2023-10-28 00:00:00 +07:00

179 lines
3.9 KiB

local global_vars = {
-- Leader keys
mapleader = ' ',
maplocalleader = '\\',
-- TeX flavor
tex_flavor = 'latex',
local vim_options = {
-- General settings
termguicolors = true,
background = 'dark',
mouse = 'nv',
errorbells = false,
visualbell = false,
confirm = true,
fileformats = 'unix',
magic = true,
virtualedit = 'block',
encoding = 'utf-8',
fileencoding = 'utf-8',
clipboard = { 'unnamed', 'unnamedplus' },
wildignorecase = true,
wildignore = {
showmode = false,
sessionoptions = { 'buffers', 'curdir', 'tabpages', 'winsize' },
jumpoptions = 'stack',
formatoptions = '1jcroqlnt',
wrap = false,
sidescrolloff = 4,
scrolloff = 4,
whichwrap = {
['<'] = true,
['>'] = true,
['['] = true,
[']'] = true,
['~'] = true,
splitkeep = 'screen',
-- colorcolumn = { 120 },
-- cursorcolumn = true,
cursorline = true,
cursorlineopt = { 'number' },
backspace = { 'indent', 'eol', 'start' },
showcmd = false,
cmdheight = 0,
showtabline = 2,
laststatus = 3,
synmaxcol = 2500,
grepformat = '%f:%l:%c:%m',
grepprg = 'rg --hidden --vimgrep --smart-case --',
diffopt = { 'filler', 'iwhite', 'internal', 'algorithm:patience' },
-- CVE-2019-12735 (it is patched, but just to be cautious)
-- I don't use modeline personally anyway
modeline = false,
modelines = 0,
-- Spell checking, dictionary
-- spell = true,
-- spellfile = vim.fn.stdpath('config') .. '/spell/en.utf-8.add',
-- dictionary = { '/usr/share/dict/american-english' },
-- Transparency
pumblend = 0,
winblend = 0,
-- Conceal
conceallevel = 2,
concealcursor = 'nc',
foldenable = false,
foldlevelstart = 99,
-- Case insensitive
ignorecase = true,
smartcase = true,
infercase = true,
-- Update time
timeoutlen = 500,
ttimeoutlen = 25,
updatetime = 150,
redrawtime = 1500,
-- No swapfile
backup = false,
writebackup = false,
swapfile = false,
-- Completion menu
wildmode = 'longest:full,full',
complete = { '.', 'w', 'b', 'k' },
completeopt = { 'menu', 'menuone', 'noselect' },
pumheight = 16,
helpheight = 12,
previewheight = 12,
-- Window rules
splitbelow = true,
splitright = true,
switchbuf = 'useopen',
winwidth = 30,
winminwidth = 10,
equalalways = false,
-- Left column
signcolumn = 'auto:6',
number = true,
relativenumber = true,
-- numberwidth = 6,
-- 4 spaces = 1 tab
tabstop = 4,
-- softtabstop = -1, -- use the value of 'shiftwidth'
shiftwidth = 0, -- use the value of 'tabstop'
expandtab = true,
smartindent = true,
shiftround = true,
-- Trailings, line break
list = true,
listchars = {
tab = '»·',
nbsp = '+',
trail = '·',
extends = '',
precedes = '',
showbreak = '',
-- linebreak = true,
-- breakat = [[\ \ ;:,!?]],
breakindent = true,
-- breakindentopt = { shift = 4, min = 20 },
-- Undo file path
undofile = true,
undolevels = 10000,
-- Load global variables
for k, v in pairs(global_vars) do
vim.g[k] = v
-- Load editor options
for k, v in pairs(vim_options) do
vim.opt[k] = v
-- Special treats
vim.opt.shortmess:append { W = true, I = true, c = true, C = true }