Valentino Orlandi 3158a4e629
Code improvements and updates
Improved Craplog module and its submodules
2024-02-03 17:44:28 +01:00

154 lines
4.3 KiB

#include "hash.h"
#include "globals/db_names.h"
#include "utilities/checks.h"
#include "utilities/gzip.h"
#include "utilities/io.h"
#include "utilities/vectors.h"
#include "modules/dialogs.h"
#include "modules/exceptions.h"
#include "modules/database/database.h"
#include "sha256.h"
#include <ios>
#include <QVariant>
void HashOps::setDialogLevel( const DialogsLevel new_level ) noexcept
this->dialogs_level = new_level;
// reads the database holding the already used hashes
bool HashOps::loadUsedHashesLists( const std::string& db_path ) noexcept
DatabaseWrapper db{ DatabaseHandler::get( DatabaseType::Hashes ) };
db.open( db_path, this->dialogs_level==DL_EXPLANATORY );
const QString stmt{ QStringLiteral(R"(SELECT "hash" FROM "%1";)") };
for ( const auto& [wid,name] : this->ws_names ) {
QueryWrapper query{ db.getQuery() };
query( stmt.arg( name ) );
while ( query->next() ) {
const QString hash{ query[0].toString() };
if ( hash.size() != 64ul ) {
// not a valid sha256 hash
this->hashes.at( wid ).push_back( hash.toStdString() );
return true;
// returns the hash
void HashOps::digestFile( const std::string& file_path, std::string& hash )
std::string content;
try {
try {
// try reading as gzip compressed file
GZutils::readFile( file_path, content );
} catch ( const GenericException& ) {
// failed closing file pointer
} catch (...) {
// failed as gzip, try as text file
if ( ! content.empty() ) {
IOutils::readFile( file_path, content );
// re-catched in craplog
} catch ( const GenericException& ) {
// failed closing gzip file pointer
throw GenericException( QString("%1:\n%2").arg(
DialogSec::tr("An error occured while reading the gzipped file"),
QString::fromStdString( file_path )
).toStdString() );
} catch ( const std::ios_base::failure& ) {
// failed reading as text
throw GenericException( QString("%1:\n%2").arg(
DialogSec::tr("An error occured while reading the file"),
QString::fromStdString( file_path )
).toStdString() );
} catch (...) {
// failed somehow
throw GenericException( QString("%1:\n%2").arg(
DialogSec::tr("Something failed while handling the file"),
QString::fromStdString( file_path )
).toStdString() );
SHA256 sha;
sha.update( content );
uint8_t* digest{ sha.digest() };
// return the hex digest
hash.append( SHA256::toString(digest) );
delete digest;
// check if the given hash is from a file which has been used already
bool HashOps::hasBeenUsed( const std::string &file_hash, const WebServer& web_server) const noexcept
const auto& ws_hashes{ this->hashes.at( web_server ) };
return std::any_of(
ws_hashes.cbegin(), ws_hashes.cend(),
[&file_hash]( const std::string& hash )
{ return file_hash == hash; } );
void HashOps::insertUsedHashes( const std::string& db_path, const std::vector<std::string>& hashes, const WebServer& web_server )
const bool explain_msg{ this->dialogs_level > DL_ESSENTIAL };
const bool explain_err{ this->dialogs_level == DL_EXPLANATORY };
DatabaseWrapper db{ DatabaseHandler::get( DatabaseType::Hashes ) };
db.open( db_path, explain_err );
db.startTransaction( explain_msg, explain_err );
try {
for ( const std::string& hash : hashes ) {
if ( VecOps::contains( this->hashes.at( web_server ), hash ) ) {
db.getQuery()( QStringLiteral(R"(INSERT INTO "%1" ( hash ) VALUES ( '%2' );)")
.arg( this->ws_names.at(web_server), QString::fromStdString(hash).replace(QLatin1Char('\''),QLatin1String("''")) ) );
db.commitTransaction( explain_msg, explain_err );
auto& used_hashes{ this->hashes.at( web_server ) };
used_hashes.insert( used_hashes.end(), hashes.begin(), hashes.end() );
} catch (...) {
// rollback the transaction
db.rollbackTransaction( explain_msg, explain_err );