2023-10-08 21:01:57 +00:00

2.6 KiB



Current translations under developement:

  • es_ES : 90% (auditor needed)

  • fr_FR : 90% (auditor needed)

  • pt_BR : 90% (auditor needed)

  • ja_JP : 90% (auditor needed)

If you have a request for a missing language or you're willing to contribute, please refer to this issue.

How to contribute to translations

Since the whole application is build upon Qt, translations are made throught .ts translation files.

The easiest way to go is to use Qt Linguist:

  • Download or clone this repo
  • Open the .ts translation file of your language using QtLinguist
  • Translate (don't know how? Follow this video)
  • Push only the .ts files, you don't have to release them: pull request containing .qm binaries won't be accepted.

If you don't want to install QtLinguist, you can do it the hard way, by opening the files with a text editor and do it manually:

  • Here is a sample of some text waiting for translation
    You can see the original text enclosed in the <source> tags. Don't edit it.
            <location filename="..." line="n"/>
            <source>This is the original text</source>
  • Everything you need to do is to add the missing line containing the translated text, without editing the other lines.
    Here is a sample after having translated it
            <location filename="..." line="n"/>
            <source>Original text</source>
            <translation type="unfinished">Translated text goes here</translation>

If you don't feel comfortable with any of the above solutions, please open an issue and write your translations/corrections there, in a clear way.

Translation guidelines

hints from Qt

Just follow some simple guidelines to ensure a correct and clear contribution:

  • Respect the structure of the phrase: if (for example) it starts or ends with a whitespace or something, please do the same.

  • Please leave your translations marked as unfinished, they will be checked and un-marked after having been verified.

  • If you see a translation marked as finished, please edit it only if you're sure that your definition suits better.