
207 lines
5.4 KiB

#include <QObject>
#include "lib.h"
#include <unordered_map> // leave this here for OSX
class QSqlDatabase;
typedef std::unordered_map<int, BWlist> bw_lists_t; // leave this here for OSX
class CraplogWorker : public QObject
using worker_files_t = std::vector<std::tuple<std::string,std::string>>;
using log_line_data_t = std::map<int, std::string>;
explicit CraplogWorker(
const unsigned web_server_id,
const unsigned dialogs_level,
const std::string& db_data_path,
const std::string& db_hashes_path,
const LogsFormat& logs_format,
const bw_lists_t& blacklists,
const bw_lists_t& warnlists,
const worker_files_t& log_files,
QObject* parent=nullptr
void perfData(
const unsigned parsed_size,
const unsigned parsed_lines );
void chartData(
const unsigned total_size,
const unsigned total_lines,
const unsigned warnlisted_size,
const unsigned blacklisted_size );
void startedParsing();
void finishedParsing();
void done( const bool successful );
void retire();
public slots:
void work();
void sendPerfData();
void sendChartData();
//// WEB SERVERS IDs ////
const unsigned APACHE_ID { 11 }; //!< ID of the Apache2 Web Server
const unsigned NGINX_ID { 12 }; //!< ID of the Nginx Web Server
const unsigned IIS_ID { 13 }; //!< ID of the IIS Web Server
const unsigned wsID;
const unsigned dialogs_level{ 2 };
// { log_field_id : BWlist }
bw_lists_t blacklists;
bw_lists_t warnlists;
LogsFormat logs_format;
bool proceed{ true };
bool db_edited{ false };
std::string db_data_path;
std::string db_hashes_path;
// the selected log files to be parsed during the process
worker_files_t files_to_use;
// the entire stack of lines which have been read from the log files
std::vector<std::string> logs_lines;
// collection of logs items, each item results from a log line
/* structure
[ { log_field_id : "data" } ]
99: warning,
1: year, 2: month, 3: day, 4: hour, 5: minute, 6:second,
10: request_protocol, 11: request_method, 12: request_uri, 13: request_query, 14: response_code,
15: time_taken, 16: bytes_sent, 17: bytes_received, 18: referrer,
20: client, 21: user_agent, 22: cookie
std::vector<log_line_data_t> data_collection;
//! Reads the selected files and append the resulting lines to the list
\throw GenericException
void joinLogLines();
//! Parses the lines in the list and stores their data in the data collection
\throw LogParserException
void parseLogLines();
//! Handles the process of storing data in the database
\see storeData()
void storeLogLines();
//! Stores the data collection in the logs Collection database
\param db A database instance, already initizlized
\return Whether the operation has been successful or not
\throw WebServerException
const bool storeData( QSqlDatabase& db );
unsigned total_lines { 0 };
unsigned parsed_lines { 0 };
size_t total_size { 0 };
size_t parsed_size { 0 };
size_t warnlisted_size { 0 };
size_t blacklisted_size { 0 };
// Map to convert log fields to field IDs
const std::unordered_map<std::string, int> field2id{
// date-time
{"date_time_year", 1},
{"date_time_month", 2},
{"date_time_day", 3},
{"date_time_hour", 4},
{"date_time_minute", 5},
{"date_time_second", 6},
{"date_time_ncsa", 0},
{"date_time_iso", 0},
{"date_time_mcs", 0},
{"date_time_gmt", 0},
{"date_time_utc_d", 0},
{"date_time_utc_t", 0},
{"date_time_epoch_s", 0},
{"date_time_epoch_s.ms", 0},
{"date_time_epoch_ms", 0},
{"date_time_epoch_us", 0},
{"date_time_YYYYMMDD", 0},
{"date_time_MMDDYY", 0},
{"date_time_MDYYYY", 0},
{"date_time_year_short", 0},
{"date_time_month_str", 0},
{"date_time_clock_12", 0},
{"date_time_clock_24", 0},
{"date_time_clock_short", 0},
// request
{"request_protocol", 10},
{"request_method", 11},
{"request_uri", 12},
{"request_query", 13},
{"response_code", 14},
{"request_full", 0},
// performance
{"time_taken_ms", 15},
{"time_taken_us", 0},
{"time_taken_s.ms", 0},
{"time_taken_s", 0},
{"bytes_sent", 16},
{"bytes_received", 17},
// referer
{"referer", 18},
// client data
{"client", 20},
{"user_agent", 21},
{"cookie", 22}