from sys import argv from sys import path as libpath from time import sleep from os.path import abspath, exists crappath = abspath(__file__) crappath = crappath[:crappath.rfind('/')] libpath.append(crappath[:crappath.rfind('/')]) from craplib import aux from crappy.aux import * from crappy.git import gitPull from crappy.get import versionCheck class Crapup(): """ Craplog's updater """ def __init__(self, args:list ): # craptool name = "crapup" # declare variables self.use_configs: bool self.use_arguments: bool self.less_output: bool self.more_output: bool self.use_colors: bool self.use_git: bool # paths self.crappath: str # messages self.text_colors: dict self.MSG_elbarto: str self.LOGO_crapup: str self.MSG_help: str self.MSG_examples: str self.MSG_crapup: str self.MSG_fin: str self.TXT_crapup: str self.TXT_fin: str self.TXT_craplog: str # get Craplog's main path crappath = abspath(__file__) crappath = crappath[:crappath.rfind('/')] self.statpath = "%s/crapstats" %(crappath[:crappath.rfind('/')]) # initialize variables self.initVariables() self.initMessages() # read configs if not unset if self.use_configs is True: self.readConfigs() # parse arguments if not unset if self.use_arguments is True: self.parseArguments( args ) def initVariables(self): """ Initialize Crapup's variables This section can be manually edited to pre-set Crapup and avoid having to pass arguments every time """ ################################################################ # START OF THE EDITABLE SECTION # # HIERARCHY FOR APPLYING SETTINGS: # - HARDCODED VARIABLES (THESE) # - CONFIGURATIONS FILE # - COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS # THE ELEMENTS ON TOP ARE REPLACED BY THE ONES WHICH FOLLOW THEM, # IF HARDCODED VARIABLES ARE SET TO DO SO # # READ THE CONFIGURATIONS FILE AND LOAD THE SETTING # [ ] # IF SET TO 'False' MEANS THAT THE SAVED CONFIGS WILL BE IGNORED self.use_configs = True # # USE COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS # [ ] # IF SET TO 'False' MEANS THAT EVERY ARGUMENT WILL BE IGNORED self.use_arguments = True # # REDUCE THE OUTPUT ON SCREEN # [ -l / --less ] self.less_output = False # # PRINT MORE INFORMATIONS ON SCREEN # [ -m / --more ] self.more_output = False # # USE COLORS WHEN PRINTING TEXT ON SCREEN # CAN BE DISABLED PASSING [ --no-colors ] self.use_colors = True # # UPDATE CRAPLOG USING git pull # [ --git ] # IF THE git IS NOT INITIALIZED YET, ASKS TO INITIALIZE ONE self.use_git = False # # END OF THE EDITABLE SECTION ################################################################ # # # DO NOT MODIFY THE FOLLOWING VARIABLES # self.version = 3.07 self.repo = "" self.crappath = "" self.MSG_elbarto = self.LOGO_crapup =\ self.MSG_help = self.MSG_examples =\ self.MSG_crapup = self.MSG_fin =\ self.TXT_crapup = self.TXT_fin =\ self.TXT_craplog = "" def readConfigs(self): """ Read the saved configuration """ crappath = abspath(__file__) crappath = crappath[:crappath.rfind('/')] self.crappath = crappath[:crappath.rfind('/')] path = "%s/crapconfs/crapup.crapconf" %(self.crappath) if exists( path ) is False: # leave this normal yellow, it's secondary and doesn't need a real attention if self.less_output is False: print("\n{warn}Warning{white}[{grey}configs{white}]{warn}>{default} {yellow}configurations file not found\n"\ .format(**self.text_colors)) sleep(1) else: with open(path,'r') as f: tmp ='\n') configs = [] for f in tmp: f = f.strip() if f == ""\ or f[0] == "#": continue configs.append(f) # check the length if len(configs) != 6: print("\n{err}Error{white}[{grey}configs{white}]{red}>{default} invalid number of lines: {rose}%s{default}"\ .format(**self.text_colors)\ %( len(configs) )) if self.less_output is False: print(""" if you have manually edited the configurations file, please un-do the changes else, please report this issue""") print("\n{err}CRAPUP ABORTED{default}\n"\ .format(**self.text_colors)) exit() # apply the configs self.use_configs = bool(int(configs[0])) if self.use_configs is True: self.use_arguments = bool(int(configs[1])) self.less_output = bool(int(configs[2])) self.more_output = bool(int(configs[3])) self.use_colors = bool(int(configs[4])) self.use_git = bool(int(configs[5])) self.initMessages() def initMessages(self): """ Bring message strings """ # set-up colors if self.use_colors is True: self.text_colors = aux.colors() else: self.text_colors = aux.no_colors() self.MSG_elbarto = aux.elbarto() self.MSG_help = MSG_help( self.text_colors ) self.MSG_examples = MSG_examples( self.text_colors ) self.LOGO_crapup = aux.LOGO_crapup() self.MSG_crapup = aux.MSG_crapup( self.text_colors ) self.MSG_fin = aux.MSG_fin( self.text_colors ) self.TXT_crapup = aux.TXT_crapup( self.text_colors ) self.TXT_fin = aux.TXT_fin( self.text_colors ) self.TXT_craplog = aux.TXT_craplog( self.text_colors ) def parseArguments(self, args: list ): """ Finalize Craplog's variables (if not manually unset) """ n_args = len(args)-1 i = 0 while i < n_args: i += 1 arg = args[i] if arg in ["","up","crapup","update"]: continue # elB4RTO elif arg in ["elB4RTO","elbarto","-elbarto-"]: print("\n%s\n" %( self.MSG_elbarto )) exit() # help elif arg in ["help", "-h", "--help"]: print("\n%s\n\n%s\n\n%s\n" %( self.LOGO_crapup, self.MSG_help, self.MSG_examples )) exit() elif arg == "--examples": print("\n%s\n\n%s\n" %( self.LOGO_crapup, self.MSG_examples )) exit() # auxiliary arguments elif arg in ["-l", "--less"]: self.less_output = True elif arg in ["-m", "--more"]: self.more_output = True elif arg == "--no-colors": self.use_colors = False self.initMessages() # git argument elif arg == "--git": self.use_git = True else: print("{err}Error{white}[{grey}argument{white}]{red}>{default} not an available option: {rose}%s{default}"\ .format(**self.text_colors)\ %(arg)) if self.more_output is True: print(" use {cyan}crapup --help{default} to view an help screen"\ .format(**self.text_colors)) exit("") def welcomeMessage(self): """ Print the welcome message """ if self.less_output is False: print("\n%s\n" %( self.MSG_crapup )) sleep(1) else: print("{bold}%s"\ .format(**self.text_colors)\ %( self.TXT_crapup )) def exitMessage(self): """ Print the exit message """ if self.less_output is False: print("\n%s\n" %( self.MSG_fin )) else: print("{bold}%s"\ .format(**self.text_colors)\ %( self.TXT_fin )) def printError(self, err_key:str, message:str ): """ Print an error message """ print("\n{err}Error{white}[{grey}%s{white}]{red}>{default} %s{default}"\ .format(**self.text_colors)\ %( err_key, message )) def exitAborted(self): """ Print the abortion message and exit """ if self.less_output is False: print() print("{err}CRAPUP ABORTED{default}"\ .format(**self.text_colors)) if self.less_output is False: print() exit() def main(self): """ Main function to call """ # CRAPUP self.welcomeMessage() if self.use_git is True: # directly pull from the git gitPull( self ) else: # just query the version number versionCheck( self ) # everything went fine self.exitMessage() if __name__ == "__main__": failed = False crapup = Crapup( argv ) try: crapup.main() except (KeyboardInterrupt): failed = True except: failed = True finally: del crapup