extension para inkscape: importar archivos gpx basado en https://git.l3u.de/gpx2svg.git
Updated 2020-04-27 01:50:38 +02:00
Updated 2020-03-25 20:08:22 +01:00
Tema de GoHUGO usado en el catálogo de harpasol Fork de https://github.com/budparr/gohugo-theme-ananke
Updated 2020-05-17 01:33:53 +02:00
Digital Innovation One - Curso: JavaScript ES6 essencial
Updated 2020-08-15 05:54:54 +02:00
Digital Innovation One - Curso: Programação para internet com Javascript
Updated 2020-08-15 05:57:40 +02:00
Digital Innovation One - Curso - Construindo páginas para internet com Bootstrap
Updated 2020-08-15 06:09:03 +02:00
Digital Innovation One - Bootcamp de Cloud Computing & Serverless - Módulo 4 - Desenvolvimento de software com Azure Static Web Apps e GitHub Actions - Clone da aplicação de exemplo no link https://github.com/glaucia86/vuejs-todolist-swa
Updated 2020-08-15 06:13:26 +02:00
Digital Innovation One - Curso - Introdução ao PHP
Updated 2020-08-15 06:16:03 +02:00
Digital Innovation One - Material de estudo do curso - Python - Introdução a programação com Python
Updated 2020-08-27 18:16:14 +02:00
My personal site
Updated 2022-08-12 19:37:14 +02:00
E17gtk-revolved is a dark GTK2/GTK3 theme, designed for use in Enlightenment. Fork of the great original E17-gtk theme located in https://github.com/tsujan/E17gtk
Updated 2023-06-13 15:06:50 +02:00
acquisition-git patched for dark DE themes
Updated 2023-04-19 16:56:33 +02:00
aria2-git built with openssl instead of gnutls
Updated 2024-02-03 14:21:40 +01:00
cawbird-git built with buildtype=release
Updated 2021-01-19 11:22:32 +01:00
A bash based file uploader and URL shortener for https://owo.whats-th.is
Updated 2023-04-19 15:59:19 +02:00
Bash completion for Yarn
Updated 2021-01-17 15:00:14 +01:00