2023-10-28 00:00:00 +07:00

88 lines
3 KiB

local M = {}
M.border = 'rounded'
M.rg_args = { '--hidden', '--color=never', '--no-heading', '--with-filename', '--line-number', '--column' }
-- Log level used for nvim-notify and LSP log
M.loglevel = vim.log.levels.INFO
-- Some default LSP options (can be toggled)
M.lsp_format_on_save = false
M.lsp_virtual_lines = true
M.lsp_inlay_hints = true
M.lsp_document_highlight = true
-- Only 'bottom_pane', 'horizontal' or 'cursor' right now
M.telescope_layout = 'horizontal'
-- 'tabby' or 'cokeline'
M.tabline_provider = 'cokeline'
-- Where to install tree-sitter parsers (will be added to rtp)
M.ts_parsers_path = vim.fn.stdpath('data') .. '/parsers'
M.icons = {
notify = { -- also used for diagnostic signs
error = '',
hint = '',
info = '',
warn = '',
debug = '',
trace = '',
git = {
added = '',
modified = '',
removed = '',
dap = {
Stopped = { '', 'DiagnosticWarn', 'Visual' },
Breakpoint = '',
BreakpointCondition = { '', 'DiagnosticHint' },
BreakpointRejected = { '', 'DiagnosticError' },
LogPoint = '',
kind = {
-- aerial.nvim, nvim-navic
File = { icon = '', hl = '@text.uri' },
Module = { icon = '', hl = '@namespace' },
Namespace = { icon = '', hl = '@namespace' },
Package = { icon = '', hl = '@namespace' },
Class = { icon = '', hl = '@storageclass' },
Method = { icon = '', hl = '@method' },
Property = { icon = '', hl = '@property' },
Field = { icon = '', hl = '@field' },
Constructor = { icon = '󰒓', hl = '@constructor' },
Enum = { icon = '', hl = '@lsp.type.enum' },
Interface = { icon = '', hl = '@lsp.type.interface' },
Function = { icon = '󰡱', hl = '@function' },
Variable = { icon = '', hl = '@variable' },
Constant = { icon = '', hl = '@constant' },
String = { icon = '', hl = '@string' },
Number = { icon = '', hl = '@number' },
Boolean = { icon = '', hl = '@boolean' },
Array = { icon = '', hl = '@constant' },
Object = { icon = '', hl = '@type' },
Key = { icon = '󰌋', hl = '@type' },
Null = { icon = '󰟢', hl = '@none' },
EnumMember = { icon = '', hl = '@constant' },
Struct = { icon = '', hl = '@lsp.type.struct' },
Event = { icon = '', hl = '@type' },
Operator = { icon = '', hl = '@operator' },
TypeParameter = { icon = '', hl = '@parameter' },
-- Additional ones for nvim-cmp.
-- No need to specify the highlights here.
Text = { icon = '' },
Unit = { icon = '' },
Value = { icon = '' },
Keyword = { icon = '' },
Snippet = { icon = '' },
Color = { icon = '' },
Reference = { icon = '' },
Folder = { icon = '' },
return M