
63 lines
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- name: Do tasks that need 'root'
hosts: all
become: yes
- name: Update the system
tags: upgrade
available: yes
upgrade: yes
update_cache: yes
# Install mesa-dri-gallium or mesa-dri-classic as well for a working
# desktop environment
- name: Install dependencies
tags: depend
name: >-
aerc, amfora, ansible-lint, atool, bash, bat, brillo, build-base, pv,
buildah, cargo, clang, clang-analyzer, clang-extra-tools, go, age, xz,
clipman, cmake, cppcheck, curl, docs, dunst, editorconfig, exa, syft,
emacs-x11, extra-cmake-modules, exiftool, fd, ffmpeg, ethtool, chafa,
ffmpegthumbnailer, flatpak, font-noto, font-iosevka-aile, foot, inxi,
font-iosevka-etoile, font-iosevka-slab, font-iosevka-base, ddgr,
font-noto-emoji, gdb, git-email, git-lfs, gpg, grim, buku, drill,
gnupg-doc, jq, iproute2, gst-plugins-pipewire, sops, imagemagick,
libarchive-tools, libffi-dev, qalc, love, bombadillo, mupdf-tools,
man-pages-posix, man-pages, meson, mpc, mpd, mpdris2, pavucontrol-qt,
mpv, mpv-mpris, ncmpcpp, neovim, npm, yarn, pandoc, k9s, rustscan,
py3-pynvim, newsboat, ngrep, nmap, nushell, packer, rsync,
pcmanfm-qt, pinentry-qt, podman, pipewire, sway, swappy, sshfs,
pipewire-pulse, playerctl, qimgv, qt5ct, pipewire-tools, kubectl,
py3-virtualenv, py3-setuptools, ripgrep, senpai, shellcheck, castero,
slurp, sqlite, starship, strace, stylua, swayidle, swaylock, cosign,
tcpdump, texlive-full, tokei, trivy, vifm, valgrind, steghide,
vulkan-loader, waybar, wireplumber, wf-recorder, wlr-randr, lite-xl,
xdg-desktop-portal-wlr, xdg-desktop-portal-gtk, xdg-user-dirs,
xwayland, zathura, zathura-cb, zathura-ps, zoxide, openssh-doc,
zathura-pdf-mupdf, openssh-client-default, btop, zellij, gallery-dl,
alacritty, unifont, python3-dev, py3-proxmoxer, lua5.4-posix, abook,
rofi-calc, rofi-wayland, rofi-file-browser-extended, rofi-emoji,
automake, autoconf, libtool, mbuffer, onefetch, flawfinder, weechat,
weechat-lua, weechat-python, py3-websocket-client, weechat-spell,
aspell-en, aspell
state: present
- block:
- name: Create Chromium policy directory
path: /etc/chromium/policies/managed
state: directory
mode: 0755
- name: Add custom Chromium policies
src: files/policy.json
dest: /etc/chromium/policies/managed/custom_policy.json
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0444
tags: chromium