Dramatic EDitor
Updated 2024-02-06 22:12:46 +01:00
Diakonos is a Linux console text editor for the masses.
Updated 2024-02-06 21:50:41 +01:00
Adds a minimal makefile to the current working directory
Updated 2024-02-05 08:45:47 +01:00
Updated 2024-02-01 05:41:45 +01:00
warehouse where we keep our assets and transfer them to the "portnet" to send them to the public and private sector companies
Updated 2024-01-28 08:05:25 +01:00
Antora UI bundle for https://docs.folliehiyuki.com
Updated 2024-01-27 16:48:55 +01:00
Updated 2024-01-26 06:08:46 +01:00
SielteExtract allows you to generate SielteID SPID TOTP codes from any compatible software like Google Authenticator or Bitwarden.
Updated 2024-01-17 22:52:34 +01:00
repository for all kind of education projects
Updated 2024-01-14 13:55:23 +01:00
Repositorio academico / personal
Updated 2024-01-05 16:06:56 +01:00
Exploratory Data Analysis project on BitcoinHeist data set.
Updated 2023-12-30 00:58:35 +01:00
A feedback application about contributors, committers, and community members or customers.
Updated 2023-12-24 19:02:04 +01:00
Updated 2023-12-18 02:06:32 +01:00
An interactive CLI tool for choosing CSS selectors. Designed for use with BeautifulSoup and Scrapy. This project uses the BeautifulSoup and Textualize.rich libraries to create an interactive element selecting experience. It can be run as program or used as a library.
Updated 2023-12-14 20:14:23 +01:00
Este repositorio contendrá guías de ayuda para poder sacar un mejor provecho de esta maravillosa dustribución de gnu/linux. En lo posible se procurará tener en español el contenido que se vaya agregando
Updated 2023-12-14 01:53:00 +01:00
A HTML parser, for extracting the text from a web pages, with CSS selectors.
Updated 2023-12-08 07:56:29 +01:00