
### :question: What can you find here AnimuThinku **My personal dotfiles, which:** => is bloated (I use a lot of programs, sometimes just to try out) => yet clean (follow XDG base directory specification) => for [bspwm](, [spectrwm](, ~~[exwm]( (deprecated after commit 383de337f4), [sway](, [wayfire](, [river](, [hikari]( => and features [Nord]( + [OneDark]( colorschemes ![sway](assets/sway.png) ### :clipboard: TODO - [ ] ~~Additional palette: [Material]( / [Ayu]( - [ ] ~~[dotdrop]( / ~~Org Babel~~ / Ansible - [x] Migrate zsh to [zinit]( - [x] Wayland compositors - [x] New Neovim config in Lua - [ ] OneDark highlight groups - [ ] ~~[ion]( / [oksh]( / [nushell]( / [oil]( / [xonsh]( / ~~[elvish]( / [oh]( - [ ] NixOS / Guix / Gentoo / FreeBSD - [ ] Independent ~/.emacs.d - [ ] [kakoune]( / [lite-xl]( ### :star2: Credits - [@glepnir]('s Neovim config, and also [NvChad]( - [@novakane]( for git aliases - [@hlissner]('s zsh config - [@daviwil]('s/[@tecosaur]('s Emacs configurations - [@begs]('s Waybar config - [@nathanielevan]('s weechat config - [@iohanaan]('s qtcreator theme - [some fzf scripts]( - [sysctl.conf template]( And also check out [this article]( - Artists for **kawaii** wallpapers: [@rimuu](, [@hiten](, [@Tiv](, [@mery](, [@Mashima_saki](, [@Yuuki_Tatsuya](, [@Bison倉鼠](, [@Dana](, [@gomzi](, [@Rella](, [@dnwls3010](, [@Shigure_Ui](, [@QuAn_](, [@杉87](, [@fuzichoco](, [@Astero](, [@shin556](, [@kaynimatic]( ### :label: License MIT