Valentino Orlandi d910069a1b
Minor code improvements
Replaced use of postfix operators with prefix operators.
Replaced manual declarations with Q_DISABLE_COPY_MOVE macro for
FileHandler classes.
2024-01-21 16:05:23 +01:00

2208 lines
99 KiB

#include "query.h"
#include "modules/dialogs.h"
#include "modules/exceptions.h"
#include "utilities/checks.h"
#include "utilities/strings.h"
#include <QSqlDatabase>
#include <QSqlQuery>
#include <QSqlError>
#include <QVariant>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QDate>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
void DbQuery::setDialogLevel(const int new_level )
this->dialog_level = new_level;
void DbQuery::setDbPath( const std::string& path )
this->db_path = path;
this->db_name = QString::fromStdString( this->db_path.substr( this->db_path.find_last_of( '/' ) + 1ul ) );
int DbQuery::getMinuteGap( const int minute, const int gap )
int m{ -1 };
if ( minute < 0 || minute >= 60 ) {
// unexpected value
throw DateTimeException( "Unexpected Minute: "+std::to_string( minute ) );
int n{ 0 };
for ( int g{0}; g<60; g+=gap ) {
if ( minute >= g && minute < g+gap ) {
m = gap * n;
return m;
int DbQuery::getMonthDays( const int year, const int month )
int n_days;
switch (month) {
case 1: n_days = 31; break;
case 2: n_days = ( year%4 == 0 ) ? 29 : 28 ; break;
case 3: n_days = 31; break;
case 4: n_days = 30; break;
case 5: n_days = 31; break;
case 6: n_days = 30; break;
case 7: n_days = 31; break;
case 8: n_days = 31; break;
case 9: n_days = 30; break;
case 10: n_days = 31; break;
case 11: n_days = 30; break;
case 12: n_days = 31; break;
// unexpected month
throw DateTimeException( "Unexpected Month: "+std::to_string( month ) );
return n_days;
int DbQuery::getMonthNumber( const QString& month_str ) const
int m{ 0 };
for ( const auto& [num,str] : this->MONTHS ) {
if ( TR::tr(str.c_str()) == month_str ) {
m = num;
return m;
int DbQuery::countDays( const int from_year, const int from_month, const int from_day, const int to_year, const int to_month, const int to_day )
int n_days{ 1 };
if ( from_year == to_year ) {
// 1 year
if ( from_month == to_month ) {
// 1 month
n_days += to_day - from_day + 1;
} else {
n_days += getMonthDays( from_year, from_month ) - from_day; // first month's days
for ( int month=from_month+1; month<to_month; ++month ) {
n_days += getMonthDays( from_year, month );
n_days += to_day; // last month's days
} else {
n_days += getMonthDays( from_year, from_month ) - from_day;
if ( from_month < 12 ) {
for ( int month{from_month+1}; month<=12; ++month ) {
n_days += getMonthDays( from_year, month );
for ( int year{from_year+1}; year<=to_year; ++year ) {
int last_month{ 12 };
if ( year == to_year ) {
last_month = to_month-1;
n_days += to_day; // last month's days, added in advance
for ( int month{1}; month<=last_month; ++month ) {
n_days += getMonthDays( year, month );
return n_days;
int DbQuery::countMonths( const int from_year, const int from_month, const int to_year, const int to_month )
int n_months{ 0 };
if ( from_year == to_year ) {
// same year
if ( from_month == to_month ) {
// same month
n_months = 1;
} else {
// different months
n_months = to_month - from_month + 1;
} else {
// different years
n_months += 13 - from_month; // months to the end of the first year
n_months += to_month; // months from the beginning of the last year
n_months += 12 * ( to_year - from_year - 1 ); // 12 months for every middle year (0 if none)
return n_months;
int DbQuery::countMonths( const QString& from_year, const QString& from_month, const QString& to_year, const QString& to_month ) const
int from_year_, from_month_, to_year_, to_month_;
try {
from_year_ = from_year.toInt();
from_month_ = this->getMonthNumber( from_month );
to_year_ = ( to_year.isEmpty() ) ? from_year_ : to_year.toInt() ;
to_month_ = ( to_month.isEmpty() ) ? from_month_ : this->getMonthNumber( to_month ) ;
} catch (...) {
// failed to convert to integers
throw DateTimeException( "Failed to convert Month from string to int" ); // leave un-catched
return countMonths( from_year_, from_month_, to_year_, to_month_ );
/*const int DbQuery::getLogFieldID ( const QString& field_str )
int f=0;
for ( const auto& [id,str] : this->MONTHS ) {
if ( TR::tr(str.c_str()) == field_str ) {
f = id;
return f;
QString DbQuery::getDbField( const QString& tr_fld ) const
QString f;
for ( const auto& [id,str] : this->FIELDS ) {
if ( TR::tr(str.c_str()) == tr_fld ) {
f = this->LogFields_to_DbFields.at( str );
return f;
// get a fresh map of available dates
void DbQuery::refreshDates( std::optional<stats_dates_t>& result )
bool successful{ true };
stats_dates_t dates{ // std::unordered_map<int, std::unordered_map<int, std::unordered_map<int, std::vector<int>>>>
{11, {}}, {12, {}}, {13, {}}
QSqlDatabase db;
if ( QSqlDatabase::contains("qt_sql_default_connection") ) {
db = QSqlDatabase::database("qt_sql_default_connection");
} else {
db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");
db.setDatabaseName( QString::fromStdString( this->db_path ));
if ( ! CheckSec::checkDatabaseFile( db_path, db_name ) ) {
successful &= false;
} else if ( ! db.open() ) {
// error opening database
successful &= false;
QString err_msg;
if ( this->dialog_level == 2 ) {
err_msg = db.lastError().text();
DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedOpening( this->db_name, err_msg );
} else {
// recursively query years, months and days for every WebServer
const std::vector<std::tuple<int, QString>> tables{
std::make_tuple(13,"iis") };
QSqlQuery Y_query{ db },
M_query{ db },
D_query{ db };
for ( const auto& table : tables ) {
if ( ! successful ) { break; }
const int ws{ std::get<0>(table) };
const QString tbl{ std::get<1>(table) };
if ( ! Y_query.exec( QString("SELECT DISTINCT \"year\" FROM \"%1\" ORDER BY \"year\" ASC;").arg(tbl) ) ) {
// error querying database
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedExecuting( this->db_name, Y_query.lastQuery(), Y_query.lastError().text() );
} else {
int year, month, day;
auto& years = dates.at( ws );
while ( Y_query.next() ) {
try {
year = Y_query.value(0).toInt();
} catch (...) {
// failed to convert to integer
successful &= false;
QString err_msg{ TR::tr(this->MSG_ERR_PARSING_YMD.c_str()).arg( TR::tr(this->WORD_YEARS.c_str()) ) };
if ( this->dialog_level > 0 ) {
err_msg += QString("\n\n%1:\n%2").arg( TR::tr(this->MSG_RESPONSIBLE_VALUE.c_str()), Y_query.value(0).toString() );
if ( this->dialog_level == 2 ) {
err_msg += QString("\n\n%1:\n%2").arg( TR::tr(this->MSG_TABLE_NAME.c_str()), tbl );
DialogSec::errGeneric( err_msg );
// successfully get the year
years.emplace( year, std::map<int, std::vector<int>>() );
// query any available month
if ( ! M_query.exec( QString("SELECT DISTINCT \"month\" FROM \"%1\" WHERE \"year\"=%2 ORDER BY \"month\" ASC;").arg(tbl).arg(year) ) ) {
// error querying database
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedExecuting( this->db_name, M_query.lastQuery(), M_query.lastError().text() );
} else {
auto& months{ years.at( year ) };
while ( M_query.next() ) {
try {
month = M_query.value(0).toInt();
} catch (...) {
// failed to convert to integer
successful &= false;
QString err_msg{ TR::tr(this->MSG_ERR_PARSING_YMD.c_str()).arg( TR::tr(this->WORD_MONTHS.c_str()) ) };
if ( this->dialog_level > 0 ) {
err_msg += QString("\n\n%1:\n%2").arg( TR::tr(this->MSG_RESPONSIBLE_VALUE.c_str()), M_query.value(0).toString() );
if ( this->dialog_level == 2 ) {
err_msg += QString("\n\n%1:\n%2").arg( TR::tr(this->MSG_TABLE_NAME.c_str()), tbl );
DialogSec::errGeneric( err_msg );
// successfully get the month
months[ month ] = std::vector<int>();
// query any available day
if ( ! D_query.exec( QString("SELECT DISTINCT \"day\" FROM \"%1\" WHERE \"year\"=%2 AND \"month\"=%3 ORDER BY \"day\" ASC;").arg(tbl).arg(year).arg(month) ) ) {
// error querying database
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedExecuting( this->db_name, D_query.lastQuery(), D_query.lastError().text() );
} else if ( D_query.last() ) {
auto& days{ months.at( month ) };
days.reserve( D_query.at() );
while ( D_query.next() ) {
try {
day = D_query.value(0).toInt();
} catch (...) {
// failed to convert to integer
successful &= false;
QString err_msg{ TR::tr(this->MSG_ERR_PARSING_YMD.c_str()).arg( TR::tr(this->WORD_DAYS.c_str()) ) };
if ( this->dialog_level > 0 ) {
err_msg += QString("\n\n%1:\n%2").arg( TR::tr(this->MSG_RESPONSIBLE_VALUE.c_str()), D_query.value(0).toString() );
if ( this->dialog_level == 2 ) {
err_msg += QString("\n\n%1:\n%2").arg( TR::tr(this->MSG_TABLE_NAME.c_str()), tbl );
DialogSec::errGeneric( err_msg );
// successfully get the day
days.push_back( day );
// break if something went wrong
if ( ! successful ) { break; }
// break if something went wrong
if ( ! successful ) { break; }
// break if something went wrong
if ( ! successful ) { break; }
if ( db.isOpen() ) {
if ( successful ) {
result.emplace( dates );
// update the values for the warnings
void DbQuery::updateWarnings( const QString& web_server, const std::vector<std::tuple<int, int>>& updates ) const
QSqlDatabase db;
if ( QSqlDatabase::contains("qt_sql_default_connection") ) {
db = QSqlDatabase::database("qt_sql_default_connection");
} else {
db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");
db.setDatabaseName( QString::fromStdString( this->db_path ));
if ( ! CheckSec::checkDatabaseFile( db_path, db_name ) ) {
} else if ( ! db.open() ) {
// error opening database
QString err_msg;
if ( this->dialog_level == 2 ) {
err_msg = db.lastError().text();
DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedOpening( this->db_name, err_msg );
} else {
if ( web_server != "apache" && web_server != "nginx" && web_server != "iis" ) {
// unexpected WebServer
DialogSec::errGeneric( QString("%1:\n%2").arg( TR::tr(this->MSG_ERR_UNX_WS.c_str()), web_server ), true );
} else {
// update the database
QSqlQuery query{ db };
for ( const auto& data : updates ) {
// build the query statement
QString stmt = QString("UPDATE \"%1\" SET warning=%2 WHERE rowid=%3;")
.arg( web_server )
.arg( std::get<1>(data) )
.arg( std::get<0>(data) );
if ( ! query.exec( stmt.replace("'","''") ) ) {
// error querying database
DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedExecuting( this->db_name, query.lastQuery(), query.lastError().text() );
if ( db.isOpen() ) {
// get daytime values for the warnings
void DbQuery::getWarnCounts( std::optional<stats_warn_items_t>& result, const QString& web_server, const QString& year_, const QString& month_, const QString& day_, const QString& hour_ ) const
bool successful{ true };
stats_warn_items_t items; // std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<QString>>>>
QSqlDatabase db;
if ( QSqlDatabase::contains("qt_sql_default_connection") ) {
db = QSqlDatabase::database("qt_sql_default_connection");
} else {
db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");
db.setDatabaseName( QString::fromStdString( this->db_path ));
if ( ! CheckSec::checkDatabaseFile( db_path, db_name ) ) {
successful &= false;
} else if ( ! db.open() ) {
// error opening database
successful &= false;
QString err_msg;
if ( this->dialog_level == 2 ) {
err_msg = db.lastError().text();
DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedOpening( this->db_name, err_msg );
} else {
if ( web_server != "apache" && web_server != "nginx" && web_server != "iis" ) {
// unexpected WebServer
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errGeneric( QString("%1:\n%2").arg( TR::tr(this->MSG_ERR_UNX_WS.c_str()), web_server ), true );
int year, month, day, hour;
if ( successful ) {
// setup period limits
try {
year = year_.toInt();
month = this->getMonthNumber( month_ );
day = day_.toInt();
if ( ! hour_.isEmpty() ) {
hour = hour_.toInt();
} catch (...) {
// failed to convert to integers
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errGeneric( TR::tr(this->MSG_ERR_PROCESSING_DATES.c_str()), true );
if ( successful ) {
// build the query statement
QSqlQuery query{ db };
QString stmt{ QString("SELECT rowid, * FROM \"%1\" WHERE \"year\"=%2 AND \"month\"=%3 AND \"day\"=%4")
.arg( web_server )
.arg( year ).arg( month ).arg( day ) };
if ( hour_.isEmpty() ) {
// entire day
items.reserve( 24 );
for ( size_t h{0}; h<24ul; ++h ) {
items.push_back( std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<QString>>>() );
auto& aux{ items.at( h ) };
aux.reserve( 6 );
for ( int m{0}; m<60; m+=10 ) {
aux.push_back( std::vector<std::vector<QString>>() );
stmt += " ORDER BY \"hour\",\"minute\",\"second\" ASC;";
if ( ! query.exec( stmt.replace("'","''") ) ) {
// error querying database
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedExecuting( this->db_name, query.lastQuery(), query.lastError().text() );
} else {
try {
// get query data
while ( query.next() ) {
std::vector<QString> aux;
aux.reserve( 20 );
for ( int i{1}; i<13; ++i ) {
aux.push_back( query.value( i ).toString() );
for ( int i{19}; i>12; --i ) {
aux.push_back( query.value( i ).toString() );
aux.push_back( query.value( 0 ).toString() );
// append the line
items.at( query.value(5).toInt() )
.at( getMinuteGap( query.value(6).toInt() )/10 )
.push_back( aux );
} catch (...) {
// something failed
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errGeneric( TR::tr(this->MSG_ERR_PROCESSING.c_str()), true );
} else {
// 1 hour
items.reserve( 6 );
for ( size_t g{0}; g<6ul; ++g ) {
items.push_back( std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<QString>>>() );
auto& aux{ items.at( g ) };
aux.reserve( 10ul );
for ( int m{0}; m<10; ++m ) {
aux.push_back( std::vector<std::vector<QString>>() );
stmt += QString(" AND \"hour\"=%5 ORDER BY \"minute\",\"second\" ASC;").arg( hour );
if ( ! query.exec( stmt.replace("'","''") ) ) {
// error querying database
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedExecuting( this->db_name, query.lastQuery(), query.lastError().text() );
} else {
try {
// get query data
while ( query.next() ) {
std::vector<QString> aux;
aux.reserve( 20 );
for ( int i{1}; i<13; ++i ) {
aux.push_back( query.value( i ).toString() );
for ( int i{19}; i>12; --i ) {
aux.push_back( query.value( i ).toString() );
aux.push_back( query.value( 0 ).toString() );
// append the line
items.at( static_cast<size_t>( getMinuteGap( query.value(6).toInt() )/10 ) )
.at( static_cast<size_t>( query.value(6).toInt()%10 ) )
.push_back( aux );
} catch (...) {
// something failed
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errGeneric( TR::tr(this->MSG_ERR_PROCESSING.c_str()), true );
if ( db.isOpen() ) {
if ( successful ) {
result.emplace( items );
// get day-time values for the time-taken field
void DbQuery::getSpeedData( std::optional<stats_speed_items_t>& result, const QString& web_server, const QString& year_, const QString& month_, const QString& day_, const QString& protocol_f, const QString& method_f, const QString& uri_f, const QString& query_f, const QString& response_f ) const
bool successful{ true };
stats_speed_items_t data; // std::vector<std::tuple<long long, std::vector<QString>>>
QSqlDatabase db;
if ( QSqlDatabase::contains("qt_sql_default_connection") ) {
db = QSqlDatabase::database("qt_sql_default_connection");
} else {
db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");
db.setDatabaseName( QString::fromStdString( this->db_path ));
if ( ! CheckSec::checkDatabaseFile( db_path, db_name ) ) {
successful &= false;
} else if ( ! db.open() ) {
// error opening database
successful &= false;
QString err_msg;
if ( this->dialog_level == 2 ) {
err_msg = db.lastError().text();
DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedOpening( this->db_name, err_msg );
} else {
if ( web_server != "apache" && web_server != "nginx" && web_server != "iis" ) {
// unexpected WebServer
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errGeneric( QString("%1:\n%2").arg( TR::tr(this->MSG_ERR_UNX_WS.c_str()), web_server ), true );
int year, month, day;
if ( successful ) {
// setup period limits
try {
year = year_.toInt();
month = this->getMonthNumber( month_ );
day = day_.toInt();
} catch (...) {
// failed to convert to integers
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errGeneric( TR::tr(this->MSG_ERR_PROCESSING_DATES.c_str()), true );
if ( successful ) {
QDateTime time;
time.setDate( QDate( year, month , day ) );
// build the query statement
QSqlQuery query{ db };
QString stmt;
// prepare the statement
stmt = QString("SELECT \"hour\",\"minute\",\"second\",\"time_taken\",\"uri\",\"query\",\"method\",\"protocol\",\"response\" FROM \"%1\" WHERE \"year\"=%2 AND \"month\"=%3 AND \"day\"=%4 AND \"time_taken\" IS NOT NULL")
.arg( web_server )
.arg( year ).arg( month ).arg( day );
// apply a filter if present
if ( ! protocol_f.isEmpty() ) {
if ( protocol_f == "NULL" ) {
// only select NULL values
stmt += QString(" AND \"protocol\" IS NULL");
} else if ( protocol_f == "NOT NULL" ) {
// only select non-NULL values
stmt += QString(" AND \"protocol\" IS NOT NULL");
} else {
stmt += QString(" AND \"protocol\" LIKE '%1'")
.arg( QString(protocol_f).replace("'","''") );
if ( ! method_f.isEmpty() ) {
if ( method_f == "NULL" ) {
// only select NULL values
stmt += QString(" AND \"method\" IS NULL");
} else if ( method_f == "NOT NULL" ) {
// only select non-NULL values
stmt += QString(" AND \"method\" IS NOT NULL");
} else {
stmt += QString(" AND \"method\" LIKE '%1'")
.arg( QString(method_f).replace("'","''") );
if ( ! uri_f.isEmpty() ) {
if ( uri_f == "NULL" ) {
// only select NULL values
stmt += QString(" AND \"uri\" IS NULL");
} else if ( uri_f == "NOT NULL" ) {
// only select non-NULL values
stmt += QString(" AND \"uri\" IS NOT NULL");
} else {
stmt += QString(" AND \"uri\" LIKE '%1'")
.arg( QString(uri_f).replace("'","''") );
if ( ! query_f.isEmpty() ) {
if ( query_f == "NULL" ) {
// only select NULL values
stmt += QString(" AND \"query\" IS NULL");
} else if ( query_f == "NOT NULL" ) {
// only select non-NULL values
stmt += QString(" AND \"query\" IS NOT NULL");
} else {
stmt += QString(" AND \"query\" LIKE '%1'")
.arg( QString(query_f).replace("'","''") );
if ( ! response_f.isEmpty() ) {
// numbers
if ( response_f == "NULL" ) {
// only select NULL values
stmt += QString(" AND \"response\" IS NULL");
} else if ( response_f == "NOT NULL" ) {
// only select non-NULL values
stmt += QString(" AND \"response\" IS NOT NULL");
} else {
QString filter;
if ( StringOps::isNumeric( response_f.toStdString() ) ) {
// no operator found, set defult to '='
filter = QString("=%1").arg( response_f );
} else {
filter = response_f;
stmt += QString(" AND \"response\"%1")
.arg( filter.replace("'","''") );
stmt += QString(" ORDER BY \"hour\",\"minute\",\"second\" ASC;");
if ( ! query.exec( stmt ) ) {
// error querying database
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedExecuting( this->db_name, query.lastQuery(), query.lastError().text() );
} else {
try {
// append the first fictitious count
time.setDate( QDate( year, month, day ) );
time.setTime( QTime( 0, 0, 0 ));
data.push_back( std::make_tuple(
std::vector<QString>{"","","","","",""} ));
if ( query.last() ) {
data.reserve( static_cast<size_t>( query.at()*2 ) );
// get query data
int hour{-1}, aux_hour, prev_hour{0}, h,
minute{0}, aux_minute, prev_minute{0}, m,
second{0}, aux_second, prev_second{0}, s;
QString tt, ur, qr, mt, pt, rs;
while ( query.next() ) {
aux_hour = query.value(0).toInt();
aux_minute = query.value(1).toInt();
aux_second = query.value(2).toInt();
if ( aux_hour == hour && aux_minute == minute && aux_second == second ) {
time.setTime( QTime( hour, minute, second ));
data.push_back( std::make_tuple(
std::vector<QString>{tt,ur,qr,mt,pt,rs} ));
} else {
if ( aux_hour == hour ) {
h=hour; m=minute; s=second-1;
if ( s < 0 ) {
s=59; --m;
if ( m < 0 ) {
m=59; --h;
if ( h < 0 ) {
// append the second before the last one found, if it is not equal to the prev
if ( prev_hour < h || prev_minute < m || prev_second < s ) {
time.setTime( QTime( h, m, s ));
data.push_back( std::make_tuple(
std::vector<QString>{"","","","","",""} ));
// same hour new minute/second, append the last count
time.setTime( QTime( hour, minute, second ));
data.push_back( std::make_tuple(
std::vector<QString>{tt,ur,qr,mt,pt,rs} ));
// append the second after the last one found, if it is not equal to the next
h=hour; m=minute; s=second+1;
if ( s > 59 ) {
s=0; ++m;
if ( m > 59 ) {
m=0; ++h;
if ( h > 23 ) {
if ( aux_hour > h || aux_minute > m || aux_second > s ) {
time.setTime( QTime( h, m, s ));
data.push_back( std::make_tuple(
std::vector<QString>{"","","","","",""} ));
prev_hour = hour; // update now to avoid getting aux_hour's value
} else {
// minute & second are always different when the hour is different
if ( hour >= 0 ) {
// here only in the first round of the loop
// append the prev as zero
h=hour; m=minute; s=second-1;
if ( s < 0 ) {
s=59; --m;
if ( m < 0 ) {
m=59; --h;
if ( h < 0 ) {
if ( prev_hour < h || prev_minute < m || prev_second < s ) {
time.setTime( QTime( h, m, s ));
data.push_back( std::make_tuple(
std::vector<QString>{"","","","","",""} ));
// apend the last p count if not in the first round of the loop
time.setTime( QTime( hour, minute, second ));
data.push_back( std::make_tuple(
std::vector<QString>{tt,ur,qr,mt,pt,rs} ));
// append the next as zero
h=hour; m=minute; s=second+1;
if ( s > 59 ) {
s=0; ++m;
if ( m > 59 ) {
m=0; ++h;
if ( h > 23 ) {
if ( aux_hour > h || aux_minute > m || aux_second > s ) {
time.setTime( QTime( h, m, s ));
data.push_back( std::make_tuple(
std::vector<QString>{"","","","","",""} ));
} else {
// append the second 0 of the day, if it is not the one found
if ( aux_hour > 0 || aux_minute > 0 || aux_second > 0 ) {
time.setTime( QTime( 0, 0, 0 ));
data.push_back( std::make_tuple(
std::vector<QString>{"","","","","",""} ));
// append the second before the first found
h=aux_hour; m=aux_minute; s=aux_second-1;
if ( s < 0 ) {
s=59; --m;
if ( m < 0 ) {
m=59; --h;
if ( h < 0 ) {
// abort
if ( h > 0 || m > 0 || s > 0 ) {
time.setTime( QTime( h, m, s ));
data.push_back( std::make_tuple(
std::vector<QString>{"","","","","",""} ));
prev_hour = hour;
hour = aux_hour;
prev_minute = minute;
minute = aux_minute;
prev_second = second;
second = aux_second;
tt = query.value(3).toString(); // time taken
ur = query.value(4).toString(); // uri
qr = query.value(5).toString(); // query
mt = query.value(6).toString(); // method
pt = query.value(7).toString(); // protocol
rs = query.value(8).toString(); // response
// last one, append the prev
h=hour; m=minute; s=second-1;
if ( s < 0 ) {
s=59; --m;
if ( m < 0 ) {
m=59; --h;
if ( h < 0 ) {
if ( prev_hour < h || prev_minute < m || prev_second < s ) {
time.setTime( QTime( h, m, s ));
data.push_back( std::make_tuple(
std::vector<QString>{"","","","","",""} ));
// append the last count
time.setTime( QTime( hour, minute, second ));
data.push_back( std::make_tuple(
std::vector<QString>{tt,ur,qr,mt,pt,rs} ));
// append 1 second after the last
h=hour; m=minute; s=second+1;
if ( s > 59 ) {
s=0; ++m;
if ( m > 59 ) {
m=0; ++h;
if ( h > 23 ) {
if ( h > hour || m > minute || s > second ) {
time.setTime( QTime( h, m, s ));
data.push_back( std::make_tuple(
std::vector<QString>{"","","","","",""} ));
// append the last fictitious count
++ day;
if ( day > getMonthDays( year, month ) ) {
day = 1;
++ month;
if ( month > 12 ) {
month = 1;
++ year;
time.setDate( QDate( year, month , day ) );
time.setTime( QTime( 0, 0, 0 ));
data.push_back( std::make_tuple(
std::vector<QString>{"","","","","",""} ));
} catch (...) {
// something failed
successful = false;
DialogSec::errGeneric( TR::tr(this->MSG_ERR_PROCESSING.c_str()), true );
if ( db.isOpen() ) {
if ( successful ) {
if ( data.capacity() > data.size() ) {
result.emplace( data );
// get, group and count identical items of a specific field in a date
void DbQuery::getItemsCount( std::optional<stats_count_items_t>& result, const QString& web_server, const QString& year, const QString& month, const QString& day, const QString& log_field ) const
bool successful{ true };
QHash<QString, unsigned> aux_items;
stats_count_items_t items; // std::map<QString, unsigned int>>
QSqlDatabase db;
if ( QSqlDatabase::contains("qt_sql_default_connection") ) {
db = QSqlDatabase::database("qt_sql_default_connection");
} else {
db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");
db.setDatabaseName( QString::fromStdString( this->db_path ));
if ( ! CheckSec::checkDatabaseFile( db_path, db_name ) ) {
successful &= false;
} else if ( ! db.open() ) {
// error opening database
successful &= false;
QString err_msg;
if ( this->dialog_level == 2 ) {
err_msg = db.lastError().text();
DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedOpening( this->db_name, err_msg );
} else {
if ( web_server != "apache" && web_server != "nginx" && web_server != "iis" ) {
// unexpected WebServer
successful = false;
DialogSec::errGeneric( QString("%1:\n%2").arg( TR::tr(this->MSG_ERR_UNX_WS.c_str()), web_server ), true );
if ( successful ) {
// build the query statement
QSqlQuery query{ db };
QString stmt{ QString("SELECT \"%1\" FROM \"%2\" WHERE \"%3\" IS NOT NULL AND \"year\"=%4 AND \"month\"=%5 AND \"day\"=%6;")
.arg( this->getDbField( log_field ),
this->getDbField( log_field ),
QString::fromStdString( std::to_string( this->getMonthNumber( month ) )),
day ) };
// quary the database
if ( ! query.exec( stmt.replace("'","''") ) ) {
// error querying database
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedExecuting( this->db_name, query.lastQuery(), query.lastError().text() );
} else if ( query.last() ) {
aux_items.reserve( query.at() );
try {
// get data
QString item;
while ( query.next() ) {
item = query.value(0).toString();
if ( ! item.isEmpty() ) {
++ aux_items[ item ];
} catch (...) {
// something failed
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errGeneric( TR::tr(this->MSG_ERR_PROCESSING.c_str()), true );
if ( successful ) { // sort the list
// morph tha QHash into an ordered map
QHashIterator iter{ aux_items };
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
items.emplace( iter.value(), iter.key() );
if ( db.isOpen() ) {
if ( successful ) {
result.emplace( items );
// get and count items with a 10 minutes gap for every hour of the day
void DbQuery::getDaytimeCounts( std::optional<stats_day_items_t>& result, const QString& web_server, const QString& from_year_, const QString& from_month_, const QString& from_day_, const QString& to_year_, const QString& to_month_, const QString& to_day_, const QString& log_field_, const QString& field_filter ) const
bool successful{ true };
stats_day_items_t data{ // std::unordered_map<int, std::unordered_map<int, int>>
{0, {{0,0},{10,0},{20,0},{30,0},{40,0},{50,0}}}, {1, {{0,0},{10,0},{20,0},{30,0},{40,0},{50,0}}},
{2, {{0,0},{10,0},{20,0},{30,0},{40,0},{50,0}}}, {3, {{0,0},{10,0},{20,0},{30,0},{40,0},{50,0}}},
{4, {{0,0},{10,0},{20,0},{30,0},{40,0},{50,0}}}, {5, {{0,0},{10,0},{20,0},{30,0},{40,0},{50,0}}},
{6, {{0,0},{10,0},{20,0},{30,0},{40,0},{50,0}}}, {7, {{0,0},{10,0},{20,0},{30,0},{40,0},{50,0}}},
{8, {{0,0},{10,0},{20,0},{30,0},{40,0},{50,0}}}, {9, {{0,0},{10,0},{20,0},{30,0},{40,0},{50,0}}},
{10, {{0,0},{10,0},{20,0},{30,0},{40,0},{50,0}}}, {11, {{0,0},{10,0},{20,0},{30,0},{40,0},{50,0}}},
{12, {{0,0},{10,0},{20,0},{30,0},{40,0},{50,0}}}, {13, {{0,0},{10,0},{20,0},{30,0},{40,0},{50,0}}},
{14, {{0,0},{10,0},{20,0},{30,0},{40,0},{50,0}}}, {15, {{0,0},{10,0},{20,0},{30,0},{40,0},{50,0}}},
{16, {{0,0},{10,0},{20,0},{30,0},{40,0},{50,0}}}, {17, {{0,0},{10,0},{20,0},{30,0},{40,0},{50,0}}},
{18, {{0,0},{10,0},{20,0},{30,0},{40,0},{50,0}}}, {19, {{0,0},{10,0},{20,0},{30,0},{40,0},{50,0}}},
{20, {{0,0},{10,0},{20,0},{30,0},{40,0},{50,0}}}, {21, {{0,0},{10,0},{20,0},{30,0},{40,0},{50,0}}},
{22, {{0,0},{10,0},{20,0},{30,0},{40,0},{50,0}}}, {23, {{0,0},{10,0},{20,0},{30,0},{40,0},{50,0}}},
QSqlDatabase db;
if ( QSqlDatabase::contains("qt_sql_default_connection") ) {
db = QSqlDatabase::database("qt_sql_default_connection");
} else {
db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");
db.setDatabaseName( QString::fromStdString( this->db_path ));
if ( ! CheckSec::checkDatabaseFile( db_path, db_name ) ) {
successful &= false;
} else if ( ! db.open() ) {
// error opening database
successful &= false;
QString err_msg;
if ( this->dialog_level == 2 ) {
err_msg = db.lastError().text();
DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedOpening( this->db_name, err_msg );
} else {
if ( web_server != "apache" && web_server != "nginx" && web_server != "iis" ) {
// unexpected WebServer
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errGeneric( QString("%1:\n%2").arg( TR::tr(this->MSG_ERR_UNX_WS.c_str()), web_server ), true );
int from_year, from_month, from_day,
to_year, to_month, to_day;
if ( successful ) {
// setup period limits
try {
from_year = from_year_.toInt();
from_month = this->getMonthNumber( from_month_ );
from_day = from_day_.toInt();
to_year = ( to_year_.isEmpty() ) ? from_year : to_year_.toInt() ;
to_month = ( to_month_.isEmpty() ) ? from_month : this->getMonthNumber( to_month_ ) ;
to_day = ( to_day_.isEmpty() ) ? from_day : to_day_.toInt() ;
} catch (...) {
// failed to convert to integers
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errGeneric( TR::tr(this->MSG_ERR_PROCESSING_DATES.c_str()), true );
if ( successful ) {
// build the query statement
QSqlQuery query{ db };
QString stmt;
QString log_field{ this->getDbField( log_field_ ) };
int n_days { 0 },
n_months { countMonths( from_year, from_month, to_year, to_month ) };
int year { from_year },
month { from_month },
day, hour, minute;
std::unordered_map<int,int> days_l;
days_l.reserve( 31ul );
if ( n_months == 1 ) {
// 1 month, no need to loop
stmt = QString("SELECT \"day\", \"hour\", \"minute\" FROM \"%1\" WHERE \"year\"=%2 AND \"month\"=%3 AND \"day\">=%4 AND \"day\"<=%5")
.arg( web_server )
.arg( year ).arg( month )
.arg( from_day ).arg( to_day );
// apply a filter if present
if ( ! field_filter.isEmpty() ) {
QString filter{ field_filter };
if ( filter == "NULL" ) {
// only select NULL values
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\" IS NULL")
.arg( log_field.replace("'","''") );
} else if ( filter == "NOT NULL" ) {
// only select non-NULL values
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\" IS NOT NULL")
.arg( log_field.replace("'","''") );
} else {
// filter
if ( log_field == "warning"
|| log_field == "response"
|| log_field == "time_taken"
|| log_field == "bytes_sent"
|| log_field == "bytes_received" ) {
// numbers
if ( StringOps::isNumeric( field_filter.toStdString() ) ) {
// no operator found, set defult to '='
filter = QString("=%1").arg( field_filter );
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\"%2")
.arg( log_field.replace("'","''"),
filter.replace("'","''") );
} else {
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\" LIKE '%2'")
.arg( log_field.replace("'","''"),
filter.replace("'","''") );
stmt += ";";
if ( ! query.exec( stmt ) ) {
// error querying database
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedExecuting( this->db_name, query.lastQuery(), query.lastError().text() );
} else {
try {
// get query data
while ( query.next() ) {
day = query.value(0).toInt();
hour = query.value(1).toInt();
minute = query.value(2).toInt();
// increase the count
++ data.at( hour ).at( getMinuteGap( minute ) );
// append the day as newly found if not found yet
++ days_l[ day ];
n_days += static_cast<int>(days_l.size());
} catch (...) {
// something failed
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errGeneric( TR::tr(this->MSG_ERR_PROCESSING.c_str()), true );
} else {
for ( int m=1; m<=n_months; ++m ) {
stmt = QString("SELECT \"day\", \"hour\", \"minute\" FROM \"%1\" WHERE \"year\"=%2 AND \"month\"=%3")
.arg( web_server )
.arg( year ).arg( month );
if ( m == 1 ) {
// first month, only get the days starting from the beginning day
stmt += QString(" AND \"day\">=%1").arg( from_day );
} else if ( m == n_months ) {
// last month, only get the days until the ending day
stmt += QString(" AND \"day\"<=%1").arg( to_day );
// apply a filter if present
if ( ! field_filter.isEmpty() ) {
QString filter = field_filter;
if ( filter == "NULL" ) {
// only select NULL values
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\" IS NULL")
.arg( log_field.replace("'","''") );
} else if ( filter == "NOT NULL" ) {
// only select non-NULL values
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\" IS NOT NULL")
.arg( log_field.replace("'","''") );
} else {
// filter
if ( log_field == "warning"
|| log_field == "response"
|| log_field == "time_taken"
|| log_field == "bytes_sent"
|| log_field == "bytes_received" ) {
// numbers
if ( StringOps::isNumeric( field_filter.toStdString() ) ) {
// no operator found, set defult to '='
filter = QString("=%1").arg( field_filter );
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\"%2")
.arg( log_field.replace("'","''"),
filter.replace("'","''") );
} else {
// only values starting-with
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\" LIKE '%2'")
.arg( log_field.replace("'","''"),
filter.replace("'","''") );
// quary the database
stmt += ";";
if ( ! query.exec( stmt ) ) {
// error querying database
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedExecuting( this->db_name, query.lastQuery(), query.lastError().text() );
} else {
try {
// clear the list of found days
// get query data
while ( query.next() ) {
day = query.value(0).toInt();
hour = query.value(1).toInt();
minute = query.value(2).toInt();
// increase the count
++ data.at( hour ).at( getMinuteGap( minute ) );
// append the day as newly found if not found yet
++ days_l[ day ];
n_days += static_cast<int>(days_l.size());
++ month;
if ( month > 12 ) {
month = 1;
++ year;
} catch (...) {
// something failed
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errGeneric( TR::tr(this->MSG_ERR_PROCESSING.c_str()), true );
if ( successful && n_days > 0 ) {
// divide the count by the number of days to get the mean value
for ( const auto& [h,data_] : data ) {
for ( const auto& [m,c] : data_ ) {
int& count{ data.at( h ).at( m ) };
if ( count > 0 ) {
count /= n_days;
if ( count == 0 ) {
++ count;
if ( db.isOpen() ) {
if ( successful ) {
result.emplace( data );
// get and count how many times a specific item value brought to another
void DbQuery::getRelationalCountsDay( std::optional<stats_relat_items_t>& result, const QString& web_server, const QString& year_, const QString& month_, const QString& day_, const QString& log_field_1_, const QString& field_filter_1, const QString& log_field_2_, const QString& field_filter_2 ) const
bool successful{ true };
stats_relat_items_t data; // std::vector<std::tuple<long long, int>>
int gap = 20;
QSqlDatabase db;
if ( QSqlDatabase::contains("qt_sql_default_connection") ) {
db = QSqlDatabase::database("qt_sql_default_connection");
} else {
db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");
db.setDatabaseName( QString::fromStdString( this->db_path ));
if ( ! CheckSec::checkDatabaseFile( db_path, db_name ) ) {
successful &= false;
} else if ( ! db.open() ) {
// error opening database
successful &= false;
QString err_msg;
if ( this->dialog_level == 2 ) {
err_msg = db.lastError().text();
DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedOpening( this->db_name, err_msg );
} else {
if ( web_server != "apache" && web_server != "nginx" && web_server != "iis" ) {
// unexpected WebServer
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errGeneric( QString("%1:\n%2").arg( TR::tr(this->MSG_ERR_UNX_WS.c_str()), web_server ), true );
int year, month, day;
if ( successful ) {
// setup period limits
try {
year = year_.toInt();
month = this->getMonthNumber( month_ );
day = day_.toInt();
} catch (...) {
// failed to convert to integers
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errGeneric( TR::tr(this->MSG_ERR_PROCESSING_DATES.c_str()), true );
if ( successful ) {
QDateTime time;
time.setDate( QDate( year, month , day ) );
// build the query statement
QSqlQuery query{ db };
QString stmt;
QString log_field_1{ this->getDbField( log_field_1_ ) },
log_field_2{ this->getDbField( log_field_2_ ) };
// 1 day, no need to loop
stmt = QString("SELECT \"hour\", \"minute\" FROM \"%1\" WHERE \"year\"=%2 AND \"month\"=%3 AND \"day\"=%4")
.arg( web_server )
.arg( year ).arg( month ).arg( day );
// apply a filter if present
if ( ! field_filter_1.isEmpty() ) {
QString filter{ field_filter_1 };
if ( filter == "NULL" ) {
// only select NULL values
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\" IS NULL")
.arg( log_field_1.replace("'","''") );
} else if ( filter == "NOT NULL" ) {
// only select non-NULL values
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\" IS NOT NULL")
.arg( log_field_1.replace("'","''") );
} else {
// filter
if ( log_field_1 == "warning"
|| log_field_1 == "response"
|| log_field_1 == "time_taken"
|| log_field_1 == "bytes_sent"
|| log_field_1 == "bytes_received" ) {
// numbers
if ( StringOps::isNumeric( field_filter_1.toStdString() ) ) {
// no operator found, set defult to '='
filter = QString("=%1").arg( field_filter_1 );
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\"%2")
.arg( log_field_1.replace("'","''"),
filter.replace("'","''") );
} else {
// only values starting-with
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\" LIKE '%2'")
.arg( log_field_1.replace("'","''"),
filter.replace("'","''") );
// apply a filter if present
if ( ! field_filter_2.isEmpty() ) {
QString filter{ field_filter_2 };
if ( filter == "NULL" ) {
// only select NULL values
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\" IS NULL")
.arg( log_field_2.replace("'","''") );
} else if ( filter == "NOT NULL" ) {
// only select non-NULL values
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\" IS NOT NULL")
.arg( log_field_2.replace("'","''") );
} else {
// filter
if ( log_field_2 == "warning"
|| log_field_2 == "response"
|| log_field_2 == "time_taken"
|| log_field_2 == "bytes_sent"
|| log_field_2 == "bytes_received" ) {
// numbers
if ( StringOps::isNumeric( field_filter_2.toStdString() ) ) {
// no operator found, set defult to '='
filter = QString("=%1").arg( field_filter_2 );
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\"%2")
.arg( log_field_2.replace("'","''"),
filter.replace("'","''") );
} else {
// only values starting-with
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\" LIKE '%2'")
.arg( log_field_2.replace("'","''"),
QString(field_filter_2).replace("'","''") );
stmt += QString(" ORDER BY \"hour\",\"minute\" ASC;");
if ( ! query.exec( stmt ) ) {
// error querying database
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedExecuting( this->db_name, query.lastQuery(), query.lastError().text() );
} else if ( ! query.last() ) {
// no result found, fill with 0 values
for ( int h{0}; h<24; ++h ) {
for ( int m{0}; m<60; m+=gap ) {
time.setTime( QTime( h, m ) );
data.push_back( std::make_tuple( time.toMSecsSinceEpoch(), 0 ) );
} else {
try {
data.reserve( static_cast<size_t>( 24*(60/gap) ) );
// get query data
int hour{-1}, aux_hour,
minute{0}, aux_minute,
while ( query.next() ) {
aux_hour = query.value(0).toInt();
aux_minute = getMinuteGap( query.value(1).toInt(), gap );
if ( aux_hour == hour && aux_minute == minute ) {
++ count;
} else {
if ( aux_hour == hour ) {
// same hour new minute gap, append the last count
time.setTime( QTime( hour, minute ) );
data.push_back( std::make_tuple( time.toMSecsSinceEpoch(), count ) );
// and any missing gap
for ( int m{minute+gap}; m<aux_minute; m+=gap ) {
time.setTime( QTime( hour, m ) );
data.push_back( std::make_tuple( time.toMSecsSinceEpoch(), 0 ) );
} else {
// minute is always different when the hour is different
if ( hour >= 0 ) {
// apend the last minute-gap count if not in the first round of the loop
time.setTime( QTime( hour, minute ) );
data.push_back( std::make_tuple( time.toMSecsSinceEpoch(), count ) );
// append any missing gap in the current hour
for ( int m{minute+gap}; m<60; m+=gap ) {
time.setTime( QTime( hour, m ) );
data.push_back( std::make_tuple( time.toMSecsSinceEpoch(), 0 ) );
++ hour;
} else {
// prepare to add missing gaps from 00:00 (+gap will be added to the minute)
hour = 0;
// append any missing gap in every hour between the current and the next found (aux)
for ( int h{hour}; h<aux_hour; ++h ) {
for ( int m{0}; m<60; m+=gap ) {
time.setTime( QTime( h, m ) );
data.push_back( std::make_tuple( time.toMSecsSinceEpoch(), 0 ) );
// append any missing gap in the netx found hour
for ( int m{0}; m<aux_minute; m+=gap ) {
time.setTime( QTime( aux_hour, m ) );
data.push_back( std::make_tuple( time.toMSecsSinceEpoch(), 0 ) );
hour = aux_hour;
minute = aux_minute;
count = 1;
// append the last count
time.setTime( QTime( hour, minute ) );
data.push_back( std::make_tuple( time.toMSecsSinceEpoch(), count ) );
// yet again, append any missing gap
for ( int m{minute+gap}; m<60; m+=gap ) {
time.setTime( QTime( hour, m ) );
data.push_back( std::make_tuple( time.toMSecsSinceEpoch(), 0 ) );
for ( int h{hour+1}; h<24; ++h ) {
for ( int m{0}; m<60; m+=gap ) {
time.setTime( QTime( h, m ) );
data.push_back( std::make_tuple( time.toMSecsSinceEpoch(), 0 ) );
// append the real last fictitious count
++ day;
if ( day > getMonthDays( year, month ) ) {
day = 1;
++ month;
if ( month > 12 ) {
month = 1;
++ year;
time.setDate( QDate( year, month , day ) );
time.setTime( QTime( 0, 0 ) );
//time.setTime( QTime( 23, 59, 59, 999 ) );
data.push_back( std::make_tuple( time.toMSecsSinceEpoch(), 0 ) );
} catch (...) {
// something failed
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errGeneric( TR::tr(this->MSG_ERR_PROCESSING.c_str()), true );
if ( db.isOpen() ) {
if ( successful ) {
result.emplace( data );
void DbQuery::getRelationalCountsPeriod( std::optional<stats_relat_items_t>& result, const QString& web_server, const QString& from_year_, const QString& from_month_, const QString& from_day_, const QString& to_year_, const QString& to_month_, const QString& to_day_, const QString& log_field_1_, const QString& field_filter_1, const QString& log_field_2_, const QString& field_filter_2 ) const
bool successful{ true };
stats_relat_items_t data; // std::vector<std::tuple<long long, int>>
QSqlDatabase db;
if ( QSqlDatabase::contains("qt_sql_default_connection") ) {
db = QSqlDatabase::database("qt_sql_default_connection");
} else {
db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");
db.setDatabaseName( QString::fromStdString( this->db_path ));
if ( ! CheckSec::checkDatabaseFile( db_path, db_name ) ) {
successful &= false;
} else if ( ! db.open() ) {
// error opening database
successful &= false;
QString err_msg;
if ( this->dialog_level == 2 ) {
err_msg = db.lastError().text();
DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedOpening( this->db_name, err_msg );
} else {
if ( web_server != "apache" && web_server != "nginx" && web_server != "iis" ) {
// unexpected WebServer
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errGeneric( QString("%1:\n%2").arg( TR::tr(this->MSG_ERR_UNX_WS.c_str()), web_server ), true );
int from_year, from_month, from_day,
to_year, to_month, to_day;
if ( successful ) {
// setup period limits
try {
from_year = from_year_.toInt();
from_month = this->getMonthNumber( from_month_ );
from_day = from_day_.toInt();
to_year = ( to_year_.isEmpty() ) ? from_year : to_year_.toInt() ;
to_month = ( to_month_.isEmpty() ) ? from_month : this->getMonthNumber( to_month_ ) ;
to_day = ( to_day_.isEmpty() ) ? from_day : to_day_.toInt() ;
} catch (...) {
// failed to convert to integers
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errGeneric( TR::tr(this->MSG_ERR_PROCESSING_DATES.c_str()), true );
if ( successful ) {
// build the query statement
QSqlQuery query{ db };
QString stmt;
QString log_field_1{ this->getDbField( log_field_1_ ) },
log_field_2{ this->getDbField( log_field_2_ ) };
const int n_months{ countMonths( from_year, from_month, to_year, to_month ) };
QDateTime time;
int year { from_year },
month { from_month },
day, aux_day, count;
if ( n_months == 1 ) {
// 1 month, no need to loop
stmt = QString("SELECT \"day\" FROM \"%1\" WHERE \"year\"=%2 AND \"month\"=%3 AND \"day\">=%4 AND \"day\"<=%5")
.arg( web_server )
.arg( year ).arg( month )
.arg( from_day ).arg( to_day );
// only select non-NULL values
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\" IS NOT NULL")
.arg( log_field_1.replace("'","''") );
// apply a filter if present
if ( ! field_filter_1.isEmpty() ) {
QString filter{ field_filter_1 };
if ( log_field_1 == "warning"
|| log_field_1 == "response"
|| log_field_1 == "time_taken"
|| log_field_1 == "bytes_sent"
|| log_field_1 == "bytes_received" ) {
// numbers
if ( StringOps::isNumeric( field_filter_1.toStdString() ) ) {
// no operator found, set defult to '='
filter = QString("=%1").arg( field_filter_1 );
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\"%2")
.arg( log_field_1.replace("'","''"),
filter.replace("'","''") );
} else {
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\" LIKE '%2'")
.arg( log_field_1.replace("'","''"),
filter.replace("'","''") );
// only select non-NULL values
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\" IS NOT NULL")
.arg( log_field_2.replace("'","''") );
// apply a filter if present
if ( ! field_filter_2.isEmpty() ) {
QString filter{ field_filter_2 };
if ( log_field_2 == "warning"
|| log_field_2 == "response"
|| log_field_2 == "time_taken"
|| log_field_2 == "bytes_sent"
|| log_field_2 == "bytes_received" ) {
// numbers
if ( StringOps::isNumeric( field_filter_2.toStdString() ) ) {
// no operator found, set defult to '='
filter = QString("=%1").arg( field_filter_2 );
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\"%2")
.arg( log_field_2.replace("'","''"),
filter.replace("'","''") );
} else {
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\" LIKE '%2'")
.arg( log_field_2.replace("'","''"),
QString(field_filter_2).replace("'","''") );
stmt += QString(" ORDER BY \"day\" ASC;");
if ( ! query.exec( stmt ) ) {
// error querying database
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedExecuting( this->db_name, query.lastQuery(), query.lastError().text() );
} else if ( ! query.last() ) {
// no days found, append missing days with 0 value
for ( int d{from_day}; d<=to_day; ++d ) {
time.setDate( QDate( year, month , d ) );
data.push_back( std::make_tuple( time.toMSecsSinceEpoch(), 0 ) );
} else {
try {
data.reserve( to_day - from_day );
// get query data
day = count = 0;
while ( query.next() ) {
aux_day = query.value(0).toInt();
if ( aux_day == day ) {
++ count;
} else {
if ( day > 0 ) {
// any loop-round except the first
time.setDate( QDate( year, month , day ) );
data.push_back( std::make_tuple( time.toMSecsSinceEpoch(), count ) );
for ( int d{day+1}; d<aux_day; ++d ) {
// append any missing day with a zero value
time.setDate( QDate( year, month , d ) );
data.push_back( std::make_tuple( time.toMSecsSinceEpoch(), 0 ) );
} else {
// append any missing day from 1 day before the first until the next found
int d = from_day - 1,
m = month,
y = year;
if ( d < 1 ) {
-- m;
if ( m < 1 ) {
m = 12;
-- y;
d = getMonthDays( y, m );
for ( ; d!=aux_day; ++d ) {
if ( d > getMonthDays( y, m ) ) {
d = 1;
++ m;
if ( m > 12 ) {
m = 1;
++ y;
time.setDate( QDate( y, m , d ) );
data.push_back( std::make_tuple( time.toMSecsSinceEpoch(), 0 ) );
day = aux_day;
count = 1;
// append the last count
time.setDate( QDate( year, month , day ) );
data.push_back( std::make_tuple( time.toMSecsSinceEpoch(), count ) );
// append any missing day from the last found until 1 day before the last one
++ day;
if ( day > getMonthDays( year, month ) ) {
++ month;
if ( month > 12 ) {
month = 1;
++ year;
day = getMonthDays( year, month );
to_day += 2;
if ( to_day > getMonthDays( year, month ) ) {
int m{ month + 1 },
y{ year };
if ( m > 12 ) {
m = 1;
++ y;
to_day = getMonthDays( y, m );
for ( ; day!=to_day; ++day ) {
if ( day > getMonthDays( year, month ) ) {
day = 1;
++ month;
if ( month > 12 ) {
month = 1;
++ year;
time.setDate( QDate( year, month , day ) );
data.push_back( std::make_tuple( time.toMSecsSinceEpoch(), 0 ) );
} catch (...) {
// something failed
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errGeneric( TR::tr(this->MSG_ERR_PROCESSING.c_str()), true );
} else {
data.reserve( countDays( from_year, from_month, from_day, to_year, to_month, to_day ) );
for ( int m{1}; m<=n_months; ++m ) {
stmt = QString("SELECT \"day\" FROM \"%1\" WHERE \"year\"=%2 AND \"month\"=%3")
.arg( web_server )
.arg( year ).arg( month );
if ( m == 1 ) {
// first month, only get the day from the beginning day
stmt += QString(" AND \"day\">=%1").arg( from_day );
} else if ( m == n_months ) {
// last month, only get the days until the ending day
stmt += QString(" AND \"day\"<=%1").arg( to_day );
// only select non-NULL values
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\" IS NOT NULL")
.arg( log_field_1.replace("'","''") );
// apply a filter if present
if ( ! field_filter_1.isEmpty() ) {
QString filter = field_filter_1;
if ( log_field_1 == "warning"
|| log_field_1 == "response"
|| log_field_1 == "time_taken"
|| log_field_1 == "bytes_sent"
|| log_field_1 == "bytes_received" ) {
// numbers
if ( StringOps::isNumeric( field_filter_1.toStdString() ) ) {
// no operator found, set defult to '='
filter = QString("=%1").arg( field_filter_1 );
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\"%2")
.arg( log_field_1.replace("'","''"),
filter.replace("'","''") );
} else {
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\" LIKE '%2'")
.arg( log_field_1.replace("'","''"),
filter.replace("'","''") );
// only select non-NULL values
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\" IS NOT NULL")
.arg( log_field_2.replace("'","''") );
// apply a filter if present
if ( ! field_filter_2.isEmpty() ) {
QString filter = field_filter_2;
if ( log_field_2 == "warning"
|| log_field_2 == "response"
|| log_field_2 == "time_taken"
|| log_field_2 == "bytes_sent"
|| log_field_2 == "bytes_received" ) {
// numbers
if ( StringOps::isNumeric( field_filter_2.toStdString() ) ) {
// no operator found, set defult to '='
filter = QString("=%1").arg( field_filter_2 );
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\"%2")
.arg( log_field_2.replace("'","''"),
filter.replace("'","''") );
} else {
stmt += QString(" AND \"%1\" LIKE '%2'")
.arg( log_field_2.replace("'","''"),
QString(field_filter_2).replace("'","''") );
// quary the database
stmt += " ORDER BY \"day\" ASC;";
if ( ! query.exec( stmt ) ) {
// error querying database
successful = false;
DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedExecuting( this->db_name, query.lastQuery(), query.lastError().text() );
} else {
try {
if ( ! query.last() ) {
// no days found, append missing days with 0 value
int f_d{ 1 },
t_d{ getMonthDays( year, month ) };
if ( m == 1 ) {
// first month, only get the day from the beginning day
f_d = from_day;
} else if ( m == n_months ) {
// last month, only get the days until the ending day
t_d = to_day;
for ( ; f_d<=t_d; ++f_d ) {
time.setDate( QDate( year, month , f_d ) );
data.push_back( std::make_tuple( time.toMSecsSinceEpoch(), 0 ) );
} else {
// get query data
day = count = 0;
while ( query.next() ) {
aux_day = query.value(0).toInt();
if ( aux_day == day ) {
++ count;
} else {
if ( day > 0 ) {
// any loop-round except the first
time.setDate( QDate( year, month , day ) );
data.push_back( std::make_tuple( time.toMSecsSinceEpoch(), count ) );
for ( int d{day+1}; d<aux_day; ++d ) {
// append any missing day with a zero value
time.setDate( QDate( year, month , d ) );
data.push_back( std::make_tuple( time.toMSecsSinceEpoch(), 0 ) );
} else {
// append any missing day until the next found day
day = 1;
for ( int d{day}; d<aux_day; ++d ) {
time.setDate( QDate( year, month , d ) );
data.push_back( std::make_tuple( time.toMSecsSinceEpoch(), 0 ) );
day = aux_day;
count = 1;
// append the last count
if ( day > 0 ) {
time.setDate( QDate( year, month , day ) );
data.push_back( std::make_tuple( time.toMSecsSinceEpoch(), count ) );
// append any missing day to the end of the month with a zero value
for ( int d{day+1}; d<=getMonthDays(year,month); ++d ) {
time.setDate( QDate( year, month , d ) );
data.push_back( std::make_tuple( time.toMSecsSinceEpoch(), 0 ) );
// increase the month
++ month;
if ( month > 12 ) {
month = 1;
++ year;
} catch (...) {
// something failed
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errGeneric( TR::tr(this->MSG_ERR_PROCESSING.c_str()), true );
// append the first day of 1 month after the last one as the last one day
day = 1;
month = to_month +1;
if ( month > 12 ) {
month = 1;
++ year;
time.setDate( QDate( year, month , day ) );
data.push_back( std::make_tuple( time.toMSecsSinceEpoch(), 0 ) );
if ( db.isOpen() ) {
if ( successful ) {
if ( data.capacity() > data.size() ) {
result.emplace( data );
bool DbQuery::getGlobalCounts( const QString& web_server, const std::map<int, std::map<int, std::vector<int>>>& dates, std::vector<std::unordered_map<QString, unsigned>>& recurs, std::tuple<QString, int>& traf_date, std::unordered_map<int, double>& traf_day, std::unordered_map<int, double>& traf_hour, std::vector<long long>& perf_time, std::vector<long long>& perf_sent, std::vector<long long>& perf_receiv, long& req_count ) const
bool successful{ true };
QSqlDatabase db;
if ( QSqlDatabase::contains("qt_sql_default_connection") ) {
db = QSqlDatabase::database("qt_sql_default_connection");
} else {
db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");
db.setDatabaseName( QString::fromStdString( this->db_path ));
if ( ! CheckSec::checkDatabaseFile( db_path, db_name ) ) {
successful &= false;
} else if ( ! db.open() ) {
// error opening database
successful &= false;
QString err_msg;
if ( this->dialog_level == 2 ) {
err_msg = db.lastError().text();
DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedOpening( this->db_name, err_msg );
} else {
if ( web_server != "apache" && web_server != "nginx" && web_server != "iis" ) {
// unexpected WebServer
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errGeneric( QString("%1:\n%2").arg( TR::tr(this->MSG_ERR_UNX_WS.c_str()), web_server ), true );
if ( successful ) {
QSqlQuery query{ db };
int d, h, tt, bs, br,
day, hour, week_day,
max_tt{0}, tot_tt{0}, num_tt{0},
max_bs{0}, tot_bs{0}, num_bs{0},
max_br{0}, tot_br{0}, num_br{0},
unsigned day_count, hour_count, max_date_count{0};
QString protocol, method, uri, user_agent, max_date_str;
std::unordered_map<int, int> num_day_count{
{1,0}, {2,0}, {3,0}, {4,0}, {5,0}, {6,0}, {7,0} };
// get years
for ( const auto& [year, dates_] : dates ) {
// get months of the year
for ( const auto& [month, dates__] : dates_ ) {
hour=-1; hour_count=0;
day=-1; day_count=0;
if ( ! query.exec( QString("SELECT \"day\",\"hour\",\"protocol\",\"method\",\"uri\",\"user_agent\",\"time_taken\",\"bytes_sent\",\"bytes_received\" FROM \"%1\" WHERE \"year\"=%2 AND \"month\"=%3 ORDER BY \"day\",\"hour\" ASC;")
.arg( web_server ).arg( year ).arg( month ).replace("'","''") ) ) {
// error querying database
successful &= false;
DialogSec::errDatabaseFailedExecuting( this->db_name, query.lastQuery(), query.lastError().text() );
} else if ( query.last() ) {
while ( query.next() ) {
try {
// day
if ( query.value(0).isNull() ) {
d = -1;
} else {
d = query.value(0).toInt();
// hour
if ( query.value(1).isNull() ) {
h = -1;
} else {
h = query.value(1).toInt();
// protocol
if ( query.value(2).isNull() ) {
} else {
protocol = query.value(2).toString();
// method
if ( query.value(3).isNull() ) {
} else {
method = query.value(3).toString();
// uri
if ( query.value(4).isNull() ) {
} else {
uri = query.value(4).toString();
// user agent
if ( query.value(5).isNull() ) {
} else {
user_agent = query.value(5).toString();
// time taken
if ( query.value(6).isNull() ) {
tt = -1;
} else {
tt = query.value(6).toInt();
// bytes sent
if ( query.value(7).isNull() ) {
bs = -1;
} else {
bs = query.value(7).toInt();
// bytes received
if ( query.value(8).isNull() ) {
br = -1;
} else {
br = query.value(8).toInt();
} catch (...) {
// failed to convert to integer
successful &= false;
QString err_msg;
if ( this->dialog_level == 2 ) {
err_msg = TR::tr(this->MSG_ERR_PROCESSING.c_str());
DialogSec::errGeneric( err_msg );
if ( successful ) {
// process the day count
if ( d > 0 ) {
if ( day == -1 ) {
day = d;
if ( d == day ) {
++ day_count;
} else {
++ n_days;
// sum the day count to the total count
req_count += day_count;
// sum the day count to the relative day of the week count
week_day = QDate(year,month,day).dayOfWeek();
traf_day.at( week_day ) += day_count;
++ num_day_count.at( week_day );
// check the max date count
const QString m_str{ (month<10) ? QString("0%1").arg(month) : QString("%1").arg(month) };
const QString d_str{ (day<10) ? QString("0%1").arg(day) : QString("%1").arg(day) };
if ( day_count > max_date_count ) {
max_date_count = day_count;
max_date_str = QString("%1-%2-%3").arg( year ).arg( m_str, d_str );
day_count = 1;
day = d;
// process the hour count
if ( h >= 0 ) {
if ( hour == -1 ) {
hour = h;
if ( h == hour ) {
++ hour_count;
} else {
traf_hour.at( hour ) += hour_count;
hour_count = 1;
hour = h;
// sum the time taken
if ( tt >= 0 ) {
if ( tt > max_tt ) {
max_tt = tt;
tot_tt += tt;
++ num_tt;
// sum the bytes sent
if ( bs >= 0 ) {
if ( bs > max_bs ) {
max_bs = bs;
tot_bs += bs;
++ num_bs;
// sum the bytes received
if ( br >= 0 ) {
if ( br > max_br ) {
max_br = br;
tot_br += br;
++ num_br;
// process the protocol
if ( ! protocol.isEmpty() ) {
++ recurs.at( 0 )[ protocol ];
// process the method
if ( ! method.isEmpty() ) {
++ recurs.at( 1 )[ method ];
// process the uri
if ( ! uri.isEmpty() ) {
++ recurs.at( 2 )[ uri ];
// process the user-agent
if ( ! user_agent.isEmpty() ) {
++ recurs.at( 3 )[ user_agent ];
// complete the remaining stats
if ( successful ) {
// append the last hour
if ( hour >= 0 ) {
traf_hour.at( hour ) += hour_count;
// sum the day count to the total count
req_count += day_count;
// sum the day count to the relative day of the week count
week_day = QDate(year,month,day).dayOfWeek();
traf_day.at( week_day ) += day_count;
++ num_day_count.at( week_day );
// check the max date count
const QString m_str{ (month<10) ? QString("0%1").arg(month) : QString("%1").arg(month) };
const QString d_str{ (day<10) ? QString("0%1").arg(day) : QString("%1").arg(day) };
if ( day_count > max_date_count ) {
max_date_count = day_count;
max_date_str = QString("%1-%2-%3").arg( year ).arg( m_str, d_str );
if ( ! successful ) { break; }
if ( ! successful ) { break; }
// final process for some of the values
if ( successful ) {
// process the hours of the day
for ( int i{0}; i<24; ++i ) {
if ( n_days > 0 ) {
traf_hour.at( i ) /= n_days;
// process the day of the week
for ( int i{1}; i<8; ++i ) {
const int& x{ num_day_count.at( i ) };
if ( x > 0 ) {
traf_day.at( i ) /= x;
// make the max-date tuple
traf_date = std::make_tuple( max_date_str, max_date_count );
// time-taken perfs
perf_time = { max_tt, tot_tt, num_tt };
// bytes-sent perfs
perf_sent = { max_bs, tot_bs, num_bs };
// bytes-received perfs
perf_receiv = { max_br, tot_br, num_br };
return successful;