Valentino Orlandi 2ec213210b
Code and performance improvements
General code improvements.
Morphed classes into namespaces: DateTimeOps, LogOps, CheckSec,
ColorSec, GZutils, IOutils, PrintSec, StyleSec, StringOps and VecOps.
2023-04-11 23:12:06 +02:00

1533 lines
63 KiB

#include "stylesheets.h"
#include "modules/exceptions.h"
#include <QString>
namespace StyleSec
namespace /*private*/
//! Builds the final stylesheet upon the generic model
\param ss Will hold the stylesheet
\param style The key-value pairs to be applied at the generic
\param theme The theme selected for the Icons
void makeStyleSheet( QString& ss, const std::unordered_map<std::string, QString> &style, const QString& theme )
ss= ////////////////
//// SHARED ////
"* {"
" color: "+style.at("text_primary")+";"
// frames
"QWidget {"
" background-color: transparent;"
// tab widgets
"QTabWidget {"
" border: 0px;"
"QTabWidget::tab-bar {"
" alignment: left;"
"QTabBar {"
" background-color: transparent;"
"QTabBar::tab {"
" background-color: transparent;"
// tooltips
"QToolTip {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("tooltips_border")+";"
" color: "+style.at("tooltips_text")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("tooltips_base")+";"
// check boxes
"QCheckBox::indicator {"
" width: 13px;"
" height: 13px;"
"QCheckBox::indicator:unchecked {"
" image: url(:/icons/icons/"+theme+"/checkbox_unchecked.png);"
"QCheckBox::indicator:indeterminate {"
" image: url(:/icons/icons/"+theme+"/checkbox_semichecked.png);"
"QCheckBox::indicator:checked {"
" image: url(:/icons/icons/"+theme+"/checkbox_checked.png);"
// radio buttons
"QRadioButton::indicator {"
" width: 13px;"
" height : 13px;"
"QRadioButton::indicator:unchecked {"
" image: url(:/icons/icons/"+theme+"/radiobutton_unchecked.png);"
"QRadioButton::indicator:checked {"
" image: url(:/icons/icons/"+theme+"/radiobutton_checked.png);"
// line edits
"QLineEdit {"
" color: "+style.at("linedit_text")+";"
" selection-color: "+style.at("linedit_text")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("linedit_base")+";"
" selection-background-color: "+style.at("linedit_base_selection")+";"
"QLineEdit::focus {"
" background-color: "+style.at("linedit_base_focus")+";"
"QLineEdit:disabled {"
" background-color: "+style.at("linedit_base_disabled")+";"
// combo boxes
"QComboBox {"
" background-color: "+style.at("boxes_base_primary")+";"
" selection-background-color: "+style.at("boxes_base_secondary")+";"
"QComboBox::disabled {"
" background-color: "+style.at("boxes_base_disabled")+";"
"QComboBox QAbstractItemView {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("boxes_base_tertiary")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("boxes_base_primary")+";"
// spin boxes
"QSpinBox {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("boxes_base_secondary")+";"
" border-radius: 4px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("boxes_base_primary")+";"
" selection-background-color: "+style.at("boxes_base_secondary")+";"
"QSpinBox::focus {"
" border-color: "+style.at("boxes_border_focus")+";"
"QSpinBox::disabled {"
" border-color: "+style.at("boxes_base_off")+";"
" color: "+style.at("text_disabled")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("boxes_base_disabled")+";"
"QSpinBox::down-button {"
" padding: 2px;"
" border-left: 1px solid "+style.at("boxes_border_focus")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("boxes_base_secondary")+";"
"QSpinBox::down-button:hover {"
" background-color: "+style.at("boxes_base_tertiary")+";"
"QSpinBox::down-button:off {"
" background-color: "+style.at("boxes_base_off")+";"
"QSpinBox::down-button:disabled {"
" border-left-color: "+style.at("boxes_base_primary")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("boxes_base_disabled")+";"
"QSpinBox::up-arrow {"
" width: 7px;"
" height: 7px;"
" padding: 2px;"
" image: url(:/icons/icons/"+theme+"/spinbox_add.png);"
"QSpinBox::up-arrow:disabled {"
" image: url(:/icons/icons/midtone/spinbox_add.png);"
"QSpinBox::down-arrow {"
" width: 7px;"
" height: 7px;"
" padding: 2px;"
" image: url(:/icons/icons/"+theme+"/spinbox_sub.png);"
"QSpinBox::down-arrow:disabled {"
" image: url(:/icons/icons/midtone/spinbox_sub.png);"
// scroll bars
"QScrollBar:horizontal {"
" height: 12px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("scrollbar_base")+";"
"QScrollBar::handle:horizontal {"
" min-width: 16px;"
" margin: 5px 12px 5px 12px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("scrollbar_handler")+";"
"QScrollBar::handle:horizontal:hover {"
" margin: 4px 12px 4px 12px;"
"QScrollBar:vertical {"
" width: 12px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("scrollbar_base")+";"
"QScrollBar::handle:vertical {"
" min-height: 16px;"
" margin: 12px 5px 12px 5px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("scrollbar_handler")+";"
"QScrollBar::handle:vertical:hover {"
" margin:12px 4px 12px 4px;"
// slider
"QSlider::groove:horizontal {"
" height: 2px;"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("slider_bar_active_border")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("slider_bar_active")+";"
"QSlider::add-page:horizontal {"
" border: 0px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("slider_bar_inactive")+";"
"QSlider::sub-page:horizontal {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("slider_bar_active_border")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("slider_bar_active")+";"
"QSlider::handle:horizontal {"
" width: 12px;"
" margin: -5px 0px;"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("slider_handler_border")+";"
" border-radius: 4px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("slider_handler")+";"
"QSlider::handle:hover:horizontal {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("slider_handler_border_hover")+";"
// charts
"QGraphicsView {"
" border-radius: 4px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("charts_contour")+";"
// tables, trees and headers
"QTableWidget {"
" background-color: "+style.at("tables_base")+";"
" selection-color: "+style.at("tables_text_selection")+";"
" selection-background-color: "+style.at("tables_base_selection")+";"
"QTreeWidget QScrollBar::handle:vertical,"
"QTableWidget QScrollBar::handle:vertical {"
" padding: 12px;"
"QHeaderView {"
" background-color: "+style.at("tables_header")+";"
// text browser
"QTextBrowser {"
" color: "+style.at("textbrowser_text")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("textbrowser_base")+";"
" selection-color: "+style.at("textbrowser_text_selection")+";"
" selection-background-color: "+style.at("textbrowser_base_selection")+";"
"QTextBrowser QScrollBar::handle:vertical {"
" padding: 12px;"
//// MENU ////
"QMenuBar {"
" color: "+style.at("menu_text")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("menu_base")+";"
"QMenuBar::item:selected {"
" color: "+style.at("menu_text")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("menu_base_hover")+";"
" border-radius: 4px;"
"QMenuBar::item:pressed {"
" color: "+style.at("menu_base")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("menu_text")+";"
" border-radius: 0px;"
" border-top-left-radius: 4px;"
" border-top-right-radius: 4px;"
// menu dropdown
"QMenu {"
" color: "+style.at("menu_base")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("menu_text")+";"
"QMenu::item:selected {"
" background-color: "+style.at("menu_base_dropdown_selection")+";"
//// MAIN ////
// window
"QWidget#mainwidget {"
" background-color: "+style.at("window_base_primary")+";"
// tabs buttons
"QFrame#frame_Tabs_Buttons {"
" background-color: "+style.at("window_base_primary")+";"
"QPushButton#button_Tab_Conf {"
" border-top-left-radius: 8px;"
" border-bottom-left-radius: 8px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("window_base_secondary")+";"
"QPushButton#button_Tab_Conf::flat {"
" background-color: "+style.at("window_base_primary")+";"
"QPushButton#button_Tab_Conf::flat:hover {"
" background-color: "+style.at("window_base_tertiary")+";"
// tabs pages
"QStackedWidget#stacked_Tabs_Pages {"
" background-color: "+style.at("window_base_secondary")+";"
//// LOGS ////
// switcher buttons
"QFrame#frame_Logs_Down {"
" background-color: "+style.at("window_base_secondary")+";"
"QPushButton#button_Logs_Down:hover {"
" border-radius: 16px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("logs_switch_buttons_base_hover")+";"
" icon: url(:/icons/icons/"+theme+"/down.png);"
"QFrame#frame_Logs_Up {"
" background-color: "+style.at("window_base_secondary")+";"
"QPushButton#button_Logs_Up::flat:hover {"
" border-radius: 16px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("logs_switch_buttons_base_hover")+";"
" icon: url(:/icons/icons/"+theme+"/up.png);"
// web servers buttons
"QPushButton#button_LogFiles_Iis {"
" border-radius: 4px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("buttons_base")+";"
"QPushButton#button_LogFiles_Iis::flat {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("buttons_base")+";"
" color: "+style.at("text_secondary")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("window_base_secondary")+";"
"QPushButton#button_LogFiles_Iis::flat:hover {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("border_secondary")+";"
" color: "+style.at("text_primary")+";"
"QPushButton#button_LogFiles_Iis::disabled {"
" color: "+style.at("text_disabled")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("buttons_base_disabled")+";"
// logs list
"QTreeWidget#listLogFiles::indicator {"
" width: 13px;"
" height: 13px;"
" margin-left: -4px;"
" margin-right: 4px;"
"QTreeWidget#listLogFiles::indicator:unchecked {"
" image: url(:/icons/icons/"+theme+"/checkbox_unchecked.png);"
"QTreeWidget#listLogFiles::indicator:checked {"
" image: url(:/icons/icons/"+theme+"/checkbox_checked.png);"
// view file button
"QPushButton#button_LogFiles_ViewFile {"
" border-radius: 4px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("buttons_base")+";"
"QPushButton#button_LogFiles_ViewFile:hover {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("border_primary")+";"
"QPushButton#button_LogFiles_ViewFile::disabled {"
" background-color: "+style.at("buttons_base_disabled")+";"
// refresh button
"QPushButton#button_LogFiles_RefreshList {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("buttons_base_disabled")+";"
" border-radius: 16px;"
" background-color: transparent;"
"QPushButton#button_LogFiles_RefreshList:hover {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("border_primary")+";"
// parse logs button
"QPushButton#button_MakeStats_Start {"
" border-radius: 4px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("buttons_base")+";"
"QPushButton#button_MakeStats_Start:hover {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("border_primary")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("buttons_base_hover")+";"
"QPushButton#button_MakeStats_Start::disabled {"
" color: "+style.at("text_disabled")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("buttons_base_disabled")+";"
//// STATS ////
// statistics tabs buttons
"QFrame#frame_Stats_Buttons {"
" border: 2px solid "+style.at("stats_switch_buttons_frame_border")+";"
" border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;"
" border-bottom-right-radius: 4px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("stats_switch_buttons_frame_base")+";"
"QPushButton#button_Tab_StatsGlob {"
" border-radius: 4px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("stats_switch_buttons_base")+";"
"QPushButton#button_Tab_StatsGlob::flat {"
" background-color: transparent;"
"QPushButton#button_Tab_StatsGlob::flat:hover {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("stats_switch_buttons_base_border_hover")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("stats_switch_buttons_base_hover")+";"
// draw buttons
"QPushButton#button_StatsGlob_Draw {"
" border-radius: 4px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("buttons_base")+";"
"QPushButton#button_StatsGlob_Draw:hover {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("border_secondary")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("buttons_base_hover")+";"
"QPushButton#button_StatsWarn_Update::disabled {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("buttons_base")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("buttons_base_disabled")+";"
" icon: url(:/icons/icons/midtone/save.png);"
// stats warn
"QTableWidget#table_StatsWarn::indicator {"
" width: 13px;"
" height: 13px;"
"QTableWidget#table_StatsWarn::indicator:unchecked {"
" image: url(:/icons/icons/"+theme+"/checkbox_unchecked.png);"
"QTableWidget#table_StatsWarn::indicator:checked {"
" image: url(:/icons/icons/"+theme+"/checkbox_checked.png);"
"QTableWidget#table_StatsWarn QScrollBar::handle:vertical {"
" padding: 12px;"
// stats count
"QScrollArea#scrollArea_StatsCount {"
" background-color: "+style.at("window_base_secondary")+";"
"QWidget#scrollAreaContent_StatsCount {"
" background-color: transparent;"
"QPushButton#button_StatsCount_Client {"
" border-radius: 4px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("border_primary")+";"
"QPushButton#button_StatsCount_Client::flat {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("buttons_base")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("buttons_base_disabled")+";"
"QPushButton#button_StatsCount_Client::flat:hover {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("border_primary")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("buttons_base")+";"
// stats globals
"QFrame#frame_StatsGlob_WebServers {"
" border-radius: 4px;"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("buttons_base")+";"
"QPushButton#button_StatsGlob_Iis {"
" border-radius: 4px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("buttons_base")+";"
"QPushButton#button_StatsGlob_Iis::flat {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("buttons_base")+";"
" color: "+style.at("text_secondary")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("window_base_secondary")+";"
"QPushButton#button_StatsGlob_Iis::flat:hover {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("border_secondary")+";"
" color: "+style.at("text_primary")+";"
"QPushButton#button_StatsGlob_Iis::disabled {"
" color: "+style.at("text_disabled")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("buttons_base_disabled")+";"
"QScrollArea#scrollArea_StatsGlob_Work {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("globals_frames_border")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("globals_frames_base")+";"
// styled frames
"QFrame#frame_StatsRelat_Field {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("border_tertiary")+";"
// lines separators
"QFrame#gline_StatsGlob_Work_2 {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("globals_frames_base")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("globals_frames_lines")+";"
"QFrame#gline_StatsCount_1 {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("globals_frames_base")+";"
" margin: 2px 0px 3px 0px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("globals_frames_lines")+";"
//// CONFIGS ////
// outer tabs
"QTabWidget#ConfTabs QTabBar::tab {"
" margin-bottom: 4px;"
" padding: 8px 6px;"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("outer-tabs_tab_border")+";"
" border-left: 4px solid "+style.at("outer-tabs_tab_border")+";"
" border-right: 0px;"
" border-top-left-radius: 4px;"
" border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;"
"QTabWidget#ConfTabs QTabBar::tab:selected {"
" color: "+style.at("outer-tabs_tab_text_selected")+";"
"QTabWidget#ConfTabs QTabBar::tab:!selected {"
" border-color: "+style.at("outer-tabs_tab_border_unselected")+";"
" border-left: 1px solid "+style.at("outer-tabs_tab_border_unselected")+";"
" color: "+style.at("outer-tabs_tab_text_unselected")+";"
"QTabWidget#ConfTabs QTabBar::tab:!selected:hover {"
" border-color: "+style.at("outer-tabs_tab_border")+";"
" color: "+style.at("outer-tabs_tab_text_hover")+";"
// inner tabs
"QTabWidget#tabs_ConfGeneral QTabBar::tab,"
"QTabWidget#tabs_ConfLogs QTabBar::tab {"
" margin: 0px;"
" margin-right: 4px;"
" padding: 6px 8px;"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("inner-tabs_border")+";"
" border-bottom: 0px;"
" border-top-left-radius: 4px;"
" border-bottom-left-radius: 0px;"
" border-top-right-radius: 4px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("inner-tabs_tab_base")+";"
"QTabWidget#tabs_ConfGeneral QTabBar::tab:!selected,"
"QTabWidget#tabs_ConfLogs QTabBar::tab:!selected {"
" background-color: "+style.at("inner-tabs_tab_base_unselected")+";"
"QTabWidget#tabs_ConfLogs::pane {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("inner-tabs_border")+";"
" border-top-right-radius: 4px;"
" border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;"
" border-bottom-right-radius: 4px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("inner-tabs_pane_base")+";"
// sub tabs
"QTabWidget#tabs_ConfApache QTabBar,"
"QTabWidget#tabs_ConfNginx QTabBar,"
"QTabWidget#tabs_ConfIis QTabBar {"
" border: 0px;"
"QTabWidget#tabs_ConfApache QTabBar::tab,"
"QTabWidget#tabs_ConfNginx QTabBar::tab,"
"QTabWidget#tabs_ConfIis QTabBar::tab {"
" background-color: "+style.at("sub-tabs_tab_base")+";"
"QTabWidget#tabs_ConfApache QTabBar::tab:!selected,"
"QTabWidget#tabs_ConfNginx QTabBar::tab:!selected,"
"QTabWidget#tabs_ConfIis QTabBar::tab:!selected {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("sub-tabs_tab_border_unselected")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("sub-tabs_tab_base_unselected")+";"
"QTabWidget#tabs_ConfIis::pane {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("sub-tabs_border")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("sub-tabs_pane_base")+";"
// panes
"QWidget#confLogs {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("outer-tabs_tab_border")+";"
" border-top-right-radius: 4px;"
" border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;"
" border-bottom-right-radius: 4px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("outer-tabs_base")+";"
"QWidget#tab_confLogs_Iis {"
" border: 0px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("inner-tabs_base")+";"
"QWidget#tab_confIis_Blacklists {"
" background-color: "+style.at("sub-tabs_base")+";"
// line separators
"QFrame#gline_ConfTextBrowser {"
" border: 2px solid "+style.at("inner-tabs_base")+";"
" margin: 13px 0px 14px 0px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("inner-tabs_lines")+";"
// save buttons
"QPushButton#button_ConfIis_Format_Save {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("border_primary")+";"
" border-radius: 4px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("buttons_base")+";"
"QPushButton#button_ConfIis_Format_Save:hover {"
" border-color: "+style.at("border_secondary")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("buttons_base_hover")+";"
"QPushButton#button_ConfIis_Format_Save::disabled {"
" border-color: "+style.at("buttons_base")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("buttons_base_disabled")+";"
" icon: url(:/icons/icons/midtone/save.png);"
// sample buttons
"QPushButton#button_ConfIis_Format_Sample {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("border_primary")+";"
" border-radius: 4px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("buttons_base")+";"
"QPushButton#button_ConfIis_Format_Sample:hover {"
" border-color: "+style.at("border_secondary")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("buttons_base_hover")+";"
// sample previews
"QWidget#scrollAreaContent_ConfIis_Format_Sample {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("border_primary")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("textbrowser_base")+";"
// help buttons
"QPushButton#button_ConfIis_Format_Help {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("border_primary")+";"
" border-radius: 4px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("buttons_base")+";"
"QPushButton#button_ConfIis_Format_Help:hover {"
" border-color: "+style.at("border_secondary")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("buttons_base_hover")+";"
// warnlists / blacklists
"QListWidget#list_ConfIis_Blacklist_List {"
" padding: 4px;"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("tables_border")+";"
"QListWidget#list_ConfIis_Blacklist_List::disabled {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("tables_border_disabled")+";"
" color: "+style.at("tables_text_disabled")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("tables_base_disabled")+";"
"QListWidget#list_ConfIis_Blacklist_List::item {"
" padding: 4px;"
// lists buttons
"QPushButton#button_ConfIis_Blacklist_Down {"
" border: 1px solid "+style.at("border_primary")+";"
" border-radius: 4px;"
" background-color: "+style.at("buttons_base")+";"
"QPushButton#button_ConfIis_Blacklist_Down:hover {"
" border-color: "+style.at("border_secondary")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("buttons_base_hover")+";"
"QPushButton#button_ConfIis_Blacklist_Add::disabled {"
" border-color: "+style.at("buttons_base")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("buttons_base_disabled")+";"
" icon: url(:/icons/icons/add.png), #fff;"
"QPushButton#button_ConfIis_Blacklist_Remove::disabled {"
" border-color: "+style.at("buttons_base")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("buttons_base_disabled")+";"
" icon: url(:/icons/icons/rem.png), #fff;"
"QPushButton#button_ConfIis_Blacklist_Up::disabled {"
" border-color: "+style.at("buttons_base")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("buttons_base_disabled")+";"
" icon: url(:/icons/icons/up.png), #fff;"
"QPushButton#button_ConfIis_Blacklist_Down::disabled {"
" border-color: "+style.at("buttons_base")+";"
" background-color: "+style.at("buttons_base_disabled")+";"
" icon: url(:/icons/icons/down.png), #fff;"
} // namespace (private)
void getStyleSheet( QString& stylesheet, const QString& icons_theme, const int theme_id )
std::unordered_map<std::string, QString> style_map;
switch ( theme_id ) {
case 1:
style_map = {
"rgb( 248, 248, 248 )"},
"rgb( 144, 144, 144 )"},
"rgb( 128, 128, 128 )"},
"rgb( 4, 4, 4 )"},
"rgb( 248, 248, 248 )"},
"rgb( 144, 144, 144 )"},
"rgb( 144, 144, 144 )"},
"rgb( 32, 32, 32 )"},
"rgb( 64, 64, 64 )"},
"rgb( 192, 192, 192 )"},
"rgb( 32, 32, 32 )"},
"rgb( 16, 16, 16 )"},
"rgb( 64, 64, 64 )"},
"rgb( 96, 96, 96 )"},
"rgb( 128, 128, 128 )"},
"rgb( 128, 128, 128 )"},
"rgb( 64, 64, 64 )"},
"rgb( 82, 82, 82 )"},
"rgb( 40, 40, 40 )"},
"rgb( 24, 24, 24 )"},
"rgb( 16, 16, 16 )"},
"rgb( 32, 32, 32 )"},
"rgb( 64, 64, 64 )"},
"rgb( 24, 24, 24 )"},
"rgb( 48, 48, 48 )"},
"rgb( 16, 16, 16 )"},
"rgb( 128, 128, 128 )"},
"rgb( 192, 192, 192 )"},
"rgb( 64, 64, 64 )"},
"rgb( 96, 96, 96 )"},
"rgb( 128, 128, 128 )"},
"rgb( 192, 192, 192 )"},
"rgb( 40, 40, 40 )"},
"rgb( 48, 48, 48 )"},
"rgb( 16, 16, 16 )"},
"rgb( 216, 216, 216 )"},
"rgb( 248, 248, 248 )"},
"rgb( 192, 192, 192 )"},
"rgb( 96, 96, 96 )"},
"rgb( 64, 64, 64 )"},
"rgb( 32, 32, 32 )"},
"rgb( 248, 248, 248 )"},
"rgb( 64, 64, 64 )"},
"rgb( 96, 96, 96 )"},
"rgb( 96, 96, 96 )"},
"rgb( 128, 128, 128 )"},
"rgb( 64, 64, 64 )"},
"rgb( 32, 32, 32 )"},
"rgb( 192, 192, 192 )"},
"rgb( 32, 32, 32 )"},
"rgb( 248, 248, 248 )"},
"rgb( 64, 64, 64 )"},
"rgb( 96, 96, 96 )"},
"rgb( 192, 192, 192 )"},
"rgb( 48, 48, 48 )"},
"rgb( 128, 128, 128 )"},
"rgb( 82, 82, 82 )"},
"rgb( 144, 144, 144 )"},
"rgb( 192, 192, 192 )"},
"rgb( 248, 248, 248 )"},
"rgb( 16, 16, 16 )"},
"rgb( 32, 32, 32 )"},
"rgb( 48, 48, 48 )"},
"rgb( 248, 248, 248 )"},
"rgb( 128, 128, 128 )"},
"rgb( 192, 192, 192 )"},
"rgb( 96, 96, 96 )"},
"rgb( 48, 48, 48 )"},
"rgb( 32, 32, 32 )"},
"rgb( 24, 24, 24 )"},
"rgb( 32, 32, 32 )"},
"rgb( 96, 96, 96 )"},
"rgb( 192, 192, 192 )"},
"rgb( 48, 48, 48 )"},
"rgb( 40, 40, 40 )"},
"rgb( 48, 48, 48 )"},
"rgb( 96, 96, 96 )"},
"rgb( 64, 64, 64 )"}
case 2:
style_map = {
"rgb( 45, 0, 30 )"},
"rgb( 115, 30, 70 )"},
"rgb( 255, 204, 143 )"},
"rgb( 45, 0, 30 )"},
"rgb( 255, 204, 143 )"},
"rgb( 145, 100, 130 )"},
"rgb( 45, 0, 30 )"},
"rgb( 205, 154, 93 )"},
"rgb( 165, 114, 63 )"},
"rgb( 145, 100, 130 )"},
"rgb( 255, 204, 143 )"},
"rgb( 255, 140, 141 )"},
"rgb( 245, 172, 142 )"},
"rgb( 195, 80, 81 )"},
"rgb( 195, 80, 81 )"},
"rgb( 255, 204, 143 )"},
"rgb( 114, 235, 115 )"},
"rgb( 154, 255, 155 )"},
"rgb( 195, 80, 81 )"},
"rgb( 245, 172, 142 )"},
"rgb( 245, 172, 142 )"},
"rgb( 255, 204, 143 )"},
"rgb( 255, 140, 141 )"},
"rgb( 245, 172, 142 )"},
"rgb( 255, 204, 143 )"},
"rgb( 255, 210, 221 )"},
"rgb( 195, 80, 81 )"},
"rgb( 145, 100, 130 )"},
"rgb( 164, 255, 165 )"},
"rgb( 114, 235, 115 )"},
"rgb( 154, 245, 155 )"},
"rgb( 195, 80, 81 )"},
"rgb( 195, 80, 81 )"},
"rgb( 195, 80, 81 )"},
"rgb( 45, 0, 30 )"},
"rgb( 113, 154, 225 )"},
"rgb( 143, 184, 255 )"},
"rgb( 145, 100, 130 )"},
"rgb( 195, 80, 81 )"},
"rgb( 195, 140, 141 )"},
"rgb( 255, 210, 221 )"},
"rgb( 45, 0, 30 )"},
"rgb( 145, 100, 130 )"},
"rgb( 195, 80, 81 )"},
"rgb( 195, 80, 81 )"},
"rgb( 195, 140, 141 )"},
"rgb( 165, 114, 63 )"},
"rgb( 113, 154, 225 )"},
"rgb( 45, 0, 30 )"},
"rgb( 255, 210, 221 )"},
"rgb( 255, 204, 143 )"},
"rgb( 145, 100, 130 )"},
"rgb( 145, 100, 130 )"},
"rgb( 45, 0, 30 )"},
"rgb( 113, 154, 225 )"},
"rgb( 114, 235, 115 )"},
"rgb( 165, 114, 63 )"},
"rgb( 154, 245, 155 )"},
"rgb( 195, 140, 141 )"},
"rgb( 255, 210, 221 )"},
"rgb( 255, 140, 141 )"},
"rgb( 255, 204, 143 )"},
"rgb( 255, 140, 141 )"},
"rgb( 45, 0, 30 )"},
"rgb( 115, 30, 70 )"},
"rgb( 45, 0, 30 )"},
"rgb( 255, 204, 143 )"},
"rgb( 165, 114, 63 )"},
"rgb( 255, 204, 143 )"},
"rgb( 245, 172, 142 )"},
"rgb( 255, 204, 143 )"},
"rgb( 195, 80, 81 )"},
"rgb( 195, 80, 81 )"},
"rgb( 255, 140, 141 )"},
"rgb( 245, 172, 142 )"},
"rgb( 255, 140, 141 )"},
"rgb( 195, 80, 81 )"},
"rgb( 165, 114, 63 )"}
case 3:
style_map = {
"rgb( 220, 211, 187 )"},
"rgb( 193, 175, 129 )"},
"rgb( 163, 145, 99 )"},
"rgb( 193, 175, 129 )"},
"rgb( 14, 28, 0 )"},
"rgb( 163, 145, 99 )"},
"rgb( 163, 145, 99 )"},
"rgb( 24, 48, 0 )"},
"rgb( 54, 78, 30 )"},
"rgb( 74, 98, 50 )"},
"rgb( 24, 48, 0 )"},
"rgb( 14, 28, 0 )"},
"rgb( 54, 78, 30 )"},
"rgb( 163, 145, 99 )"},
"rgb( 193, 175, 129 )"},
"rgb( 193, 175, 129 )"},
"rgb( 94, 118, 70 )"},
"rgb( 124, 148, 100 )"},
"rgb( 54, 78, 30 )"},
"rgb( 24, 38, 0 )"},
"rgb( 14, 28, 0 )"},
"rgb( 24, 48, 0 )"},
"rgb( 54, 78, 30 )"},
"rgb( 24, 48, 0 )"},
"rgb( 94, 118, 70 )"},
"rgb( 4, 18, 0 )"},
"rgb( 128, 128, 128 )"},
"rgb( 124, 148, 100 )"},
"rgb( 94, 118, 70 )"},
"rgb( 104, 128, 80 )"},
"rgb( 124, 148, 100 )"},
"rgb( 193, 175, 129 )"},
"rgb( 54, 78, 30 )"},
"rgb( 74, 98, 50 )"},
"rgb( 4, 18, 0 )"},
"rgb( 193, 175, 129 )"},
"rgb( 223, 215, 159 )"},
"rgb( 173, 155, 109 )"},
"rgb( 54, 78, 30 )"},
"rgb( 63, 65, 19 )"},
"rgb( 33, 35, 0 )"},
"rgb( 33, 35, 0 )"},
"rgb( 133, 135, 89 )"},
"rgb( 133, 135, 89 )"},
"rgb( 54, 78, 30 )"},
"rgb( 163, 145, 99 )"},
"rgb( 83, 85, 39 )"},
"rgb( 94, 118, 70 )"},
"rgb( 193, 175, 129 )"},
"rgb( 33, 35, 0 )"},
"rgb( 223, 205, 159 )"},
"rgb( 133, 135, 89 )"},
"rgb( 94, 118, 70 )"},
"rgb( 174, 198, 150 )"},
"rgb( 94, 118, 70 )"},
"rgb( 163, 145, 99 )"},
"rgb( 113, 95, 49 )"},
"rgb( 183, 165, 119 )"},
"rgb( 163, 145, 99 )"},
"rgb( 193, 175, 129 )"},
"rgb( 14, 28, 0 )"},
"rgb( 24, 48, 0 )"},
"rgb( 34, 58, 10 )"},
"rgb( 220, 211, 187 )"},
"rgb( 163, 145, 99 )"},
"rgb( 193, 175, 129 )"},
"rgb( 220, 211, 187 )"},
"rgb( 163, 145, 99 )"},
"rgb( 24, 48, 0 )"},
"rgb( 14, 28, 0 )"},
"rgb( 24, 48, 0 )"},
"rgb( 220, 211, 187 )"},
"rgb( 124, 148, 100 )"},
"rgb( 34, 58, 10 )"},
"rgb( 24, 48, 0 )"},
"rgb( 34, 58, 10 )"},
"rgb( 220, 211, 187 )"},
"rgb( 163, 145, 99 )"}
case 4:
style_map = {
"rgb( 30, 21, 0 )"},
"rgb( 40, 31, 7 )"},
"rgb( 60, 51, 27 )"},
"rgb( 40, 31, 7 )"},
"rgb( 170, 161, 137 )"},
"rgb( 210, 201, 177 )"},
"rgb( 40, 31, 7 )"},
"rgb( 210, 201, 177 )"},
"rgb( 170, 161, 137 )"},
"rgb( 70, 61, 37 )"},
"rgb( 230, 221, 197 )"},
"rgb( 170, 161, 137 )"},
"rgb( 210, 201, 177 )"},
"rgb( 80, 71, 47 )"},
"rgb( 100, 91, 67 )"},
"rgb( 100, 91, 67 )"},
"rgb( 130, 121, 97 )"},
"rgb( 140, 131, 107 )"},
"rgb( 160, 151, 127 )"},
"rgb( 160, 151, 127 )"},
"rgb( 170, 161, 137 )"},
"rgb( 230, 221, 197 )"},
"rgb( 200, 191, 167 )"},
"rgb( 180, 171, 147 )"},
"rgb( 220, 211, 187 )"},
"rgb( 210, 201, 177 )"},
"rgb( 80, 71, 47 )"},
"rgb( 60, 51, 27 )"},
"rgb( 130, 121, 97 )"},
"rgb( 140, 131, 107 )"},
"rgb( 130, 121, 97 )"},
"rgb( 80, 71, 47 )"},
"rgb( 160, 151, 127 )"},
"rgb( 150, 141, 117 )"},
"rgb( 30, 21, 0 )"},
"rgb( 210, 201, 177 )"},
"rgb( 230, 221, 197 )"},
"rgb( 170, 161, 137 )"},
"rgb( 160, 151, 127 )"},
"rgb( 130, 121, 97 )"},
"rgb( 210, 201, 177 )"},
"rgb( 230, 221, 197 )"},
"rgb( 60, 51, 27 )"},
"rgb( 80, 71, 47 )"},
"rgb( 160, 151, 127 )"},
"rgb( 130, 121, 97 )"},
"rgb( 130, 121, 97 )"},
"rgb( 40, 31, 7 )"},
"rgb( 30, 21, 0 )"},
"rgb( 210, 201, 177 )"},
"rgb( 230, 221, 197 )"},
"rgb( 80, 71, 47 )"},
"rgb( 100, 91, 67 )"},
"rgb( 210, 201, 177 )"},
"rgb( 100, 91, 67 )"},
"rgb( 120, 111, 87 )"},
"rgb( 40, 31, 7 )"},
"rgb( 150, 141, 117 )"},
"rgb( 220, 211, 187 )"},
"rgb( 250, 241, 217 )"},
"rgb( 170, 161, 137 )"},
"rgb( 180, 171, 147 )"},
"rgb( 190, 181, 157 )"},
"rgb( 30, 21, 0 )"},
"rgb( 90, 81, 57 )"},
"rgb( 50, 41, 17 )"},
"rgb( 80, 71, 47 )"},
"rgb( 100, 91, 67 )"},
"rgb( 180, 171, 147 )"},
"rgb( 170, 161, 137 )"},
"rgb( 180, 171, 147 )"},
"rgb( 80, 71, 47 )"},
"rgb( 60, 51, 27 )"},
"rgb( 190, 181, 157 )"},
"rgb( 180, 171, 147 )"},
"rgb( 190, 181, 157 )"},
"rgb( 80, 71, 47 )"},
"rgb( 100, 91, 67 )"}
throw GenericException( "Unexpected WindowTheme ID: "+std::to_string(theme_id), true );
makeStyleSheet( stylesheet, style_map, icons_theme );
} // namespace StyleSec