Hoang Nguyen badeebcde1
Super long list of changes
- ansible:
  - use "true, false" instead of "yes, no" (yamllint is annoying)
  - use community.general.packaging.? module paths instead of plain
- nvim:
  - lazy-load which-key.nvim
  - add experimental winbar inside feline.nvim
  - replace nvim-colorizer.lua with ccc.nvim
  - load bufferline.nvim stuff conditionally (plugins, keymaps)
  - clean up telescope keymap I rarely use
  - improve path completion for nvim-cmp with nvim-web-devicons
  - refactor plugins.lua files to look cleaner
  - replace close-buffers.nvim with bufdelete.nvim
- alacritty: upgrade config to 0.11.0
- pyradio: use Jinja2 template for theme file
- fish:
  - add environment variables for helmfile, gopass, pulumi, vivid
  - rollback $NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX (it is used to set $PATH)
- git:
  - add git-privacy
  - tweak aliases a bit to look nicer
- dotfiles:
  - rename `terminal` variable to `terminal_emulators`
- extend:
  - merge `flatpak` role into `packages`
  - merge `wallpapers` and `soundtheme` roles into `theme`
2022-10-16 11:00:00 +07:00

51 lines
1.3 KiB

sslVerify = true
gpgSign = true
verbose = true
name = {{ user_name }}
email = {{ user_email }}
signingKey = {{ gpg_signature }}
editor = nvim
whitespace = trailing-space
autocrlf = input
{% if ssh_client == 'dropbear' %}
sshCommand = dbclient -y
{% endif %}
autoSquash = true
rebase = true
prune = true
defaultBranch = main
templateDir = ~/.config/git/templates
followTags = true
useAutoBase = true
browser = {{ default_browser }}
autoCorrect = 1
browser = {{ default_browser }}
recurse = true
l = log --all --graph --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%t%Creset %C(bold)<%an>%Creset -%C(bold)%C(green)%d%Creset %C(blue)%s%Creset (%cr)'
br = branch --sort=-committerdate --format='%(HEAD) %(color:yellow)%(refname:short)%(color:reset) %(color:bold)<%(authorname)>%(color:reset) - %(color:blue)%(contents:subject)%(color:reset) (%(committerdate:relative))'
s = status -sbu
sbu = submodule update --remote --merge
undo = reset HEAD~1 --mixed
unstage = reset HEAD
annotate = true
ignoreTimezone = true
pattern = hms
# I should only work 2 hours a day (^-^) at noon
limit = 11-13