Aggiornare 'crapset/crappy/'

This commit is contained in:
Valentino Orlandi 2022-06-16 20:49:00 +00:00
parent 8d5ceb2feb
commit f97e22d181
1 changed files with 215 additions and 259 deletions

View File

@ -1,55 +1,131 @@
from time import sleep
from crappy.model import ModelSet
from crappy.check import checkFile, checkFolder
class LogSet(object):
def __init__(self, confpath:str ):
self.use_configs = True
self.use_arguments = True
class LogSet(ModelSet):
Craplog's configurations holder
def __init__(self, supercrap:object ):
""" Initialize the configurations holder """
self.confpath = supercrap.confpath
self.file_path = "%s/craplog.crapconf" %(self.confpath)
self.less_output = False
self.more_output = False
self.performance = False
self.use_colors = True
self.sets_map = {
'configs' : True,
'arguments' : True,
'less output' : False,
'more output' : False,
'performance' : False,
'colors' : True,
'auto delete' : False,
'auto merge' : False,
'warning size' : 100.0,
'sessions' : True,
'globals' : True,
'access logs' : True,
'error logs' : False,
'backup' : False,
'backup tar' : False,
'backup zip' : False,
'delete' : False,
'trash' : False,
'trash path' : "~/.local/share/Trash/files/",
'shred' : False,
'logs path' : "/var/log/apache2/",
'log files' : ["access.log.1"],
'file selection' : False,
'usage control' : True,
'access fields' : ["IP", "REQ", "RES", "UA"],
'whitelist' : ["::1"]
self.sets_list = [k for k in self.sets_map.keys()]
self.auto_delete = False
self.auto_merge = False
self.max_file_size = 100.0
self.unsaved_changes = False
self.session_stats = True
self.global_stats = True
self.access_logs = True
self.error_logs = False
self.settable_choices = ['warning size','trash path','logs path','log files','access fields','whitelist']
self.disabled_choices = []
self.backup = False
self.archive_tar = False
self.archive_zip = False
self.delete = False
self.trash = False
self.trash_path = "~/.local/share/Trash/files/"
self.shred = False
self.logs_path = "/var/log/apache2"
self.log_files = ["access.log.1"]
self.file_selection = False
self.usage_control = True
self.access_fields = ["IP", "REQ", "RES", "UA"]
self.ip_whitelist = ["::1"]
self.confpath = confpath
self.file_path = "%s/craplog.conf" %(confpath)
self.readConfigs( supercrap ) = ""
self.morespace = ""
if supercrap.less_output is False: = "\n"
if supercrap.more_output is True:
self.morespace = "\n"
self.TXT_crap = supercrap.TXT_craplog
self.MSG_choices = """%s{cyan}Available choices{default}%s
{grey}[{paradise}examples{grey}]{default} {italic}show an example on how to use{default}
{grey}[{paradise}h{white}/{paradise}help{grey}]{default} {italic}view this help message{default}
{grey}[{paradise}q{white}/{paradise}quit{grey}]{default} {italic}quit Crapset{default}
{grey}[{paradise}b{white}/{paradise}back{grey}]{default} {italic}back to the previous menu{default}
{grey}[{paradise}s{white}/{paradise}save{grey}]{default} {italic}save the changes to the configurations{default}%s
{grey}[{paradise}show{white}/{paradise}view{grey}]{default} {italic}show the actual configurations{default}
{grey}[{paradise}set{white}/{paradise}assing{grey}]{default} {italic}assign the given values an option{default}
{grey}[{paradise}use{white}/{paradise}enable{grey}]{default} {italic}enable an option{default}
{grey}[{paradise}don't use{white}/{paradise}disable{grey}]{default} {italic}disable an option{default}\
self.MSG_options = """%s{cyan}Available options{default}%s
{grey}[{paradise}configs{grey}]{default} {italic}allow using the configurations file{default}
{grey}[{paradise}arguments{grey}]{default} {italic}allow using command line arguments{default}
{grey}[{paradise}less output{grey}]{default} {italic}reduce the output on screen{default}
{grey}[{paradise}more output{grey}]{default} {italic}increase the output on screen{default}
{grey}[{paradise}colors{grey}]{default} {italic}allow applying colors to the output{default}
{grey}[{paradise}performance{grey}]{default} {italic}print performance informations{default}
{grey}[{paradise}auto delete{grey}]{default} {italic}automatically choose to delete files{default}
{grey}[{paradise}auto merge{grey}]{default} {italic}automatically merge sessions having the same date{default}
{grey}[{paradise}warning size{grey}]{default} {italic}show a warning message when log files are over this size (MB){default}
{grey}[{paradise}sessions{grey}]{default} {italic}whether to store session statistics{default}
{grey}[{paradise}globals{grey}]{default} {italic}whether to update global statistics{default}
{grey}[{paradise}access logs{grey}]{default} {italic}allow the usage of access logs{default}
{grey}[{paradise}error logs{grey}]{default} {italic}allow the usage of error logs{default}
{grey}[{paradise}backup{grey}]{default} {italic}whether to make a backup of the original log files{default}
{grey}[{paradise}bachup tar{grey}]{default} {italic}store the backup as a tar.gz compressed archive{default}
{grey}[{paradise}backup zip{grey}]{default} {italic}store the backup as a zip compressed archive{default}
{grey}[{paradise}delete{grey}]{default} {italic}whether to delete the original log files when done{default}
{grey}[{paradise}trash{grey}]{default} {italic}any occurrence will be moved to the trash instead of removed{default}
{grey}[{paradise}trash path{grey}]{default} {italic}the path to the folder used as trash (MUST BE SET){default}
{grey}[{paradise}shred{grey}]{default} {italic}any occurrence will be shreded instead of simply removed{default}
{grey}[{paradise}logs path{grey}]{default} {italic}the path to the logs folder (MUST BE SET){default}
{grey}[{paradise}log files{grey}]{default} {italic}the name of the log files to use (MUST BE SET){default}
{grey}[{paradise}usage control{grey}]{default} {italic}whether to control which log file has already been used{default}
{grey}[{paradise}access fields{grey}]{default} {italic}which field to use when parsing access logs (MUST BE SET){default}
{grey}[{paradise}whitelist{grey}]{default} {italic}log lines from these IPs will be discarded (MUST BE SET){default}%s\
self.MSG_examples = """%s{cyan}Examples{default}%s
{italic}Enable using error logs{default}%s\n{bold} use error logs{default}%s
{italic}Enable making a backup of the original logs as zip archive{default}\n%s{bold} : use backup zip{default}%s
{italic}Set a custom warning size for the log files{default}%s\n{bold} : set warning size 30{default}%s
{italic}Set a custom path for the logs folder{default}%s\n{bold} : set logs path /yout/path/to/logs{default}%s
{italic}Enable using the trash and set the path to it{default}%s\n{bold} : use trash and set trash path /yout/path/to/trash{default}
{italic}Set a custom whitelist of IPs{default}%s\n{bold} : set whitelist ::1 192.168. {default}%s%s\
def readConfigs(self, supercrap:object ):
""" Read the configuration file """
if not checkFolder( supercrap, "crapconf", self.confpath )
if not checkFolder( supercrap, "crapconf", self.confpath ):
if not checkFile( supercrap, "craplog", self.file_path, create=False ):
with open(self.confpath,'r') as f:
with open(self.file_path,'r') as f:
tmp ='\n')
# failed to read
@ -71,53 +147,53 @@ class LogSet(object):
# check the length
if len(configs) != 25:
print("\n{err}Error{white}[{grey}craplog.conf{white}]{red}>{default} invalid number of lines: {rose}%s{default}"\
print("\n{err}Error{white}[{grey}craplog.crapconf{white}]{red}>{default} invalid number of lines: {rose}%s{default}"\
%( len(configs) ))
if supercrap.less_output is False:
if you have manually edited the configurations file, please un-do the changes
else, please report this issue""")
if you have manually edited the configurations file, please un-do the changes
else, please report this issue""")
print("\n{err}CRAPSET ABORTED{default}\n"\
# apply the configs
self.use_configs = bool(int(configs[0]))
self.use_arguments = bool(int(configs[1]))
self.less_output = bool(int(configs[2]))
self.more_output = bool(int(configs[3]))
self.use_colors = bool(int(configs[4]))
self.performance = bool(int(configs[5]))
self.auto_delete = bool(int(configs[6]))
self.auto_merge = bool(int(configs[7]))
self.max_file_size = float(configs[8])
self.session_stats = bool(int(configs[9]))
self.global_stats = bool(int(configs[10]))
self.access_logs = bool(int(configs[11]))
self.error_logs = bool(int(configs[12]))
self.backup = bool(int(configs[13]))
self.archive_tar = bool(int(configs[14]))
self.archive_zip = bool(int(configs[15]))
self.delete = bool(int(configs[16]))
self.trash = bool(int(configs[17]))
self.shred = bool(int(configs[18]))
self.logs_path = configs[19]
self.log_files = configs[20].split(' ')
self.file_selection = bool(int(configs[21]))
self.usage_control = bool(int(configs[22]))
self.access_fields = configs[23].split(' ')
self.ip_whitelist = configs[24].split(' ')
self.sets_map['configs'] = bool(int(configs[0]))
self.sets_map['arguments'] = bool(int(configs[1]))
self.sets_map['less output'] = bool(int(configs[2]))
self.sets_map['more output'] = bool(int(configs[3]))
self.sets_map['colors'] = bool(int(configs[4]))
self.sets_map['performance'] = bool(int(configs[5]))
self.sets_map['auto delete'] = bool(int(configs[6]))
self.sets_map['auto merge'] = bool(int(configs[7]))
self.sets_map['warning size'] = float(configs[8])
self.sets_map['sessions'] = bool(int(configs[9]))
self.sets_map['globals'] = bool(int(configs[10]))
self.sets_map['access logs'] = bool(int(configs[11]))
self.sets_map['error logs'] = bool(int(configs[12]))
self.sets_map['backup'] = bool(int(configs[13]))
self.sets_map['backup tar'] = bool(int(configs[14]))
self.sets_map['backup zip'] = bool(int(configs[15]))
self.sets_map['delete'] = bool(int(configs[16]))
self.sets_map['trash'] = bool(int(configs[17]))
self.sets_map['shred'] = bool(int(configs[18]))
self.sets_map['logs path'] = configs[19]
self.sets_map['log files'] = configs[20].split(' ')
self.sets_map['file selection'] = bool(int(configs[21]))
self.sets_map['usage control'] = bool(int(configs[22]))
self.sets_map['access fields'] = configs[23].split(' ')
self.sets_map['whitelist'] = configs[24].split(' ')
# check log files
tmp = [f.strip() for f in self.log_files]
self.log_files = []
tmp = [f.strip() for f in self.sets_map['log files']]
self.sets_map['log files'] = []
for f in tmp:
if f != "":
self.log_files.append( f )
self.sets_map['log files'].append( f )
# check access fields
tmp = [f.strip() for f in self.access_fields]
self.access_fields = []
tmp = [f.strip() for f in self.sets_map['access fields']]
self.sets_map['access fields'] = []
for f in tmp:
if f == "":
@ -140,13 +216,13 @@ class LogSet(object):
if supercrap.less_output is False:
self.access_fields.append( f )
self.sets_map['access fields'].append( f )
# check whitelist
tmp = [f.strip() for f in self.ip_whitelist]
self.ip_whitelist = []
tmp = [f.strip() for f in self.sets_map['whitelist']]
self.sets_map['whitelist'] = []
for f in tmp:
if f != "":
self.ip_whitelist.append( f )
self.sets_map['whitelist'].append( f )
@ -157,43 +233,43 @@ class LogSet(object):
if result is True:
result = checkFolder( supercrap, "crapconf", self.confpath )
if result is True:
result = checkFile( supercrap, "craplog", self.file_path ):
result = checkFile( supercrap, "craplog", self.file_path )
if result is True:
configs = ""
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.use_configs))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.use_arguments))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.less_output))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.more_output))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.use_colors))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.performance))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.auto_delete))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.auto_merge))
configs += "%s\n" %(self.max_file_size)
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.session_stats))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.global_stats))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.access_logs))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.error_logs))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.backup))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.archive_tar))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.archive_zip))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.delete))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.trash))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.shred))
configs += "%s\n" %(self.logs_path)
for log_file in self.log_files:
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.sets_map['configs']))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.sets_map['arguments']))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.sets_map['less output']))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.sets_map['more output']))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.sets_map['colors']))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.sets_map['performance']))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.sets_map['auto delete']))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.sets_map['auto merge']))
configs += "%s\n" %(self.sets_map['warning size'])
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.sets_map['sessions']))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.sets_map['globals']))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.sets_map['access logs']))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.sets_map['error logs']))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.sets_map['backup']))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.sets_map['backup tar']))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.sets_map['backup zip']))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.sets_map['delete']))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.sets_map['trash']))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.sets_map['shred']))
configs += "%s\n" %(self.sets_map['logs path'])
for log_file in self.sets_map['log files']:
configs += "%s " %(log_file)
configs = "%s\n" %( configs.rstrip() )
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.file_selection))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.usage_control))
for field in self.access_fields:
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.sets_map['file selection']))
configs += "%s\n" %(int(self.sets_map['usage control']))
for field in self.sets_map['access fields']:
configs += "%s " %(field)
configs = "%s\n" %( configs.rstrip() )
for ip in self.ip_whitelist:
for ip in self.sets_map['whitelist']:
configs += "%s " %(ip)
configs = "%s\n" %( configs.rstrip() )
with open(self.file_path,'w') as f:
f.write( configs )
if supercrap.more_output is True:
@ -212,47 +288,62 @@ class LogSet(object):
if result is True:
supercrap.logset_changed = False
self.unsaved_changes = False
def checkIntegrity(self, supercrap:object, craplog:object ) -> bool :
def checkIntegrity(self, supercrap:object ) -> bool :
""" Check the integrity of the configuration """
def failed():
nonlocal checks_passed
if checks_passed is True:
checks_passed = False
checks_passed = True
if craplog.less_output is True\
and craplog.more_output is True:
ws = float(self.sets_map['warning size'])
if ws < 0.001:
if supercrap.more_output is True:
print("{warn}Warning{white}[{grey}craplog{white}]{red}>{default} the {cyan}warning size{default} is {bold}very{small}: {yellow}%s{default} {bold}KB{default}"\
%( self.sets_map['warning size'] * 1000 ))
print(" {ok}the configuration will be saved{default}, but keep in mind it is a very small size"\
print(" if you're not testing, it is suggested to increase it to at least {bold}10{default} MB"\
checks_passed = False
if supercrap.less_output is False:
print("{warn}Warning{white}[{grey}craplog{white}]{red}>{default} the {cyan}warning size{default} seems not to be a number: {rose}%s{default}"\
%( self.sets_map['warning size'] ))
if supercrap.more_output is True:
print(" it must be a number (can expressed in floating point notation)")
if self.sets_map['less output'] is True\
and self.sets_map['more output'] is True:
checks_passed = False
if supercrap.less_output is False:
print("{warn}Warning{white}[{grey}craplog{white}]{red}>{default} both {cyan}less{default} and {cyan}more{default} output modes are {rose}enabled{default}"\
if supercrap.more_output is True:
print(" you can't print less and more output at the same time")
if craplog.session_stats is False\
and craplog.global_stats is False:
if self.sets_map['sessions'] is False\
and self.sets_map['globals'] is False:
checks_passed = False
if supercrap.less_output is False:
print("{warn}Warning{white}[{grey}craplog{white}]{red}>{default} both {cyan}globals{default} and {cyan}sessions{default} are {rose}disabled{default}"\
if supercrap.more_output is True:
print(" you must use at least one of them, or parsing logs will be useless")
if craplog.access_logs is False\
and craplog.error_logs is False:
if self.sets_map['access logs'] is False\
and self.sets_map['error logs'] is False:
checks_passed = False
if supercrap.less_output is False:
print("{warn}Warning{white}[{grey}craplog{white}]{red}>{default} both {cyan}access{default} and {cyan}error{default} logs are {rose}disabled{default}"\
if supercrap.more_output is True:
print(" you can't avoid working on both access and error log files, nothing will be done")
if len(craplog.access_fields) == 0:
if len(self.sets_map['access fields']) == 0:
checks_passed = False
if supercrap.less_output is False:
print("{warn}Warning{white}[{grey}craplog{white}]{red}>{default} the list of {cyan}access fields{default} to use is {rose}empty{default}"\
@ -260,18 +351,18 @@ class LogSet(object):
if supercrap.more_output is True:
print(" you must use at least one field when working on access_logs")
print(" if you don't want to work on access logs, rather disable them")
if craplog.archive_tar is True\
and craplog.archive_zip is True:
if self.sets_map['backup tar'] is True\
and self.sets_map['backup zip'] is True:
checks_passed = False
if supercrap.less_output is False:
print("{warn}Warning{white}[{grey}craplog{white}]{red}>{default} both {cyan}tar.gz{default} and {cyan}zip{default} archive modes are {rose}enabled{default}"\
if supercrap.more_output is True:
print(" you must choose one and disable the other")
if craplog.trash is True\
and craplog.shred is True:
if self.sets_map['trash'] is True\
and self.sets_map['shred'] is True:
checks_passed = False
if supercrap.less_output is False:
print("{warn}Warning{white}[{grey}craplog{white}]{red}>{default} both {cyan}trash{default} and {cyan}shred{default} deletion modes are {rose}enabled{default}"\
@ -282,138 +373,3 @@ class LogSet(object):
return checks_passed
def run(self, supercrap:object ):
Run the configuration process
quit_crapset = False
loop = True
while loop is True:
if supercrap.less_output is False:
print("{grey}(Enter {white}help{default}{grey} to view a help message)"\
user_input = input("{bold}What to edit about %s? {paradise}:{default} "\
%( supercrap.TXT_craplog )).lower().strip()
if user_input.startswith('-'):
supercrap.printWarning("input","dashes {grey}[{default}{bold}-{default}{grey}]{default} are not required"\
if supercrap.more_output is True:
print(" honestly, you better totally avoid them here")
if supercrap.less_output is False:
elif user_input in ["q","quit","exit","bye"]:
loop = False
quit_crapset = True
elif user_input in ["b","back"]:
loop = False
elif user_input in ["h","help","help me"]:
space = ""
if supercrap.less_output is False:
space = "\n"
print("""Available choices
{grey}[{paradise}h{grey}/{white}help{grey}]{default} {italic}view this help message{default}
{grey}[{paradise}q{grey}/{white}quit{grey}]{default} {italic}quit Crapset{default}
{grey}[{paradise}b{grey}/{white}back{grey}]{default} {italic}back to the previous menu{default}
{grey}[{paradise}s{grey}/{white}save{grey}]{default} {italic}save the changes to the configurations{default}%s
{grey}[{paradise}show{grey}]{default} {italic}show the actual configurations{default}%s
{grey}[{paradise}set{grey}/{white}assing{grey}]{default} {italic}assign the given values an option{default}
{grey}[{paradise}use{grey}/{white}enable{grey}]{default} {italic}enable an option{default}
{grey}[{paradise}don't use{grey}/{white}disable{grey}]{default} {italic}disable an option{default}\
""".format(**supercrap.text_colors) %( space,space ))
if supercrap.less_output is False:
print("""Available options
{grey}[{paradise}configs{grey}]{default} {italic}allow using the configurations file{default}
{grey}[{paradise}arguments{grey}]{default} {italic}allow using command line arguments{default}
{grey}[{paradise}less output{grey}]{default} {italic}reduce the output on screen{default}
{grey}[{paradise}more output{grey}]{default} {italic}increase the output on screen{default}
{grey}[{paradise}colors{grey}]{default} {italic}allow applying colors to the output{default}
{grey}[{paradise}performance{grey}]{default} {italis}print performance informations{default}
{grey}[{paradise}auto delete{grey}]{default} {italis}automatically choose to delete files{default}
{grey}[{paradise}auto merge{grey}]{default} {italis}automatically merge sessions having the same date{default}
{grey}[{paradise}max file size{grey}]{default} {italis}show a warning message when log files are over this size (MB){default}
{grey}[{paradise}sessions{grey}]{default} {italis}whether to store session statistics{default}
{grey}[{paradise}globals{grey}]{default} {italis}whether to update global statistics{default}
{grey}[{paradise}access logs{grey}]{default} {italis}allow the usage of access logs{default}
{grey}[{paradise}error logs{grey}]{default} {italis}allow the usage of error logs{default}
{grey}[{paradise}backup{grey}]{default} {italis}whether to make a backup of the original log files{default}
{grey}[{paradise}archive tar{grey}]{default} {italis}store the backup as a tar.gz compressed archive{default}
{grey}[{paradise}archive zip{grey}]{default} {italis}store the backup as a zip compressed archive{default}
{grey}[{paradise}delete{grey}]{default} {italis}whether to delete the original log files when done{default}
{grey}[{paradise}trash{grey}]{default} {italis}any occurrence will be moved to the trash instead of removed{default}
{grey}[{paradise}shred{grey}]{default} {italis}any occurrence will be shreded instead of simply removed{default}
{grey}[{paradise}logs path{grey}]{default} {italis}the path to the logs folder (MUST BE SET){default}
{grey}[{paradise}log files{grey}]{default} {italis}the name of the log files to use (MUST BE SET){default}
{grey}[{paradise}usage control{grey}]{default} {italis}whether to control which log file has already been used{default}
{grey}[{paradise}access fields{grey}]{default} {italis}which field to use when parsing access logs (MUST BE SET){default}
{grey}[{paradise}ip whitelist{grey}]{default} {italis}log lines from these IPs will be discarded (MUST BE SET){default}
if supercrap.less_output is False:
elif user_input.startswith("go"):
# process a redirection
if user_input.startswith("go fuck yourself"):
# smile, that's a joke ;)
msg = ["ok"]*80+["... thanks, you're so nice"]*19+["go fuck YOURself"]
print("{bold}%s{default}".format(**supercrap.text_colors)%( choice(msg) ))
if msg == "go fuck YOURself":
exit() # LOL
phrase = phrase( user_input )
i = 1
if phrase[i] in ["to","2"]:
i += 1
if phrase[i] in ["b","back","main"]:
loop = False
elif phrase[i] in ["log","craplog"]:
loop = False
redirect = "log"
elif phrase[i] in ["view","crapview"]:
loop = False
redirect = "view"
elif phrase[i] in ["set","crapset"]:
loop = False
redirect = "set"
elif phrase[i] in ["up","crapup"]:
loop = False
redirect = "up"
supercrap.printWarning("redirection","not a valid destination: {rose}%s{default}"\
elif user_input.startswith("show"):
# process
phrase = phrase( user_input )
i = 1
if log_files != ["access.log.1"]:
file_selection = True
# leave this normal yellow, it's secondary and doesn't need real attention
print("\n{yellow}Warning{white}[{grey}choice{white}]{yellow}>{default} not a valid choice: {bold}%s{default}"\
if supercrap.less_output is False:
return quit_crapset