
175 lines
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#include "modules/exceptions.h"
#include <QSqlDatabase>
#include <QSqlQuery>
#include <QVariant>
class QueryWrapper;
//! Represents a database
enum class DatabaseType
//! DatabaseWrapper
A wrapper around a QSqlDatabase
class DatabaseWrapper final
QSqlDatabase db;
QString db_name;
bool ongoing_transaction;
explicit DatabaseWrapper( const QString& database, const QString& name, const bool readonly );
//! Returns a pointer to the underlying QSqlDatabase instance
inline QSqlDatabase* operator ->() noexcept
{ return &db; }
//! Returns a reference to the underlying QSqlDatabase instance
inline QSqlDatabase& operator *() noexcept
{ return db; }
//! Returns the name of the database
inline const QString& name() const noexcept
{ return db_name; }
//! Opens the database file at the given path
Throws if the file cannot be opened or if opening fails
\throw LogDoctorException
void open( const std::string& path, const bool explain_err );
//! Opens the database file at the given path
Used when creating a new database file.
Throws if opening fails.
\throw LogDoctorException
void openNew( const std::string& path );
//! Starts an ACID transaction on the database
Throws in case of failure
\throw LogDoctorException
void startTransaction( const bool explain_msg, const bool explain_err );
//! Commits an ongoing transaction
Throws in case of failure
\throw LogDoctorException
void commitTransaction( const bool explain_msg, const bool explain_err );
//! Rolls back an ongoing transaction
Throws in case of failure
\throw LogDoctorException
void rollbackTransaction( const bool explain_msg, const bool explain_err );
//! Returns an instance of a QueryWrapper associated with the database
QueryWrapper getQuery() noexcept;
//! QueryWrapper
A wrapper around a QSqlQuery, associated with a database
class QueryWrapper final
QSqlQuery query;
QString stmt;
QString db_name;
explicit QueryWrapper( DatabaseWrapper& db )
: query{ *db }, db_name{ db.name() } {}
~QueryWrapper() = default;
//! Returns a pointer to the underlying QSqlQuery instance
inline QSqlQuery* operator ->() noexcept
{ return &query; }
//! Appends the given text to the internal statement
inline void operator <<( const char* text ) noexcept
{ stmt.append(text); }
//! Appends the given text to the internal statement
inline void operator <<( const QString& text ) noexcept
{ stmt.append(text); }
//! Executes the query using the internal statement
Throws in case of failure
\throw LogDoctorException
inline void operator ()()
{ operator()(stmt); }
//! Executes the query using the given statement
Throws in case of failure
\throw LogDoctorException
void operator ()( const QString& text );
//! Returns the query value at the given index of the current record
inline QVariant operator []( const int idx ) const noexcept
{ return query.value(idx); }
//! Returns the number of records in the query result
Throws if the query cannot be restored at the initial position
\throw DatabaseException
size_t size();
//! Returns the name of the associated database
const QString& dbName() const noexcept
{ return db_name; }
struct DatabaseHandler
//! Checks the presence of the QSQLITE driver
inline bool checkDriver() const
{ return QSqlDatabase::drivers().contains("QSQLITE"); }
//! Returns an instance of the requested database
\param readonly Whether the database whould be initialized in readonly mode
\throw DoNotCatchException
static DatabaseWrapper get( const DatabaseType db_type, const bool readonly=false );
#define DB_READONLY true