Commit Graph

54 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Hoang Nguyen cad7fb45e3
Remove mdcat from preview script
The project is no longer maintained.
2024-05-02 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 193c9ad7b3
Update hostname alpine-tp -> thorin
Consistently using LoTR for hostnames ^-^
Add initial flake.nix for disk configuration.
Remove amfora configuration (upstream is abandoned).
2024-04-06 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen bd35665c21
Improve preview script (again)
Convert the image file to JPG and cache it if chafa cannot print
the original file to the terminal.

Also remove fallback previewer, as it will mangle vifm's preview pane
with passthrough flag %N enabled.
2024-03-25 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen ad08375db7
Add script
Also move preview script to ~/.local/bin and rename to
2024-03-14 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 7a5185cd57
config: add luarocks tasks
Also remove `force: true` for various template/file task (it's the
default) and clean up XDG directory variables.
2024-02-14 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen d9cd2f1b60
Remove gopass (use pass instead)
Also add guix related env vars.
2024-02-13 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen cef0cc50cd
scripts: fix preview script
The pattern can't be spanned into multiple lines.
2024-02-11 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen de4bc58e0d
scripts: remove gzip in preview script
`gzip -l` is disappointing (only outputs the archive's info). Use bsdtar instead.
2024-02-09 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen a2d843d72e
scripts: improve launch_wallpaper script
Also fallback to /run/user/$UID for XDG_RUNTIME_DIR in other scripts.
2024-02-09 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 43dca23e90
scripts: be more specific with file extension for tar files in preview script 2024-02-08 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen ee3f623095
scripts: rewrite volumecontrol script to sh
More portable than luajit I guess (no need to install anything to run).
Also stop templating `fzmp` script.
2024-02-08 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 55dc973260
scripts: further improve preview script
Switch to bash to utilize pattern matching.
2024-02-08 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 9822f8b08a
scripts: improve preview script
* Use the same script to preview everything for both fzf and vifm.
* Image preview works with fzf now.
* Solely rely on mimetypes instead of file extensions.
* Merge genfontimage script into the preview script
2024-02-07 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 28f0c9875f
scripts/preview: add gojq/jaq to *.json preview option 2024-01-27 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 8ed8e593e9
Use {{ xdg_dir }} variable for everything
Stop hard-coding ~/.config, ~/.local/share and so on.
2023-11-06 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen c8169b3e32
clipboard: remove clipman (dead upstream URL)
More changes:
- nvim: make indent-blankline.nvim's scope behave like it used to
- vifm: more file icons
2023-09-30 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 20b95a4cde
nvim: remove null-ls
I can live fine (for now) without it. Will try out efm and other soon.
2023-09-27 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 6546175c6a
scripts: simplify brightness script
light's upstream is archived, so don't use it anymore.
2023-08-10 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 11e77e3675
Remove `default_browser` variable and go-s config
=> bring back the old searchmenu script ^-^ for simplicity
=> just hardcode xdg-open for web link (need xdg-utils)

- pyradio, alacritty: update config for newer version
- weechat:
  - remove wee-slack (Slack is so terrible using it inside the
    terminal is much worse (blame the API :>))
  - add my nick on OFTC (just hanging out on AlpineLinux's channels)
- scripts: add `fake-lua` script to display Lua version in Starship
  prompt (kudos to
- TODO: remove stuff as I'm working on my new Neovim config right now
2023-04-02 00:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen e9e40cd1ee
Add "screenshot" config option with grim and wayshot
Also add config file for swappy + improve screenshot script.
2023-03-04 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 356d3e6cf7
scripts: swtich directory preview to use lsd instead of exa
Also configure Terraform with env instead of terraform.rc file (cdktf
only takes env var into account).
2023-02-23 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 0e6916b306
Regular update
- scripts: drop mpvpaper from wallpaper script (doesn't support chaining
  outputs yet)
- config: add fcitx5
- fish: disable GOSUMDB, GOTELEMETRY + disable version check/checkpoint
  for Hashicorp's products
2023-02-12 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen cd5ba40970
Keep things up to date
- fish: add new syntax on version 3.6.0, use default key bindings as
  much as possible
- refactor Ansible copy module in a couple of places
- add calcurse task (mainly for my job)
- preview scripts:
  - add *lowdown* as an alternative for *glow* and *mdcat*
  - fallback to *bat* to preview JSON file when *jq* and *python* fail
- starship: use blue color for K8s module (cyan is confusing with
  directory module)
- flatpak: drop Whalebird (I use Tokodon now)
- gallery-dl: scanned through configuration docs once in a while
2023-01-08 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen ddabd0d266
Mostly neovim stuff
- nvim:
  - Migrate deprecated stuff to 0.8.1 (lsp formatting)
  - load ansiblels on yaml.ansible files only
  - winbar finally looks ok
  - decouple mappings for autocmd
  - add nvim-fundo, ssr.nvim
  - feline: put color config into themes directory
  - add some more LSP servers: awk_ls, astro, tflint
  - nord: add more highlight groups
- swww: remove deprecated --transition-speed argument
- scripts: update URL
- packages: add kubeconform, gophie, oauth2l, d2
2022-12-04 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 4d864bb50a
Add on-click events back to waybar modules pulseaudio, mpd
Also use /bin/bash instead of /usr/bin/env bash.
2022-11-10 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 0704fd92fa
Change the way to import colors
- All color variables is now nested inside 'colors.' field instead of
  being global.
- fish: avoid update for kopia
- newsboat: add cloudflare and dudemanguy blogs
- preview scripts: indent with tabs
- go-packages: add tfline, kubestr, kubectl-trace, oras-cli; remove fish completions
- flatpak: add whalebird-desktop
- waybar: add workaround for 0.9.15 GtkButton regression
2022-11-06 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen e5708b6fcd
scripts: improve notification scripts
- Add notifymenu script to execute notification actions
- Add key binding in sway, river for notifymenu script
- Drop unnecessary tostring() call in volumecontrol script
- Fix URLs for sound theme packages ( ->
2022-10-30 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 33603b1d48
scripts: use wpctl directly for volumecontrol script 2022-10-29 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 7e5982051c
fuzzel: add configuration
Target fuzzel version >= 1.8.0 (not out yet) with file-based configuration.

Other changes:
- scripts:
  - tweak wofi-calc script to be more generic with launchers
  - simplify clipboard script
  - yank a better sway_window script from Reddit (I forgot the source)
- bash: make a separated task file, create history directory
- superd: again remove dependencies related to pipewire. pipewire-pulse
  and wireplumber can be started fine without order
- terminal: use ui_opacity value (my nvim config kind of works with
  transparency now)
2022-10-25 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 22fe8d4685
Add superd tasks for user services
Other noticeable changes:
- river:
  - clean up init script, use luajit
  - change 'repeat', 'release' keymap options to 'repeated', 'released'
    to avoid colision with Lua's keyword 'repeat'
- sway: update config
- scripts:
  - remove launch scripts covered by superd services
  - replace normal lua with luajit
- group_vars: split into multiple files
- various 'command' tasks: use 'removes' keyword to trick LSP linter
2022-10-23 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen badeebcde1
Super long list of changes
- ansible:
  - use "true, false" instead of "yes, no" (yamllint is annoying)
  - use community.general.packaging.? module paths instead of plain
- nvim:
  - lazy-load which-key.nvim
  - add experimental winbar inside feline.nvim
  - replace nvim-colorizer.lua with ccc.nvim
  - load bufferline.nvim stuff conditionally (plugins, keymaps)
  - clean up telescope keymap I rarely use
  - improve path completion for nvim-cmp with nvim-web-devicons
  - refactor plugins.lua files to look cleaner
  - replace close-buffers.nvim with bufdelete.nvim
- alacritty: upgrade config to 0.11.0
- pyradio: use Jinja2 template for theme file
- fish:
  - add environment variables for helmfile, gopass, pulumi, vivid
  - rollback $NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX (it is used to set $PATH)
- git:
  - add git-privacy
  - tweak aliases a bit to look nicer
- dotfiles:
  - rename `terminal` variable to `terminal_emulators`
- extend:
  - merge `flatpak` role into `packages`
  - merge `wallpapers` and `soundtheme` roles into `theme`
2022-10-16 11:00:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 29d1c6a4c8
scripts: use tab with 4 indents, use case instead of if/else
- nvim: update nvim-colorizer.lua config
- podman/aports-dev: add go, py3-setuptools and cargo to the image
2022-09-16 00:20:04 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen a58c24762a
dotfiles: add 'music_daemon' variable
- allowing 'mpd' or 'mopidy' value. Also switch to mpd unix socket
  instead of localhost port
- Fix wallpaper script with swww
2022-09-11 22:42:20 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen f4069d0144
scripts: tweak swww options 2022-09-03 15:11:05 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen ff4aae2d82
Another bunch of changes
- Added option for wallpaper engines
- emacs: disable tree-sitter (the pulled tree-sitter lang binaries are
  glibc only)
- podman: define versions in Ansible variables
- theme: delete catppuccin template (I'll work it out in the future)
2022-09-03 14:52:28 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 2ab1dc9402
Lots of changes because I'm bored
- Add go-s config. Adjust searchmenu script to use s
- Add gdb-dashboard script
- Rewrite translate-shell Dockerfile
- Update aerc config, filters
- Remove ipinfo and crypt scripts (they are too simple, can manually
  type them myself)
- Split large tasks file into chunks
- fish: use themes directory for shell color config
- Reword ssh_client variable (there are other SSH clients than openssh
  and dropbear)
2022-08-21 15:15:42 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 5c6776075e
Lots of updates
- scripts: improve notifications
- aerc: redefine stylesets and config
- gpg: get rid of the comments
- nvim: update nvim-tree.lua config
- playbooks: use a custom hex_to_rgb filter to define colors for some
2022-05-29 14:55:52 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 23b301cb64
sway: add script to switch focused window
- emacs: doom-emacs repo switched to a Github organization
2022-05-08 22:15:02 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen b981f61a39
river: use luajit for the init script
Other changes:
- newsboat: add people's rss feeds
- nvim: update filetypes for luajit, waybar
- waybar: move config to be for sway only
- scripts:
  - add launch scripts for xdg-desktop-portal backends, mpDris2
  - musicmenu: delete icon spacings
  - touchpad: rename to sway_touchpad (as it is sway specific)
- sway, river: update float filters, change run menu mapping to
2022-03-08 19:03:03 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen d1c68c75e5
scripts: symlink lua binary
This way we don't need to hardcode lua binary path to each script
2022-03-06 17:20:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen a8f3d0ed23
Some updates
- scripts:
  - volumecontrol: use Wireplumber's lua API
  - mangamenu: fix recursive call

- sway, river:
  - update syntax for the new volumecontrol script
  - input keyboard layout now is set in startwl script

- system: ditch pulsemixer, replaced by pavucontrol-qt

- notification: add microphone icons
2022-03-06 15:44:00 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen d6d7279246
Fix lint errors + bunch of changes
- scripts:
  - add urlfilter script
  - update bukumenu and searchmenu to use urlfilter script

- packages: use 'bundler' ansible module to bootstrap Vagrant

- README: add goals
2022-03-05 15:13:46 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 3498a5a351
Another bunch of changes
- nvim:
  - disable ansiblels on single file
  - remove markdown highlights
  - change DEBUG notify color from fg to green

- scripts: revise multiple files

- alacritty: update config based on 0.15.0 template

- introduce variable font_size_px for controlling image size in launcher

- add sound_theme playbook

- vifm: add chafa preview script and clean up vifmrc (it leads to
  a bunch of redundant previewer code though)
2022-02-19 00:26:22 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 44d244bfb1
scripts: adjust nmount, bukumenu, searchmenu
- nmount: 'user' option only takes effect in /etc/fstab
- bukumenu: add both description and url into each line
- searchmenu: catch empty query, remove redundant 'browser' variable
2022-02-12 15:08:01 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen e3590f0563
Multiple changes
- scripts:
  - add nmount, git-fork, bukumenu, musicmenu
  - adjust preview script not to cut stdout of atool
  - mangamenu: turn into template instead of list out launchers
  - doasedit: require readlinkf_posix
  - searchmenu: turn into POSIX script. It looks uglier though :(

- packages: add antora and mermaid-cli packages (yarn)

- vifm: add archive commands (gzip, xz) using tar

- sway, river: add bindings for menu commands and the other screenshot
  task variants

- waybar: change module to work nicely without udisks

- launcher:
    - rofi: add '-i' (case insensitive) option to dmenu_flag. The other
      launchers don't need this flag, as fuzzel is case insensitive by
      default, while wofi uses the option in its config file
    - wofi: move wofi-calc to ~/.local/libexec/wayland (it is intended
      to be run with a compositor binding)
2022-02-11 02:02:42 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen e7d7036511
Some changes
- launcher: add rofi option and use it as default
- nvim: only rainbow treesitter plugin is needed early
- waybar, launcher: make opacity configurable
- dependencies: delete polkit related packages (except flatpak) and lang
  packages (I use only English anyway)
2022-02-05 02:10:44 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 000f53c383
notification: add 'fnott' as another option 2022-01-27 16:39:14 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 094ba33f60
fish: unset MANPATH; scripts: modify launch scripts
- __fish_data_dir/man is already prepended in
- The programs are fast to be killed, so there is no need to wait
2022-01-18 02:01:06 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen f1eb472c21
Fixing here and there + add vagrant install instruction 2022-01-03 01:20:48 +07:00
Hoang Nguyen 5ac1bde2ce
scripts: some improvements 2021-12-25 19:27:04 +07:00