# folliehiyuki's CDN This is a small website, acting like a centralized source for all of my web assets. Most of them are vendored fonts and small CSS files. The website is deployed to Cloudflare Pages and is available at . ## FAQ > Why not ``? I like being in control of my own stuff. Also, it's because my websites have a strict `Content-Security-Policy` header value (see [_headers](./src/_headers) file for an example). **NOTE**: to generate the integrity checksum, run: `openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | openssl base64 -A` > Why not using Chrome or Nginx directory listing? I like some theming and little directory/file icons. Also, CloudFlare Pages (where I deploy this project to) isn't a VM hosting platform but a [FaaS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Function_as_a_Service) provider. > Why not using `tree(1)`? ```bash $ find ./out/ -mindepth 1 -type d -print -exec sh -c 'tree "$0" \ -a \ -i \ -F \ -H "." \ -I "index.html" \ -T "$0" \ -L 1 \ -o "$0/index.html" \ --noreport \ --dirsfirst \ --charset utf-8 \ --ignore-case' {} \; ``` Meh? Also, `tree` injects its metadata, CSS and copyright notice into the `index.html` file. Yes, I can yank them out with something like [htmlq](https://github.com/mgdm/htmlq), but I also want to insert my own styling and stuff. > Nicer way to have directory listing? Yes, there are many better alternatives that exist like [serve](https://github.com/vercel/serve). ## License All the vendored files use to their original licenses. Other are licensed under MIT.