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LogDoctor 2.04
Parse Apache2/Nginx/IIS logs and view dinamically generated statistics
No Matches
DbQuery Member List

This is the complete list of members for DbQuery, including all inherited members.

countDays(const int from_year, const int from_month, const int from_day, const int to_year, const int to_month, const int to_day)DbQueryprivatestatic
countMonths(const int from_year, const int from_month, const int to_year, const int to_month)DbQueryprivatestatic
getDaytimeCounts(std::optional< stats_day_items_t > &result, const QString &web_server, const QString &from_year_, const QString &from_month_, const QString &from_day_, const QString &to_year_, const QString &to_month_, const QString &to_day_, const QString &log_field_, const QString &field_filter) constDbQuery
getDbField(const QString &tr_fld) constDbQueryprivate
getGlobalCounts(const QString &web_server, const std::map< int, std::map< int, std::vector< int > > > &dates, std::vector< std::unordered_map< QString, unsigned > > &recurs, std::tuple< QString, int > &traf_date, std::unordered_map< int, double > &traf_day, std::unordered_map< int, double > &traf_hour, std::vector< long long > &perf_time, std::vector< long long > &perf_sent, std::vector< long long > &perf_receiv, long &req_count) constDbQuery
getItemsCount(std::optional< stats_count_items_t > &result, const QString &web_server, const QString &year, const QString &month, const QString &day, const QString &log_field) constDbQuery
getMinuteGap(const int minute, const int gap=10)DbQueryprivatestatic
getMonthDays(const int year, const int month)DbQueryprivatestatic
getMonthNumber(const QString &month_str) constDbQueryprivate
getRelationalCountsDay(std::optional< stats_relat_items_t > &result, const QString &web_server, const QString &year_, const QString &month_, const QString &day_, const QString &log_field_1_, const QString &field_filter_1, const QString &log_field_2_, const QString &field_filter_2) constDbQuery
getRelationalCountsPeriod(std::optional< stats_relat_items_t > &result, const QString &web_server, const QString &from_year_, const QString &from_month_, const QString &from_day_, const QString &to_year_, const QString &to_month_, const QString &to_day_, const QString &log_field_1_, const QString &field_filter_1, const QString &log_field_2_, const QString &field_filter_2) constDbQuery
getSpeedData(std::optional< stats_speed_items_t > &result, const QString &web_server, const QString &year_, const QString &month_, const QString &day_, const QString &protocol_f, const QString &method_f, const QString &uri_f, const QString &query_f, const QString &response_f) constDbQuery
getWarnCounts(std::optional< stats_warn_items_t > &result, const QString &web_server, const QString &year_, const QString &month_, const QString &day_, const QString &hour_) constDbQuery
refreshDates(std::optional< stats_dates_t > &result)DbQuery
setDbPath(const std::string &path)DbQuery
setDialogLevel(const int new_level)DbQuery
updateWarnings(const QString &web_server, const std::vector< std::tuple< int, int > > &updates) constDbQuery

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