Valentino Orlandi e7279651d8
Code improvements
Improved LogsFormat constructor
2024-01-21 20:42:52 +01:00

795 lines
30 KiB

#include "formats.h"
#include "lib.h"
#include "modules/exceptions.h"
#include "utilities/strings.h"
#include <vector>
namespace /*private*/
//! Conuts how many new lines are there in the format
Used to join log lines which refer to the same log line
\param initial The initial separator
\param final The final separator
\param separators The separators in the middle
\return The number of new lines in a single log line
\see LogsFormat, processApacheFormatString(), processNginxFormatString()
unsigned countNewLines( std::string_view initial, std::string_view final, const std::vector<std::string>& separators )
size_t nl{ 0ul };
nl += StringOps::count( initial, '\n' );
nl += StringOps::count( final, '\n' );
for ( const std::string& sep : separators ) {
nl += StringOps::count( sep, '\n' );
return static_cast<unsigned>(nl);
//! Parses the escapes (backslashes) and returns the resulting string
Used to obtain the same result as on Apache2
\param string The string to parse
\param strftime Whether to apply the strftime special rule when parsing or not
\return The resulting string
\throw LogFormatException
\see processApacheFormatString()
std::string parseApacheEscapes( std::string_view string , const bool strftime=false )
if ( string.empty() ) {
return std::string{string};
size_t i{ 0ul },
max{ string.size()-1ul };
std::string str1;
str1.reserve( string.size() );
std::string str2;
str2.reserve( string.size() );
char c, cc;
// parse the first time, no control-character added
while (true) {
if ( i >= max ) {
// no need to check the final char
if ( i == max ) {
str1.push_back( string.at( i ) );
c = string.at( i );
cc = string.at( i+1ul );
if ( c == '\\' && (cc == '\\' || cc == '"') ) {
str1.push_back( cc );
} else if ( c == '%' && cc == '%' ) {
str1.push_back( c );
} else {
str1.push_back( c );
i = 0ul;
max = str1.size()-1ul;
// parse the second time, adding control-characters
while (true) {
if ( i >= max ) {
// no need to check the final char
if ( i == max ) {
str2.push_back( str1.at( i ) );
c = str1.at( i );
cc = str1.at( i+1 );
if ( c == '\\' ) {
// just the ones supported
if ( cc == '\\' || cc == '"' ) {
str2.push_back( cc );
} else {
if ( strftime ) {
// when parsing for strftime, any other backslashed characters result in a backslash+character
str2.push_back( c );
str2.push_back( cc );
} else {
if ( cc == 'n' ) {
str2.push_back( '\n' );
} else if ( cc == 'r' ) {
// not supported
throw LogFormatException( "LogDoctor doesn't support the usage of the Carriage Return: '\\r'" );
} else if ( cc == 't' ) {
str2.push_back( '\t' );
} else {
// any other backslashed characters result in a backslash+character
str2.push_back( c );
str2.push_back( cc );
} else if ( c == '%' && strftime ) {
// strftime control-characters
if ( cc == 'n' ) {
str2.push_back( '\n' );
} else if ( cc == 't' ) {
str2.push_back( '\t' );
} else {
// any other characters result in a percent+character
str2.push_back( c );
str2.push_back( cc );
} else {
str2.push_back( c );
return str2;
//! Parses the escapes (backslashes) and returns the resulting string
Used to obtain the same result as on Nginx
\param string The string to parse
\return The resulting string
\throw LogFormatException
\see processNginxFormatString()
std::string parseNginxEscapes( std::string_view string )
if ( string.empty() ) {
return std::string{string};
size_t i{ 0ul };
const size_t max{ string.size()-1ul };
char c, cc;
std::string str;
str.reserve( string.size() );
// parse once
while (true) {
if ( i >= max ) {
// no need to check the final char
if ( i == max ) {
str.push_back( string.at( i ) );
c = string.at( i );
cc = string.at( i+1ul );
if ( c == '\\' ) {
// just the ones supported by nginx
if ( cc == '\\' || cc == '\'' || cc == '"' ) {
str.push_back( cc );
} else if ( cc == 'n' ) {
str.push_back( '\n' );
} else if ( cc == 'r' ) {
// not supported
throw LogFormatException( "LogDoctor doesn't support the usage of the Carriage Return: '\\r'" );
} else if ( cc == 't' ) {
str.push_back( '\t' );
} else {
// not a control-character, resulting in a backslash+character
str.push_back( c );
str.push_back( cc );
} else {
str.push_back( c );
return str;
//! Checks whether the given character is valid or not
\param chr The target character
\return The result of the check
\see findNginxFieldEnd
bool checkNginxFieldChar( const char& chr )
return CharOps::isAlnum( chr ) || chr == '_';
//! Finds the end of a Nginx log field
\param string The format string
\param start The starting point of the field in the string
\return The ending poin of the field in the string
\see processNginxFormatString()
size_t findNginxFieldEnd( const std::string& string, const size_t start )
if ( string.empty() || start >= string.size()-1ul ) {
return start;
return std::distance( std::cbegin(string), std::find_if_not( string.cbegin()+start, string.cend(), checkNginxFieldChar ) ) - 1ul;
//! Checks whether the given character is valid or not
\param chr The target character
\return The result of the check
\see checkIisString
bool checkIisChar( const char& chr )
return CharOps::isAlnum( chr )
|| chr == ' ' || chr == '-' || chr == ',' || chr == ':'
|| chr == '(' || chr == ')' || chr == '[' || chr == ']';
//! Checks whether the format string contains invalid characters or not
\param string The format string
\throw LogFormatException
\see processIisFormatString
void checkIisString( std::string_view string )
if ( const auto it{ std::find_if_not( string.cbegin(), string.cend(), checkIisChar ) };
it != string.cend() ) {
// unwanted character
throw LogFormatException( "Unexpected character found in string: '"+std::string{*it}+"'" );
} // namespace (private)
LogsFormat FormatOps::processApacheFormatString( const std::string& f_str ) const
if ( f_str.empty() ) {
return LogsFormat();
const auto& f_map { this->APACHE_ALF };
const auto& f_map_v { this->APACHE_ALF_V };
std::string initial, final;
std::vector<std::string> separators, fields;
// parse the string to convert keyargs in craplog's fields format
bool is_strftime_sep;
int n_fld{ 0 };
size_t start, stop{0ul}, aux, aux_start, aux_stop;
const size_t max{ f_str.size()-1ul };
std::string aux_fld, aux_fld_v, cur_fld, cur_sep;
// find and convert any field
while (true) {
// start after the last found field
start = stop;
if ( cur_fld == "date_time_ncsa" ) {
// NCAS time format is always enclosed inside brackets
cur_sep += "]";
while (true) {
// loop until a valid field is found (doens't matter if considered or not)
while (true) {
// hunt the next field
aux = f_str.find( '%', stop );
// check if false positive
if ( aux == max ) {
// invalid, can't end with a single '%'
throw LogFormatException( "Invalid format string: ending with a single '%'" );
} else if ( aux != std::string::npos ) {
// apache only escapes a format field using the double percent sign
// backslashes are valid for control-characters only, or get reduced
// single percent-signs are considered invalid
const char c{ f_str.at(aux+1ul) };
if ( c == '{' || c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '!' || c == ',' ) {
// in the first case: a composed format code must follow
// in the second case: expressing a status code format field
// in the last two cases: status code(s) may follow (or may not), which must be followed by a composed format code
// in any case is considered valid
} else if ( c == '%' ) {
// the percent sign character, will be used as separator, skip
stop = aux + 2ul;
} else if ( ! CharOps::isAlnum( c ) ) {
// invalid, there must be a field code, a status code or a percent sign after a '%'
throw LogFormatException( "Invalid format: there must be a valid format code, a status code or a percent sign character after a '%', found: '%"+std::string{c}+"'" );
if ( aux == std::string::npos ) {
// no more fields, append the last section as final separator
cur_sep += f_str.substr( start );
n_fld = -1;
// append the current separator
cur_sep += f_str.substr( start, aux-start );
++ aux;
char c = f_str.at( aux );
// remove the per-status directives (if any)
if ( CharOps::isNumeric( c ) || c == '!' || c == ',' ) {
// per-status, not important for LogDoctor
size_t aux_aux{ aux+1ul };
while (true) {
if ( aux_aux > max ) {
c = f_str.at( aux_aux );
if ( CharOps::isNumeric( c ) || c == '!' || c == ',' ) {
// skip these chars
++ aux_aux;
} else {
// stop
aux = aux_aux;
c = f_str.at( aux );
// define if normal or composed
if ( c == '{' ) {
// composed
aux_start = aux + 1ul;
aux = f_str.find( '}', aux_start );
if ( aux == std::string::npos ) {
// closer bracket not found, resulting in an invalid field
throw LogFormatException( "Invalid format code, no closing bracket found: '%{...'" );
aux_stop = aux + 2ul;
// get the varname(s)
aux_fld = f_str.substr( aux_start, aux-aux_start );
// get the module
aux_fld_v = f_str.at( aux+1ul );
if ( aux_fld_v == "^" ) {
aux_stop += 2ul;
aux_fld_v = f_str.substr( aux+1ul, 3ul );
if ( f_map_v.find( aux_fld_v ) == f_map_v.cend() ) {
// invalid module, abort
throw LogFormatException( "Invalid format code found: '%{...}"+aux_fld_v+"'" );
} else {
// module is valud
const auto& aux_map{ f_map_v.at( aux_fld_v ) };
if ( aux_map.empty() ) {
// module not considered and always giving out something, even if invalid varname is passed
cur_fld = "NONE";
} else if ( aux_fld.empty() ) {
// no need to check further, the dafault is used in this case
cur_fld = aux_map.at( aux_fld );
if ( aux_fld_v == "t" ) {
cur_sep += "[";
} else if ( aux_fld_v == "p" || aux_fld_v == "P" || aux_fld_v == "T" ) {
// still not considered (except 'T'), but invalid fields get used as text
// field concatenation not allowed, whole content used as varname
if ( aux_map.find( aux_fld ) != aux_map.end() ) {
// valid varname
cur_fld = aux_map.at( aux_fld );
} else {
// invalid varname, use as text
cur_sep += aux_fld;
start = stop = aux_stop;
} else if ( aux_fld_v == "a" || aux_fld_v == "h" ) {
// whatever the varname is (valid, invalid, empty), always returns the client
// field concatenation not allowed, the entire content is used as varname
cur_fld = "client" ;
} else if ( aux_fld_v == "i" ) {
// always giving a result, may the varname be valid or not ('-' if invalid/empty)
// field concatenation not allowed, the entire content is used as varname
if ( aux_map.find( aux_fld ) != aux_map.end() ) {
cur_fld = aux_map.at( aux_fld );
} else {
cur_fld = "NONE";
} else /*if ( aux_fld_v == "t" )*/ {
// only 't' remaining
size_t aux_aux{ aux_fld.find( '%' ) };
if ( aux_aux == std::string::npos ) {
// no concatenation, only valid fields used, anything else used as text
// whole content used as varname
if ( aux_map.find( aux_fld ) != aux_map.end() ) {
// valid
cur_fld = aux_map.at( aux_fld );
is_strftime_sep = true;
} else {
// invalid, append to current separator
cur_sep += aux_fld;
start = stop = aux_stop;
} else {
// concatenation allowed, only strftime() value used as fields, everything else treated as text
size_t aux_aux_start,
std::string aux_aux_fld;
while (true) {
// loop inside the composed field
aux_aux_start = aux_aux_stop;
while (true) {
// hunt the next field
aux_aux = aux_fld.find( '%', aux_aux_stop );
// check if false positive
if ( aux_aux != std::string::npos ) {
const size_t aux_aux_{ aux_aux+1ul };
if ( aux_aux_ >= aux_fld.size() ) {
aux_aux = std::string::npos;
// same escape rules as before, but single percent-signs are considered valid and treated as text
const char c_ = aux_fld.at( aux_aux_ );
if ( c_ == '%' || c_ == 'n' || c_ == 't' ) {
// control characters, will be used as separator, skip
aux_aux_stop = aux_aux + 2ul;
if ( aux_aux == std::string::npos ) {
// no more fields, append the last section as separator
cur_sep += parseApacheEscapes( aux_fld.substr( aux_aux_start ), true );
// append to the current separator
cur_sep += parseApacheEscapes( aux_fld.substr( aux_aux_start, aux_aux-aux_aux_start ), true );
// and get the possible field
aux_aux_fld = aux_fld.substr( aux_aux, 2ul );
aux_aux_stop = aux_aux+2ul;
// check if the field is valid
if ( aux_map.find( aux_aux_fld ) != aux_map.end() ) {
// valid, append
cur_fld = aux_map.at( aux_aux_fld );
// append the separator
if ( n_fld == 0 ) {
// first field found, assign the separator as the initial one
initial = cur_sep;
} else {
// append to separators list
if ( cur_sep.empty() ) {
throw LogFormatException( "Empty separator found, it may be impossible to distinguish two contiguous fields" );
separators.push_back( cur_sep );
// append the field
fields.push_back( cur_fld );
++ n_fld;
} else {
// invalid, append as separator and keep hunting
cur_sep += parseApacheEscapes( aux_aux_fld, true );
start = stop = aux_stop; // everything appended already, restart hunting
stop = aux_stop; // re-starting after the previously found module
} else {
// normal
aux_fld = c;
aux_stop = aux+1ul;
if ( aux_fld == ">" || aux_fld == "<" ) {
aux_fld += f_str.at( aux+1 );
++ aux_stop;
// check if the module is valid
if ( f_map.find( aux_fld ) != f_map.end() ) {
// valid
cur_fld = f_map.at( aux_fld );
if ( cur_fld == "date_time_ncsa" ) {
// apache's NCSA time format is always enclosed inside brackets
cur_sep += "[";
stop = aux_stop;
} else {
// invalid format field, abort
throw LogFormatException( "Invalid format code found: '%"+aux_fld+"'" );
// outside hunting loop
if ( n_fld < 0 ) {
// final reached, stop looping
if ( fields.empty() ) {
initial = parseApacheEscapes( cur_sep, is_strftime_sep );
} else {
final = parseApacheEscapes( cur_sep, is_strftime_sep );
if ( cur_fld.empty() ) {
// invalid field, used as text (namely, added to current separator)
// append the separator
if ( n_fld == 0 ) {
// first field found, assign the separator as the initial one
initial = parseApacheEscapes( cur_sep, is_strftime_sep );
} else {
// append to separators list
if ( cur_sep.empty() ) {
throw LogFormatException( "Empty separator found, it may be impossible to distinguish two contiguous fields" );
separators.push_back( parseApacheEscapes( cur_sep, is_strftime_sep ) );
is_strftime_sep = false;
// append the field
fields.push_back( cur_fld );
++ n_fld;
return LogsFormat(
f_str, std::move(initial), std::move(final),
std::move(separators), std::move(fields),
countNewLines( initial, final, separators ) );
// sample
QString FormatOps::getApacheLogSample( const LogsFormat& log_format ) const noexcept
QString sample;
const auto& map{ this->APACHE_ALF_SAMPLES };
// append the initial characters
sample += QString::fromStdString( log_format.initial );
for ( size_t i{0ul}; i<log_format.separators.size(); ++i ) {
// append fields and separators
sample += map.at( log_format.fields.at( i ) );
sample += QString::fromStdString( log_format.separators.at( i ) );
// add the last field
if ( log_format.fields.size() > 0ul ) {
sample += map.at( log_format.fields.back() );
// and the final characters
sample += QString::fromStdString( log_format.final );
return sample;
LogsFormat FormatOps::processNginxFormatString( const std::string& f_str ) const
if ( f_str.empty() ) {
return LogsFormat();
const auto& f_map{ this->NGINX_ALF };
std::string initial, final;
std::vector<std::string> separators, fields;
// parse the string to convert keyargs in craplog's fields format
bool finished{ false };
size_t start, aux, stop{0ul};
const size_t max{ f_str.size()-1ul };
std::string cur_fld, cur_sep;
// find and convert any field
while (true) {
// start after the last found field
start = stop;
// find the next field
aux = f_str.find( '$', start );
if ( aux == std::string::npos ) {
// not found, append as final and stop searching
final = parseNginxEscapes( f_str.substr( start ) );
++ aux;
// find the end of the current field
stop = findNginxFieldEnd( f_str, aux );
if ( stop == max ) {
// this is the last field, and ther's no final separator
finished |= true;
++ stop;
cur_sep = f_str.substr( start, aux-start-1ul );
cur_fld = f_str.substr( aux, stop-aux );
// fixes for varnames
if ( StringOps::startsWith( cur_fld, "cookie_" ) ) {
cur_fld = "cookie_";
} else if ( StringOps::startsWith( cur_fld, "http_" )
&& cur_fld != "http_user_agent" && cur_fld != "http_referer" ) {
cur_fld = "http_";
} else if ( StringOps::startsWith( cur_fld, "arg_" ) ) {
cur_fld = "arg_";
} else if ( StringOps::startsWith( cur_fld, "sent_http_" ) ) {
cur_fld = "sent_http_";
} else if ( StringOps::startsWith( cur_fld, "upstream_cookie_" ) ) {
cur_fld = "upstream_cookie_";
} else if ( StringOps::startsWith( cur_fld, "upstream_http_" ) ) {
cur_fld = "upstream_http_";
// check if the field is valid
if ( f_map.find( cur_fld ) != f_map.end() ) {
// valid, append
if ( start == 0ul ) {
initial = parseNginxEscapes( cur_sep );
} else {
separators.push_back( parseNginxEscapes( cur_sep ) );
fields.push_back( f_map.at( cur_fld ) );
if ( finished ) {
// this was the last field
} else {
// invalid, abort
throw LogFormatException( "Invalid format code found: '$"+cur_fld+"'" );
return LogsFormat(
f_str, std::move(initial), std::move(final),
std::move(separators), std::move(fields),
countNewLines( initial, final, separators ) );
// sample
QString FormatOps::getNginxLogSample( const LogsFormat& log_format ) const noexcept
QString sample;
const auto& map{ this->NGINX_ALF_SAMPLES };
// append the initial characters
sample += QString::fromStdString( log_format.initial );
for ( size_t i{0}; i<log_format.separators.size(); ++i ) {
// append fields and separators
sample += map.at( log_format.fields.at( i ) );
sample += QString::fromStdString( log_format.separators.at( i ) );
// add the last field
if ( log_format.fields.size() > 0ul ) {
sample += map.at( log_format.fields.back() );
// and the final characters
sample += QString::fromStdString( log_format.final );
return sample;
LogsFormat FormatOps::processIisFormatString( const std::string& f_str, const int& l_mod ) const
checkIisString( f_str );
std::string initial, final;
std::vector<std::string> separators, fields;
switch ( l_mod ) {
case 2:
// IIS logging module
final = ",";
separators = {", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", "};
fields = {"client","NONE","date_time_MDYYYY","date_time_utc_t","NONE","NONE","NONE","time_taken_ms","bytes_received","bytes_sent","response_code","NONE","request_method","request_uri","request_query"};
case 1:
// NCSA logging module
separators = {" "," "," [","] \"","\" "," "};
fields = {"client","NONE","NONE","date_time_ncsa","request_full","response_code","bytes_sent"};
case 0:
// W3C logging module
if ( f_str.size() > 0ul ) {
bool finished{ false };
size_t start, stop{0ul};
const size_t max{ f_str.size()-1ul };
std::string cur_fld;
const std::string cur_sep{ " " };
const auto& f_map{ this->IIS_ALF };
// parse the string to convert keyargs in craplog's fields format
while (true) {
// start after the last found separator
start = stop;
// find the next separator, which is always a single whitespace, in this case
stop = f_str.find( cur_sep, start );
if ( stop == std::string::npos ) {
// not found, this is the last field
stop = max+1ul;
finished |= true;
// set the current field
cur_fld = f_str.substr( start, stop-start );
// step over the separator
++ stop;
// check if the module is valid
if ( f_map.find( cur_fld ) != f_map.end() ) {
// valid, append
fields.push_back( f_map.at( cur_fld ) );
if ( ! finished ) {
separators.push_back( cur_sep );
} else {
// this was the last field
} else {
// invalid, abort
throw LogFormatException( "Invalid format code found: '"+cur_fld+"'" );
// outside search loop, killing the switch
// shouldn't be here
throw LogFormatException( "Unexpected LogModule for IIS: "+std::to_string( l_mod ) );
return LogsFormat(
f_str, std::move(initial), std::move(final),
std::move(separators), std::move(fields), 0 );
// sample
QString FormatOps::getIisLogSample( const LogsFormat& log_format ) const noexcept
QString sample;
const auto& map{ this->IIS_ALF_SAMPLES };
// append the initial characters
sample += QString::fromStdString( log_format.initial );
for ( size_t i{0}; i<log_format.separators.size(); ++i ) {
// append fields and separators
sample += map.at( log_format.fields.at( i ) );
sample += QString::fromStdString( log_format.separators.at( i ) );
// add the last field
if ( log_format.fields.size() > 0ul ) {
sample += map.at( log_format.fields.back() );
// and the final characters
sample += QString::fromStdString( log_format.final );
return sample;