Hoang Nguyen f33c82e25b
Add LSP servers rescriptls and purescriptls
- Add djot vim syntax
- Switch back from sqlls to sqls
- Add a tiny program to update external vim syntax files
- Update dependencies like usual (go.mod and lazy-lock.json)
2024-02-27 00:00:00 +07:00

38 lines
1.4 KiB

if exists('b:current_syntax')
syn match nftablesSet /{.*}/ contains=nftablesSetEntry
syn match nftablesSetEntry /[a-zA-Z0-9]\+/ contained
hi def link nftablesSet Keyword
hi def link nftablesSetEntry Operator
syn match nftablesNumber "\<[0-9A-Fa-f./:]\+\>" contains=nftablesMask,nftablesDelimiter
syn match nftablesHex "\<0x[0-9A-Fa-f]\+\>"
syn match nftablesDelimiter "[./:]" contained
syn match nftablesMask "/[0-9.]\+" contained contains=nftablesDelimiter
hi def link nftablesNumber Number
hi def link nftablesHex Number
hi def link nftablesDelimiter Operator
hi def link nftablesMask Operator
syn region Comment start=/#/ end=/$/
syn region String start=/"/ end=/"/
syn keyword Function flush
syn keyword Function table chain map
syn keyword Statement type hook
syn keyword Type ip ip6 inet arp bridge
syn keyword Type filter nat route
syn keyword Type ether vlan arp ip icmp igmp ip6 icmpv6 tcp udp udplite sctp dccp ah esp comp icmpx
syn keyword Type ct
syn keyword Type length protocol priority mark iif iifname iiftype oif oifname oiftype skuid skgid rtclassid
syn keyword Constant prerouting input forward output postrouting
syn keyword Special snat dnat masquerade redirect
syn keyword Special accept drop reject queue
syn keyword Keyword continue return jump goto
syn keyword Keyword counter log limit
syn keyword Keyword define
let b:current_syntax = 'nftables'