
455 lines
17 KiB

#include "formats.h"
#include "modules/dialogs.h"
//// APACHE2 ////
// access logs fields formats (only the ones considered)
this->APACHE_ALF["%h"] = "client";
this->APACHE_ALF["%t"] = "date_time_ncsa";
this->APACHE_ALF["%r"] = "request_full";
this->APACHE_ALF["%H"] = "request_protocol";
this->APACHE_ALF["%m"] = "request_method";
this->APACHE_ALF["%U"] = "request_uri";
this->APACHE_ALF["%q"] = "request_query";
this->APACHE_ALF["%s"] = "response_code";
this->APACHE_ALF["%>s"] = "response_code";
this->APACHE_ALF["%O"] = "bytes_sent";
this->APACHE_ALF["%I"] = "bytes_received";
this->APACHE_ALF["%T"] = "time_taken_s";
this->APACHE_ALF["%D"] = "time_taken_ms";
// composed items (only the ones considered)
this->APACHE_ALF_V["h"] = { {"c", "client"} };
this->APACHE_ALF_V["t"] = { {"sec", "date_time_epoch_s"},
{"msec", "date_time_epoch_ms"},
{"usec", "date_time_epoch_us"},
{"%b", "date_time_month_str"},
{"%B", "date_time_month_str"},
{"%c", "date_time_mcs"},
{"%d", "date_time_day"},
{"%D", "date_time_MMDDYY"},
{"%e", "date_time_day"},
{"%F", "date_time_YYYYMMDD"},
{"%h", "date_time_month_str"},
{"%H", "date_time_hour"},
{"%m", "date_time_month"},
{"%M", "date_time_minute"},
{"%p", "date_time_clock_meridian"},
{"%r", "date_time_clock_12"},
{"%R", "date_time_clock_short"},
{"%S", "date_time_second"},
{"%T", "date_time_clock_24"},
{"%x", "date_time_MMDDYY"},
{"%X", "date_time_clock_24"},
{"%y", "date_time_year_short"},
{"%Y", "date_time_year"} };
this->APACHE_ALF_V["i"] = { {"Cookie", "cookie"},
{"User-agent", "user_agent"},
{"Referer", "referer"} };
this->APACHE_ALF_V["T"] = { {"s", "time_taken_s"},
{"ms", "time_taken_ms"},
{"us", "time_taken_us"} };
// not in use, will be discarded
this->APACHE_ALF["%a"] = "NONE";
this->APACHE_ALF["%A"] = "NONE";
this->APACHE_ALF["%b"] = "NONE";
this->APACHE_ALF["%B"] = "NONE";
this->APACHE_ALF["%f"] = "NONE";
this->APACHE_ALF["%k"] = "NONE";
this->APACHE_ALF["%l"] = "NONE";
this->APACHE_ALF["%L"] = "NONE";
this->APACHE_ALF["%p"] = "NONE";
this->APACHE_ALF["%P"] = "NONE";
this->APACHE_ALF["%R"] = "NONE";
this->APACHE_ALF["%S"] = "NONE";
this->APACHE_ALF["%u"] = "NONE";
this->APACHE_ALF["%v"] = "NONE";
this->APACHE_ALF["%V"] = "NONE";
this->APACHE_ALF["%X"] = "NONE";
this->APACHE_ALF["%{x-forwarded-for}"] = "NONE";
// composed not in use
this->APACHE_ALF_V["a"] = {};
this->APACHE_ALF_V["c"] = {};
this->APACHE_ALF_V["e"] = {};
this->APACHE_ALF_V["n"] = {};
this->APACHE_ALF_V["o"] = {};
this->APACHE_ALF_V["p"] = {};
this->APACHE_ALF_V["P"] = {};
this->APACHE_ALF_V["^ti"] = {};
this->APACHE_ALF_V["^to"] = {};
// error logs fields formats (only the ones considered)
this->APACHE_ELF["%a"] = "client:port";
this->APACHE_ELF["%l"] = "error_level";
this->APACHE_ELF["%M"] = "error_message";
this->APACHE_ELF["%F"] = "source_file";
this->APACHE_ELF["%t"] = "date_time_mcs";
// composed
this->APACHE_ELF_V["t"] = { {"u", "date_time_mcs"},
// not in use, will be discarded
this->APACHE_ELF["%A"] = "NONE";
this->APACHE_ELF["%E"] = "NONE";
this->APACHE_ELF["%F"] = "NONE";
this->APACHE_ELF["%k"] = "NONE";
this->APACHE_ELF["%L"] = "NONE";
this->APACHE_ELF["%m"] = "NONE";
this->APACHE_ELF["%P"] = "NONE";
this->APACHE_ELF["%T"] = "NONE";
this->APACHE_ELF["%v"] = "NONE";
this->APACHE_ELF["%V"] = "NONE";
// composed not in use
this->APACHE_ELF_V["a"] = {};
this->APACHE_ELF_V["e"] = {};
this->APACHE_ELF_V["i"] = {};
this->APACHE_ELF_V["L"] = {};
this->APACHE_ELF_V["n"] = {};
this->APACHE_ELF_V["T"] = {};
//// NGINX ////
// access logs fields formats (only the ones considered)
this->NGINX_ALF["$remote_addr"] = "client";
this->NGINX_ALF["$time_local"] = "date_time_ncsa";
this->NGINX_ALF["$time_iso8601"] = "date_time_iso";
this->NGINX_ALF["msec"] = "date_time_epoch_s.ms";
this->NGINX_ALF["$request"] = "request_full";
this->NGINX_ALF["$status"] = "response_code";
this->NGINX_ALF["$bytes_sent"] = "bytes_sent";
this->NGINX_ALF["$request_length"] = "bytes_received";
this->NGINX_ALF["$request_time"] = "time_taken_s.ms";
this->NGINX_ALF["$http_referer"] = "referer";
this->NGINX_ALF["$http_user_agent"] = "user_agent";
// not in use, will be discarded
this->NGINX_ALF["$remote_user"] = "NONE";
this->NGINX_ALF["$gzip_ratio"] = "NONE";
this->NGINX_ALF["$connection"] = "NONE";
this->NGINX_ALF["$connection_requests"] = "NONE";
this->NGINX_ALF["pipe"] = "NONE";
// error logs fields formats (only the ones considered)
this->NGINX_ELF["$time_iso8601"] = "date_time_iso";
this->NGINX_ELF["$error_level"] = "error_level";
this->NGINX_ELF["$error_message"] = "error_message";
this->NGINX_ELF["$pid"] = "NONE";
this->NGINX_ELF["$cid"] = "NONE";
//// IIS ////
// access logs fields formats (only the ones considered)
this->IIS_ALF["c-ip"] = "client";
this->IIS_ALF["date"] = "date_time_utc_d";
this->IIS_ALF["time"] = "date_time_utc_t";
this->IIS_ALF["cs-version"] = "request_protocol";
this->IIS_ALF["cs-method"] = "request_method";
this->IIS_ALF["cs-uri-stem"] = "request_uri";
this->IIS_ALF["cs-uri-query"] = "request_query";
this->IIS_ALF["sc-status"] = "response_code";
this->IIS_ALF["sc-bytes"] = "bytes_sent";
this->IIS_ALF["cs-bytes"] = "bytes_received";
this->IIS_ALF["time-taken"] = "time_taken_ms";
this->IIS_ALF["cs(Referrer)"] = "referer";
this->IIS_ALF["cs(Cookie)"] = "cookie";
this->IIS_ALF["cs(User-Agent)"] = "user_agent";
// not in use, will be discarded
this->IIS_ALF["s-sitename"] = "NONE";
this->IIS_ALF["s-computername"] = "NONE";
this->IIS_ALF["s-ip"] = "NONE";
this->IIS_ALF["s-port"] = "NONE";
this->IIS_ALF["cs-username"] = "NONE";
this->IIS_ALF["cs-host"] = "NONE";
this->IIS_ALF["sc-substatus"] = "NONE";
this->IIS_ALF["sc-win32-status"] = "NONE";
this->IIS_ALF["streamid"] = "NONE";
// error logs fields formats (only the ones considered)
this->IIS_ELF[""] = "";
// not in use, will be discarded
this->IIS_ELF[""] = "NONE";
const FormatOps::LogsFormat FormatOps::processFormatString( const std::string& f_str, const int l_type, const int ws_id )
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> f_map;
std::vector<std::string> f_flds;
switch ( ws_id ) {
case 11:
// this method is not for Apache
throw (&"This format-convert method is not made for Apache");
case 12:
switch ( l_type ) {
case 1:
f_map = this->NGINX_ALF;
f_flds = this->N_ALFs;
case 2:
f_map = this->NGINX_ELF;
f_flds = this->N_ELFs;
// shouldn't be here
throw (&"Wrong LogType for Nginx: "[l_type]);
case 13:
switch ( l_type ) {
case 1:
f_map = this->IIS_ALF;
f_flds = this->I_ALFs;
case 2:
f_map = this->IIS_ELF;
f_flds = this->I_ELFs;
// shouldn't be here
throw (&"Wrong LogType for IIS: "[l_type]);
// shouldn't be here
throw (&"Wrong WebServerID: "[ws_id]);
std::string initial="", final="";
std::vector<std::string> separators, fields;
// parse the string to convert keyargs in craplog's fields format
int n_fld=0,
start, aux=0, stop=0,
min_dist=0, max_dist=f_str.size()-1;
std::string cur_fld, cur_sep;
// find and convert any field
while (true) {
// start after the last found field
start = stop;
cur_fld = "";
min_dist = max_dist;
// find the next field
for ( std::string& fld : f_flds ) {
// run untill a valid field is found
aux = f_str.find( fld, start );
if ( aux < 0 | aux > min_dist ) {
// not found, skip to the next
if ( aux > 0 ) {
if ( f_str.at(aux-1) == '\\' ) {
// backslashed, may be a false positive
int n_slashes = 1, j=aux-2;
while (true) {
if ( j < 0 ) {
if ( f_str.at( j ) == '\\' ) {
n_slashes ++;
j --;
} else {
if ( n_slashes % 2 == 1 ) {
// odd number of BS, supposed to result in a backslashed keyword
if ( aux < min_dist ) {
// a nearer field has been found
min_dist = aux;
cur_fld = fld;
if ( min_dist == start ) {
// starter position, closest field found
// break if no more fields was found
if ( cur_fld == "" ) {
// append the last section as final separator
final = f_str.substr( start );
// get the current separator
cur_sep = f_str.substr( start, min_dist-start );
if ( n_fld == 0 ) {
// first field found, assign the separator as the initial one
initial = cur_sep;
} else {
// append to separators list
separators.push_back( cur_sep );
// append the current field, converted
if ( f_map.at( cur_fld ) == "client:port" ) {
fields.push_back( "client" );
separators.push_back( ":" );
fields.push_back( "port" );
} else {
fields.push_back( f_map.at( cur_fld ) );
// step at the end of the current field for the next start
stop = min_dist + cur_fld.size();
return FormatOps::LogsFormat{
.string = f_str,
.initial = initial,
.final = final,
.separators = separators,
.fields = fields
const FormatOps::LogsFormat FormatOps::processApacheFormatString( const std::string& f_str, const int l_type )
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> f_map;
std::unordered_map<std::string ,std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>> f_map_v;
switch ( l_type ) {
case 1:
f_map = this->APACHE_ALF;
f_map_v = this->APACHE_ALF_V;
case 2:
f_map = this->APACHE_ELF;
f_map_v = this->APACHE_ELF_V;
// shouldn't be here
throw (&"Wrong LogType for Apache: "[l_type]);
std::string initial="", final="";
std::vector<std::string> separators, fields;
// parse the string to convert keyargs in craplog's fields format
int n_fld=0,
start, stop=0, aux, aux_start, aux_stop,
std::string aux_fld, aux_fld_v, cur_fld, cur_sep;
// find and convert any field
while (true) {
// start after the last found field
start = stop;
cur_sep = "";
while (true) {
// loop until a valid field is found (doens't matter if considered or not)
while (true) {
// hunt the next field
aux = f_str.find_first_of( '%', stop );
// check if false positive
if ( aux > 0 && aux <= max ) {
if ( f_str.at(aux-1) == '%' || f_str.at(aux-1) == '\\' ) {
// the percent sign character
stop = aux + 1;
if ( aux < 0 || aux > max ) {
// no more fields, append the last section as final separator
final = f_str.substr( start );
n_fld = -1;
// append the current separator
cur_sep += f_str.substr( start, aux-start );
stop = aux;
// define if normal or composed
if ( f_str.at( aux+1 ) == '{' ) {
// composed
aux_start = aux + 2;
aux = f_str.find_first_of( '}', aux_start );
aux_stop = aux + 2;
// get the varname
aux_fld = f_str.substr(
aux - aux_start );
// get the module
aux_fld_v = f_str.at( aux+1 );
try {
// try if the module is valid
cur_fld = f_map_v.at( aux_fld_v ).at( aux_fld );
// if here, is valid. stop hunting and append
stop = aux_stop;
} catch (...) {
// invalid, append all as separator and restart hunting
cur_sep += f_str.substr( stop, aux_stop-stop );
stop = aux_stop;
} else {
// normal
try {
// try if the module is valid
aux_fld = f_str.substr( aux, 3 );
aux_stop = aux+3;
if ( aux_fld != "%>s" ) {
aux_fld = f_str.substr( aux, 2 );
aux_stop = aux+2;
cur_fld = f_map.at( aux_fld );
// if here, is valid. stop hunting and append
stop = aux_stop;
} catch (...) {
// invalid, append all as separator and restart hunting
stop ++;
cur_sep += f_str.at( stop );
// outside hunting loop
if ( n_fld < 0 ) {
// final reached, stop looping
} else if ( n_fld == 0 ) {
// first field found, assign the separator as the initial one
initial = cur_sep;
} else {
// append to separators list
separators.push_back( cur_sep );
// append the field
if ( cur_fld == "client:port" ) {
fields.push_back( "client" );
separators.push_back( ":" );
fields.push_back( "port" );
} else {
fields.push_back( cur_fld );
return FormatOps::LogsFormat{
.string = f_str,
.initial = initial,
.final = final,
.separators = separators,
.fields = fields