Commit Graph

34 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Hoang Nguyen ad08375db7
Add script
Also move preview script to ~/.local/bin and rename to
2024-03-14 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 7a5185cd57
config: add luarocks tasks
Also remove `force: true` for various template/file task (it's the
default) and clean up XDG directory variables.
2024-02-14 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen ee3f623095
scripts: rewrite volumecontrol script to sh
More portable than luajit I guess (no need to install anything to run).
Also stop templating `fzmp` script.
2024-02-08 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 9822f8b08a
scripts: improve preview script
* Use the same script to preview everything for both fzf and vifm.
* Image preview works with fzf now.
* Solely rely on mimetypes instead of file extensions.
* Merge genfontimage script into the preview script
2024-02-07 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen b00ae691c4
scripts: add 2024-01-20 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 3852df5f14
containers: simplify aports-dev container image
More changes:
- Drop yq from YAML generating task. Jsonnet's output (using
  quote_keys=false) is pretty good already. `jsonnet-lint` right now
  isn't happy though.
- Update versions of container images
2024-01-14 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 8ed8e593e9
Use {{ xdg_dir }} variable for everything
Stop hard-coding ~/.config, ~/.local/share and so on.
2023-11-06 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen d8ce63a803
Use jsonnet for some repeated tasks 2023-07-17 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen c271d5a588
packages: add bazel stuff
- scripts: update doasedit upstream link
- vifm: enable preview pane for miller mode
2023-04-23 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 6533d10ba5
First commit of the New Year's Cat
- Add SSH sign option for Git (Gitlab 15.7 supports this now)
- Clean packages I don't use
- Minor updates to Neovim config
- Fix fish_user_key_bindings
- Fix git-fork script
- Add Python packages (installed with pip)
2023-01-28 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 51523f6af9
Replace yarn with pnpm
Because yarn berry (v2) sucks (with standalone JS scripts).

More changes:
- Use git-forgit script instead of forgit fish plugin. Also update
  forgit config (via fish env) along the way.
- mpv:
  - fix ModernX script URL (was MordenX before)
  - set path to alass-cli for autosubsync script
- nvim: use 'case..esac' for lsp install script (a bunch of if..else is
2022-12-05 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen ddabd0d266
Mostly neovim stuff
- nvim:
  - Migrate deprecated stuff to 0.8.1 (lsp formatting)
  - load ansiblels on yaml.ansible files only
  - winbar finally looks ok
  - decouple mappings for autocmd
  - add nvim-fundo, ssr.nvim
  - feline: put color config into themes directory
  - add some more LSP servers: awk_ls, astro, tflint
  - nord: add more highlight groups
- swww: remove deprecated --transition-speed argument
- scripts: update URL
- packages: add kubeconform, gophie, oauth2l, d2
2022-12-04 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen e5708b6fcd
scripts: improve notification scripts
- Add notifymenu script to execute notification actions
- Add key binding in sway, river for notifymenu script
- Drop unnecessary tostring() call in volumecontrol script
- Fix URLs for sound theme packages ( ->
2022-10-30 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 7e5982051c
fuzzel: add configuration
Target fuzzel version >= 1.8.0 (not out yet) with file-based configuration.

Other changes:
- scripts:
  - tweak wofi-calc script to be more generic with launchers
  - simplify clipboard script
  - yank a better sway_window script from Reddit (I forgot the source)
- bash: make a separated task file, create history directory
- superd: again remove dependencies related to pipewire. pipewire-pulse
  and wireplumber can be started fine without order
- terminal: use ui_opacity value (my nvim config kind of works with
  transparency now)
2022-10-25 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 22fe8d4685
Add superd tasks for user services
Other noticeable changes:
- river:
  - clean up init script, use luajit
  - change 'repeat', 'release' keymap options to 'repeated', 'released'
    to avoid colision with Lua's keyword 'repeat'
- sway: update config
- scripts:
  - remove launch scripts covered by superd services
  - replace normal lua with luajit
- group_vars: split into multiple files
- various 'command' tasks: use 'removes' keyword to trick LSP linter
2022-10-23 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen badeebcde1
Super long list of changes
- ansible:
  - use "true, false" instead of "yes, no" (yamllint is annoying)
  - use community.general.packaging.? module paths instead of plain
- nvim:
  - lazy-load which-key.nvim
  - add experimental winbar inside feline.nvim
  - replace nvim-colorizer.lua with ccc.nvim
  - load bufferline.nvim stuff conditionally (plugins, keymaps)
  - clean up telescope keymap I rarely use
  - improve path completion for nvim-cmp with nvim-web-devicons
  - refactor plugins.lua files to look cleaner
  - replace close-buffers.nvim with bufdelete.nvim
- alacritty: upgrade config to 0.11.0
- pyradio: use Jinja2 template for theme file
- fish:
  - add environment variables for helmfile, gopass, pulumi, vivid
  - rollback $NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX (it is used to set $PATH)
- git:
  - add git-privacy
  - tweak aliases a bit to look nicer
- dotfiles:
  - rename `terminal` variable to `terminal_emulators`
- extend:
  - merge `flatpak` role into `packages`
  - merge `wallpapers` and `soundtheme` roles into `theme`
2022-10-16 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen a58c24762a
dotfiles: add 'music_daemon' variable
- allowing 'mpd' or 'mopidy' value. Also switch to mpd unix socket
  instead of localhost port
- Fix wallpaper script with swww
2022-09-11 22:42:20 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen ff4aae2d82
Another bunch of changes
- Added option for wallpaper engines
- emacs: disable tree-sitter (the pulled tree-sitter lang binaries are
  glibc only)
- podman: define versions in Ansible variables
- theme: delete catppuccin template (I'll work it out in the future)
2022-09-03 14:52:28 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 2ab1dc9402
Lots of changes because I'm bored
- Add go-s config. Adjust searchmenu script to use s
- Add gdb-dashboard script
- Rewrite translate-shell Dockerfile
- Update aerc config, filters
- Remove ipinfo and crypt scripts (they are too simple, can manually
  type them myself)
- Split large tasks file into chunks
- fish: use themes directory for shell color config
- Reword ssh_client variable (there are other SSH clients than openssh
  and dropbear)
2022-08-21 15:15:42 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 6e6a59d03d
scripts: use jq alternatives
- packages: add gum
- scripts: remove lyrics script
2022-07-29 01:51:10 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 5c6776075e
Lots of updates
- scripts: improve notifications
- aerc: redefine stylesets and config
- gpg: get rid of the comments
- nvim: update nvim-tree.lua config
- playbooks: use a custom hex_to_rgb filter to define colors for some
2022-05-29 14:55:52 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 23b301cb64
sway: add script to switch focused window
- emacs: doom-emacs repo switched to a Github organization
2022-05-08 22:15:02 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 6cbbe7adac
Succumb to setting chromium as the default browser
Other changes:
- Add a policy file to disable chromium's history
- shells/fish: add env var for Puppeteer to make mermaid-cli work
- scripts: add task to download git-filter-repo script
- Fix dependencies in Dockerfile
2022-03-30 23:54:28 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen b981f61a39
river: use luajit for the init script
Other changes:
- newsboat: add people's rss feeds
- nvim: update filetypes for luajit, waybar
- waybar: move config to be for sway only
- scripts:
  - add launch scripts for xdg-desktop-portal backends, mpDris2
  - musicmenu: delete icon spacings
  - touchpad: rename to sway_touchpad (as it is sway specific)
- sway, river: update float filters, change run menu mapping to
2022-03-08 19:03:03 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen d1c68c75e5
scripts: symlink lua binary
This way we don't need to hardcode lua binary path to each script
2022-03-06 17:20:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen d6d7279246
Fix lint errors + bunch of changes
- scripts:
  - add urlfilter script
  - update bukumenu and searchmenu to use urlfilter script

- packages: use 'bundler' ansible module to bootstrap Vagrant

- README: add goals
2022-03-05 15:13:46 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen e3590f0563
Multiple changes
- scripts:
  - add nmount, git-fork, bukumenu, musicmenu
  - adjust preview script not to cut stdout of atool
  - mangamenu: turn into template instead of list out launchers
  - doasedit: require readlinkf_posix
  - searchmenu: turn into POSIX script. It looks uglier though :(

- packages: add antora and mermaid-cli packages (yarn)

- vifm: add archive commands (gzip, xz) using tar

- sway, river: add bindings for menu commands and the other screenshot
  task variants

- waybar: change module to work nicely without udisks

- launcher:
    - rofi: add '-i' (case insensitive) option to dmenu_flag. The other
      launchers don't need this flag, as fuzzel is case insensitive by
      default, while wofi uses the option in its config file
    - wofi: move wofi-calc to ~/.local/libexec/wayland (it is intended
      to be run with a compositor binding)
2022-02-11 02:02:42 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 045d8ca03e
shells: add zellij completion for fish 2022-02-09 01:16:25 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen f1eb472c21
Fixing here and there + add vagrant install instruction 2022-01-03 01:20:48 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 6ee3f91e33
Remove block names
They are not shown during play anyways
2021-12-29 20:02:38 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 5ac1bde2ce
scripts: some improvements 2021-12-25 19:27:04 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 099946a1bd
Make playbooks easier to read + add 'curl' tag 2021-12-24 01:29:16 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 6db7d29649
Fix things up 2021-12-21 11:43:37 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 8b9d49f07f
Lots of changes
nvim: ditto headlines.nvim, add jinja ft support
roles: add 'scripts' and 'mpd' roles
2021-12-14 23:55:21 +07:00