
205 lines
6.8 KiB

#ifndef CRAPLOG_H
#define CRAPLOG_H
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <QMainWindow>
#include "utilities.h"
#include "modules/charts/donuts.h"
#include "modules/dialogs.h"
#include "tools/craplog/modules/formats.h"
#include "tools/craplog/modules/hash.h"
#include "tools/craplog/modules/logs.h"
class Craplog
void run();
const int getDialogLevel();
void setDialogLevel( const int new_level );
const std::string
& getStatsDatabasePath(),
& getHashesDatabasePath();
void setStatsDatabasePath( const std::string& path ),
setHashesDatabasePath( const std::string& path );
// web servers ID constants
const unsigned int APACHE_ID=11, NGINX_ID=12, IIS_ID=13;
// logs formats web server specific settings
void setAccessLogsFormat( const int web_server_id, const std::string& format_string );
void setErrorLogsFormat( const int web_server_id, const std::string& format_string );
const FormatOps::LogsFormat& getAccessLogsFormat( const int web_server_id );
const FormatOps::LogsFormat& getErrorLogsFormat( const int web_server_id );
// currently used WS and LF
void setCurrentWSID( const int web_server_id );
const int getCurrentWSID();
const FormatOps::LogsFormat& getCurrentALF();
const FormatOps::LogsFormat& getCurrentELF();
// log type constants
const unsigned int FAILED=0, ACCESS_LOGS=1, ERROR_LOGS=2;
// log file item's infoes
struct LogFile {
bool selected;
bool used_already;
int size;
QString name;
std::string hash;
std::string path;
LogOps::LogType type;
// logs list related methods
const std::vector<LogFile>& getLogsList( const bool fresh=false );
const int getLogsListSize();
// log file related
const LogFile& getLogFileItem( const QString& file_name );
const std::string& getLogFilePath( const QString& file_name );
// set a file in the list as selected, to be used for the stats
const bool setLogFileSelected( const QString& file_name );
// check if a file name respects the one set
const bool isFileNameValid( const std::string& name, const LogOps::LogType& log_type );
// warning file size (in Bytes)
const int getWarningSize();
void setWarningSize( const int new_size );
// logs usage control
HashOps hashOps;
// operations on logs
LogOps logOps;
// blacklist / warnlist related
struct BWlist {
bool used;
std::vector<std::string> list;
const bool isBlacklistUsed( const int web_server_id, const int log_type, const int log_field_id ),
isWarnlistUsed( const int web_server_id, const int log_type, const int log_field_id );
const std::vector<std::string>
& getBlacklist( const int web_server_id, const int log_type, const int log_field_id ),
& getWarnlist( const int web_server_id, const int log_type, const int log_field_id );
// job related
const bool checkStuff();
void startWorking(),
makeGraphs( const std::unordered_map<std::string, QFont>& fonts, QChartView* acc_chart, QChartView* err_chart, QChartView* traf_chart ),
const bool isWorking(),
// job performancea
void collectPerfData(),
sumBlacklistededSize( const int size, const int log_type ),
sumPerfSize( const int size, const int log_type );
const int getPerfSize(),
//getBlacklistedSize( const int log_type );
// quantity of informational dialogs to display
int dialog_level = 2; // 0: essential, 1: usefull, 2: explanatory
// databases paths
std::string db_stats_path,
// job related
bool working = false,
parsing = false,
proceed = false;
// perf related
int perf_size = 0,
total_size = 0,
parsed_size = 0,
total_lines = 0,
parsed_lines = 0,
total_access_size = 0,
total_error_size = 0,
parsed_access_size = 0,
parsed_error_size = 0,
blacklisted_access_size = 0,
blacklisted_error_size = 0;
// chart related
const QString printableSize( const int bytes );
const std::vector<int> calcDayTraffic( const int log_type );
// data collection
/* structure
* { log_type_id : [ { log_field_id : "data" } ] }
* log_type_ids
* 1: access_logs, 2: error_logs
* log_field_ids
* 99: warning,
* 1: year, 2: month, 3: day, 4: hour, 5: minute, 6:second,
* 10: request_protocol, 11: request_method, 12: request_page, 13: request_query, 14: response_code,
* 15: time_taken, 16: bytes_sent, 17: bytes_received, 18: referrer,
* 20: client, 21: user_agent, 22: cookie,
* 30: port, 31: error_level, 32: error_message, 33: source_file
std::unordered_map<int, std::vector<std::unordered_map<int, std::string>>> data_collection;
std::vector<LogFile> log_files_to_use;
std::vector<std::string> access_logs_lines, error_logs_lines;
void joinLogLines(),
// used files
std::unordered_map<int, std::vector<std::string>> used_files_hashes;
// configs location
std::string configs_path;
// control related
bool delete_old_hashes = false;
int old_hashes_months = 12;
int warning_size = 1'048'576 +1; //104'857'600; // in Bytes ( => 100 MiB ) // !!! RESTORE !!!
// black/warn-list
// { web_server_id : { log_type : { log_field_id : BWlist } } }
std::unordered_map<int, std::unordered_map<int, std::unordered_map<int, BWlist>>>
// web server related
int current_WS = 11;
// web server specific paths
std::unordered_map<int, std::unordered_map<int, std::string>> logs_paths;
// web server specific file names criterions
struct LogName {
std::string starts;
std::string contains;
std::string ends;
std::unordered_map<int, std::unordered_map<int, LogName>> logs_base_names;
// logs list related
std::vector<LogFile> logs_list;
void scanLogsDir();
// logs format related
FormatOps formatOps;
std::unordered_map<int, std::unordered_map<int, std::string>> logs_format_stings;
std::unordered_map<int, std::unordered_map<int, FormatOps::LogsFormat>> logs_formats;
void setCurrentALF();
void setCurrentELF();
FormatOps::LogsFormat current_ALF;
FormatOps::LogsFormat current_ELF;
void readConfigs();
void loadFileContent();
#endif // CRAPLOG_H