
250 lines
4.6 KiB

- name: Configure aerc
import_tasks: aerc.yml
tags: aerc
- name: Configure amfora
import_tasks: amfora.yml
tags: amfora
- name: Configure animdl
import_tasks: animdl.yml
tags: animdl
- name: Configure bat
import_tasks: bat.yml
tags: bat
- name: Configure btop
import_tasks: btop.yml
tags: btop
- name: Configure castero
import_tasks: castero.yml
tags: castero
- name: Configure cava
import_tasks: cava.yml
tags: [cava, never]
- name: Configure element-desktop
import_tasks: element-desktop.yml
tags: [element, never]
- name: Configure emacs
import_tasks: emacs.yml
tags: emacs
- name: Configure default fonts
import_tasks: fontconfig.yml
tags: fontconfig
- name: Configure gallery-dl
import_tasks: gallery-dl.yml
tags: gallery-dl
- name: Configure gdb
import_tasks: gdb.yml
tags: gdb
- name: Configure git
import_tasks: git.yml
tags: git
- name: Configure glow
import_tasks: glow.yml
tags: glow
- name: Configure gnupg
import_tasks: gnupg.yml
tags: gnupg
- name: Configure fuzzel
import_tasks: fuzzel.yml
tags: launcher
when: launcher == 'fuzzel'
- name: Configure wofi
import_tasks: wofi.yml
tags: launcher
when: launcher == 'wofi'
- name: Configure rofi-wayland
import_tasks: rofi.yml
tags: launcher
when: launcher == 'rofi'
- name: Configure mpd/mopidy, mpdris2, ncmpcpp
import_tasks: mpd.yml
tags: mpd
- name: Configure mpv
import_tasks: mpv.yml
tags: mpv
- name: Configure tmux
import_tasks: tmux.yml
when: multiplexer == 'tmux'
tags: multiplexer
- name: Configure zellij
import_tasks: zellij.yml
when: multiplexer == 'zellij'
tags: multiplexer
- name: Configure newsboat
import_tasks: newsboat.yml
tags: newsboat
- name: 'Configure {{ notification }}'
import_tasks: notification.yml
tags: notification
- name: Configure nvim
import_tasks: nvim.yml
tags: nvim
- name: Configure qutebrowser
import_tasks: qutebrowser.yml
tags: qutebrowser
- name: Configure ripgrep
import_tasks: ripgrep.yml
tags: ripgrep
- name: Configure river
import_tasks: river.yml
tags: river
- name: Configure fish shell
import_tasks: fish.yml
tags: [shells, fish]
- name: Configure bash shell
import_tasks: bash.yml
tags: [shells, bash]
- name: Configure nushell
import_tasks: nushell.yml
tags: [shells, nushell]
- name: Configure xonsh shell
import_tasks: xonsh.yml
tags: [shells, xonsh, never]
- name: starship | Copy shell prompt config
tags: [shells, starship]
src: starship.toml
dest: ~/.config/starship.toml
force: true
mode: '644'
- name: Configure pyradio
import_tasks: pyradio.yml
tags: pyradio
- name: Configure streamlink
import_tasks: streamlink.yml
tags: streamlink
- name: Configure superd services
import_tasks: superd.yml
tags: superd
- name: Configure swaylock, sway and swaynag
import_tasks: sway.yml
tags: sway
# `tags` field doesn't allow variables so hardcode possible values here
- name: Configure terminal emulators
file: '{{ item }}.yml'
- terminal
- '{{ item }}'
loop: '{{ terminal_emulators }}'
tags: [terminal, foot, alacritty]
- name: Configure translate-shell
import_tasks: translate-shell.yml
tags: translate-shell
- name: Configure vifm
import_tasks: vifm.yml
tags: vifm
- name: Configure waybar
import_tasks: waybar.yml
tags: waybar
- name: Configure weechat
import_tasks: weechat.yml
tags: weechat
- name: Configure xdg-desktop-portal-wlr
import_tasks: xdg-desktop-portal-wlr.yml
tags: xdg-desktop-portal-wlr
- name: Configure npm
import_tasks: npm.yml
tags: npm
- name: xdg-user-dirs | Configure XDG_USER_DIRS definitions
src: user-dirs.dirs
dest: ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs
mode: '644'
tags: xdg-user-dirs
- name: Configure mimeapps.list
import_tasks: mimeapps.yml
tags: mimeapps
- name: Configure yt-dlp
import_tasks: yt-dlp.yml
tags: ytdl
- name: Configure ytmdl
import_tasks: ytmdl.yml
tags: ytmdl
- name: Configure zathura
import_tasks: zathura.yml
tags: zathura
- name: Configure gopass
import_tasks: gopass.yml
tags: gopass
- name: Configure calcurse with CalDAV
import_tasks: calcurse.yml
tags: calcurse
- name: Configure fcitx5
import_tasks: fcitx5.yml
tags: fcitx5
- name: Configure swappy
import_tasks: swappy.yml
tags: swappy
- name: Configure k9s
import_tasks: k9s.yml
tags: k9s
- name: Configure lazygit
import_tasks: lazygit.yml
tags: lazygit
- name: Configure imv
import_tasks: imv.yml
tags: imv
when: image_viewer == 'imv'
- name: Configure chromium
import_tasks: chromium.yml
become: true
tags: chromium