
1049 lines
38 KiB

#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "./ui_mainwindow.h"
#include "modules/dialogs/dialogbool.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <QFontDatabase>
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent)
: QMainWindow(parent)
, ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
// load the font
const QString font_family = QFontDatabase::applicationFontFamilies(
// initialize the fonts
const QFont font = QFont(
13 );
// apply the fonts
this->ui->menubar->setFont( font );
this->ui->centralwidget->setFont( font );
void MainWindow::on_button_Close_clicked()
//// UTILS ////
const std::string MainWindow::cleanPath( const QString& path )
if ( path.endsWith('/') || path.endsWith('\\') ) {
return path.toStdString().substr( 0, path.size()-1 );
} else {
return path.toStdString();
//// CONFIGS ////
void MainWindow::readFile( const std::filesystem::path& path, std::string& output )
std::ifstream file;
try {
file = std::ifstream( path );
if ( ! file.is_open() ) {
throw std::ios_base::failure( "file is not open" );
if ( ! file.good() ) {
throw std::ios_base::failure( "file is not good" );
// add bit exceptions
file.exceptions( std::ifstream::failbit );
file.exceptions( std::ios_base::badbit );
// read the whole file
output = std::string(
(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>( file )),
std::istreambuf_iterator<char>() );
} catch (...) {
if ( file.is_open() ) {
throw std::exception();
if ( file.is_open() ) {
void MainWindow::splitrip( std::vector<std::string>& output, const std::string& input, std::string_view separator )
split( output, strip( input ), separator );
std::transform( output.begin(), output.end(), output.begin(),
[this]( const std::string& str )
{ return strip( str ); } );
void MainWindow::split( std::vector<std::string>& output, const std::string& input, std::string_view separator )
if ( input.empty() ) {
output.reserve( count( input, separator )+1ul );
const size_t trg_size{ input.size() };
const size_t sep_size{ separator.size() };
size_t start{0ul}, stop;
while ( (stop=input.find( separator, start )) != std::string::npos ) {
if ( start < stop ) {
output.push_back( input.substr( start, stop-start ) );
start = stop + sep_size;
if ( start < trg_size ) {
output.push_back( input.substr( start ) );
std::string MainWindow::strip(const std::string& target, std::string_view chars )
size_t start{ target.find_first_not_of( chars ) };
size_t stop{ target.find_last_not_of( chars ) };
if ( start == std::string::npos ) {
if ( stop == std::string::npos ) {
stop = target.size();
return target.substr( start, stop-start+1ul );
std::string MainWindow::lstrip( const std::string& target, std::string_view chars )
const size_t start{ target.find_first_not_of( chars ) };
if ( start != std::string::npos ) {
return target.substr( start );
return {};
std::string MainWindow::rstrip( const std::string& target, std::string_view chars )
const size_t stop{ target.find_last_not_of( chars ) };
if ( stop != std::string::npos ) {
return target.substr( 0ul, stop+1ul );
return {};
size_t MainWindow::count( std::string_view str, std::string_view flag )
const size_t flag_size{ flag.size() };
size_t count{ 0ul };
for ( size_t start{0ul}; (start=str.find(flag, start)) != std::string::npos; count++ ) {
start += flag_size;
return count;
void MainWindow::readConfigs( const std::filesystem::path& file_path )
// read the whole file
std::string content;
std::vector<std::string> configs;
this->readFile( file_path, content );
if ( content.size() > 0 ) {
this->splitrip( configs, content );
if ( configs.size() == 0 ) {
// failed to read
throw std::exception();
} else {
// parse the configs
bool d_found{ false },
h_found{ false };
std::vector<std::string> aux;
for ( const std::string& line : configs ) {
if ( line.at(0) == '[' ) {
// section descriptor
this->splitrip( aux, line, "=" );
if ( aux.size() < 2 ) {
// nothing to do
// if here, a value is present
const std::string& var{ aux.at( 0 ) };
const std::string& val{ aux.at( 1 ) };
if ( val.size() == 0 ) {
// nothing to do, no value stored
if ( var == "DatabaseDataPath" ) {
std::string aux_{ std::filesystem::canonical( val ).string() };
#if defined( Q_OS_WINDOWS )
this->rstrip( aux_, "\\" );
this->rstrip( aux_, "/" );
if ( aux_.size() > 0 ) {
d_found = true;
this->db_data_path = std::filesystem::path{aux_} / "collection.db";
} else if ( var == "DatabaseHashesPath" ) {
std::string aux_{ std::filesystem::canonical( val ).string() };
#if defined( Q_OS_WINDOWS )
this->rstrip( aux_, "\\" );
this->rstrip( aux_, "/" );
if ( aux_.size() > 0 ) {
h_found = true;
this->db_hashes_path = std::filesystem::path{aux_} / "hashes.db";
if ( d_found && h_found ) {
// done
//// MENU ////
/// //////////
// switch language
void MainWindow::menu_actionEnglish_triggered()
this->ui->actionEnglish->setChecked( true );
this->ui->actionEspanol->setChecked( false );
this->ui->actionFrancais->setChecked( false );
this->ui->actionItaliano->setChecked( false );
this->language = "en";
void MainWindow::menu_actionEspanol_triggered()
this->ui->actionEnglish->setChecked( false );
this->ui->actionEspanol->setChecked( true );
this->ui->actionFrancais->setChecked( false );
this->ui->actionItaliano->setChecked( false );
this->language = "es";
void MainWindow::menu_actionFrancais_triggered()
this->ui->actionEnglish->setChecked( false );
this->ui->actionEspanol->setChecked( false );
this->ui->actionFrancais->setChecked( true );
this->ui->actionItaliano->setChecked( false );
this->language = "fr";
void MainWindow::menu_actionItaliano_triggered()
this->ui->actionEnglish->setChecked( false );
this->ui->actionEspanol->setChecked( false );
this->ui->actionFrancais->setChecked( false );
this->ui->actionItaliano->setChecked( true );
this->language = "it";
//// LANGUAGE ////
void MainWindow::updateUiLanguage()
// remove the old translator
QCoreApplication::removeTranslator( &this->translator );
if ( this->translator.load( QString(":/translations/%1").arg(QString::fromStdString( this->language )) ) ) {
// apply the new translator
QCoreApplication::installTranslator( &this->translator );
this->ui->retranslateUi( this );
//// ACTIONS ////
void MainWindow::on_checkBox_ConfigFile_toggled(bool checked)
this->remove_config_file = checked;
void MainWindow::on_checkBox_Databases_toggled(bool checked)
this->remove_databases = checked;
void MainWindow::on_button_Uninstall_clicked()
DialogBool dialog(
MainWindow::tr( "Uninstall LogDoctor" ),
MainWindow::tr( "Continue?" ) );
if ( dialog.exec() ) {
void MainWindow::startUninstalling()
this->uninstalling = true;
// checker
this->waiter_timer.reset( new QTimer(this) );
connect(this->waiter_timer.get(), SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkUninstallProgress()));
// worker
this->uninstaller_timer.reset( new QTimer(this) );
this->uninstaller_timer->setSingleShot( true );
connect(this->uninstaller_timer.get(), SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(Uninstall()));
// run
void MainWindow::checkUninstallProgress()
if ( ! this->uninstalling ) {
this->ui->stacked_Main->setCurrentIndex( 2 );
void MainWindow::Uninstall()
bool ok{ true };
this->ui->progressBar_Uninstall->setValue( 0 );
this->ui->label_Uninstall_Info->setText( MainWindow::tr( "Checking databases ..." ) );
// load the configs to get the databases paths
ok = this->checkDatabases();
#if !defined( Q_OS_MACOS )
if ( ok ) { // mac .app contains it
this->ui->progressBar_Uninstall->setValue( 10 );
this->ui->label_Uninstall_Info->setText( MainWindow::tr( "Removing the menu entry ..." ) );
// remove the menu entry
if ( ok ) {
this->ui->progressBar_Uninstall->setValue( 20 );
this->ui->label_Uninstall_Info->setText( MainWindow::tr( "Removing the icon ..." ) );
// remove the icon
// remove data
if ( ok ) {
// remove the databases first, if required
if ( ok && this->remove_databases ) {
this->ui->progressBar_Uninstall->setValue( 35 );
this->ui->label_Uninstall_Info->setText( MainWindow::tr( "Removing databases ..." ) );
// databases eventually removed, can now delete configuration file
if ( ok && this->remove_config_file ) {
this->ui->progressBar_Uninstall->setValue( 50 );
this->ui->label_Uninstall_Info->setText( MainWindow::tr( "Removing configuration data ..." ) );
// now remove other data
if ( ok ) {
this->ui->progressBar_Uninstall->setValue( 65 );
this->ui->label_Uninstall_Info->setText( MainWindow::tr( "Removing application data ..." ) );
// check the app data folder
ok = this->removeAppdata();
// remove the executable
if ( ok ) {
this->ui->progressBar_Uninstall->setValue( 90 );
this->ui->label_Uninstall_Info->setText( MainWindow::tr( "Removing the executable ..." ) );
// check the executable path
ok = this->removeExecutable();
// remove the uninstaller
#if !defined( Q_OS_MACOS ) && (defined( Q_OS_LINUX ) || defined( Q_OS_BSD4 ))
if ( ok ) {
this->ui->progressBar_Uninstall->setValue( 95 );
// on linux/bsd check if the uninstaller has been removed already
ok = this->removeSelf();
// proocess finished
if ( ok ) {
this->ui->progressBar_Uninstall->setValue( 100 );
this->ui->label_Uninstall_Info->setText( MainWindow::tr( "Final steps ..." ) );
// succesfully
this->ui->label_Done_Status->setText( MainWindow::tr( "Successfully uninstalled" ) );
} else {
// with a failure
this->ui->label_Done_Status->setText( MainWindow::tr( "Failed to uninstall" ) );
this->ui->label_Done_Info->setText( MainWindow::tr( "An error occured while uninstalling LogDoctor" ) );
this->uninstalling = false;
//// FUNCTIONS ////
bool MainWindow::checkDatabases()
bool ok{ true };
const std::filesystem::path conf_file_path{ this->conf_path / "logdoctor.conf" };
try {
this->readConfigs( conf_file_path );
// check the existence
if ( !this->db_data_path.empty() ) {
if ( std::filesystem::exists( this->db_data_path )
&& std::filesystem::is_regular_file( this->db_data_path ) ) {
// db found
this->db_data_found = true;
if ( !this->db_hashes_path.empty() ) {
if ( std::filesystem::exists( this->db_hashes_path )
&& std::filesystem::is_regular_file( this->db_hashes_path ) ) {
// db found
this->db_hashes_found = true;
} catch (...) {
// something failed, doesn't matter what
this->ui->progressBar_Uninstall->setValue( 3 );
if ( ! this->db_data_found ) {
// path not found in the configs file (or configs file not found), check the default path
#if defined( Q_OS_MACOS )
this->db_data_path = this->data_path / "collection.db";
#elif defined( Q_OS_WINDOWS )
this->db_data_path = this->conf_path / "collection.db";
#elif defined( Q_OS_LINUX ) || defined( Q_OS_BSD4 )
this->db_data_path = this->home_path + "/.local/share/LogDoctor/collection.db";
throw( "LogDoctor: checkDatabases(): Unexpected OS");
if ( std::filesystem::exists( this->db_data_path )
&& std::filesystem::is_regular_file( this->db_data_path ) ) {
// db found
this->db_data_found = true;
} else {
// db not found
DialogBool dialog(
MainWindow::tr( "Database not found" ),
MainWindow::tr( "Unable to locate the logs database" ),
QString::fromStdString( this->db_data_path.string() ) ),
MainWindow::tr( "Continue anyway?" ) );
ok = dialog.exec();
this->ui->progressBar_Uninstall->setValue( 6 );
if ( ! this->db_hashes_found ) {
// path not found in the configs file (or configs file not found), check the default path
#if defined( Q_OS_MACOS )
this->db_hashes_path = this->data_path / "hashes.db";
#elif defined( Q_OS_WINDOWS )
this->db_hashes_path = this->conf_path / "hashes.db";
#elif defined( Q_OS_LINUX ) || defined( Q_OS_BSD4 )
this->db_hashes_path = this->home_path + "/.local/share/LogDoctor/hashes.db";
throw( "LogDoctor: checkDatabases(): Unexpected OS");
if ( std::filesystem::exists( this->db_hashes_path )
&& std::filesystem::is_regular_file( this->db_hashes_path ) ) {
// db found
this->db_hashes_found = true;
} else {
// db not found
DialogBool dialog(
MainWindow::tr( "Database not found" ),
MainWindow::tr( "Unable to locate the hashes database" ),
QString::fromStdString( this->db_hashes_path.string() ) ),
MainWindow::tr( "Continue anyway?" ) );
ok = dialog.exec();
return ok;
#if !defined( Q_OS_MACOS )
bool MainWindow::removeMenuEntry()
bool ok{ true };
std::error_code err;
bool remove{ false };
#if defined( Q_OS_LINUX ) || defined( Q_OS_BSD4 )
#if defined( Q_OS_LINUX )
const std::filesystem::path p{ "/usr/share/applications/LogDoctor.desktop" };
#elif defined( Q_OS_BSD4 )
const std::filesystem::path p{ "/usr/local/share/applications/LogDoctor.desktop" };
if ( std::filesystem::exists( p ) ) {
if ( std::filesystem::is_regular_file( p ) ) {
// menu entry exists, plan remove it
remove = true;
} else {
// not a file
DialogBool dialog(
MainWindow::tr( "Failed to remove the menu entry" ),
MainWindow::tr( "The path doesn't point to a file" ),
QString::fromStdString( p.string() ) ),
MainWindow::tr( "Continue anyway?" ) );
ok = dialog.exec();
#elif defined( Q_OS_WINDOWS )
const std::filesystem::path p{ std::filesystem::path{this->home_path.substr(0,2) + "/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/LogDoctor.exe"}.make_preferred() };
if ( std::filesystem::exists( p ) ) {
if ( std::filesystem::is_symlink( p ) ) {
// menu entry exists, plan remove it
remove = true;
} else {
// not a symlink
DialogBool dialog(
MainWindow::tr( "Failed to remove the menu entry" ),
MainWindow::tr( "The path doesn't point to a symlink" ),
QString::fromStdString( p.string() ) ),
MainWindow::tr( "Continue anyway?" ) );
ok = dialog.exec();
throw( "LogDoctor: removeMenuEntry(): Unexpected OS" );
if ( remove ) {
this->ui->progressBar_Uninstall->setValue( 15 );
ok = std::filesystem::remove( p, err );
if ( ! ok ) {
// failed to remove
DialogBool dialog(
MainWindow::tr( "Failed to remove the menu entry" ),
MainWindow::tr( "An error occured while removing the entry" ),
QString::fromStdString( p.string() ) ),
MainWindow::tr( "Continue anyway?" ),
QString::fromStdString( err.message() ) );
ok = dialog.exec();
return ok;
bool MainWindow::removeIcon()
bool ok{ true };
std::error_code err;
#if defined( Q_OS_LINUX ) || defined( Q_OS_BSD4 )
const std::filesystem::path p{ this->data_path / "LogDoctor.svg" };
#elif defined( Q_OS_WINDOWS )
const std::filesystem::path p{ this->exec_path / "LogDoctor.svg" };
throw( "LogDoctor: removeIcon(): Unexpected OS" );
if ( std::filesystem::exists( p ) ) {
ok = std::filesystem::remove( p, err );
if ( ! ok ) {
// failed to remove
DialogBool dialog(
MainWindow::tr( "Failed to remove the icon" ),
MainWindow::tr( "An error occured while deleting the file" ),
QString::fromStdString( p.string() ) ),
MainWindow::tr( "Continue anyway?" ),
QString::fromStdString( err.message() ) );
ok = dialog.exec();
return ok;
bool MainWindow::removeDatabases()
bool ok{ true };
std::error_code err;
if ( this->db_data_found ) {
this->ui->progressBar_Uninstall->setValue( 40 );
ok = std::filesystem::remove( this->db_data_path, err );
if ( !ok ) {
// failed to remove the database
DialogBool dialog(
MainWindow::tr( "Failed to remove database" ),
MainWindow::tr( "An error occured while deleting the logs database" ),
QString::fromStdString( this->db_data_path.string() ) ),
MainWindow::tr( "Continue anyway?" ),
QString::fromStdString( err.message() ) );
ok = dialog.exec();
} else {
// try removing the backups too
const std::string aux{ this->db_data_path.string() };
const std::filesystem::path path{ std::filesystem::path{aux.substr( 0ul, aux.size()-14ul )} / "backups" };
if ( std::filesystem::exists( path )
&& std::filesystem::is_directory( path ) ) {
// backups folder found
std::ignore = std::filesystem::remove_all( path, err );
ok = !std::filesystem::exists( path );
if ( !ok ) {
// failed to remove backups
DialogBool dialog(
MainWindow::tr( "Failed to remove database backups" ),
MainWindow::tr( "An error occured while deleting the logs database's backups" ),
QString::fromStdString( path.string() ) ),
MainWindow::tr( "Continue anyway?" ),
QString::fromStdString( err.message() ) );
ok = dialog.exec();
if ( ok && this->db_hashes_found ) {
this->ui->progressBar_Uninstall->setValue( 45 );
ok = std::filesystem::remove( this->db_hashes_path, err );
if ( ! ok ) {
// failed to remove
DialogBool dialog(
MainWindow::tr( "Failed to remove database" ),
MainWindow::tr( "An error occured while deleting the hashes database" ),
QString::fromStdString( this->db_hashes_path.string() ) ),
MainWindow::tr( "Continue anyway?" ),
QString::fromStdString( err.message() ) );
ok = dialog.exec();
return ok;
bool MainWindow::removeConfigfile()
bool ok{ true };
std::error_code err;
if ( ! std::filesystem::exists( this->conf_path ) ) {
// conf dir not found
DialogBool dialog(
MainWindow::tr( "Failed to remove configuration data" ),
MainWindow::tr( "The directory doesn't exist" ),
QString::fromStdString( this->conf_path.string() ) ),
MainWindow::tr( "Continue anyway?" ) );
ok = dialog.exec();
} else {
// path exists, check if dir
if ( ! std::filesystem::is_directory( this->conf_path ) ) {
// conf dir not found
DialogBool dialog(
MainWindow::tr( "Failed to remove configuration data" ),
MainWindow::tr( "The path doesn't point to a directory" ),
QString::fromStdString( this->conf_path.string() ) ),
MainWindow::tr( "Continue anyway?" ) );
ok = dialog.exec();
} else {
this->ui->progressBar_Uninstall->setValue( 55 );
// it's a directory, remove it
bool delete_folder{ false };
#if !defined( Q_OS_WINDOWS ) // windows conf_path is same as data_path
if ( this->remove_databases ) {
// no need to check for db presence, wipe it out
delete_folder = true;
} else {
// choosed to keep databases, check the presence here
bool db_found{ false };
const std::filesystem::path path{ this->conf_path / "collection.db" };
if ( this->db_data_found ) {
if ( this->db_data_path == path ) {
db_found = true;
} else {
if ( std::filesystem::exists( path )
&& std::filesystem::is_regular_file( path ) ) {
// db found
db_found = true;
const std::filesystem::path path{ this->conf_path / "hashes.db" };
if ( this->db_hashes_found ) {
if ( this->db_hashes_path == path ) {
db_found = true;
} else {
if ( std::filesystem::exists( path )
&& std::filesystem::is_regular_file( path ) ) {
// db found
db_found = true;
delete_folder = !db_found;
std::filesystem::path path;
if ( delete_folder ) {
path = this->conf_path;
std::ignore = std::filesystem::remove_all( path, err );
ok = !std::filesystem::exists( path );
} else {
path = this->conf_path / "logdoctor.conf";
ok = std::filesystem::remove( path, err );
if ( ! ok ) {
// failed to remove
DialogBool dialog(
MainWindow::tr( "Failed to remove configuration data" ),
? MainWindow::tr( "An error occured while deleting the folder" )
: MainWindow::tr( "An error occured while deleting the file" ),
QString::fromStdString( path.string() ) ),
MainWindow::tr( "Continue anyway?" ),
QString::fromStdString( err.message() ) );
ok = dialog.exec();
return ok;
bool MainWindow::removeAppdata()
bool ok{ true };
std::error_code err;
bool remove{ false };
if ( ! std::filesystem::exists( this->data_path ) ) {
// path does not exists
DialogBool dialog(
MainWindow::tr( "Failed to remove application's data" ),
MainWindow::tr( "The directory doesn't exist" ),
QString::fromStdString( this->data_path.string() ) ),
MainWindow::tr( "Continue anyway?" ) );
ok = dialog.exec();
} else {
// path exists
if ( ! std::filesystem::is_directory( this->data_path ) ) {
// not a directory
DialogBool dialog(
MainWindow::tr( "Failed to remove application's data" ),
MainWindow::tr( "The path doesn't point to a directory" ),
QString::fromStdString( this->data_path.string() ) ),
MainWindow::tr( "Continue anyway?" ) );
ok = dialog.exec();
} else {
// and it's a directory, keep going
remove = true;
if ( ok && remove ) {
this->ui->progressBar_Uninstall->setValue( 70 );
// remove data
bool delete_folder{ false };
bool db_data_here{ false };
bool db_hashes_here{ false };
bool conf_file_here{ false };
if ( this->remove_databases ) {
// doesn't matter if databases are here
#if defined( Q_OS_WINDOWS )
delete_folder = this->remove_config_file; // if choosed to remove the config file, there's no need to check for its presence in this folder, wipe it out
delete_folder = true; // config file is in a different folder
} else {
// choosed to keep databases, check the presence here
bool db_found{ false };
const std::filesystem::path path{ this->data_path / "collection.db" };
if ( this->db_data_found ) {
if ( this->db_data_path == path ) {
db_found = true;
db_data_here = true;
} else {
if ( std::filesystem::exists( path )
&& std::filesystem::is_regular_file( path ) ) {
// db found
db_found = true;
db_data_here = true;
const std::filesystem::path path{ this->data_path / "hashes.db" };
if ( this->db_hashes_found ) {
if ( this->db_hashes_path == path ) {
db_found = true;
db_hashes_here = true;
} else {
if ( std::filesystem::exists( path )
&& std::filesystem::is_regular_file( path ) ) {
// db found
db_found = true;
db_hashes_here = true;
if ( !this->remove_config_file ) {
// choosed to keep the config file, check for its presence here
const std::filesystem::path path{ this->data_path / "logdoctor.conf" };
if ( std::filesystem::exists( path )
&& std::filesystem::is_regular_file( path ) ) {
// config file found
db_found = true;
conf_file_here = true;
delete_folder = !db_found;
this->ui->progressBar_Uninstall->setValue( 75 );
if ( delete_folder ) {
// delete the whole folder at once
std::ignore = std::filesystem::remove_all( this->data_path, err );
ok = !std::filesystem::exists( this->data_path );
if ( ! ok ) {
// failed to remove
DialogBool dialog(
MainWindow::tr( "Failed to remove application's data" ),
MainWindow::tr( "An error occured while deleting the folder" ),
QString::fromStdString( this->data_path.string() ) ),
MainWindow::tr( "Continue anyway?" ),
QString::fromStdString( err.message() ) );
ok = dialog.exec();
} else {
// delete LogDoctor's data only, but not the databases
std::vector<std::filesystem::path> paths{
this->data_path / "help" };
#if !defined( Q_OS_MACOS )
// mac .app already contains it
paths.push_back( this->data_path / "licenses" );
if ( this->remove_databases && db_data_here ) {
paths.push_back( this->data_path / "collection.db" );
paths.push_back( this->data_path / "backups" );
if ( this->remove_databases && db_hashes_here ) {
paths.push_back( this->data_path / "hashes.db" );
if ( this->remove_config_file && conf_file_here ) {
paths.push_back( this->data_path / "logdoctor.conf" );
for ( const auto& path : paths ) {
if ( std::filesystem::exists( path )
&& std::filesystem::is_directory( path ) ) {
// found, remove
ok = std::filesystem::remove_all( path, err );
if ( ! ok ) {
// failed to remove
DialogBool dialog(
MainWindow::tr( "Failed to remove application's data" ),
MainWindow::tr( "An error occured while deleting the folder" ),
QString::fromStdString( path.string() ) ),
MainWindow::tr( "Continue anyway?" ),
QString::fromStdString( err.message() ) );
ok = dialog.exec();
if ( !ok ) {
return ok;
bool MainWindow::removeExecutable()
bool ok{ true };
std::error_code err;
if ( ! std::filesystem::exists( this->exec_path ) ) {
// path does not exists
DialogBool dialog(
MainWindow::tr( "Failed to remove the executable" ),
MainWindow::tr( "The executable's directory doesn't exist" ),
QString::fromStdString( this->exec_path.string() ) ),
MainWindow::tr( "Continue anyway?" ) );
ok = dialog.exec();
} else {
// directory exists, check the executable file
#if !defined( Q_OS_MACOS ) && (defined( Q_OS_LINUX ) || defined( Q_OS_BSD4 ))
// just remove the file
const std::filesystem::path path{ this->exec_path / "logdoctor" };
if ( ! std::filesystem::exists( path ) ) {
// executable does not exists
DialogBool dialog(
MainWindow::tr( "Failed to remove the executable" ),
MainWindow::tr( "File not found" ),
QString::fromStdString( path.string() ) ),
MainWindow::tr( "Continue anyway?" ) );
ok = dialog.exec();
} else {
// executable found, check it
if ( ! std::filesystem::is_regular_file( path ) ) {
// not a file
DialogBool dialog(
MainWindow::tr( "Failed to remove the executable" ),
MainWindow::tr( "The path doesn't point to a file" ),
QString::fromStdString( this->exec_path.string() ) ),
MainWindow::tr( "Continue anyway?" ) );
ok = dialog.exec();
} else {
// everything seems fine, remove the file
ok = std::filesystem::remove( path, err );
if ( ! ok ) {
// failed to remove
DialogBool dialog(
MainWindow::tr( "Failed to remove the executable" ),
MainWindow::tr( "An error occured while deleting the file" ),
QString::fromStdString( this->exec_path.string() ) ),
MainWindow::tr( "Continue anyway?" ),
QString::fromStdString( err.message() ) );
ok = dialog.exec();
// on windows/mac, remove the folder
#if defined( Q_OS_WINDOWS )
const std::filesystem::path path{ this->exec_path / "LogDoctor" };
#elif defined( Q_OS_MACOS )
const std::filesystem::path path{ this->exec_path / "LogDoctor.app" };
if ( ! std::filesystem::is_directory( path ) ) {
// not a directory
DialogBool dialog(
MainWindow::tr( "Failed to remove the executable" ),
MainWindow::tr( "The path doesn't point to a directory" ),
QString::fromStdString( path.string() ) ),
MainWindow::tr( "Continue anyway?" ) );
ok = dialog.exec();
} else {
// everything seems fine, remove the file
std::ignore = std::filesystem::remove_all( path, err );
ok = !std::filesystem::exists( path );
if ( ! ok ) {
// failed to remove
DialogBool dialog(
MainWindow::tr( "Failed to remove the executable" ),
MainWindow::tr( "An error occured while deleting the folder" ),
QString::fromStdString( path.string() ) ),
MainWindow::tr( "Continue anyway?" ),
QString::fromStdString( err.message() ) );
ok = dialog.exec();
return ok;
bool MainWindow::removeSelf()
bool ok{ true };
std::error_code err;
if ( std::filesystem::exists( this->data_path ) ) { // may have been deleted already
const std::filesystem::path path{ this->data_path / "uninstall" };
if ( std::filesystem::exists( path ) ) {
if ( std::filesystem::is_regular_file( path ) ) {
// found, remove
ok = std::filesystem::remove( path, err );
if ( ! ok ) {
// failed to remove
DialogBool dialog(
MainWindow::tr( "Failed to remove the uninstaller" ),
MainWindow::tr( "An error occured while deleting the file" ),
QString::fromStdString( path.string() ) ),
MainWindow::tr( "Continue anyway?" ),
QString::fromStdString( err.message() ) );
ok = dialog.exec();
return ok;