This repository has been archived on 2022-08-21. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

45 lines
2.3 KiB
Executable File

case "$1" in
# First check common extensions
*.png|*.jpg|*.bmp|*.jpeg|*.gif|*.xpm|*.svg) mediainfo "$1" || exiftool "$1" || identify "$1" ;;
*.wav|*.mp3|*.flac|*.m4a|*.ape|*.ac3|*.og[agx]|*.spx|*.dsf|*.opus|*.dff|*.wma|*.wvc?) mediainfo "$1" || exiftool "$1" ;;
*.avi|*.mp4|*.wmv|*.dat|*.3gp|*.vob|*.ogv|*.mkv|*.mpe?g|*.fl[icv]|*.m2v|*.webm|*.m?ts|*.r[am]|*.qt|*.divx|*.as[fx]|*.m4v|*.mov) mediainfo "$1" || exiftool "$1" || fprobe -pretty "$1" 2>&1 ;;
*.pdf) mutool draw -F txt -i -- "$1" 1-10 || pdftotext -l 10 -nopgbrk -q -- "$1" - || exiftool "$1" ;;
*.ps) pstotext "$1" || ps2ascii "$1" ;;
*.epub|*.fb2) pandoc -s -t markdown -- "$1" ;;
*.djvu) djvutxt "$1" || exiftool "$1" ;;
# *.ttf|*.otf) otfinfo --info "$1" ;;
*.html|*.xhtml|*.htm) pandoc -s -t markdown -- "$1" || lynx -dump -- "$1" ;;
*.mkd|*.md|*.markdown) glow -s dark "$1" || mdcat "$1" ;;
*.ipynb) notedown --from notebook "$1" --to markdown | pandoc -f markdown -t plain ;;
*.torrent) dumptorrent -v "$1" || transmission-show -- "$1" ;;
atool -l -q "$1" | tail -n +3 | awk -F' ' '{print $NF}' ;;
*.iso) isoinfo -l -i "$1" ;;
*.doc) catdoc -- "$1" ;;
*.docx) pandoc -s -t markdown -- "$1" ;;
*.odt|*.ott|*.s[xt]w|*.sxc) pandoc -s -t markdown -- "$1" || odt2txt "$1" ;;
*.xls) xls2csv -- "$1" ;;
*.xlsx) xlsx2csv -- "$1" ;;
*.ods|*.odp|*.sxw) pandoc -s -t markdown -- "$1" ;;
*.json) jq --color-output . "$1" || python -m json.tool -- "$1" ;;
# Then fallback to mimetypes
mimetype=$(file --dereference --brief --mime-type -- "$1")
case "$mimetype" in
application/zip | application/x-tar | application/x-rar | application/x-7z-compressed | application/x-xz | application/x-bzip2 | application/x-gzip)
atool -l -q "$1" | tail -n +3 | awk -F' ' '{print $NF}' ;;
djvutxt "$1" || exiftool "$1" ;;
mediainfo "$1" || exiftool "$1" || identify "$1" ;;
mediainfo "$1" || exiftool "$1" || fprobe -pretty "$1" 2>&1 ;;
text/* | */xml)
bat --style=plain --color=always "$1" ;;
echo '----- File Type Classification -----' && file --dereference --brief -- "$1" ;;
esac ;;