
126 lines
2.7 KiB

- name: Gather information
hosts: all
gather_facts: yes
tags: always
- name: Sanity checks
hosts: all
tags: always
- name: Check theme name
msg: Variable 'theme' needs to be 'nord' or 'onedark'
when: theme != 'nord' and theme != 'onedark'
- name: Check clipboard manager name
msg: Variable 'clipboard' needs to be 'clipman' or 'cliphist'
when: clipboard != 'clipman' and clipboard != 'cliphist'
- name: Check notification daemon name
msg: Variable 'notification' needs to be 'dunst' or 'mako'
when: notification != 'dunst' and notification != 'mako'
- name: Check current user
msg: This playbook should not be run as 'root'
when: ansible_real_user_id == 0
- name: Guarantee that ~/.config and ~/.local/share exist
path: '{{ item }}'
state: directory
- ~/.config
- ~/.local/share
- name: Deploy dotfiles
hosts: all
- 'palette/{{ theme }}.yml'
- role: scripts
tags: scripts
- role: alacritty
tags: alacritty
- role: amfora
tags: amfora
- role: anime-downloader
tags: anime-downloader
- role: bash
tags: bash
- role: bat
tags: bat
- role: cava
tags: [ never, cava ]
- role: dunst_mako
tags: notification
- role: element-desktop
tags: [ never, element-desktop ]
- role: emacs
tags: emacs
- role: fish
tags: fish
- role: fontconfig
tags: [ never, fontconfig ]
- role: foot
tags: foot
- role: gallery-dl
tags: gallery-dl
- role: git
tags: git
- role: glow
tags: glow
- role: gpg
tags: gpg
- role: mpd
tags: mpd
- role: mpv
tags: mpv
- role: newsboat
tags: newsboat
- role: npm
tags: npm
- role: nushell
tags: nushell
- role: nvim
tags: nvim
- role: qtcreator
tags: [ never, qtcreator ]
- role: qutebrowser
tags: qutebrowser
- role: ripgrep
tags: ripgrep
- role: river
tags: river
- role: starship
tags: starship
- role: sway
tags: sway
- role: swaylock
tags: swaylock
- role: tmux
tags: tmux
- role: translate-shell
tags: [ never, translate-shell ]
- role: vifm
tags: vifm
- role: xonsh
tags: [ never, xonsh ]
- role: waybar
tags: waybar
- role: weechat
tags: [ never, weechat ]
- role: wofi
tags: wofi
- role: xdg-desktop-portal-wlr
tags: xdg-desktop-portal-wlr
- role: yt-dlp
tags: yt-dlp
- role: zathura
tags: zathura
- role: zellij
tags: [ never, zellij ]