
1.8 KiB

Inkscape help

               Actions  are  a  new  method to call functions with an optional single parameter.  To get a list of the action IDs available, use the --action-list command line
               option.  Eventually all verbs will be replaced by actions.   Temporarily, any verb can be used as an action (without a parameter).  Note, most verbs  require  a
               GUI  (even  if  they  don't use it). To close the GUI automatically at the end of processing, use --batch-process.  In addition all export options have matching
               actions (remove the '--' in front of the option and replace '=' with ':').

               If only actions are used --batch-process must be used.

               Export can be forced at any point with the export-do action. This allows one to do multiple exports on a single file.



               Close GUI after executing all actions or verbs.

There would be the option to call sed if all the files were svg: sed -e "s/#000000/#ffffff/" input.svg >output.svg (substituion of black for white, here) Also: xslt can be useful (xsltproc)

Colors for substitution:


72886f by b6b6b6 (highlight) 4e584d by 777777 (bg) 383c37 by 575757 (shadow)

Checked button

669900 by 93531c (bg, selected bg) d1ff96 by f9f06b (fg, selected fg) 99e600 by b88e6a (highlight) 425b10 by 633813 (shadow)


3f3e3e by 606060 (window bg) 5f5d5d by 8e8e8e (window highlight) 232323 by 393939 (window shadow)

Hint, OSD

203d79 by 555e55 (hint bg) 0f50d7 by 919791 (hint highlight) 202e4b by 393f39 (hint shadow) ?????? by 5fe02a (hint fg)