canoeboot build system.
Upraveno 2024-05-10 09:41:38 +02:00
canoeboot website.
Upraveno 2024-05-10 09:36:25 +02:00
Mirror of Adblocker Rules by My Privacy DNS
Upraveno 2024-05-10 09:36:11 +02:00
Upraveno 2024-05-10 09:25:12 +02:00
Libreboot provides libre boot firmware (based on coreboot) that initializes the hardware (e.g. memory controller, CPU, peripherals) on specific Intel/AMD x86 and ARM targets, which then starts a bootloader for your operating system (Linux/BSD).
Upraveno 2024-05-10 06:53:09 +02:00
Libreboot provides libre boot firmware (based on coreboot) that initializes the hardware (e.g. memory controller, CPU, peripherals) on specific Intel/AMD x86 and ARM targets, which then starts a bootloader for your operating system (Linux/BSD).
Upraveno 2024-05-10 06:04:24 +02:00
My personal Ubuntu build.
Upraveno 2024-05-10 05:35:34 +02:00
Upraveno 2024-05-10 04:29:23 +02:00
Upraveno 2024-05-10 03:32:59 +02:00
My personal APT repository.
Upraveno 2024-05-10 03:00:06 +02:00
Highly configurable, terminal modern Tetris clone written in C.
Upraveno 2024-05-10 01:10:53 +02:00
John Colagioia's Blog Posts
Upraveno 2024-05-09 23:47:10 +02:00
A CLI Python script to compare two users' Letterboxd watched films, with ratings and likes
Upraveno 2024-05-09 23:44:40 +02:00
dotfiles, managed with chezmoi
Upraveno 2024-05-09 23:02:34 +02:00
Blog Tano Papúa
Upraveno 2024-05-09 19:39:37 +02:00
Upraveno 2024-05-09 19:36:25 +02:00
Tiny Weather Forecast Germany is an android open source weather forecast app using open data provided by Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD). Maintainer: Pawel Dube (@Starfish)
Upraveno 2024-05-09 18:15:48 +02:00
Upraveno 2024-05-09 17:31:38 +02:00
Mass texting for non-profits (Twilio desktop frontend)
Upraveno 2024-05-09 14:58:56 +02:00
Upraveno 2024-05-09 11:59:51 +02:00