gui: # stuff relating to the UI scrollHeight: 2 # how many lines you scroll by scrollPastBottom: true # enable scrolling past the bottom sidePanelWidth: 0.3333 # number from 0 to 1 expandFocusedSidePanel: false mainPanelSplitMode: 'flexible' # one of 'horizontal' | 'flexible' | 'vertical' theme: lightTheme: false # For terminals with a light background activeBorderColor: - white - bold inactiveBorderColor: - green optionsTextColor: - blue selectedLineBgColor: - default selectedRangeBgColor: - blue commitLength: show: true mouseEvents: true skipUnstageLineWarning: false skipStashWarning: true showFileTree: false # for rendering changes files in a tree format showRandomTip: true showCommandLog: true commandLogSize: 8 git: paging: colorArg: always useConfig: false merging: # only applicable to unix users manualCommit: false # extra args passed to `git merge`, e.g. --no-ff args: '' pull: mode: 'merge' # one of 'merge' | 'rebase' | 'ff-only' skipHookPrefix: WIP autoFetch: true branchLogCmd: 'git log --graph --color=always --abbrev-commit --decorate --date=relative --pretty=medium {{branchName}} --' allBranchesLogCmd: 'git log --graph --all --color=always --abbrev-commit --decorate --date=relative --pretty=medium' overrideGpg: false # prevents lazygit from spawning a separate process when using GPG disableForcePushing: false refresher: refreshInterval: 10 # file/submodule refresh interval in seconds fetchInterval: 60 # re-fetch interval in seconds update: method: never # can be: prompt | background | never # days: 14 # how often an update is checked for reporting: 'off' # one of: 'on' | 'off' | 'undetermined' confirmOnQuit: true # determines whether hitting 'esc' will quit the application when there is nothing to cancel/close quitOnTopLevelReturn: false disableStartupPopups: false notARepository: 'prompt' # one of: 'prompt' | 'create' | 'skip' keybinding: universal: quit: 'q' quit-alt1: '' # alternative/alias of quit return: '' # return to previous menu, will quit if there's nowhere to return quitWithoutChangingDirectory: 'Q' togglePanel: '' # goto the next panel prevItem: '' # go one line up nextItem: '' # go one line down prevItem-alt: 'k' # go one line up nextItem-alt: 'j' # go one line down prevPage: ',' # go to next page in list nextPage: '.' # go to previous page in list gotoTop: '<' # go to top of list gotoBottom: '>' # go to bottom of list prevBlock: '' # goto the previous block / panel nextBlock: '' # goto the next block / panel prevBlock-alt: 'h' # goto the previous block / panel nextBlock-alt: 'l' # goto the next block / panel nextMatch: 'n' prevMatch: 'N' optionMenu: 'x' # show help menu optionMenu-alt1: '?' # show help menu select: '' goInto: '' confirm: '' confirm-alt1: 'y' remove: 'd' new: 'n' edit: 'e' openFile: 'o' scrollUpMain: '' # main panel scroll up scrollDownMain: '' # main panel scroll down scrollUpMain-alt1: 'K' # main panel scroll up scrollDownMain-alt1: 'J' # main panel scroll down scrollUpMain-alt2: '' # main panel scroll up scrollDownMain-alt2: '' # main panel scroll down executeCustomCommand: ':' createRebaseOptionsMenu: 'm' pushFiles: 'P' pullFiles: 'p' refresh: 'R' createPatchOptionsMenu: '' nextTab: ']' prevTab: '[' nextScreenMode: '+' prevScreenMode: '_' undo: 'z' redo: '' filteringMenu: '' diffingMenu: 'W' diffingMenu-alt: '' # deprecated copyToClipboard: '' submitEditorText: '' appendNewline: '' status: checkForUpdate: 'u' recentRepos: '' files: commitChanges: 'c' commitChangesWithoutHook: 'w' # commit changes without pre-commit hook amendLastCommit: 'A' commitChangesWithEditor: 'C' ignoreFile: 'i' refreshFiles: 'r' stashAllChanges: 's' viewStashOptions: 'S' toggleStagedAll: 'a' # stage/unstage all viewResetOptions: 'D' fetch: 'f' toggleTreeView: '`' branches: createPullRequest: 'o' checkoutBranchByName: 'c' forceCheckoutBranch: 'F' rebaseBranch: 'r' mergeIntoCurrentBranch: 'M' viewGitFlowOptions: 'i' fastForward: 'f' # fast-forward this branch from its upstream pushTag: 'P' setUpstream: 'u' # set as upstream of checked-out branch fetchRemote: 'f' commits: squashDown: 's' renameCommit: 'r' renameCommitWithEditor: 'R' viewResetOptions: 'g' markCommitAsFixup: 'f' createFixupCommit: 'F' # create fixup commit for this commit squashAboveCommits: 'S' moveDownCommit: '' # move commit down one moveUpCommit: '' # move commit up one amendToCommit: 'A' pickCommit: 'p' # pick commit (when mid-rebase) revertCommit: 't' cherryPickCopy: 'c' cherryPickCopyRange: 'C' pasteCommits: 'v' tagCommit: 'T' checkoutCommit: '' resetCherryPick: '' copyCommitMessageToClipboard: '' stash: popStash: 'g' commitFiles: checkoutCommitFile: 'c' main: toggleDragSelect: 'v' toggleDragSelect-alt: 'V' toggleSelectHunk: 'a' pickBothHunks: 'b' submodules: init: 'i' update: 'u' bulkMenu: 'b'