
182 lines
10 KiB

#ifndef DIALOGS_H
#define DIALOGS_H
#include "qwidget.h"
#include "qstring.h"
#include "qmessagebox.h"
static QString
// questions
q_CONTINUE = QMessageBox::tr("Continue?"),
q_YOUR_CHOICE = QMessageBox::tr("Your choice?"),
q_DA = QMessageBox::tr("Discard it and continue, or Abort all and exit?"),
q_DIA = QMessageBox::tr("Ignore the warning and use it anyway, Discard it and continue, or Abort all and exit?"),
q_DB_CREATE = QMessageBox::tr("Create a new database?"),
q_DB_RENEW = QMessageBox::tr("This database will renamed with a trailing '.copy' and a new one will be created. Continue?"),
// titles
t_ERROR_OCCURED = QMessageBox::tr("An error occured"),
t_ERROR_RENAMING = QMessageBox::tr("Failed renaming"),
t_DB_DRIVER_NOT_FOUND = QMessageBox::tr("QSql driver not found"),
t_DB_CREATED = QMessageBox::tr("Database created"),
t_DB_FAILED_CREATING = QMessageBox::tr("Failed creating database"),
t_DB_FAILED_OPENING = QMessageBox::tr("Failed opening database"),
t_DB_FAILED_EXECUTING = QMessageBox::tr("Failed executing on database"),
t_DB_WRONG_TABLE_NAME = QMessageBox::tr("Unexpected table"),
t_DB_MISSING_TABLE = QMessageBox::tr("Table not found"),
t_DB_WRONG_COLUMN_NAME = QMessageBox::tr("Unexpected column"),
t_DB_MISSING_COLUMN = QMessageBox::tr("Column not found"),
t_DB_WRONG_COLUMN_TYPE = QMessageBox::tr("Unexpected data-type"),
t_LOGTYPE_FAILED = QMessageBox::tr("Failed defining type"),
t_LOGTYPE_UNDEFINED = QMessageBox::tr("Undefined type"),
t_FILE_ALREADY_USED = QMessageBox::tr("File already used"),
t_FILE_SIZE_WARNING = QMessageBox::tr("File exceeds warning size"),
t_FILE_NOT_FOUND = QMessageBox::tr("File not found"),
t_FILE_NOT_READABLE = QMessageBox::tr("File not readable"),
t_FILE_NOT_WRITABLE = QMessageBox::tr("File not writable"),
t_FILE_EMPTY = QMessageBox::tr("File is empty"),
t_FILE_FAILED_READ = QMessageBox::tr("Failed reading"),
t_DIR_NOT_FOUND = QMessageBox::tr("Directory not found"),
// messages
m_ERROR_RENAMING = QMessageBox::tr("An error occured while renaming"),
m_SELECTED_FILE_NOT_FOUND = QMessageBox::tr("Failed to retrieve the selected file"),
m_FILE_NOT_FOUND = QMessageBox::tr("Unable to retrieve the file"),
m_DIR_NOT_FOUND = QMessageBox::tr("Unable to reach the directory"),
m_FILE_NOT_EXISTS = QMessageBox::tr("The file does not exists"),
m_DIR_NOT_EXISTS = QMessageBox::tr("The directory does not exists"),
m_FILE_EMPTY = QMessageBox::tr("The file is blank"),
m_FILE_NOT_READABLE = QMessageBox::tr("The file is not readable"),
m_FILE_FAILED_READ = QMessageBox::tr("An error accured while reading the file"),
m_FILE_ALREADY_USED = QMessageBox::tr("The file has probably been used already"),
m_FILE_SIZE_WARNING = QMessageBox::tr("The file's size exceeds the warning size"),
m_DB_DRIVER_NOT_FOUND = QMessageBox::tr("Failed to retrieve the driver neede to handle the database"),
m_DB_NOT_FOUND = QMessageBox::tr("Failed to retrieve the database file"),
m_DB_NOT_READABLE = QMessageBox::tr("The database file is not readable"),
m_DB_NOT_WRITABLE = QMessageBox::tr("The database file is not writable"),
m_DB_CREATED = QMessageBox::tr("Successfully created a new database"),
m_DB_FAILED_CREATING = QMessageBox::tr("An error occured while creating the database"),
m_DB_FAILED_OPENING = QMessageBox::tr("An error occured while opening the database"),
m_DB_FAILED_EXECUTING = QMessageBox::tr("An error occured while executing a statement on the database"),
m_DB_FAILED_STATEMENT = QMessageBox::tr("Failed at statement"),
m_DB_FAILED_ERRMSG = QMessageBox::tr("SQLite error message"),
m_DB_WRONG_TABLE_NAME = QMessageBox::tr("The database contains an unexpected table"),
m_DB_MISSING_TABLE = QMessageBox::tr("It seems that the database is missing a table"),
m_DB_MISSING_COLUMN = QMessageBox::tr("It seems that the table is missing a column"),
m_DB_WRONG_COLUMN_NAME = QMessageBox::tr("The database contains an unexpected column"),
m_DB_WRONG_COLUMN_TYPE = QMessageBox::tr("A column has an unexpected data-type"),
m_LOGTYPE_FAILED = QMessageBox::tr("Failed to determine if Access or Error type file"),
m_LOGTYPE_UNDEFINED = QMessageBox::tr("This file's LogType is not Access nor Error"),
// requests
r_REPORT_ISSUE = QMessageBox::tr("Please report this issue"),
r_SET_PERMISSIONS = QMessageBox::tr("Please set the proper permissions and retry\nIf this error persists, please report this issue"),
r_DB_DONT_EDIT = QMessageBox::tr("If you haven't manually edited the database,\nplease report this issue"),
// footers
f_SKIPPING = QMessageBox::tr("Skipping"),
f_ABORTING = QMessageBox::tr("Aborting")
class DialogSec
static void warnGeneric( QWidget *parent, const QString& message, const bool report_msg=false );
//static void warnGeneric( QWidget *parent, const std::string& message, const bool report_msg=false );
static void errGeneric( QWidget *parent, const QString& message, const bool report_msg=false );
//static void errGeneric( QWidget *parent, const std::string& message, const bool report_msg=false );
static void errRenaming( QWidget *parent, const QString& path );
// database
static void errSqlDriverNotFound( QWidget *parent, const QString& driver );
static bool choiceDatabaseNotFound( QWidget *parent, const QString& db_name );
//static bool choiceDatabaseNotFound( QWidget *parent, const std::string& db_name );
static bool choiceDatabaseWrongTable( QWidget *parent, const QString& db_name, const QString& table_name );
static bool choiceDatabaseMissingTable( QWidget *parent, const QString& db_name, const QString& table_name );
static bool choiceDatabaseWrongColumn( QWidget *parent, const QString& db_name, const QString& table_name, const QString& column_name );
static bool choiceDatabaseMissingColumn( QWidget *parent, const QString& db_name, const QString& table_name, const QString& column_name );
static bool choiceDatabaseWrongDataType( QWidget *parent, const QString& db_name, const QString& table_name, const QString& column_name, const QString& data_type );
static void errDatabaseNotReadable( QWidget *parent, const QString& db_name );
//static void errDatabaseNotReadable( QWidget *parent, const std::string& db_name );
static void errDatabaseNotWritable( QWidget *parent, const QString& db_name );
//static void errDatabaseNotWritable( QWidget *parent, const std::string& db_name );
static void msgDatabaseCreated( QWidget *parent, const QString& db_name );
static void errDatabaseFailedCreating( QWidget *parent, const QString& db_name, const QString& err_msg );
//static void errDatabaseFailedCreating( QWidget *parent, const std::string& db_name, const std::string& err_msg );
static void errDatabaseFailedOpening( QWidget *parent, const QString& db_name, const QString& err_msg );
//static void errDatabaseFailedOpening( QWidget *parent, const std::string& db_name, const std::string& err_msg );
static void errDatabaseFailedExecuting( QWidget *parent, const QString& db_name, const QString& statement="", const QString& err_msg="" );
//static void errDatabaseFailedExecuting( QWidget *parent, const std::string& db_name, const std::string& statement="", const std::string& err_msg="" );
// LogsList
static bool choiceSelectedFileNotFound( QWidget *parent, const QString& file );
//static bool choiceSelectedFileNotFound( QWidget *parent, const std::string& file );
// log files type
static void errFailedDefiningLogType( QWidget *parent, const QString& file );
//static void errFailedDefiningLogType( QWidget *parent, const std::string& file );
static void errUndefinedLogType( QWidget *parent, const QString& file );
//static void errUndefinedLogType( QWidget *parent, const std::string& file );
static bool choiceUndefinedLogType( QWidget *parent, const QString& file );
//static bool choiceUndefinedLogType( QWidget *parent, const std::string& file );
// log files hash
static int choiceFileAlreadyUsed( QWidget *parent, const QString& msg );
//static int choiceFileAlreadyUsed( QWidget *parent, const std::string& msg );
// log files size
static int choiceFileSizeWarning( QWidget *parent, const QString& msg );
//static int choiceFileSizeWarning( QWidget *parent, const std::string& msg );
// files permissions
static void errFileNotExists( QWidget *parent );
static void errFileNotReadable( QWidget *parent );
static void errFileNotWritable( QWidget *parent );
static void warnFileNotReadable( QWidget *parent, const QString& file );
static bool choiceFileNotExists( QWidget *parent );
static bool choiceFileNotReadable( QWidget *parent );
static bool choiceFileNotWritable( QWidget *parent );
// files actions
static void warnEmptyFile( QWidget *parent, const QString& file );
//static void warnEmptyFile( QWidget *parent, const std::string& file );
static void errFailedReadFile( QWidget *parent, const QString& file, const bool skipping=false );
//static void errFailedReadFile( QWidget *parent, const std::string& file, const bool skipping=false );
// folders permissions
static void errDirNotExists( QWidget *parent, const QString& dir );
//static void errDirNotExists( QWidget *parent, const std::string& dir );
static void warnDirNotReadable( QWidget *parent );
static void warnDirNotWritable( QWidget *parent );
static bool choiceDirNotExists( QWidget *parent, const QString& dir );
//static bool choiceDirNotExists( QWidget *parent, const std::string& dir );
static void choiceDirNotReadable( QWidget *parent );
static void choiceDirNotWritable( QWidget *parent );
// generic choices
static void choiceYesNo( QWidget *parent );
static bool choiceIgnoreAbort( QWidget *parent );
static bool choiceDatabaseRenew( QWidget *parent, const QString& title, const QString& msg );
#endif // DIALOGS_H