switch ( module_id ) {
case 0: // W3C
this->logs_base_names.at( IIS_ID ).contains = "_ex"; break;
case 1: // NCSA
this->logs_base_names.at( IIS_ID ).contains = "_nc"; break;
case 2: // IIS
this->logs_base_names.at( IIS_ID ).contains = "_in"; break;
default: // shouldn't be reachable
throw GenericException( "Unexpected LogFormatModule ID: "+std::to_string( module_id ), true ); // leave un-catched
bool Craplog::isFileNameValid( const std::string& name ) const
bool valid{ true };
if ( ! this->logs_base_names.at( this->current_WS ).starts.empty() ) {
if ( ! StringOps::startsWith( name, this->logs_base_names.at( this->current_WS ).starts ) ) {
return false;
if ( ! this->logs_base_names.at( this->current_WS ).contains.empty() ) {
if ( ! StringOps::contains( name.substr( this->logs_base_names.at( this->current_WS ).starts.size() ),
this->logs_base_names.at( this->current_WS ).contains ) ) {
return false;
if ( ! this->logs_base_names.at( this->current_WS ).ends.empty() ) {
if ( ! StringOps::endsWith( name, this->logs_base_names.at( this->current_WS ).ends )
&& ! StringOps::endsWith( name, ".gz" ) ) {
return false;
switch ( this->current_WS ) {
size_t start, stop;
// further checks for apache / nginx
start = name.rfind(".log." );
if ( start == std::string::npos ) {
valid &= false;
start += 5ul;
stop = name.size()-1ul;
if ( StringOps::endsWith( name, ".gz" ) ) {
stop -= 3ul;
// serach for incremental numbers
for ( size_t i{start}; i<=stop; i++ ) {
if ( ! CharOps::isNumeric( name.at( i ) ) ) {
valid &= false;
case IIS_ID:
// further checks for iis
start = name.find( this->logs_base_names.at( IIS_ID ).contains ) + 3ul;
if ( start == std::string::npos ) {
valid &= false;
stop = name.size()-5ul; // removing the finel '.log' extension
if ( StringOps::endsWith( name, ".gz" ) ) {
stop -= 3ul;
// search for date
std::string date;
for ( size_t i{start}; i<=stop; i++ ) {
if ( ! CharOps::isNumeric( name.at( i ) ) ) {
valid &= false;
date.push_back( name.at( i ) );
if ( valid ) {
// check if the file has today's date
time_t t;
time( &t );
struct tm* tmp = localtime( &t );
char aux_date[7];
// using strftime to display time
strftime( aux_date, 7, "%y%m%d", tmp );
valid &= false;
for ( size_t i{0}; i<6ul; i++ ) {
if ( date.at(i) != aux_date[i] ) {
// different date, valid
valid |= true;
return valid;
//// WORKK ////
bool Craplog::checkStuff()
this->proceed |= true;
const size_t l_size{ this->logs_list.size() };
if ( this->log_files_to_use.capacity() < l_size ) {
this->log_files_to_use.reserve( l_size );
if ( this->used_files_hashes.capacity() < l_size ) {
this->used_files_hashes.reserve( l_size );
size_t logs_size{ 0ul };
for ( const LogFile& file : this->logs_list ) {
if ( ! this->proceed ) { break; }
if ( ! file.isSelected() ) {
// not selected, skip
// check if the file has been used already
if ( file.hasBeenUsed() ) {
// already used
QString msg{ file.name() };
if ( this->dialogs_level == 2 ) {
msg += "\n" + QString::fromStdString( file.hash() );
const int choice = DialogSec::choiceFileAlreadyUsed( msg );
if ( choice == 0 ) {
// choosed to abort all
this->proceed &= false;
} else if ( choice == 1 ) {
// choosed to discard the file and continue
} else if ( choice == 2 ) {
// choosed to ignore and use the file anyway
} else {
// shouldn't be here
throw GenericException( "Unexpeced value returned: "+std::to_string(choice) );
} else {
// not used already, check for duplicates in the same list
if ( VecOps::contains( this->used_files_hashes, file.hash() ) ) {
// appears twice in the list
QString msg{ file.name() };
if ( this->dialogs_level == 2 ) {
msg += "\n" + QString::fromStdString( file.hash() );
const int choice = DialogSec::choiceDuplicateFile( msg );
if ( choice == 0 ) {
// choosed to abort all
this->proceed &= false;
} else if ( choice == 1 ) {
// choosed to discard the file and continue
} else if ( choice == 2 ) {
// choosed to ignore and use the file anyway
} else {
// shouldn't be here
throw GenericException( "Unexpeced value returned: "+std::to_string(choice) );
// check if the file respects the warning size
if ( this->warning_size > 0ul ) {
if ( file.size() > this->warning_size ) {
// exceeds the warning size
QString msg{ file.name() };
if ( this->dialogs_level >= 1 ) {
msg += QString("\n\n%1:\n%2").arg(
DialogSec::tr("Size of the file"),
PrintSec::printableSize( file.size() ) );
if ( this->dialogs_level == 2 ) {
msg += QString("\n\n%1:\n%2").arg(
DialogSec::tr("Warning size parameter"),
PrintSec::printableSize( this->warning_size ) );
const int choice = DialogSec::choiceFileSizeWarning( msg );
if ( choice == 0 ) {
// choosed to abort all
this->proceed &= false;
} else if ( choice == 1 ) {
// choosed to discard the file and continue
} else if ( choice == 2 ) {
// choosed to ignore and use the file anyway
} else {
// shouldn't be here
throw GenericException( "Unexpeced value returned: "+std::to_string(choice) );
// check if the databases are fune
if ( ! CheckSec::checkCollectionDatabase( this->db_stats_path ) ) {
// checks failed, abort
this->proceed &= false;
if ( ! CheckSec::checkHashesDatabase( this->db_hashes_path ) ) {
// checks failed, abort
this->proceed &= false;
std::make_tuple( file.path(), file.hash() )
this->used_files_hashes.push_back( file.hash() );
logs_size += file.size();
// check if there are enough files to use
if ( this->proceed && this->log_files_to_use.size() == 0ul ) {
// no files left, abort
this->proceed &= false;
// check if the total size of the files do not exceed the available RAM
if ( this->proceed && logs_size >= MemOps::availableMemory() ) {
// no files left, abort
QString msg;
if ( this->dialogs_level >= 1 ) {
msg += QString("\n\n%1: %2").arg(
DialogSec::tr("Available memory"),
PrintSec::printableSize( MemOps::availableMemory() ) );
if ( this->dialogs_level == 2 ) {
msg += QString("\n%1: %2").arg(
DialogSec::tr("Size of the logs"),
PrintSec::printableSize( logs_size ) );
DialogSec::msgNotEnoughMemory( msg );
this->proceed &= false;
return this->proceed;
void Craplog::showWorkerDialog( const WorkerDialog dialog_type, const QStringList args ) const
switch ( dialog_type ) {
case WorkerDialog::errGeneric:
DialogSec::errGeneric( args.at(0) );
case WorkerDialog::errDirNotExists:
DialogSec::errDirNotExists( args.at(0) );
case WorkerDialog::errFailedDefiningLogType:
DialogSec::errFailedDefiningLogType( args.at(0) );
case WorkerDialog::errFailedParsingLogs:
DialogSec::errFailedParsingLogs( args.at(0) );
case WorkerDialog::errDatabaseFailedOpening:
if ( args.size() < 2 ) {
GenericException{ "call to showWorkerDialog() with invalid number of list items", true };
DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedOpening( args.at(0), args.at(1) );
case WorkerDialog::errDatabaseFailedExecuting:
if ( args.size() < 3 ) {
GenericException{ "call to showWorkerDialog() with invalid number of list items", true };
DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedExecuting( args.at(0), args.at(1), args.at(2) );
case WorkerDialog::warnFileNotReadable:
DialogSec::warnFileNotReadable( args.at(0) );
case WorkerDialog::warnEmptyFile:
DialogSec::warnEmptyFile( args.at(0) );
bool Craplog::shouldWorkAsync() const
const size_t n_log_files{ this->log_files_to_use.size() };
const size_t average_size{
std::accumulate( this->logs_list.cbegin(), this->logs_list.cend(), 0ul,
[]( size_t sum, const LogFile& lf )
{ return lf.isSelected() ? sum+lf.size() : sum; })
/ n_log_files
return (average_size > 1'048'576ul && n_log_files > 1)
|| n_log_files > 150ul;
void Craplog::startWorking()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock( this->mutex );
this->proceed |= true;
this->total_lines = 0ul;
this->parsed_lines = 0ul;
this->total_size = 0ul;
this->parsed_size = 0ul;
this->warnlisted_size = 0ul;
this->blacklisted_size = 0ul;
// hire a worker
if ( this->shouldWorkAsync() ) {
} else {
void Craplog::hireWorker() const
CraplogParser* worker{ new CraplogParser(
this->logs_formats.at( this->current_WS ),
this->blacklists.at( this->current_WS ),
this->warnlists.at( this->current_WS ),
) };
QThread* worker_thread{ new QThread() };
worker->moveToThread( worker_thread );
// start the worker
connect( worker_thread, &QThread::started,
worker, &CraplogParser::work );
// worker started parsing
connect( worker, &CraplogParser::startedParsing,
this, &Craplog::workerStartedParsing );
// worker finished parsing
connect( worker, &CraplogParser::finishedParsing,
this, &Craplog::workerFinishedParsing );
// receive performance data
connect( worker, &CraplogParser::perfData,
this, &Craplog::updatePerfData );
// receive chart data, only received when worker has done
connect( worker, &CraplogParser::chartData,
this, &Craplog::updateChartData );
// show a dialog
connect( worker, &CraplogParser::showDialog,
this, &Craplog::showWorkerDialog );
// worker finished its career
connect( worker, &CraplogParser::done,
this, &Craplog::stopWorking );
// plan deleting the worker
connect( worker, &CraplogParser::retire,
worker, &CraplogParser::deleteLater );
// quit the thread
connect( worker, &CraplogParser::retire,
worker_thread, &QThread::quit );
// plan deleting the thread
connect( worker_thread, &QThread::finished,
worker_thread, &QThread::deleteLater );
// make the worker work
void Craplog::hireAsyncWorker() const
CraplogParserAsync* worker{ new CraplogParserAsync(
this->logs_formats.at( this->current_WS ),
this->blacklists.at( this->current_WS ),
this->warnlists.at( this->current_WS ),
) };
QThread* worker_thread{ new QThread() };
worker->moveToThread( worker_thread );
// start the worker
connect( worker_thread, &QThread::started,
worker, &CraplogParserAsync::work );
// worker started parsing
connect( worker, &CraplogParserAsync::startedParsing,
this, &Craplog::workerStartedParsing );
// worker finished parsing
connect( worker, &CraplogParserAsync::finishedParsing,
this, &Craplog::workerFinishedParsing );
// receive performance data
connect( worker, &CraplogParserAsync::perfData,
this, &Craplog::updatePerfData );
// receive chart data, only received when worker has done
connect( worker, &CraplogParserAsync::chartData,
this, &Craplog::updateChartData );
// show a dialog
connect( worker, &CraplogParserAsync::showDialog,
this, &Craplog::showWorkerDialog );
// worker finished its career
connect( worker, &CraplogParserAsync::done,
this, &Craplog::stopWorking );
// plan deleting the worker
connect( worker, &CraplogParserAsync::retire,
worker, &CraplogParserAsync::deleteLater );
// quit the thread
connect( worker, &CraplogParserAsync::retire,
worker_thread, &QThread::quit );
// plan deleting the thread
connect( worker_thread, &QThread::finished,
worker_thread, &QThread::deleteLater );
// make the worker work
void Craplog::stopWorking( const bool successful )
this->db_edited = successful;
if ( successful ) {
// insert the hashes of the used files
this->hashOps.insertUsedHashes( this->db_hashes_path, this->used_files_hashes, this->current_WS );
emit this->finishedWorking();
bool Craplog::editedDatabase() const
return this->db_edited;
size_t Craplog::getParsedSize()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock( this->mutex );
return this->parsed_size;
size_t Craplog::getParsedLines()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock( this->mutex );
return this->parsed_lines;
QString Craplog::getParsingSpeed()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock( this->mutex );
auto stop{ ( is_parsing )
? std::chrono::system_clock::now()
: this->parsing_time_stop };
return PrintSec::printableSpeed(
this->parsed_size ),
stop - this->parsing_time_start
) * 0.001
void Craplog::workerStartedParsing()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock( this->mutex );
this->is_parsing |= true;
this->parsing_time_start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
void Craplog::workerFinishedParsing()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock( this->mutex );
this->parsing_time_stop = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
this->is_parsing &= false;
bool Craplog::isParsing() const
return this->is_parsing;
void Craplog::updatePerfData( const size_t parsed_size, const size_t parsed_lines )
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock( this->mutex );
this->parsed_size = parsed_size;
this->parsed_lines = parsed_lines;
void Craplog::updateChartData( const size_t total_size, const size_t total_lines, const size_t warnlisted_size, const size_t blacklisted_size )
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock( this->mutex );
this->total_size = total_size;
this->total_lines = total_lines;
this->warnlisted_size = warnlisted_size;
this->blacklisted_size = blacklisted_size;
void Craplog::makeChart( const QChart::ChartTheme& theme, const std::unordered_map<std::string, QFont>& fonts, QChartView* size_chart ) const
const QString
size_chart_name { TR::tr("Logs Size Breakdown") },
ignored_slice_name { TR::tr("Ignored") },
parsed_slice_name { TR::tr("Parsed") },
warning_slice_name { TR::tr("Warnings") },
blacklisted_slice_name { TR::tr("Blacklisted") };
// logs size donut chart
QPieSeries* parsedSize_donut{ new QPieSeries() };
parsedSize_donut->setName( PrintSec::printableSize( this->parsed_size ) );
const size_t parsed_size{ this->parsed_size - this->warnlisted_size - this->blacklisted_size };
"P@" + parsed_slice_name + "@" + PrintSec::printableSize( parsed_size ),
static_cast<qreal>( parsed_size ) );
"W@" + warning_slice_name + "@" + PrintSec::printableSize( this->warnlisted_size ),
static_cast<qreal>( this->warnlisted_size ) );
"B@" + blacklisted_slice_name + "@" + PrintSec::printableSize( this->blacklisted_size ),
static_cast<qreal>( this->blacklisted_size ) );
// logs size donut chart
QPieSeries* ignoredSize_donut{ new QPieSeries() };
const size_t ignored_size{ this->total_size - this->parsed_size };
QString printable_ignored_size{ PrintSec::printableSize( ignored_size ) };
ignoredSize_donut->setName( printable_ignored_size );
"I@#" + ignored_slice_name + "@#" + printable_ignored_size,
static_cast<qreal>( ignored_size ) );
ignoredSize_donut->setLabelsVisible( false );
DonutBreakdown* sizeBreakdown{ new DonutBreakdown() };
sizeBreakdown->setTheme( theme );
sizeBreakdown->setAnimationOptions( QChart::AllAnimations );
sizeBreakdown->setTitle( size_chart_name );
if ( this->proceed && this->total_size > 0ul ) {
sizeBreakdown->legend()->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
sizeBreakdown->addBreakdownSeries( parsedSize_donut, Qt::GlobalColor::darkCyan, fonts.at("main_small") );
sizeBreakdown->addBreakdownSeries( ignoredSize_donut, Qt::GlobalColor::gray, fonts.at("main_small") );
} else {
sizeBreakdown->legend()->setVisible( false );
sizeBreakdown->legend()->markers( ignoredSize_donut ).first()->setVisible( false );
size_chart->setChart( sizeBreakdown );
size_chart->setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );