
172 lines
3.9 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Hoang Nguyen <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package pulumi
#PulumiYAML: {
// ==============================
// Base Pulumi.yaml configuration
// Ref:
// ==============================
name: string
// A naive file path regular expression
// NOTE:
// * don't allow whitespaces or weird characters
// * also no root directory /
_pathRegex: =~#"^([\w\.-]+)?(/[\w\.-]+)+/?$"#
name: "yaml"
options: compiler: string
} |
name: "python"
options: virtualenv: _pathRegex
} |
name: "nodejs"
options: {
typescript?: bool
nodeargs: string
} |
name: "go"
options: buildTarget: _pathRegex
} |
name: "dotnet" | "java" | "go"
options: binary: _pathRegex
runtime: _#RuntimeOpts | "go" | "python" | "nodejs" | "dotnet" | "java" | *"yaml"
description?: string
// Basic types that Pulumi accepts
_#Type: string | int | bool | [...]
_#Value: {
value: _#Type | {...}
// This is only valid for project property keys
_#Schema: {
type: "string" | "boolean" | "integer" | "array"
description?: string
secret?: bool
default?: _#Type
items?: type: "string" | "boolean" | "integer"
config?: [string]: _#Type | _#Schema | _#Value
main?: _pathRegex
// Requires a relative path to Pulumi.yaml, so we can't reuse _pathRegex here
stackConfigDir?: =~#"^([\w\.-]+/)+$"#
backend?: url: =~#"^(https?|s3|azblob|gs|file)://.+$"#
options?: refresh: "always"
template?: {
description?: string
config: {
description?: string
default?: _#Type
secret?: bool
plugins?: ["providers" | "analyzers" | "languages"]: [{
name: string
path?: _pathRegex
version?: string
// ==============================
// `pulumi-yaml` specific keys
// Ref:
// ==============================
_#Resource: {
type: string
defaultProvider?: bool
properties?: [string]: _#Expression
options?: {
additionalSecretOutputs?: [...string]
aliases?: [...string]
customTimeouts?: {
create?: string
delete?: string
update?: string
deleteBeforeReplace?: bool
dependsOn?: [..._#Interpolation]
ignoreChanges?: [...string]
import?: string
parent?: _#Interpolation
protect?: bool
provider?: _#Interpolation
providers?: [string]: _#Interpolation
version?: string
pluginDownloadURL?: =~#"^https?://.+$"#
replaceOnChanges?: [...string]
retainOnDelete?: bool
get?: {
id: string
state?: [string]: _#Expression
resources?: [string]: _#Resource
{"fn::toBase64": string} |
{"fn::fromBase64": =~#"^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+\\/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+\\/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+\\/]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+\\/]{4})$"#} |
{"fn::toJSON": _#NonFnMap} |
"fn::invoke": {
function: string
arguments: _#NonFnMap
options?: {
parent?: _#Interpolation
provider?: _#Interpolation
version?: string
pluginDownloadURL?: =~#"^https?://.+$"#
return?: string
} |
{"fn::join": [string, [...string]]} |
{"fn::split": [string, string]} |
{"fn::select": [int, [...]]} |
{"fn::assetArchive": [string]: _#AssetArchiveFn} |
_#AssetArchiveFn |
{"fn::readFile": =~#"^([\w\.\$\{\}-]+)?(/[\w\.\$\{\}-]+)*$"#}
{"fn::stringAsset": string} |
{["fn::fileAsset" | "fn::fileArchive"]: _pathRegex} |
{["fn::remoteAsset" | "fn::remoteArchive"]: =~#"^(https?|file)://.*$"#}
// fn::secret is separated to avoid recursion
_#SecretFn: {"fn::secret": string | _#BuiltinFn}
_#Interpolation: =~#"^\$\{[A-Za-z0-9]+\}$"#
_#NonFnMap: [!~#"^fn::[a-zA-Z0-9]+$"#]: _#Type | {...}
_#Expression: _#Type | _#NonFnMap | _#BuiltinFn | _#SecretFn
variables?: [string]: _#Expression
outputs?: [string]: _#Expression